Correlations and Neuronal Population Information

scientific article published on 21 April 2016

Correlations and Neuronal Population Information is …
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P932PMC publication ID5137197
P698PubMed publication ID27145916

P50authorAlexandre PougetQ87851603
Ruben Coen-CagliQ41046595
P2093author name stringAdam Kohn
Ingmar Kanitscheider
P2860cites workOptimal representation of sensory information by neural populationsQ48582567
Sparseness and expansion in sensory representationsQ48586023
Population coding in neuronal systems with correlated noiseQ48694829
Local and Global Correlations between Neurons in the Middle Temporal Area of Primate Visual CortexQ48732657
Orientation selectivity and the arrangement of horizontal connections in tree shrew striate cortex.Q48765018
Perceptual Decision-Making as Probabilistic Inference by Neural SamplingQ48765918
Analyzing functional connectivity using a network likelihood model of ensemble neural spiking activityQ48826398
Chaos in neuronal networks with balanced excitatory and inhibitory activityQ48831136
Dynamics of ongoing activity: explanation of the large variability in evoked cortical responsesQ48913548
Integration and segregation of multiple motion signals by neurons in area MT of primateQ48915399
Stimulus dependence of neuronal correlation in primary visual cortex of the macaque.Q48939673
Population coding with correlation and an unfaithful modelQ48948623
Correlated firing in macaque visual area MT: time scales and relationship to behavior.Q48974632
Transmission of population-coded information.Q51512062
Insights from a simple expression for linear fisher information in a recurrently connected population of spiking neurons.Q51593454
Nonlinear population codes.Q51636725
Vector reconstruction from firing rates.Q52375858
Adaptive coding of visual information in neural populationsQ59060849
Specificity of monosynaptic connections from thalamus to visual cortexQ59080227
Synchrony and covariation of firing rates in the primary visual cortex during contour groupingQ59782765
Representational accuracy of stochastic neural populations.Q64922521
The effect of correlated variability on the accuracy of a population codeQ78019998
Theory of correlations in stochastic neural networksQ78065628
Tuning curve sharpening for orientation selectivity: coding efficiency and the impact of correlationsQ80796350
Highly nonrandom features of synaptic connectivity in local cortical circuitsQ21090236
Tuning curves, neuronal variability, and sensory codingQ21146067
Weak pairwise correlations imply strongly correlated network states in a neural populationQ24680540
The BRAIN Initiative: developing technology to catalyse neuroscience discoveryQ26849487
Probabilistic brains: knowns and unknownsQ26852897
Traveling waves in visual cortexQ26861310
Diverse coupling of neurons to populations in sensory cortex.Q27316907
Origin of information-limiting noise correlationsQ27321709
Natural image statistics and neural representationQ28214357
How connectivity, background activity, and synaptic properties shape the cross-correlation between spike trainsQ28255624
Bayesian inference with probabilistic population codesQ28270009
Successful reconstruction of a physiological circuit with known connectivity from spiking activity aloneQ28534619
State-dependent population coding in primary auditory cortex.Q30418100
Associative learning enhances population coding by inverting interneuronal correlation patternsQ30439728
Correlated variability in laminar cortical circuitsQ30447408
Adaptation improves neural coding efficiency despite increasing correlations in variabilityQ48186617
Decorrelated neuronal firing in cortical microcircuitsQ48328966
Internal brain state regulates membrane potential synchrony in barrel cortex of behaving mice.Q48331446
Implications of neuronal diversity on population codingQ48498276
Statistical Comparison of Spike Responses to Natural Stimuli in Monkey Area V1 With Simulated Responses of a Detailed Laminar Network Model for a Patch of V1Q30476275
Context-dependent changes in functional circuitry in visual area MT.Q30486378
Spatial and temporal scales of neuronal correlation in primary visual cortexQ30486520
Spatial attention decorrelates intrinsic activity fluctuations in macaque area V4.Q30491126
Spontaneous cortical activity reveals hallmarks of an optimal internal model of the environment.Q30499185
Perceptual learning as improved probabilistic inference in early sensory areasQ30513476
A fast and simple population code for orientation in primate V1Q30528614
State dependence of noise correlations in macaque primary visual cortexQ30576339
Coding principles of the canonical cortical microcircuit in the avian brainQ30631543
Correlated neuronal discharge rate and its implications for psychophysical performance.Q33367201
Correlations and brain states: from electrophysiology to functional imagingQ33483229
Sensory stimulation shifts visual cortex from synchronous to asynchronous statesQ33793160
Dynamic optimization of odor representations by slow temporal patterning of mitral cell activityQ33931212
Slow dynamics and high variability in balanced cortical networks with clustered connections.Q33932808
Partitioning neuronal variabilityQ34056954
The structure of pairwise correlation in mouse primary visual cortex reveals functional organization in the absence of an orientation mapQ34129596
Statistically optimal perception and learning: from behavior to neural representationsQ34129746
Information processing with population codesQ34185524
Statistical signs of synaptic interaction in neuronsQ34355994
Redundancy reduction revisitedQ34373799
High-fidelity coding with correlated neuronsQ34549456
Decoding the activity of neuronal populations in macaque primary visual cortexQ34845046
Cortical state determines global variability and correlations in visual cortexQ34869598
Population decoding in rat barrel cortex: optimizing the linear readout of correlated population responsesQ35082164
Sensory integration dynamics in a hierarchical network explains choice probabilities in cortical area MTQ35140312
The effect of noise correlations in populations of diversely tuned neurons.Q35566842
Measuring Fisher information accurately in correlated neural populationsQ35648251
Information-limiting correlationsQ35800297
Not noisy, just wrong: the role of suboptimal inference in behavioral variabilityQ35800943
How does the brain solve visual object recognition?Q35836346
Neural network dynamicsQ36196548
Neural correlations, population coding and computationQ36500184
On the Structure of Neuronal Population Activity under Fluctuations in Attentional State.Q36534413
Laminar dependence of neuronal correlations in visual cortexQ36600772
Simple models for reading neuronal population codesQ36671081
Functional organization of excitatory synaptic strength in primary visual cortexQ36832805
Top-down modulation of lateral interactions in visual cortexQ37012765
Spatial and temporal scales of neuronal correlation in visual area V4Q37017323
Attention-induced variance and noise correlation reduction in macaque V1 is mediated by NMDA receptorsQ37107548
Synaptic input correlations leading to membrane potential decorrelation of spontaneous activity in cortexQ37179752
Spatio-temporal correlations and visual signalling in a complete neuronal populationQ37197936
Noise correlations in cortical area MT and their potential impact on trial-by-trial variation in the direction and speed of smooth-pursuit eye movementsQ37221788
Functional coupling from simple to complex cells in the visually driven cortical circuitQ37345158
Inferring functional connections between neurons.Q37350285
Spiking activity propagation in neuronal networks: reconciling different perspectives on neural codingQ37781274
Measuring and interpreting neuronal correlationsQ37895118
Cortical state and attentionQ37914677
Decision-related activity in sensory neurons: correlations among neurons and with behaviorQ38000695
Neuronal computations in the olfactory system of zebrafishQ38110910
Perceptual learning reduces interneuronal correlations in macaque visual cortexQ38267140
The asynchronous state in cortical circuitsQ40257746
Attention can either increase or decrease spike count correlations in visual cortexQ41175035
Bayesian inference for generalized linear models for spiking neuronsQ41276496
A theory for the use of visual orientation information which exploits the columnar structure of striate cortexQ41434378
Impact of correlated synaptic input on output firing rate and variability in simple neuronal models.Q41753684
The Nature of Shared Cortical VariabilityQ41787360
Coordinated Neuronal Activity Enhances Corticocortical CommunicationQ41881256
Sparse coding and high-order correlations in fine-scale cortical networksQ41961452
How Can Single Sensory Neurons Predict Behavior?Q42013845
Neural correlates of reliability-based cue weighting during multisensory integrationQ42086734
Efficient sensory encoding and Bayesian inference with heterogeneous neural populationsQ42247118
Inter-neuronal correlation distinguishes mechanisms of direction selectivity in cortical circuit modelsQ42408210
Attention improves performance primarily by reducing interneuronal correlations.Q42918340
Learning-related fine-scale specificity imaged in motor cortex circuits of behaving miceQ43106543
Inferring decoding strategies from choice probabilities in the presence of correlated variability.Q43523603
Excitatory cortical neurons form fine-scale functional networksQ45281385
Functional heterogeneity in neighboring neurons of cat primary visual cortex in response to both artificial and natural stimuliQ45839598
Microcircuits for hierarchical elaboration of object coding across primate temporal areasQ46144852
Two types of asynchronous activity in networks of excitatory and inhibitory spiking neurons.Q47751086
Statistical technique for analysing functional connectivity of multiple spike trainsQ47795619
Signal propagation and logic gating in networks of integrate-and-fire neurons.Q47857098
On the transmission of rate code in long feedforward networks with excitatory-inhibitory balance.Q47879137
The variable discharge of cortical neurons: implications for connectivity, computation, and information coding.Q47909242
Probability density estimation for the interpretation of neural population codesQ47915467
The statistical reliability of signals in single neurons in cat and monkey visual cortexQ47956850
Role of input correlations in shaping the variability and noise correlations of evoked activity in the neocortex.Q48145686
Reading population codes: a neural implementation of ideal observersQ48158337
P577publication date2016-04-21
P1433published inAnnual Review of NeuroscienceQ15753632
P1476titleCorrelations and Neuronal Population Information

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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