scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Karin Mogg | Q61607126 |
P2093 | author name string | Daniel S Pine | |
Brendan P Bradley | |||
Maggie Bruck | |||
R Lindsey Bergman | |||
Roma A Vasa | |||
Erin B McClure-Tone | |||
Michael Sweeney | |||
Amy Krain Roy | |||
CAMS Team | |||
P2860 | cites work | Functional neuroimaging of anxiety: a meta-analysis of emotional processing in PTSD, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobia | Q22306274 |
Threat-related attentional bias in anxious and nonanxious individuals: a meta-analytic study | Q28281662 | ||
The emotional Stroop task and psychopathology | Q28285041 | ||
Attentional bias in emotional disorders | Q28303277 | ||
The amygdala: vigilance and emotion | Q29615014 | ||
Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL): initial reliability and validity data | Q29616031 | ||
Attention bias to threat in maltreated children: implications for vulnerability to stress-related psychopathology | Q33211276 | ||
The Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED): scale construction and psychometric characteristics | Q34421450 | ||
Abnormal attention modulation of fear circuit function in pediatric generalized anxiety disorder | Q34596845 | ||
Temperament, anxiety, and the processing of threat-relevant stimuli | Q35694868 | ||
Neural circuitry of anxiety: evidence from structural and functional neuroimaging studies. | Q35766754 | ||
Biased attention in childhood Anxiety disorders: A preliminary study | Q38463741 | ||
Attentional bias in anxiety and depression: the role of awareness | Q38464263 | ||
Selective processing of threat cues in posttraumatic stress disorder | Q38478340 | ||
Selective processing of threat cues in panic disorder | Q38481020 | ||
Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence | Q39605940 | ||
Patterns of processing bias for emotional information across clinical disorders: a comparison of attention, memory, and prospective cognition in children and adolescents with depression, generalized anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder. | Q40606355 | ||
Generalized versus performance-focused social phobia: patterns of comorbidity among youth. | Q44094589 | ||
Comorbidity in childhood anxiety disorders and treatment outcome | Q44106859 | ||
Increased amygdala activation to angry and contemptuous faces in generalized social phobia | Q46219146 | ||
Selective processing of negative emotional information in children and adolescents with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. | Q47436558 | ||
Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex activation and attentional bias in response to angry faces in adolescents with generalized anxiety disorder | Q48513195 | ||
AD/HD and the capture of attention by briefly exposed delay-related cues: evidence from a conditioning paradigm | Q48558041 | ||
A cognitive-motivational analysis of anxiety | Q48715815 | ||
Attentional bias toward fear-related stimuli: an investigation with nonselected children and adults and children with anxiety disorders | Q50986086 | ||
Selective attention to angry faces in clinical social phobia | Q51007373 | ||
Amygdala Response to Fearful Faces in Anxious and Depressed Children | Q51059430 | ||
Attentional bias for emotional faces in generalized anxiety disorder | Q51085031 | ||
Some methodological issues in assessing attentional biases for threatening faces in anxiety: a replication study using a modified version of the probe detection task | Q51089609 | ||
Cognitive processing of idiographic emotional information in panic disorder | Q51137390 | ||
Selective reduction in amygdala volume in pediatric anxiety disorders: a voxel-based morphometry investigation | Q51930691 | ||
A rational look at the emotional stroop phenomenon: a generic slowdown, not a stroop effect | Q52087687 | ||
Biases in visual attention in children and adolescents with clinical anxiety and mixed anxiety-depression | Q57523687 | ||
Threat-based cognitive biases in anxious children: Comparison with non-anxious children before and after cognitive behavioural treatment | Q61890575 | ||
Attentional bias in obsessional compulsive disorder | Q70900667 | ||
The Pediatric Anxiety Rating Scale (PARS): development and psychometric properties | Q74755914 | ||
P433 | issue | 10 | |
P921 | main subject | anxiety | Q154430 |
bias | Q742736 | ||
attention | Q6501338 | ||
P304 | page(s) | 1189-1196 | |
P577 | publication date | 2008-10-01 | |
P1433 | published in | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Q6296081 |
P1476 | title | Attention bias toward threat in pediatric anxiety disorders | |
P478 | volume | 47 |
Q37733819 | A case series of attention modification in clinically anxious youths. |
Q37629403 | A developmental angle to understanding the mechanisms of biased cognitions in social anxiety |
Q28079001 | A developmental neuroscience perspective on affect-biased attention |
Q30702651 | A systems neuroscience approach to the pathophysiology of pediatric mood and anxiety disorders |
Q38106796 | Adult separation anxiety disorder in DSM-5 |
Q46840884 | Altered Positive Affect in Clinically Anxious Youth: the Role of Social Context and Anxiety Subtype |
Q34394305 | Amygdala volume correlates positively with fearfulness in normal healthy girls |
Q47741063 | An Investigation of Executive Functioning in Pediatric Anxiety |
Q36470735 | An examination of the relationship of anxiety and intelligence to adaptive functioning in children with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome |
Q47379727 | Association between irritability and bias in attention orienting to threat in children and adolescents. |
Q33863704 | Associations among negative parenting, attention bias to anger, and social anxiety among youth |
Q37619478 | Attention Bias Modification Treatment for children with anxiety disorders who do not respond to cognitive behavioral therapy: a case series |
Q35748888 | Attention Biases Towards and Away from Threat Mark the Relation between Early Dysregulated Fear and the Later Emergence of Social Withdrawal |
Q56740284 | Attention Control and Attention to Emotional Stimuli in Anxious Children Before and After Cognitive Behavioral Therapy |
Q50586481 | Attention Mechanisms in Children with Anxiety Disorders and in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Implications for Research and Practice |
Q47842857 | Attention allocation to facial expressions of emotion among persons with Williams and Down syndromes |
Q42744065 | Attention bias in adults with anorexia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and social anxiety disorder |
Q36522020 | Attention bias of anxious youth during extended exposure of emotional face pairs: an eye-tracking study |
Q37600835 | Attention bias to threat faces in severe mood dysregulation. |
Q47822396 | Attention bias to threat in mothers with emotional disorders predicts increased offspring anxiety symptoms: a joint cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis. |
Q36198209 | Attention bias variability and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder |
Q36733915 | Attention biases to threat and behavioral inhibition in early childhood shape adolescent social withdrawal |
Q37130543 | Attention biases to threat link behavioral inhibition to social withdrawal over time in very young children |
Q36371839 | Attention biases, anxiety, and development: toward or away from threats or rewards? |
Q34579441 | Attention orientation in parents exposed to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and their children |
Q49950746 | Attention to Threat as a Predictor of Shyness in the Context of Internalizing and Externalizing Problems |
Q50444490 | Attention, memory, visuoconstructive, and executive task performance in adolescents with anxiety disorders: a case-control community study. |
Q41140870 | Attentional bias to threat in children at-risk for emotional disorders: role of gender and type of maternal emotional disorder |
Q40683176 | Attenuated neural reactivity to happy faces is associated with rule breaking and social problems in anxious youth |
Q37733836 | Augmentation of youth cognitive behavioral and pharmacological interventions with attention modification: a preliminary investigation. |
Q30403691 | Behavioral Inhibition: Temperament or Prodrome? |
Q34675863 | Behavioral inhibition and developmental risk: a dual-processing perspective |
Q48029189 | Biased attention to threat in paediatric anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, separation anxiety disorder) as a function of 'distress' versus 'fear' diagnostic categorization |
Q50056503 | Biobehavioral Markers of Attention Bias Modification in Temperamental Risk for Anxiety: A Randomized Control Trial |
Q34080332 | Child temperamental reactivity and self-regulation effects on attentional biases |
Q47357718 | Developmental Relations Among Behavioral Inhibition, Anxiety, and Attention Biases to Threat and Positive Information |
Q39594205 | Differential associations of threat and deprivation with emotion regulation and cognitive control in adolescence |
Q35499123 | Disrupted fornix integrity in children with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome |
Q37340123 | Effects of yohimbine and hydrocortisone on panic symptoms, autonomic responses, and attention to threat in healthy adults |
Q90548467 | Efficacy of Attention Bias Training for Child Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial |
Q47283803 | Emotional face recognition in adolescent suicide attempters and adolescents engaging in non-suicidal self-injury |
Q33987015 | Enduring influence of early temperament on neural mechanisms mediating attention-emotion conflict in adults |
Q36572965 | Enhanced Neural Reactivity to Threatening Faces in Anxious Youth: Evidence from Event-Related Potentials |
Q35752071 | Enhanced anger superiority effect in generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder |
Q104751203 | Exploring valence bias as a metric for frontoamygdalar connectivity and depressive symptoms in childhood |
Q38885326 | Family process and youth internalizing problems: A triadic model of etiology and intervention |
Q36656010 | Frontolimbic functioning during threat-related attention: Relations to early behavioral inhibition and anxiety in children |
Q37719037 | Gender Differences in the Difficulty in Disengaging from Threat among Children and Adolescents With Social Anxiety |
Q48950308 | Human avoidance and approach learning: Evidence for overlapping neural systems and experiential avoidance modulation of avoidance neurocircuitry |
Q47394692 | Hypervigilance-avoidance in children with anxiety disorders: magnetoencephalographic evidence |
Q50696725 | I see happy people: Attention bias towards happy but not angry facial expressions in Williams syndrome |
Q34466171 | Identification of emotional facial expressions among behaviorally inhibited adolescents with lifetime anxiety disorders |
Q35536548 | Impact of Anodal and Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex during Attention Bias Modification: An Eye-Tracking Study |
Q36235835 | Impact of attention biases to threat and effortful control on individual variations in negative affect and social withdrawal in very young children |
Q36839455 | Improving the Prediction of Risk for Anxiety Development in Temperamentally Fearful Children |
Q33583549 | Inhibitory control in anxious and healthy adolescents is modulated by incentive and incidental affective stimuli |
Q37141299 | Intrinsic functional connectivity of amygdala-based networks in adolescent generalized anxiety disorder |
Q36367973 | Investigating the genetic and environmental bases of biases in threat recognition and avoidance in children with anxiety problems |
Q40840174 | Mechanisms of anxiety related attentional biases in children with autism spectrum disorder |
Q35660138 | Mental Health on the Go: Effects of a Gamified Attention Bias Modification Mobile Application in Trait Anxious Adults |
Q35115387 | Modulation of anxiety by cortical serotonin 1A receptors |
Q59784324 | Multisession Cognitive Bias Modification Targeting Multiple Biases in Adolescents with Elevated Social Anxiety |
Q39469219 | Negative emotion interference during a synonym matching task in pediatric bipolar disorder with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
Q34037114 | Neural and behavioral responses to threatening emotion faces in children as a function of the short allele of the serotonin transporter gene |
Q46872655 | Neural correlates of risky decision making in anxious youth and healthy controls |
Q48344533 | Neural mechanisms of emotion regulation in childhood anxiety |
Q36973433 | Neurophysiological processing of emotion and parenting interact to predict inhibited behavior: an affective-motivational framework |
Q37222768 | No Significant Evidence of Cognitive Biases for Emotional Stimuli in Children At-Risk of Developing Anxiety Disorders. |
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Q42177512 | Parental and Family Factors as Predictors of Threat Bias in Anxious Youth |
Q37130517 | Patterns of sustained attention in infancy shape the developmental trajectory of social behavior from toddlerhood through adolescence |
Q38850169 | Placebo Response in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: Results from the Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Study |
Q47332142 | Positively Biased Processing of Mother's Emotions Predicts Children's Social and Emotional Functioning |
Q61890548 | Predictors of Treatment Outcomes in Anxious Children Receiving Group Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy: Pretreatment Attention Bias to Threat and Emotional Variability During Exposure Tasks |
Q47886956 | Prefrontal and amygdala engagement during emotional reactivity and regulation in generalized anxiety disorder |
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Q38666761 | Psychometric properties of the NEPSY-II affect recognition subtest in a preschool sample: a Rasch modeling approach. |
Q47576301 | Reluctance to express emotion explains relation between cognitive distortions and social competence in anxious children. |
Q37527654 | Role of attention in the regulation of fear and anxiety |
Q38944929 | Sensitive Periods of Emotion Regulation: Influences of Parental Care on Frontoamygdala Circuitry and Plasticity. |
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Q40039510 | Sleep-amount differentially affects fear-processing neural circuitry in pediatric anxiety: A preliminary fMRI investigation |
Q28085105 | Social anxiety disorder in adolescence: How developmental cognitive neuroscience findings may shape understanding and interventions for psychopathology |
Q93258253 | Socioeconomic disadvantage, brain morphometry, and attentional bias to threat in middle childhood |
Q35991736 | Stimulus-Driven Attention, Threat Bias, and Sad Bias in Youth with a History of an Anxiety Disorder or Depression |
Q36351693 | Temperament and Attention as Core Mechanisms in the Early Emergence of Anxiety |
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Q35170319 | The Association Between Infants' Attention Control and Social Inhibition is Moderated by Genetic and Environmental Risk for Anxiety |
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Q46909040 | Threat bias in attention orienting: evidence of specificity in a large community-based study. |
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Q90607094 | Threat-related Attention Bias in Socioemotional Development: A Critical Review and Methodological Considerations |
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