The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID2048692
P698PubMed publication ID17905899
P5875ResearchGate publication ID5938823

P50authorNam-Hai ChuaQ8934383
P2093author name stringIsabel A Abreu
Jian Ouyang
Yuxin Hu
Xiuren Zhang
Rafael Catala
Haksoo Seo
P2860cites workSalicylic acid-mediated innate immunity in Arabidopsis is regulated by SIZ1 SUMO E3 ligaseQ56785281
Protein modification by SUMOQ60304946
PIASy, a nuclear matrix-associated SUMO E3 ligase, represses LEF1 activity by sequestration into nuclear bodiesQ24599898
Mechanisms underlying ubiquitinationQ27860656
Role of a ubiquitin-like modification in polarized morphogenesis.Q27934690
Yeast Ull1/Siz1 is a novel SUMO1/Smt3 ligase for septin components and functions as an adaptor between conjugating enzyme and substratesQ27935103
PIAS proteins promote SUMO-1 conjugation to STAT1Q28186494
An E3-like factor that promotes SUMO conjugation to the yeast septinsQ28188846
PIAS1 and PIASxalpha function as SUMO-E3 ligases toward androgen receptor and repress androgen receptor-dependent transcriptionQ28217862
Modification of proteins by ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteinsQ28244250
SUMO and ubiquitin in the nucleus: different functions, similar mechanisms?Q28280175
Brassinosteroid mutants uncover fine tuning of phytochrome signalingQ28345002
SUMO and transcriptional regulationQ28647169
Protein modification by SUMOQ29547919
SUMO--nonclassical ubiquitinQ29620234
Evolution and function of ubiquitin-like protein-conjugation systemsQ30004192
An allelic series for the chalcone synthase locus in Arabidopsis.Q30327331
The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ sizeQ33338695
Polypeptide tags, ubiquitous modifiers for plant protein regulationQ33802481
The Arabidopsis SUMO E3 ligase SIZ1 controls phosphate deficiency responses.Q33836286
SP-RING for SUMO: new functions bloom for a ubiquitin-like proteinQ34094595
Arabidopsis Flavonoid Mutants Are Hypersensitive to UV-B IrradiationQ34150986
Post-translational modification by the small ubiquitin-related modifier SUMO has big effects on transcription factor activityQ35097655
Regulatory network of gene expression in the drought and cold stress responses.Q35217896
SUMO modification of proteins other than transcription factorsQ35812431
Crosstalk between abiotic and biotic stress responses: a current view from the points of convergence in the stress signaling networksQ36499476
Spatiotemporal asymmetric auxin distribution: a means to coordinate plant development.Q36609546
Gene networks involved in drought stress response and toleranceQ36639430
Correlation between the induction of a gene for delta 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase and the accumulation of proline in Arabidopsis thaliana under osmotic stress.Q36706696
Arabidopsis AtMYC2 (bHLH) and AtMYB2 (MYB) function as transcriptional activators in abscisic acid signalingQ38856598
cDNA sequence analysis and expression of two cold-regulated genes of Arabidopsis thalianaQ39024126
Brassinosteroid confers tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica napus to a range of abiotic stresses.Q39115187
Structure and expression of kin2, one of two cold- and ABA-induced genes of Arabidopsis thalianaQ39152957
Functional analysis of an Arabidopsis transcription factor, DREB2A, involved in drought-responsive gene expressionQ39423355
Monitoring the expression pattern of around 7,000 Arabidopsis genes under ABA treatments using a full-length cDNA microarrayQ39444658
A GFP-mouse talin fusion protein labels plant actin filaments in vivo and visualizes the actin cytoskeleton in growing pollen tubesQ40982497
The DIMINUTO gene of Arabidopsis is involved in regulating cell elongationQ42688287
Evolution of a signalling system that incorporates both redundancy and diversity: Arabidopsis SUMOylationQ43084159
Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana.Q43898267
The small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) protein modification system in Arabidopsis. Accumulation of SUMO1 and -2 conjugates is increased by stress.Q44249813
Levels of Active Oxygen Species Are Controlled by Ascorbic Acid and Anthocyanin in ArabidopsisQ44421851
Small ubiquitin-like modifier modulates abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis.Q44463095
Evidence for a physical association of the COP9 signalosome, the proteasome, and specific SCF E3 ligases in vivoQ44501209
Loss of function of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase 1 (HMG1) in Arabidopsis leads to dwarfing, early senescence and male sterility, and reduced sterol levelsQ44761504
Genome stability of vtc1, tt4, and tt5 Arabidopsis thaliana mutants impaired in protection against oxidative stressQ44821766
Proteomic identification of annexins, calcium-dependent membrane binding proteins that mediate osmotic stress and abscisic acid signal transduction in ArabidopsisQ44909767
Arabidopsis Aux/IAA genes are involved in brassinosteroid-mediated growth responses in a manner dependent on organ typeQ46861030
Sucrose-specific induction of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway in Arabidopsis.Q46872485
A role for brassinosteroids in light-dependent development of ArabidopsisQ48064776
SIZ1-mediated sumoylation of ICE1 controls CBF3/DREB1A expression and freezing tolerance in ArabidopsisQ48080292
SUMO-conjugating and SUMO-deconjugating enzymes from ArabidopsisQ48085230
A nuclear protease required for flowering-time regulation in Arabidopsis reduces the abundance of SMALL UBIQUITIN-RELATED MODIFIER conjugatesQ48226914
An Arabidopsis Brassinosteroid-Dependent Mutant Is Blocked in Cell ElongationQ52188855
SIZ1 small ubiquitin-like modifier E3 ligase facilitates basal thermotolerance in Arabidopsis independent of salicylic acidQ56783311
P921main subjectdroughtQ43059
plant developmentQ3045481
P577publication date2007-09-28
P1433published inThe Plant CellQ3988745
P1476titleThe Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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