MG 18 TuF

13 mm heavy machine gun

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Abstract is: The Maschinengewehr 18 Tank und Flieger or MG 18 TuF, is a German dual-purpose heavy machine gun that was designed to fill both anti-tank and anti-aircraft roles. Developed at the end of the First World War, it fired the same 13.25 × 92mm SR or tankpatrone 18 armor-piercing round later used by the Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr anti-tank rifle.

Wikimedia Commons category is MG 18 TuF

MG 18 TuF is …
instance of (P31):
weapon modelQ15142894

sublass of (P279):
heavy machine gunQ1195448

External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/0g5s2wy

P739ammunition13.2mm TuFQ4548972
P144based onMG 08Q573994
P607conflictWorld War IQ361
P495country of originGerman EmpireQ43287
P287designed byMauserQ166203
P176manufacturerMAN SEQ35953

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:MG 18 TuFwikimedia
Catalan (ca / Q7026)MG 18 TuFwikipedia
      13-mm-MG 18 TuFwikipedia
      MG 18 TuFwikipedia
      MG 18 TuFwikipedia
      MG 18 TuFwikipedia
      MG 18 TuFwikipedia
      MG 18 TuFwikipedia
      MG 18 TuFwikipedia
      Maschinengewehr 18 TuFwikipedia
      MG 18 TuFwikipedia

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