Subclinical hypothyroidism and the risk of coronary heart disease and mortality

scientific article published on September 2010

Subclinical hypothyroidism and the risk of coronary heart disease and mortality is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID3923470
P698PubMed publication ID20858880
P5875ResearchGate publication ID46393289

P50authorAnne B. NewmanQ21401975
Rudi WestendorpQ27070673
Kay-Tee KhawQ28356290
Patrick MaisonneuveQ37830753
John P. WalshQ42533525
Salman RazviQ42746723
Tinh-Hai ColletQ54152734
Alexandra P. BremnerQ54152736
Jacques CornuzQ87444523
Jacobijn GusseklooQ96825925
Misa ImaizumiQ115413324
P2093author name stringJayne A Franklyn
Eric Vittinghoff
Anne R Cappola
Douglas C Bauer
Giorgio Iervasi
José A Sgarbi
Nicolas Rodondi
Thyroid Studies Collaboration
Wendy P J den Elzen
Mark P J Vanderpump
Bjørn O Asvold
P2860cites workMeta-analysis: Subclinical Thyroid Dysfunction and the Risk for Coronary Heart Disease and MortalityQ22305331
Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical testQ24685585
Measuring inconsistency in meta-analysesQ27860655
Meta-analysis in clinical trialsQ27860779
Executive Summary of The Third Report of The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, And Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol In Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III)Q27860959
Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology: A Proposal for ReportingQ27861077
Subclinical thyroid disease: scientific review and guidelines for diagnosis and managementQ28238612
Screening for subclinical thyroid dysfunction in nonpregnant adults: a summary of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task ForceQ30827881
Meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomized trials: a review of methods used in practice.Q31016826
Evidence synthesis combining individual patient data and aggregate data: a systematic review identified current practice and possible methodsQ31108600
Thyroid hormone and the cardiovascular systemQ31921377
The influence of age on the relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism and ischemic heart disease: a metaanalysis.Q33337988
Subclinical thyroid dysfunction, cardiac function, and the risk of heart failure. The Cardiovascular Health studyQ33869983
Ankle brachial index combined with Framingham Risk Score to predict cardiovascular events and mortality: a meta-analysisQ34100632
Serum TSH, T(4), and thyroid antibodies in the United States population (1988 to 1994): National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III).Q34113424
Thyroid status, cardiovascular risk, and mortality in older adultsQ34421169
The clinical significance of subclinical thyroid dysfunctionQ34711990
The incidence of thyroid disorders in the community: a twenty‐year follow‐up of the Whickham SurveyQ34720958
Practical methodology of meta-analyses (overviews) using updated individual patient data. Cochrane Working GroupQ36790212
Review: The association of thyroid dysfunction with all-cause and circulatory mortality: is there a causal relationship?Q36808365
Clinical review 12: The use and misuse of the sensitive thyrotropin assaysQ37950865
Subclinical thyroid dysfunction as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.Q38440090
Initial thyroid status and cardiovascular risk factors: the EPIC-Norfolk prospective population studyQ39974809
The incidence of ischemic heart disease and mortality in people with subclinical hypothyroidism: reanalysis of the Whickham Survey cohort.Q43164683
Prediction of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in elderly people from one low serum thyrotropin result: a 10-year cohort studyQ43745118
Factors influencing clinical decisions to initiate thyroxine therapy for patients with mildly increased serum thyrotropin (5.1-10.0 mIU/L).Q44439335
The development of ischemic heart disease in relation to autoimmune thyroid disease in a 20-year follow-up study of an English communityQ44587445
Effect of levothyroxine replacement on lipid profile and intima-media thickness in subclinical hypothyroidism: a double-blind, placebo- controlled studyQ44883220
Risk for ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality in subclinical hypothyroidism.Q44968778
Thyroid status, disability and cognitive function, and survival in old age.Q45168944
Subclinical hypothyroidism and the risk of heart failure, other cardiovascular events, and deathQ46255669
Cardiovascular consequences of subclinical thyroid dysfunction: more smoke but no fire.Q47828488
Thyroid disease in the oldest old: the exception to the ruleQ50985384
A solution to the problem of monotone likelihood in Cox regressionQ52929496
Low Serum Thyrotropin Concentrations as a Risk Factor for Atrial Fibrillation in Older PersonsQ57073357
Subclinical hypothyroidism is an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction in elderly women: the Rotterdam StudyQ73462518
The beneficial effect of L-thyroxine on cardiovascular risk factors, endothelial function, and quality of life in subclinical hypothyroidism: randomized, crossover trialQ79771148
Association between increased mortality and mild thyroid dysfunction in cardiac patientsQ80656733
Subclinical thyroid dysfunction and the heartQ81152695
Thyrotropin levels and risk of fatal coronary heart disease: the HUNT studyQ81173009
Subclinical thyroid dysfunction: a joint statement on management from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, the American Thyroid Association, and the Endocrine SocietyQ81252700
Thyroid disease and the heartQ81411167
Subclinical thyroid dysfunctions are independent risk factors for mortality in a 7.5-year follow-up: the Japanese-Brazilian thyroid studyQ84991348
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectheart diseaseQ190805
coronary artery diseaseQ844935
P577publication date2010-09-01
P1433published inThe Journal of the American Medical AssociationQ1470970
P1476titleSubclinical hypothyroidism and the risk of coronary heart disease and mortality

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
Q375824492013 ETA Guideline: Management of Subclinical Hypothyroidism
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