Endometrial regenerative cells for treatment of heart failure: a new stem cell enters the clinic

scientific article published on 5 March 2013

Endometrial regenerative cells for treatment of heart failure: a new stem cell enters the clinic is …
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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1042497178
P932PMC publication ID3599750
P698PubMed publication ID23510656
P5875ResearchGate publication ID236063028

P50authorLeo BokeriyaQ4090545
Amit PatelQ4746863
Thomas E IchimQ104720654
Bagrat AlekyanQ19613131
Olga BokeriyaQ42320065
P2093author name stringVladimir Bogin
Amalia A Brown
Erik J Woods
Tatyana Le
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Telomerase activation in endometrial epithelial cells by paracrine effectors from stromal cells in primary cultured human endometrium.Q44758924
Intravascular neutrophils partially mediate the endometrial endothelial cell proliferative response to oestrogen in ovariectomised mice.Q44885230
Myocardial gene transfer by selective pressure-regulated retroinfusion of coronary veinsQ45865601
Cardio-specific long-term gene expression in a porcine model after selective pressure-regulated retroinfusion of adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectorsQ45872017
Influence of menstrual cycle on circulating endothelial progenitor cells.Q46195154
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P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 2.0 GenericQ19125117
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectheart failureQ181754
genitourinary systemQ4712977
cell transplantationQ65592860
P5008on focus list of Wikimedia projectScienceSourceQ55439927
P577publication date2013-03-05
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inJournal of Translational MedicineQ15716664
P1476titleEndometrial regenerative cells for treatment of heart failure: a new stem cell enters the clinic

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