Enhancing Channelrhodopsins: An Overview

scientific article published on January 2016

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P698PubMed publication ID26965121

P50authorJonas WietekQ50220776
P2093author name stringMatthias Prigge
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Optogenetic astrocyte activation modulates response selectivity of visual cortex neurons in vivoQ33821106
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All-optical electrophysiology in mammalian neurons using engineered microbial rhodopsinsQ33983852
Ultrafast optogenetic control.Q34093362
Molecular structure and physiological function of chloride channelsQ34120773
Channelrhodopsin-1: a light-gated proton channel in green algae.Q34136045
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Noninvasive optical inhibition with a red-shifted microbial rhodopsinQ34285179
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Re-introduction of transmembrane serine residues reduce the minimum pore diameter of channelrhodopsin-2.Q34490898
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Long-term depression triggers the selective elimination of weakly integrated synapses.Q37340829
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Biophysics of ChannelrhodopsinQ38534214
Photoreceptor engineeringQ38542114
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Optogenetic countering of glial acidosis suppresses glial glutamate release and ischemic brain damage.Q39212960
Two open states with progressive proton selectivities in the branched channelrhodopsin-2 photocycleQ39344514
Structural guidance of the photocycle of channelrhodopsin-2 by an interhelical hydrogen bond.Q39765113
Light-dark adaptation of channelrhodopsin C128T mutantQ39794805
Effects on capacitance by overexpression of membrane proteins.Q40003844
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A toolbox of Cre-dependent optogenetic transgenic mice for light-induced activation and silencingQ42137770
Optogenetic silencing strategies differ in their effects on inhibitory synaptic transmissionQ42321485
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The branched photocycle of the slow-cycling channelrhodopsin-2 mutant C128T.Q43116914
The DC gate in Channelrhodopsin-2: crucial hydrogen bonding interaction between C128 and D156.Q43176669
Towards an understanding of channelrhodopsin function: simulations lead to novel insights of the channel mechanism.Q44284205
Computational screening of one- and two-photon spectrally tuned channelrhodopsin mutants.Q45203822
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Glu 87 of channelrhodopsin-1 causes pH-dependent color tuning and fast photocurrent inactivationQ46134116
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2016-01-01
P1433published inMethods in Molecular BiologyQ15752859
P1476titleEnhancing Channelrhodopsins: An Overview

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