Abstract is: vnStat is a network utility for the Linux operating system. It uses a command line interface. vnStat command is a console-based network traffic monitor. It keeps a log of hourly, daily and monthly network traffic for the selected interface(s) but is not a packet sniffer. The traffic information is analyzed from the proc filesystem. That way vnStat can be used even without root permissions.
application | Q166142 |
GNU package | Q20825628 |
P3454 | Arch Linux package | vnstat |
P3442 | Debian stable package | vnstat |
P7427 | FreeBSD port | net/vnstat |
P3499 | Gentoo package | net-analyzer/vnstat |
P2671 | Google Knowledge Graph ID | /g/11fyzfj1y3 |
P8443 | Homebrew formula name | vnstat |
P1401 | issue tracker URL | https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/vnstat/rss |
P7966 | NetBSD package ID | net/vnstat |
P856 | official website | https://humdi.net/vnstat/ |
P7967 | OpenBSD port | net/vnstat |
P7788 | openSUSE package | vnstat |
P6665 | Pro-Linux.de DBApp ID | 3130 |
P6931 | Repology project name | vnstat |
P12077 | SlackBuilds package | network/vnstat |
P1324 | source code repository URL | https://github.com/vergoh/vnstat |
P275 | copyright license | GNU General Public License, version 2.0 | Q10513450 |
P6216 | copyright status | copyrighted | Q50423863 |
P366 | has use | Network Utility | Q1071106 |
P135 | movement | free software movement | Q1076638 |
P306 | operating system | Ubuntu | Q381 |
openSUSE | Q16691 | ||
CentOS | Q207542 | ||
Arch Linux | Q185576 | ||
Red Hat | Q485593 | ||
GNU/Linux | Q3251801 | ||
Debian | Q7715973 | ||
P277 | programmed in | C | Q15777 |
P348 | software version identifier | 2.13 |
Category:Vnstat | wikimedia | |
VnStat | wikipedia | |
VnStat | wikipedia |
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