Relaxation of yeast mitochondrial functions after whole-genome duplication

scientific article published on 30 July 2008

Relaxation of yeast mitochondrial functions after whole-genome duplication is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID2527710
P698PubMed publication ID18669479
P5875ResearchGate publication ID23139832

P2093author name stringHuifeng Jiang
Wen Wang
Zhenglong Gu
Wenjun Guan
David Pinney
P2860cites workGeneWise and GenomewiseQ21061201
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Proof and evolutionary analysis of ancient genome duplication in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaeQ28248858
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Molecular evidence for an ancient duplication of the entire yeast genomeQ29547472
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Synonymous codon usage in bacteriaQ34102982
Origin of the duplicated regions in the yeast genomesQ34264373
Glucose signaling in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeQ34432382
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Evolutionary genomics: yeasts accelerate beyond BLAST.Q35798505
Yeast genome sequencing: the power of comparative genomicsQ35823588
Codon usage and genome evolution.Q40611804
Codon bias evolution in Drosophila. Population genetics of mutation-selection driftQ41699993
Automatic clustering of orthologs and inparalogs shared by multiple proteomesQ48437338
RANDNA: a random DNA sequence generatorQ48599111
Rewiring of the Yeast Transcriptional Network Through the Evolution of Motif UsageQ58485110
Correlation between the abundance of yeast transfer RNAs and the occurrence of the respective codons in protein genes. Differences in synonymous codon choice patterns of yeast and Escherichia coli with reference to the abundance of isoaccepting tranQ71440469
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Differential translation efficiency of orthologous genes is involved in phenotypic divergence of yeast speciesQ79719146
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P921main subjectwhole genome sequencingQ2068526
whole genome duplicationQ63285481
P577publication date2008-07-30
P1433published inGenome ResearchQ5533485
P1476titleRelaxation of yeast mitochondrial functions after whole-genome duplication

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