Impaired Antibody Response to Pneumococcal Vaccine after Treatment for Hodgkin's Disease

scientific article published on August 31, 1978

Impaired Antibody Response to Pneumococcal Vaccine after Treatment for Hodgkin's Disease is …
instance of (P31):
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8608Fatcat IDrelease_wrjunclxkrbqdixbxjyyt3unam
P953full work available at URL
P698PubMed publication ID28483

P2093author name stringAisenberg AC
Siber GR
Schiffman G
Weinstein HJ
Weitzman SA
P2860cites workThe New England Journal of MedicineQ582728
Long term effects of radiation of T and B lymphocytes in peripheral blood of patients with Hodgkin's diseaseQ35904611
Relation Between Splenectomy and Subsequent Infection: A Clinical StudyQ36050498
Acute Bacteremia in Asplenic Renal Transplant PatientsQ39145537
Vaccination and Revaccination with Polyvalent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccines in Adults and InfantsQ39180306
Immune response after splenectomyQ39472066
Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.A delayed complication of Hodgkin's disease therapy: Analysis of 109 casesQ39865835
Impaired Humoral Immunity in Treated Hodgkin's DiseaseQ40650233
Immunogenicity in Weanling Rabbits of a Polyribophosphate Complex from Haemophilus influenzae Type bQ40654329
Bacterial infections in pediatric Hodgkin's disease.Relationship to radiotherapy, chemotherapy and splenectomyQ40676103
Studies of immunologic reactions of patients with Hodgkin's disease; antibody reaction to typhoid immunizationQ41062237
Fulminant sepsis after the successful treatment of Hodgkin's diseaseQ41226733
Influenza immunization in immunosuppressed childrenQ43898292
The syndrome of asplenia, pneumococcal sepsis, and disseminated intravascular coagulationQ44146275
Septicemia and meningitis in children splenectomized for hodgkin's diseaseQ44685693
Federation ProceedingsQ45106928
Influenza immunization of adult patients with malignant diseasesQ50948355
Hematologic neoplasia in patients treated for Hodgkin's diseaseQ67700700
Staging laparotomy and splenectomy: treatment and complications of Hodgkin's disease in childrenQ68227430
Serious infection after splenectomy for the staging of Hodgkin's diseaseQ68766950
Immunogenicity of the Group A and Group C Meningococcal Polysaccharides in ChildrenQ69373288
Hazard of Overwhelming Infection after Splenectomy in ChildhoodQ72218645
Antibody formation in Hodgkin's diseaseQ76430485
Quantitative measurement of "natural" and immunization-induced Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide antibodiesQ93734553
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectantibodyQ79460
pneumococcal vaccineQ14538008
P577publication date1978-08-01
P1433published inThe New England Journal of MedicineQ582728
P1476titleImpaired Antibody Response to Pneumococcal Vaccine after Treatment for Hodgkin's Disease

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cites work (P2860)
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