Apache Geronimo

open source application server developed by the Apache Software Foundation

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Apache_Geronimo

Abstract is: Apache Geronimo is an open source application server developed by the Apache Software Foundation and distributed under the Apache license. Geronimo 3, the current version, is compatible with the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 6 specification and therefore supports technologies such as JMS, Enterprise JavaBeans, Connectors, servlets, JSP, JSF, Unified Expression Language and JavaMail. This allows developers to create enterprise applications that are portable and scalable, and that integrate with legacy technologies. The older Geronimo 2 is compatible with Java EE 5. IBM has in the past provided considerable support to the project through marketing, code contributions, and the funding of several project committers. In October 2005, IBM announced a free edition of its WebSphere application server named Websphere Application Server Community Edition (WASCE), which is actually a distribution of Geronimo and despite its name not related to the commercial WebSphere server. However, IBM has withdrawn marketing and support for WASCE in 2013. Other commercial supporters included AMD, Chariot Solutions, Simula Labs, and Virtuas. Activity on Apache Geronimo has now largely ceased. Previous prolific Geronimo committers like David Jencks and others who are at IBM are now working on the Liberty Profile application server.

Wikimedia Commons category is Apache Geronimo

Apache Geronimo is …
instance of (P31):
free softwareQ341

External links are
P8057Apache Project IDgeronimo
P4945download URLhttp://geronimo.apache.org/downloads.html
P646Freebase ID/m/05grpz
P7427FreeBSD portwww/geronimo
P1401issue tracker URLhttp://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO
P856official websitehttp://geronimo.apache.org
P1972Open Hub IDgeronimo
P7788openSUSE packagegeronimo-specs
P6665Pro-Linux.de DBApp ID11066
P6931Repology project namegeronimo
P1324source code repository URLhttps://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/
P1482Stack Exchange taghttps://stackoverflow.com/tags/geronimo

P275copyright licenseApache Software License 2.0Q13785927
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P178developerApache Software FoundationQ489709
P366has useHTTPQ8777
application serverQ71550
Jakarta EEQ193247
web frameworkQ1330336
server softwareQ1371279
P4428implementation ofJSR 244Q89792019
JSR 151Q89792027
JSR 316Q89792029
P306operating systemcross-platformQ174666
P277programmed inJavaQ251
P348software version identifier3.0.1

Wikimedia Commons Images

P18: image

FileName: Apache Geronimo Administration Console Screenshot.png

Description: Faisal Khaled Akeel

Artist: Faisal.akeel at English Wikipedia

License: Public domain

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