
Electronic art festival

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Abstract is: Netmage is an international festival dedicated to electronic art curated by Xing and produced annually—in the city of Bologna—as a multidisciplinary program of works, investigating and promoting contemporary audiovisual research. The festival was born in 2000 with funds provided by the European Union, when Bologna represented one of the nine major European capital of culture. The festival concentrates on an amalgam of Happenings, environments, and audio/visual installations, it does through a concentration on creative scenes and subcultural communities. The experience of Netmage (eleven editions from 2001 to 2011) was merged into the annual Live Arts Week.

Wikimedia Commons category is Netmage

Netmage is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/028068c
P1407MusicBrainz series ID6c84e10b-05a4-42cb-8ee3-547d9ec00a25
P856official website


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