Decision Neuroscience: Neuroeconomics

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P932PMC publication ID3384699
P698PubMed publication ID22754602
P5875ResearchGate publication ID227734619

P2093author name stringScott A Huettel
David V Smith
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Oxytocin increases trust in humansQ28254266
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Prefrontal and striatal dopaminergic genes predict individual differences in exploration and exploitationQ30498976
Human striatal activation reflects degree of stimulus saliencyQ30499639
Predictability modulates human brain response to reward.Q30648458
fMRI in the public eye.Q30981823
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Beautiful faces have variable reward value: fMRI and behavioral evidenceQ34101858
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Reward-motivated learning: mesolimbic activation precedes memory formation.Q45987353
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Neural systems responding to degrees of uncertainty in human decision-makingQ46099643
The neural basis of financial risk takingQ46358722
Human insula activation reflects risk prediction errors as well as risk.Q46410414
BOLD responses reflecting dopaminergic signals in the human ventral tegmental areaQ46726788
Dissociated neural representations of intensity and valence in human olfactionQ46777536
Individual differences in reward drive predict neural responses to images of food.Q46782993
Immediate reward bias in humans: fronto-parietal networks and a role for the catechol-O-methyltransferase 158(Val/Val) genotype.Q46820114
Genetically determined differences in learning from errorsQ46862758
Brain responses to the acquired moral status of facesQ47190364
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Abstract reward and punishment representations in the human orbitofrontal cortex.Q49120863
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The neural basis of altruistic punishment.Q50993828
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Intracranial self-stimulation in man.Q51286638
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The neural correlates of third-party punishment.Q51944746
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Predictive neural coding of reward preference involves dissociable responses in human ventral midbrain and ventral striatum.Q51956684
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Social comparison affects reward-related brain activity in the human ventral striatum.Q51971525
Matching behavior and the representation of value in the parietal cortex.Q51995917
Risk-sensitive neurons in macaque posterior cingulate cortex.Q52041198
Activity in posterior parietal cortex is correlated with the relative subjective desirability of action.Q52086846
Human striatal responses to monetary reward depend on saliency.Q52089602
Reflexive social attention in monkeys and humans.Q52100234
FMRI visualization of brain activity during a monetary incentive delay task.Q52167219
Neural economics and the biological substrates of valuationQ34154730
Beauty in a smile: the role of medial orbitofrontal cortex in facial attractiveness.Q34161830
Discrete coding of reward probability and uncertainty by dopamine neurons.Q34185213
Multiple reward signals in the brainQ34189430
Temporal Prediction Errors in a Passive Learning Task Activate Human StriatumQ34193291
Increased activation in the right insula during risk-taking decision making is related to harm avoidance and neuroticismQ34226614
Humor modulates the mesolimbic reward centersQ34281539
The neural correlates of maternal and romantic loveQ34303843
Dissociable roles of ventral and dorsal striatum in instrumental conditioningQ34314023
Separate neural systems value immediate and delayed monetary rewardsQ34359177
Food reward: brain substrates of wanting and likingQ34378340
Getting to know you: reputation and trust in a two-person economic exchangeQ34407839
Distributed neural representation of expected value.Q34418146
Dynamics of male sexual arousal: distinct components of brain activation revealed by fMRI.Q34427011
Brain dopamine and rewardQ34498922
Optimal decision making and the anterior cingulate cortexQ34539642
Brain systems for assessing facial attractiveness.Q34545755
Diminishing reciprocal fairness by disrupting the right prefrontal cortexQ34571824
Human fronto-mesolimbic networks guide decisions about charitable donationQ34572736
Behavioral dopamine signalsQ34614382
Differential encoding of losses and gains in the human striatumQ34625039
Neural signature of fictive learning signals in a sequential investment taskQ34630857
Time discounting for primary rewards.Q34631259
Activation of prefrontal cortex by transcranial direct current stimulation reduces appetite for risk during ambiguous decision making.Q34635215
Neural responses to taxation and voluntary giving reveal motives for charitable donationsQ34637691
Social decision-making: insights from game theory and neuroscienceQ34707014
The representation of economic value in the orbitofrontal cortex is invariant for changes of menu.Q34722710
Risky business: the neuroeconomics of decision making under uncertaintyQ34725684
Smokers' brains compute, but ignore, a fictive error signal in a sequential investment taskQ34756905
The right and the good: distributive justice and neural encoding of equity and efficiencyQ34777535
Neural mechanisms of a genome-wide supported psychosis variantQ34978645
Self-control in decision-making involves modulation of the vmPFC valuation systemQ34978662
A framework for studying the neurobiology of value-based decision makingQ35095683
Separate neural mechanisms underlie choices and strategic preferences in risky decision makingQ35541448
P921main subjectneuroeconomicsQ1045712
P577publication date2010-05-14
P1433published inWiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive ScienceQ8001628
P1476titleDecision Neuroscience: Neuroeconomics

Reverse relations

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Q35424402Sleep deprivation alters valuation signals in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex
Q34901507The caudate signals bad reputation during trust decisions.
Q37032430Ventromedial prefrontal cortex encodes emotional value

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