Assembling models of embryo development: image analysis and the construction of digital atlases

scientific article published on June 2012

Assembling models of embryo development: image analysis and the construction of digital atlases is …
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P698PubMed publication ID22692885
P5875ResearchGate publication ID225301457

P50authorAndres SantosQ43087069
María J Ledesma-CarbayoQ51017239
Nadine PeyrierasQ54253574
P2093author name stringCarlos Castro-González
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Systematic image-driven analysis of the spatial Drosophila embryonic expression landscapeQ33525254
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3D early embryogenesis image filtering by nonlinear partial differential equations.Q33574313
High-throughput in vivo vertebrate screeningQ33635305
Microscope harmoniesQ33714899
Reconstructing embryonic developmentQ33765699
Digital atlasing and standardization in the mouse brainQ33815555
Fluorescent proteins as a toolkit for in vivo imagingQ33991259
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Waxholm space: an image-based reference for coordinating mouse brain research.Q34091954
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The HUDSEN Atlas: a three-dimensional (3D) spatial framework for studying gene expression in the developing human brain.Q34257880
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The Virtual Fly Brain browser and query interfaceQ38499348
Automatically identifying and annotating mouse embryo gene expression patternsQ38503216
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A three-dimensional MRI atlas of the mouse brain with estimates of the average and variabilityQ39693546
A three-dimensional digital atlas database of the adult C57BL/6J mouse brain by magnetic resonance microscopy.Q39730155
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The LONI Pipeline Processing EnvironmentQ47736409
Construction of an abdominal probabilistic atlas and its application in segmentationQ47876431
Neuroinformatics for genome-wide 3D gene expression mapping in the mouse brainQ48089083
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3D+t morphological processing: applications to embryogenesis image analysis.Q48789206
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ASSET: a robust algorithm for the automated segmentation and standardization of early Caenorhabditis elegans embryosQ51635704
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Image registration methods: a surveyQ57532919
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectimage analysisQ860755
P577publication date2012-06-01
P1433published inBirth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today ReviewsQ15757886
P1476titleAssembling models of embryo development: image analysis and the construction of digital atlases

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Q27321764A digital framework to build, visualize and analyze a gene expression atlas with cellular resolution in zebrafish early embryogenesis
Q38125139Micro‐computed tomography imaging and analysis in developmental biology and toxicology
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