Event-related potential components reflect phonological and semantic processing of the terminal word of spoken sentences.

scientific article published on January 1994

Event-related potential components reflect phonological and semantic processing of the terminal word of spoken sentences. is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID23964975
P5875ResearchGate publication ID256075471

P50authorJohn F ConnollyQ59687225
P2093author name stringN A Phillips
P2860cites workThe assessment and analysis of handedness: The Edinburgh inventoryQ26778476
Early selective-attention effect on evoked potential reinterpretedQ28275011
Electrophysiological evidence for task effects on semantic priming in auditory word processingQ38470521
The processing nature of the n400: evidence from masked primingQ38470869
Event-related potential sensitivity to acoustic and semantic properties of terminal words in sentencesQ38472765
The effects of processing requirements on neurophysiological responses to spoken sentencesQ38478997
The locus of the effects of sentential-semantic context in spoken-word processingQ38482865
An electrophysiological probe of incidental semantic associationQ38484034
Functional parallelism in spoken word-recognitionQ38489600
The effects of physical and semantic incongruites on auditory event-related potentialsQ38494870
Brain potentials during reading reflect word expectancy and semantic associationQ38496126
Event-related potential correlates of two stages of information processing in physical and semantic discrimination tasksQ38497756
The lateral distribution of event-related potentials during sentence processingQ38499879
The temporal structure of spoken language understandingQ38502220
Stimulus deviance and evoked potentialsQ38578679
A single channel method for recording vertical and lateral eye movementsQ39496787
Manipulation of event-related potential manifestations of information processing stagesQ41626053
Completion norms for 329 sentence contexts.Q52296783
P921main subjectphonologyQ40998
P577publication date1994-01-01
P1433published inJournal of Cognitive NeuroscienceQ6294976
P1476titleEvent-related potential components reflect phonological and semantic processing of the terminal word of spoken sentences

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cites work (P2860)
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