Arabidopsis CHROMOSOME TRANSMISSION FIDELITY 7 (AtCTF7/ECO1) is required for DNA repair, mitosis and meiosis

scientific article published on July 20, 2013

Arabidopsis CHROMOSOME TRANSMISSION FIDELITY 7 (AtCTF7/ECO1) is required for DNA repair, mitosis and meiosis is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P953full work available at URL
P932PMC publication ID3824207
P698PubMed publication ID23750584
P5875ResearchGate publication ID237095348

P50authorGuang-Yuh JauhQ57001650
Pablo Bolaños-VillegasQ85287516
Christopher MakaroffQ42680536
P2093author name stringXiaohui Yang
Huei-Jing Wang
Chien-Ta Juan
Min-Hsiang Chuang
P2860cites workThe cellular phenotype of Roberts syndrome fibroblasts as revealed by ectopic expression of ESCO2Q21142763
The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repairQ24296748
PIASgamma is required for faithful chromosome segregation in human cellsQ27303176
A new thermosensitive smc-3 allele reveals involvement of cohesin in homologous recombination in C. elegansQ27320177
Cdk1-dependent destruction of Eco1 prevents cohesion establishment after S phaseQ27933468
PCNA controls establishment of sister chromatid cohesion during S phaseQ27939213
DNA double-strand breaks in meiosis: checking their formation, processing and repairQ28246052
The cohesin complex and its roles in chromosome biologyQ28302885
Topoisomerase 3alpha and RMI1 suppress somatic crossovers and are essential for resolution of meiotic recombination intermediates in Arabidopsis thalianaQ28474239
Cohesin acetyltransferase Esco2 is a cell viability factor and is required for cohesion in pericentric heterochromatinQ28512361
The non-redundant function of cohesin acetyltransferase Esco2: some answers and new questionsQ29347246
Srs2 and Sgs1-Top3 suppress crossovers during double-strand break repair in yeastQ29618612
Disruption of a DNA topoisomerase I gene affects morphogenesis in ArabidopsisQ33337547
A CDC45 homolog in Arabidopsis is essential for meiosis, as shown by RNA interference-induced gene silencingQ44683686
The STRUCTURAL MAINTENANCE OF CHROMOSOMES 5/6 complex promotes sister chromatid alignment and homologous recombination after DNA damage in Arabidopsis thalianaQ44997290
Cohesin acetylation: from antiestablishment to establishment.Q48017652
T-loop phosphorylation of Arabidopsis CDKA;1 is required for its function and can be partially substituted by an aspartate residueQ48080797
Two meiotic crossover classes cohabit in Arabidopsis: one is dependent on MER3,whereas the other one is not.Q48140822
The Rab GTPase RabA4d regulates pollen tube tip growth in Arabidopsis thalianaQ51657414
Arabidopsis RAD51C gene is important for homologous recombination in meiosis and mitosis.Q51840243
A conditional mutation in Arabidopsis thaliana separase induces chromosome non-disjunction, aberrant morphogenesis and cyclin B1;1 stabilityQ51915231
Cytological characterization of four meiotic mutants of Arabidopsis isolated from T-DNA-transformed linesQ52528954
The prereplication complex recruits XEco2 to chromatin to promote cohesin acetylation in Xenopus egg extractsQ53170929
Evaluation of pollen viability by enzymatically induced fluorescence; intracellular hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetateQ53878631
Recycling Cohesin Rings by DeacetylationQ60673607
The recombinases DMC1 and RAD51 are functionally and spatially separated during meiosis in ArabidopsisQ64386525
Cohesin gene defects may impair sister chromatid alignment and genome stability in Arabidopsis thalianaQ64387369
Rapid repair of DNA double strand breaks in Arabidopsis thaliana is dependent on proteins involved in chromosome structure maintenanceQ64387462
Differential staining of aborted and nonaborted pollenQ70109376
Mutations in Arabidopsis condensin genes disrupt embryogenesis, meristem organization and segregation of homologous chromosomes during meiosisQ33338426
Suppressor of gamma response 1 (SOG1) encodes a putative transcription factor governing multiple responses to DNA damageQ33347320
Condensin II alleviates DNA damage and is essential for tolerance of boron overload stress in ArabidopsisQ33352125
Rational association of genes with traits using a genome-scale gene network for Arabidopsis thalianaQ33801141
The radially swollen 4 separase mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana blocks chromosome disjunction and disrupts the radial microtubule system in meiocytes.Q33894947
Postreplication gaps at UV lesions are signals for checkpoint activationQ33929592
Genome-wide reinforcement of cohesin binding at pre-existing cohesin sites in response to ionizing radiation in human cellsQ34003794
Stable interaction between the human proliferating cell nuclear antigen loader complex Ctf18-replication factor C (RFC) and DNA polymerase {epsilon} is mediated by the cohesion-specific subunits, Ctf18, Dcc1, and Ctf8Q34251197
Two putative acetyltransferases, san and deco, are required for establishing sister chromatid cohesion in DrosophilaQ34280735
PIASy-dependent SUMOylation regulates DNA topoisomerase IIalpha activity.Q34317000
Roberts syndrome is caused by mutations in ESCO2, a human homolog of yeast ECO1 that is essential for the establishment of sister chromatid cohesionQ34410361
Sister acts: coordinating DNA replication and cohesion establishmentQ34411870
Identification and expression of potential regulators of the mammalian mitotic-to-meiotic transitionQ34450591
A DNA-Damage-Induced Cell Cycle Checkpoint in ArabidopsisQ34617658
Abundance of nuclear DNA topoisomerase II is correlated with proliferation in Arabidopsis thalianaQ35004917
Sister chromatid cohesion establishment occurs in concert with lagging strand synthesisQ36012765
MORC family ATPases required for heterochromatin condensation and gene silencing.Q36035505
Differential requirements of a mitotic acetyltransferase in somatic and germ line cellsQ37021040
SMC proteins and their multiple functions in higher plantsQ37531678
Chromosome cohesion and the spindle checkpoint.Q37571329
Ubiquitin and SUMO signalling in DNA repairQ37674734
Molecular control of microsporogenesis in ArabidopsisQ37818872
Geometry and force behind kinetochore orientation: lessons from meiosisQ38010323
An Smc3 acetylation cycle is essential for establishment of sister chromatid cohesionQ38625008
Eco1 is important for DNA damage repair in S. cerevisiae.Q39595930
The transcriptome landscape of Arabidopsis male meiocytes from high‐throughput sequencing: the complexity and evolution of the meiotic processQ39796654
Cohesin's concatenation of sister DNAs maintains their intertwiningQ39865783
Genome-wide identification and testing of superior reference genes for transcript normalization in ArabidopsisQ40388663
The zinc finger of Eco1 enhances its acetyltransferase activity during sister chromatid cohesionQ42159962
Sister Cohesion and Structural Axis Components Mediate Homolog Bias of Meiotic RecombinationQ42589701
A sliding scale: the many faces of Ctf7/Eco1 cohesion establishment factor in DNA repairQ42708986
Proper levels of the Arabidopsis cohesion establishment factor CTF7 are essential for embryo and megagametophyte, but not endosperm, developmentQ42952146
The CURLY LEAF interacting protein BLISTER controls expression of polycomb-group target genes and cellular differentiation of Arabidopsis thalianaQ42963675
Nucleolus-associated telomere clustering and pairing precede meiotic chromosome synapsis in Arabidopsis thalianaQ43820071
AtATM is essential for meiosis and the somatic response to DNA damage in plantsQ44267791
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2013-07-20
P1433published inThe Plant JournalQ15766987
P1476titleArabidopsis CHROMOSOME TRANSMISSION FIDELITY 7 (AtCTF7/ECO1) is required for DNA repair, mitosis and meiosis

Reverse relations

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