Human nicotine conditioning requires explicit contingency knowledge: is addictive behaviour cognitively mediated?

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Human nicotine conditioning requires explicit contingency knowledge: is addictive behaviour cognitively mediated? is …
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P8608Fatcat IDrelease_p3x67nqezrhxnf4kceks3skbr4
P698PubMed publication ID16175406
P5875ResearchGate publication ID7589320

P50authorLee HogarthQ43444948
P2093author name stringTheodora Duka
P2860cites workReactivity to smoking cues: mediating roles of nicotine dependence and duration of deprivationQ51115951
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The neuropsychological basis of addictive behaviourQ64217858
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Conditioning of drug-induced physiological responses.Q34280700
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The development and initial validation of a questionnaire on smoking urgesQ39506506
Relevance of cue reactivity to understanding alcohol and smoking relapseQ39648515
Biological consequences of drug administration: implications for acute and chronic toleranceQ41331288
Cocaine seeking by rats is a goal-directed actionQ43602782
Stimulus selection in animal discrimination learningQ43603612
Comparing attentional bias to smoking cues in current smokers, former smokers, and non-smokers using a dot-probe taskQ44049018
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Eye movements to smoking-related cues: effects of nicotine deprivationQ44685400
Lack of startle modulation by smoking cues in smokersQ44730991
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Devaluation of ethanol reinforcementQ44999087
An opponent-process theory of motivation. II. Cigarette addictionQ45133315
Trace and delay eyeblink conditioning: contrasting phenomena of declarative and nondeclarative memory.Q45984652
Nicotine abstinence produces content-specific Stroop interferenceQ46236907
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Smoking expectancy mediates the conditioned responses to arbitrary smoking cuesQ48667744
Deprivation state but not nicotine content of the cigarette affects responding by smokers on a progressive ratio taskQ48706612
Reactivity to instructed smoking availability and environmental cues: evidence with urge and reaction timeQ48726053
Modulation of taste affect by hunger, caloric satiety, and sensory-specific satiety in the rat.Q48873043
Behavioral economic analysis of smoking: money and food as alternativesQ48873866
The cue-availability paradigm: the effects of cigarette availability on cue reactivity in smokersQ51063530
Protection from extinction in human fear conditioningQ51075275
Appetitive nature of drug cues confirmed with physiological measures in a model using pictures of smokingQ51076970
Nicotine preference in smokers as a function of smoking abstinenceQ51110294
The use of a dual-task procedure for the assessment of cognitive effort associated with cigarette cravingQ51111259
P921main subjectnicotineQ12144
P1104number of pages14
P577publication date2005-09-21
P1433published inPsychopharmacologyQ1422802
P1476titleHuman nicotine conditioning requires explicit contingency knowledge: is addictive behaviour cognitively mediated?

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