Linking plasma cortisol levels to phenotypic heterogeneity of posttraumatic stress symptomatology

retracted scientific article published on 14 October 2013

Linking plasma cortisol levels to phenotypic heterogeneity of posttraumatic stress symptomatology is …
instance of (P31):
scholarly articleQ13442814
retracted paperQ45182324

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P932PMC publication ID3843152
P698PubMed publication ID24275007

P50authorRobert H PietrzakQ96643574
Alexander NeumeisterQ43389568
P2093author name stringAlexander Neumeister
Stefani Corsi-Travali
Charlotte A C Horn
P2860cites workSupport for a novel five-factor model of posttraumatic stress symptoms in three independent samples of Iraq/Afghanistan veterans: a confirmatory factor analytic study.Q45330351
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Evidence for a unique PTSD construct represented by PTSD's D1-D3 symptomsQ48330709
Enhanced suppression of cortisol following dexamethasone administration in posttraumatic stress disorderQ48365686
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A New Depression Scale Designed to be Sensitive to ChangeQ29614720
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Salivary cortisol lower in posttraumatic stress disorderQ37281557
Status of glucocorticoid alterations in post-traumatic stress disorderQ37631137
Endocrine aspects of post-traumatic stress disorder and implications for diagnosis and treatmentQ38135018
Hair cortisol as a biomarker of traumatization in healthy individuals and posttraumatic stress disorder patientsQ39429112
Putative biological mechanisms for the association between early life adversity and the subsequent development of PTSD.Q39848013
Rethinking the mood and anxiety disorders: a quantitative hierarchical model for DSM-V.Q40365632
Dose-response changes in plasma cortisol and lymphocyte glucocorticoid receptors following dexamethasone administration in combat veterans with and without posttraumatic stress disorderQ41673995
Psychogenic lowering of urinary cortisol levels linked to increased emotional numbing and a shame-depressive syndrome in combat-related posttraumatic stress disorderQ43623724
Enhanced sensitivity to glucocorticoids in peripheral mononuclear leukocytes in posttraumatic stress disorderQ44906828
P921main subjectcortisolQ190875
phenotypic heterogeneityQ18388100
P577publication date2013-10-14
P1433published inPsychoneuroendocrinologyQ7256450
P1476titleLinking plasma cortisol levels to phenotypic heterogeneity of posttraumatic stress symptomatology

Reverse relations

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