
town in Slovakia

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Šurany

Abstract is: Šurany (until 1927, Veľké Šurany; Hungarian: Nagysurány; German: Schuran) is a town and a railroad hub in the Nové Zámky District, Nitra Region, southern Slovakia. Alongside the main settlement, it has the boroughs of Kostolný Sek and Nitriansky Hrádok, both annexed 1976.

Wikimedia Commons category is Šurany

(P625, lat/long)48.083333333 / 18.183333333

Šurany is …
instance of (P31):
municipality of SlovakiaQ6784672

External links are
P5573archINFORM location ID45644
P935Commons galleryŠurany
P968email addressprimator@surany.sk
P8168FactGrid item IDQ447515
P646Freebase ID/m/0ffvgq
P1566GeoNames ID3057339
P227GND ID4997296-0
P2326GNS Unique Feature ID-846301
P8189J9U ID987007573250905171
P244Library of Congress authority IDno2007048178
P9957museum-digital place ID39923
P982MusicBrainz area ID82169018-aff1-4087-af19-f5da94147168
P691NL CR AUT IDge131569
P856official websitehttp://www.surany.sk
P11693OpenStreetMap node ID26035833
P402OpenStreetMap relation ID2218570
P7197OpenWeatherMap city ID3057339
P214VIAF cluster ID130564380
P6766Who's on First ID101786365

P1464category for people born here???Q8755591
P1792category of associated peopleCategory:People from ŠuranyQ60517189
P1343described by sourceMeyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890)Q19219752
P2044elevation above sea level123
P395licence plate codeNZ
P473local dialing code035
P131located in the administrative territorial entityNové Zámky DistrictQ730722
P421located in time zoneUTC+01:00Q6655
P1705native labelŠurany
P1448official nameŠurany
P1249time of earliest written record1138-01-01
P910topic's main categoryCategory:ŠuranyQ9207204

Wikimedia Commons Images

P94: coat of arms image

FileName: Coa Slovakia Town Šurany.svg

Description: The Coat of arms of Šurany, Slovakia

Artist: Madboy74

Work is copyrighted.
License: CC0

P41: flag image

FileName: Surany-nove zamky-flag.svg

Description: Flag of Šurany

Artist: Pogány Péter (Poganyp at Hungarian Wikipedia)

License: Public domain

Reverse relations

located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
Q13425311Church of St Martin
Q988203Kostolný Sek
Q30007495Nagysurány Ghetto
Q55281188Šurany railway station
Q20861176Šurianske slaniská
Q112096511Hradisko Zámeček, praveká osada
Q123029382Mestské múzeum Šurany
Q112096512ortodoxná synagóga

headquarters location (P159)
Q77877330EBS spol. s r.o.
Q77877089Rybárová AGROFARMA
Q77877860Rybárová farma

place of birth (P19)
Q25929840Alexander Markuš
Q13408704Eva Jaššová
Q112495936Pavol Šteiner
Q1245515András Rajk
Q95334838Bernhard Marr
Q12764557Dezider Németh
Q1237895Dominik Tóth
Q95176713Dušan Topoľský
Q988414Ehrenfeld Jesája
Q46646456Eugen Weisz
Q22346191Eva Garajová
Q86427394Filip Černák
Q1003926Friedlander Méír Hirsch
Q29789873Gabriela Dolná
Q12021942Ivan Jurík
Q368617Izsák Lőwy
Q2417819Johann Theodor Jaeger
Q1342548Jozef Barmoš
Q20057580Jozef Buránsky
Q12768555Ján Lieb
Q107577726Ján Mellen
Q1327248János Tóth
Q28799879Július Ivan
Q95162607Květa Smoláriková
Q20437857Károly Mühlbeck
Q13425906Laco Zrubec
Q95176638Ladislav Perůtka
Q105075433Lajos Wolfner
Q75392398Ludwig Rudolf Rudnay de Rudnó et Divék-Ujfalu
Q589049László Detre
Q126960286László Sréter
Q51609664Mariana Derzsi
Q104012548Marie Therese Berchtold
Q1167051Mihály Matunák
Q47511Miroslav Mentel
Q12044407Pavol Benčo
Q12044707Peter Fijalka
Q13538221Peter Oremus
Q112495330Peter Preložník
Q12055914Stanislav Fišan
Q112476286Verona Tureková
Q113044708Viktor Lavaux
Q741342Zsófia Bosnyák
Q12781478Ľudmila Benkovičová
Q8082871Štefan Malík
Q123699802Štefan Zorad
Q107576831Štefan Daniel
Q17395820Štefan Rosival

place of death (P20)
Q12764557Dezider Németh
Q13421463Ján Sréter
Q21193739József Kovács
Q126960286László Sréter
Q13538221Peter Oremus
Q25845829Tibor Sládkovič
Q16518704Tomáš Bosniak

location (P276)
Q185240682008 Slovak Junior International Badminton Championships
Q656159512008 Slovak Junior International Badminton Championships – men's doubles
Q656154512008 Slovak Junior International Badminton Championships – men's singles
Q656164592008 Slovak Junior International Badminton Championships – mixed doubles
Q656162082008 Slovak Junior International Badminton Championships – women's doubles
Q656156942008 Slovak Junior International Badminton Championships – women's singles

main subject (P921)
Q56690723Ottův slovník naučný/Šurány

category combines topics (P971)
Q60517189Category:People from Šurany
Q8755591Categoria:Nati a Šurany

Q9207204Category:Šuranycategory's main topicP301
Q1318653Sámuel Tessedik Jrwork locationP937

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

Catalan (ca / Q7026)Šuranywikipedia
Esperanto (eo / Q143)Šuranywikipedia
Basque language (eu / Q8752)Šuranywikipedia
Serbo-Croatian (sh / Q9301)Šuraniwikipedia

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