Projections of the superior colliculus to the pulvinar in prosimian galagos (Otolemur garnettii) and VGLUT2 staining of the visual pulvinar

scientific article published on May 2013

Projections of the superior colliculus to the pulvinar in prosimian galagos (Otolemur garnettii) and VGLUT2 staining of the visual pulvinar is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID3579010
P698PubMed publication ID23124867
P5875ResearchGate publication ID232813449

P50authorPooja BalaramQ125331931
Jon KaasQ15485913
P2093author name stringMary K L Baldwin
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The pulvinar nucleus of Galago senegalensisQ39337568
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Multiple pathways from the superior colliculus to the extrageniculate visual thalamus of the cat.Q44579698
New view of the organization of the pulvinar nucleus in Tupaia as revealed by tectopulvinar and pulvinar-cortical projectionsQ45896346
Substance P immunoreactivity identifies a projection from the cat's superior colliculus to the principal tectorecipient zone of the lateral posterior nucleus.Q46007265
Two distinct populations of tectal neurons have unique connections within the retinotectorotundal pathway of the pigeon (Columba livia).Q46869016
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The visual pulvinar in tree shrews II. Projections of four nuclei to areas of visual cortexQ48141873
Pattern vision in the grey squirrel after visual cortex ablationQ48230735
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Laminar distribution of tectal, parabigeminal and pretectal inputs to the primate dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus: connectional studies in Galago crassicaudatusQ48376003
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A representation of the visual field in the inferior nucleus of the pulvinar in the owl monkey (Aotus Trivirgatus)Q48764762
Visuotopic organization of projections from striate cortex to inferior and lateral pulvinar in rhesus monkeyQ48793945
Nigrotectal projections in the primate Galago crassicaudatusQ48820008
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Preoperative overtraining protects against form learning deficits after lateral occipital lesions in Galago senegalensis.Q52229937
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Chemoarchitectonic subdivisions of the visual pulvinar in monkeys and their connectional relations with the middle temporal and rostral dorsolateral visual areas, MT and DLrQ72640234
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectNorthern greater galagoQ1196226
P577publication date2013-05-01
P1433published inThe Journal of Comparative NeurologyQ3186907
P1476titleProjections of the superior colliculus to the pulvinar in prosimian galagos (Otolemur garnettii) and VGLUT2 staining of the visual pulvinar

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