Ecological Entomology


Ecological Entomology is …
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P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectecologyQ7150
P123publisherRoyal Entomological SocietyQ673864
P1476titleEcological Entomology

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published in (P1433)
Q113036793Preference-performance linkage in the neotropical spittlebugDeois flavopicta, and its relation to the Phylogenetic Constraints Hypothesis
Q125623381The influence of host plant variation and intraspecific competition on oviposition preference and offspring performance in the host races of Eurosta solidaginis
Q126160591Dracula orchids exploit guilds of fungus visiting flies: new perspectives on a mushroom mimic
Q126211321Echinacea angustifolia and its specialist ant‐tended aphid: a multi‐year study of manipulated and naturally‐occurring aphid infestation
Q125864830Pseudomyrmex concolor Smith (Formicidae: Pseudomyrmecinae) as induced biotic defence for host plant Tachigali myrmecophila Ducke (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae)
Q115531864A comparative study of cannibalism and predation in seven species of flour beetle
Q121611019A comparison of the host-searching efficiency of two larval parasitoids of Plutella xylostella
Q125419548A complex landscape favours the abundance and species richness of syrphids (Diptera: Syrphidae) in olive groves
Q123256131A cost of mating by male Requena verticalis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Q56768090A facultative mutualism between aphids and an invasive ant increases plant reproduction
Q56983748A long-term habitat fragmentation experiment leads to morphological change in a species of carabid beetle
Q107316474A major symbiont shift supports a major niche shift in a clade of tree‐killing bark beetles
Q57607617A meta-analysis of leaf-cutting ant nest effects on soil fertility and plant performance
Q56839464A minimalist approach to the effects of density-dependent competition on insect life-history traits
Q111263884A nectar-secreting gall wasp and ant mutualism: selection and counter-selection shaping gall wasp phenology, fecundity and persistence
Q111264012A non‐pollinating moth inflicts higher seed predation than two co‐pollinators in an obligate pollination mutualism
Q56753692A novel parasitoid and a declining butterfly: cause or coincidence?
Q115432279A novel technique for relocating concealed insects
Q113798261A photographic technique for tracking herbivory on individual leaves through time
Q115408456A pilot analysis of gut contents in termites from the Mbalmayo Forest Reserve, Cameroon
Q58103054A plant surface mutation mediates predator interference among ladybird larvae
Q112800865A practical guide to DNA metabarcoding for entomological ecologists
Q56785063A review of relationships between interspecific competition and invasions in fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Q113173182A seed parasitoid wasp prevents berries from changing their colour, reducing their attractiveness to frugivorous birds
Q113855251A shift toward early reproduction in an introduced herbivorous ladybird
Q60317018A stable, genetically determined colour dimorphism in the dung beetleAphodius depressus: patterns and mechanisms
Q56426844A sublethal effect on nativeAnthocoris nemoralisthrough competitive interactions with invasiveHarmonia axyridis
Q120068807A temperate pollinator with high thermal tolerance is still susceptible to heat events predicted under future climate change
Q122259548A test of the competitive ability–cold tolerance trade‐off hypothesis in seasonally breeding beetles
Q113033950A test of the hypothesis that a pathway of intraguild predation limits densities of a wolf spider
Q60233905A trade-off between diapause duration and fitness in female parasitoids
Q57409679A trans-national monarch butterfly population model and implications for regional conservation priorities
Q113798257A variable insect–plant interaction: the relationship between tree budburst phenology and population levels of insect herbivores among trees
Q114081941A winner in the Anthropocene: changing host plant distribution explains geographical range expansion in the gulf fritillary butterfly
Q113173202Ability of ovipositing Callosobruchus maculatus females to discriminate between seeds bearing their own eggs and those bearing eggs of other females
Q113173207Ability of ovipositing seed beetles to discriminate between seeds with differing egg loads
Q59897080Ability to gall: the ultimate basis of host specificity in fig wasps?
Q64117063Abiotic and biotic factors influencing nest‐site selection by Halictus rubicundus , a ground‐nesting halictine bee
Q56998877Aboveground herbivory affects indirect defences of brassicaceous plants against the root feeder Delia radicum Linnaeus: laboratory and field evidence
Q57229224Absence of intraspecific interference during feeding by the predatory ladybirds Chilocorus spp. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
Q113033937Absence of wing polymorphism in the arboreal, phytophagous species of some taxa of temperate Hemiptera: an hypothesis
Q115396467Abundance and diversity of Homoptera in the canopy of a tropical forest
Q57200002Abundance and stratification of foliage arthropods in a lowland rain forest of Cameroon
Q113173212Abundance and survival of a seed-infesting weevil, Pseudanthonomus hamamelidis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), on its variable-fruiting host plant, witch-hazel (Hamamelis virginiana)
Q56963151Achieving high sexual size dimorphism in insects: females add instars
Q60148110Acorn preference under field and laboratory conditions by two flightless Iberian dung beetle species (Thorectes baraudi and Jekelius nitidus): implications for recruitment and management of oak forests in central Spain
Q60148141Acorn removal and dispersal by the dung beetle Thorectes lusitanicus: ecological implications
Q59594795Acoustically-orienting parasitoids in calling and silent males of the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus
Q58069701Activity and abundance of bumble bees near Crested Butte, Colorado: diel, seasonal, and elevation effects
Q55924451Activity pattern and thermal biology of a day-flying hawkmoth (Macroglossum stellatarum) under Mediterranean summer conditions
Q61883749Activity patterns of females of the solitary bee Anthophora plumipes in relation to temperature, nectar supplies and body size
Q123180411Adaptative significance of a temperature induced diapause in a cosmopolitan parasitoid of Drosophila
Q115531820Adaptive change in protective coloration in adult striated shieldbugs Graphosoma lineatum (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae): test of detectability of two colour forms by avian predators
Q128874722Adaptive foraging of leaf‐cutter ants to spatiotemporal changes in resource availability in Neotropical savannas
Q126002869Adaptive significance of wing dimorphism in the absence of dispersal: a comparative study of wing morphs in the waterstrider, Gerris remigis
Q115396372Additive apportioning of lepidopteran and coleopteran species diversity across spatial and temporal scales in a cool–temperate deciduous forest in Japan
Q57257646Additive effects of predator diversity on pest control caused by few interactions among predator species
Q115532895Additive multiple predator effects can reduce mosquito populations
Q113798255Adjacent trophic-level effects on spatial density dependence in a herbivore—predator—parasitoid system
Q128844060Adult firefly abundance is linked to weather during the larval stage in the previous year
Q122563644Adult monarch butterflies show high tolerance to neonicotinoid insecticides
Q113798937Advanced phenology of intraguild predators shifts herbivore host plant preference and performance
Q60483181Advances in the timing of spring cleaning by the honeybee Apis mellifera in Poland
Q56926918Advantages of multiple foundress colonies in Belonogaster juncea juncea L.: greater survival and increased productivity
Q129577929Aerial dispersal ability does not drive spider success in a crop landscape
Q126214784Aestivation as a response to climate change: the Great Banded Grayling Brintesia circe in Central Europe
Q115532224Age and experience influence patch assessment for oviposition by an insect predator
Q57032295Age-dependent clutch size in a koinobiont parasitoid
Q56771585Age-related cannibalism and horizontal transmission of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus in larval Spodoptera frugiperda
Q56228188Age-specific maternal effects interact with larval food supply to modulate life history inColeomegilla maculata
Q56753966Aggregative oviposition of a phytophagous beetle overcomes egg-crushing plant defences
Q112800875Agri-environmental schemes affect the trophic niche size and diet of common carabid species in agricultural landscapes
Q115208873Agro-ecosystem services and dis-services in almond orchards are differentially influenced by the surrounding landscape
Q57648931Alate production in an aphid in relation to ant tending and alarm pheromone
Q60567852Alien herbivores and native parasitoids: rapid developments and structure of the parasitoid and inquiline complex in an invading gall wasp Andricus quercuscalicis (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae)
Q61762050Allee effect in larval resource exploitation in Drosophila: an interaction among density of adults, larvae, and micro-organisms
Q112798583Allometry between leg and body length of insects: lack of support for the size-grain hypothesis
Q117787916Allopatric populations of the invasive larch casebearer differ in cold tolerance and phenology
Q115396440Alternative reproductive routines in a small fly, Puliciphora borinquenensis (Diptera: Phoridae)
Q59848442Alternative seed defence mechanisms in a palo verde (Fabaceae) hybrid zone: effects on bruchid beetle abundance
Q37010154Amino acid sources in the adult diet do not affect life span and fecundity in the fruit-feeding butterfly Bicyclus anynana
Q115396428An alternative mating system in small male insects
Q54646980An analysis of the nesting behaviour of Geotrupes spiniger Marsham (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Q111263889An ant—treehopper mutualism: effects of Formica subsericea on the survival of Vanduzea arquata
Q56853189An economic model of the limits to foraging range in central place foragers with numerical solutions for bumblebees
Q113798957An endophyte-rich diet increases ant predation on a specialist herbivorous insect
Q124791705An experimental examination of the effects of habitat quality on the dispersal and local abundance of the butterfly Parnassius smintheus
Q57228413Analysing plant-pollinator interactions with spatial movement networks
Q129674408Analysing the effect of ivermectin on the volatile organic compounds of dung and its possible influence on attraction to dung beetles
Q113798269Annual respiration and production estimates for collembolan and psocopteran epiphyte herbivores on larch trees in southern England
Q112798597Another look at prey detection by coccinellids
Q110792728Ant assemblage composition explains high predation pressure on artificial caterpillars during early night
Q125967173Ant attendance in aphids: why different degrees of myrmecophily?
Q115396375Ant biodiversity and the predatory function (A response to Philpott and Armbrecht, 2006)
Q111263907Ant mutualists alter the composition and attack rate of the parasitoid community for the gall wasp Disholcaspis eldoradensis (Cynipidae)
Q115405380Ant nest distribution and richness have opposite effects on a Neotropical plant with extrafloral nectaries
Q111172596Ant preference for seeds without awns increases removal of exotic relative to native grass seeds
Q113174524Ant species but not trait diversity increases at the edges: insights from a micro‐scale gradient in a semi‐natural Mediterranean ecosystem
Q59118170Ant species distribution in a sandy coastal plain
Q56942163Ant versus bird exclusion effects on the arthropod assemblage of an organic citrus grove
Q57052485Ants impact the energy reserves of natural enemies through the shared honeydew exploitation
Q60438849Aphid and host-plant genotype × genotype interactions under elevated CO2
Q111591533Aphid population dynamics: does resistance to parasitism influence population size?
Q60317072Apparent competition leaves no detectable imprint on patterns of community composition: observations from a natural experiment
Q58831375Application of r/K selection to macroinvertebrate responses to extreme floods
Q63830249Arboreality and the evolution of disease resistance in ants
Q113798927Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi mediate how plant herbivory history influences herbivore performance
Q127887731Are all urban green spaces a favourable habitat for pollinator communities? Bees, butterflies and hoverflies in different urban green areas
Q127405869Are ants botanists? Ant associative learning of plant chemicals mediates foraging for carbohydrates
Q56880096Are behavioural responses to predation cues linked across life cycle stages?
Q112810947Are honey bees' foraging preferences affected by pollen amino acid composition?
Q58740124Are the spatio-temporal dynamics of soil-feeding termite colonies shaped by intra-specific competition?
Q113798270Arthropod accumulation on tea in young and old habitats
Q115532899Arthropod carrion influences plant choice, oviposition, and cannibalism by a specialist predator on a sticky plant
Q115396371Arthropod community diversity and trophic structure: a comparison between extremes of plant stress
Q126032166Arthropod ecosystem services in apple orchards and their economic benefits
Q56031626Aspects of the biology of Staphylinus olens (Müller), Britain's largest Staphylinid beetle
Q125906592Assessing the density of honey bee colonies at ecosystem scales
Q56980708Assessing the role of bark- and wood-boring insects in the decline of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in the Swiss Rhone valley
Q57057632Assessment of the relative impact of different natural enemies on population dynamics of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae in the field
Q61947759Associative learning of host presence in non-host environments influences parasitoid foraging
Q114081937Assumed effects of invasive intraguild predators and how to avoid the snowball effect of unsupported expectations
Q113798951Asymmetric effects of a leaf-chewing herbivore on aphid population growth
Q125352981Asymmetric impacts of two herbivore ecotypes on similar host plants
Q56543749Asymmetric priority effects influence the success of invasive forest insects
Q57229285Asymmetrical competition and amensalism through soil dumping by the ant, Myrmicaria natalensis
Q60564068Asymmetrical thermal constraints on the parapatric species boundaries of two widespread generalist butterflies
Q60537670Asynchronous temporal variation among sites in condition of two carabid species
Q54670881Attachment may be a basis for specialization in oak aphids
Q67311514Attack strategy as an indicator of host range in metopiine and pimpline Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera)
Q115531903Avian predation on the palatable butterfly, Cercyonis pegala (Satyridae)
Q38969409Avoidance of an aposematically coloured butterfly by wild birds in a tropical forest
Q57638054Avoidance responses of an aphidophagous ladybird,Adalia bipunctata, to aphid-tending ants
Q125873374Back to Africa: autumn migration of the painted lady butterfly Vanessa cardui is timed to coincide with an increase in resource availability
Q57016356Bacterial symbionts as mediators of ecologically important traits of insect hosts
Q60537439Ballooning propensity of canopy and understorey spiders in a mature temperate hardwood forest
Q57554770Barley exposed to aerial allelopathy from thistles (Cirsium spp.) becomes less acceptable to aphids
Q125357984Bees provide pollination service to Campsis radicans (Bignoniaceae), a primarily ornithophilous trumpet flowering vine
Q126183664Beetles, parasitoids and tropical morning glories: a study in host discrimination
Q60482989Behaviour and growth of dragonfly larvae along a permanent to temporary water habitat gradient
Q56083359Behaviour of late-instar gypsy moth larvae in high and low density populations
Q56996864Behaviour of male and female parasitoids in the field: influence of patch size, host density, and habitat complexity
Q125879708Behaviour of specialist and generalist caterpillars on plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
Q115531860Behavioural activity levels and expression of stress proteins under predation risk in two damselfly species
Q60546081Behavioural and chemical mechanisms of plant-mediated deterrence and attraction among frugivorous insects
Q125853875Behavioural changes in Schistocerca gregaria following infection with a fungal pathogen: implications for susceptibility to predation
Q113798955Behavioural ecology of defence in a risky environment: caterpillarsversusants in a Neotropical savanna
Q126201363Behavioural flexibility does not prevent numerical declines of harvester ants under intense livestock grazing
Q125877571Behavioural modification of a social spider by a parasitoid wasp
Q36344907Behavioural responses of larval container mosquitoes to a size-selective predator
Q57201233Being a generalist herbivore in a diverse world: how do diets from different grasslands influence food plant selection and fitness of the grasshopperChorthippus parallelus?
Q113798954Below-ground nematode herbivory of resistant soybean cultivars impairs the performances of an above-ground caterpillar and its parasitoid
Q60523868Belowground infections of the invasivePhytophthora plurivorapathogen enhance the suitability of red oak leaves to the generalist herbivoreLymantria dispar
Q56378124Beneath the bark: associations among Sirex noctilio development, bluestain fungi, and pine host species in North America
Q115532864Benefit of actively mixing prey in a plant‐inhabiting predatory mite
Q113033931Bergmann's rule in larval ant lions: testing the starvation resistance hypothesis
Q111172593Between a rock and an egg‐crushing place: selection pressure from natural enemies and plant defences on eggs of the viburnum leaf beetle in its native range
Q114146081Between locality variations in the seasonal patterns of dung beetles: the role of phenology in mitigating global warming effects
Q29305556Between- and within-population morphological comparisons of all castes between monogynous and polygynous colonies of the ant Myrmica kotokui
Q59896770Between-species facilitation by male fig wasps in shared figs
Q115405498Beyond annual and seasonal averages: using temporal patterns of precipitation to predict butterfly richness across an elevational gradient
Q129450697Beyond killing: intra‐ and interspecific nonconsumptive effects among aphidophagous competitors
Q113798932Bidirectional plant‐mediated interactions between rhizobacteria and shoot‐feeding herbivorous insects: a community ecology perspective
Q125560130Big in the tropics–Are there thermal advantages of large body size for carpenter bees in hot climates?
Q58710060Biodiversity in tropical agroforests and the ecological role of ants and ant diversity in predatory function
Q57154535Biodiversity of stream insects in the Malaysian Peninsula: spatial patterns and environmental constraints
Q125359524Biological warfare in the garden pond: tadpoles suppress the growth of mosquito larvae
Q99962941Biology of the Collembola Xenylla grisea Axelson and Lepidocyrtus cyaneus f. cinereus Folsom
Q108065882Bionomics of Aphis chloris Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) for biological control of St John's wort in Australia
Q113798274Biosystematics of the Muellerianella complex (Homoptera, Delphacidae): host-plants, habitats and phenology
Q125877796Biotic filtering and mass effects in small shrub patches: is arthropod community structure predictable based on the quality of the vegetation?
Q114081934Blacklegged tick population synchrony between oak forest and non‐oak forest
Q125826476Bloodmeal‐stealing in wild‐caught Mepraia spinolai (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), a sylvatic vector of Trypanosoma cruzi
Q126203256Body size and social dominance influence breeding dispersal in malePachydiplax longipennis(Odonata)
Q113206429Body size as an estimator of production costs in a solitary bee
Q57061791Body size changes in ground beetle assemblages ? a reanalysis of Braun et al. (2004)'s data
Q114930010Body size determines the outcome of competition for webs among alien and native sheetweb spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae)
Q57057673Body size distribution in aphids: relative surface area of specific plant structures
Q129080870Body size explains interspecific variation in size–latitude relationships in geographically widespread beetle species
Q114080769Body size variation among invertebrates inhabiting different canopy microhabitat: flower visitors are smaller
Q59415058Both female castes contribute to colony emigration in the polygynous antMystrium oberthueri
Q61951058Bottom-up and top-down effects in a tritrophic system: the population dynamics of Plutella xylostella (L.)-Cotesia plutellae (Kurdjumov) on different host plants
Q57057293Bottom-up effects of glucosinolate variation on aphid colony dynamics in wild cabbage populations
Q113033983Bottom‐up and top‐down forces in plant‐gall relationships: testing the hypotheses of resource concentration, associational resistance, and host fitness reduction
Q124838582Bottom‐up, top‐down, and within‐trophic level pressures on a cactus‐feeding insect
Q113798265Bracken, ants and extrafloral nectaries. III. How insect herbivores avoid ant predation
Q58042352Broad-scale mapping of a hybrid zone between subspecies of Chorthippus parallelus (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q60506454Brochosome influence on parasitisation efficiency of Homalodisca coagulata (Say) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) egg masses by Gonatocerus ashmeadi Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae)
Q111264017Bromeliads provide shelter against fire to mutualistic spiders in a fire-prone landscape
Q60484942Brood ball size but not egg size correlates with maternal size in a dung beetle,Onthophagus atripennis
Q56268449Brood raiding and the population dynamics of founding and incipient colonies of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta
Q56460490Bumble bee pollen use and preference across spatial scales in human-altered landscapes
Q60466352Bumble bee species exhibit divergent responses to urbanisation in a Southern California landscape
Q57613575Bumble bee workers drift to conspecific nests at field scales
Q56431716Bumble bees selectively use native and exotic species to maintain nutritional intake across highly variable and invaded local floral resource pools
Q57045344Butterflies show flower colour preferences but not constancy in foraging at four plant species
Q111829907Butterfly habitats, broad-scale biotope affiliations, and structural exploitation of vegetation at finer scales: the matrix revisited
Q57607693COMMENT - The size-grain hypothesis in ants: conflicting evidence or confounded perspective?
Q56774006Can host-range allow niche differentiation of invasive polyphagous fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in La Runion?
Q59154723Can life-history and defence traits predict the population dynamics and natural enemy responses of insect herbivores?
Q57057607Can the assumption of a non-random search improve our prediction of butterfly fluxes between resource patches?
Q115532869Cannibalism and potential predation in larval drosophilids
Q56566424Cannibalism and the stage-dependent transmission of a viral pathogen of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella
Q113855222Canopy herbivore community structure: large-scale geographical variation and relation to forest composition
Q57887793Carbohydrate scarcity increases foraging activities and aggressiveness in the antProlasius advenus(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Q57030710Carnivores and carotenoids are associated with adaptive behavioural divergence in a radiation of gall midges
Q115532930Cascading effects of cannibalism in a top predator
Q57247137Cascading effects of variation in plant vigour on the relative performance of insect herbivores and their parasitoids
Q112800852Cascading extinctions as a hidden driver of insect decline
Q112810949Caste-specific N and C isotope ratios in fungus-growing termites with special reference to uric acid preservation and their nutritional interpretation
Q115532938Caterpillars escape predation in habitat and thermal refuges
Q58042372Causation, fitness effects and morphology of macropterism in Chorthippus parallelus (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q126062333Causes of vertical stratification in the density of Cameraria hamadryadella
Q56442057Changes in egg colour, egg weight and oviposition rate with the number of eggs laid by wild females of the small heath butterfly, Coenonympha pamphilus
Q115555395Changes in feeding behaviour of the larvae of the damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum in response to stimuli from predators
Q126125321Changes in needle quality and larch bud moth performance in response to CO2 enrichment and defoliation of treeline larches
Q125404615Changes in pollinators' flower visits and activities potentially drive a diurnal turnover of plant‐pollinator interactions
Q56210098Chinese mantids gut toxic monarch caterpillars: avoidance of prey defence?
Q59270637Choice of flowers by foraging honey bees (Apis mellifera): possible morphological cues
Q58934804Choosy mothers pick challenging plants: maternal preference and larval performance of a specialist herbivore are not linked
Q57122156Clarifying misunderstandings regarding vegetation self-organisation and spatial patterns of fairy circles in Namibia: a response to recent termite hypotheses
Q106114959Climate change‐driven body size shrinking in a social wasp
Q112810954Climate warming experiments: are tents a potential barrier to interpretation?
Q125604317Clumped distribution patterns in goldenrod aphids: genetic and ecological mechanisms
Q115432264Clutch size in frugivorous insects as a function of host firmness: the case of the tephritid fly Anastrepha ludens
Q113798246Coastal insect herbivore communities are affected more by local environmental conditions than by plant genotype
Q113798249Coastal insect herbivore populations are strongly influenced by environmental variation
Q111172575Coexistence between two fruit fly species is supported by the different strength of intra- and interspecific competition
Q125974358Coexistence of two species of Binella Motchulsky (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae) and the significance of their adaptation to different temperature ranges
Q60271148Cold tolerance in obligate and cyclical parthenogens of the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae
Q55870937Colonising aliens: caterpillars (Lepidoptera) feeding on Piper aduncum and P. umbellatum in rainforests of Papua New Guinea
Q114626883Colonization, survival, and causes of mortality of Camerariu hamadryadella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) on four species of host plants
Q113033935Colony ergonomics for a desert-dwelling bumblebee species (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Q113271260Colony founding in the primitively eusocial wasp, Ropalidia marginata (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
Q55870935Colony productivity and foundress behaviour of a native wasp versus an invasive social wasp
Q113272070Colony‐level chemical profiles do not provide reliable information about colony size in the honey bee
Q115532939Colour change ability and its effect on prey capture success in femaleMisumenoides formosipescrab spiders
Q57201253Colour morph related performance in the meadow grasshopperChorthippus parallelus(Orthoptera, Acrididae)
Q125779863Colour‐coded sampling: the pan trap colour preferences of oligolectic and nonoligolectic bees associated with a vernal pool plant
Q115405450Come to the dark side! The role of functional traits in shaping dark diversity patterns of south‐eastern European hoverflies
Q125658223Come to the dark side: habitat selection of larval odonates depends on background visual patterns
Q60546323Community structure and abundance of insects in response to early-season aphid infestation in wild cabbage populations
Q111376444Community structure of arboreal caterpillars within and among four tree species of the eastern deciduous forest
Q60568383Community-wide impact of an exotic aphid on introduced tall goldenrod
Q60568361Community-wide impacts of early season herbivory on flower visitors on tall goldenrod
Q113798953Community-wide responses to predation risk: effects of predator hunting mode on herbivores, pollinators, and parasitoids
Q115405463Comparative evidence supports a role for reproductive allocation in the evolution of female ornament diversity
Q125936852Comparative life‐history traits in a fig wasp community: implications for community structure
Q54582693Comparative nutritional ecology of bryophyte and angiosperm feeders in a sub-Antarctic weevil species complex (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Q115405455Comparative responses of termite functional and taxonomic diversity to land‐use change
Q57032000Comparing and contrasting life history variation in four aphid hyperparasitoids
Q113798944Comparing the plant–herbivore network topology of different insect guilds in Neotropical savannas
Q37727533Comparison of the wing polyphenic response of pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) to crowding and predator cues
Q114367506Competition amongst larval Aedes aegypti: the role of interference
Q58649260Competition as a factor underlying the abundance of an uncommon phytophagous insect, the salt-marsh planthopper Delphacodes penedetecta
Q111172576Competition between the native and the introduced hornetsVespa crabroandVespa velutina: a comparison of potentially relevant life-history traits
Q60494061Competition for foraging resources and coexistence of two syntopic species of Messor harvester ants in Mediterranean grassland
Q56833026Competition, facilitation or mediation via host? Patterns of infestation of small European mammals by two taxa of haematophagous arthropods
Q114081947Complexity of leaf miner-parasitoid food webs declines with canopy height in Patagonian beech forests
Q113855234Compound effects of induced plant responses on insect herbivores and parasitoids: implications for tritrophic interactions
Q126841708Concurrently burrowing host fly larvae reciprocally enhance pupation depth to minimise parasitism risk
Q57001744Consequences for a host?parasitoid interaction of host-plant aggregation, isolation, and phenology
Q113798244Consequences of adult size for survival and reproductive performance in a herbivorous ladybird beetle
Q112800896Consequences of climate and body size on the foraging performance of seed-eating ants
Q56987404Consequences of infanticide for a gregarious ectoparasitoid of leafroller larvae
Q113855223Consequences of removing a keystone herbivore for the abundance and diversity of arthropods associated with a cruciferous shrub
Q125744547Consequences of thrips‐infested plants for attraction of conspecifics and parasitoids
Q58868979Conservation implications of genetic variation between spatially and temporally distinct colonies of the endangered damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale
Q114627622Consistent shift in nutritional ecology of ants reveals trophic flexibility across alpine tree‐line ecotones
Q115555362Conspicuous colouration attracts prey to a stationary predator
Q55870374Constraints on the utilisation of the invasive Chinese tallow treeSapium sebiferumby generalist native herbivores in coastal prairies
Q60330946Construction, validation, and application of nocturnal pollen transport networks in an agro-ecosystem: a comparison using light microscopy and DNA metabarcoding
Q111263878Context-dependence in an ant-aphid mutualism: direct effects of tending intensity on aphid performance
Q60379711Contrasting age structures in cave cricket populations: patterns and significance
Q116885039Contrasting effects of nitrogen fertiliser application on the performance of closely related grasshoppers through changes in plant nutrient concentrations
Q115405542Contrasting engineering effects of leaf-rolling caterpillars on a tropical mite community
Q64386763Contrasting movement patterns in two species of chequerspot butterflies, Euphydryas aurinia and Melitaea phoebe, in the same patch network
Q59443045Contrasting movement patterns of nectar-collecting and pollen-collecting bumble bees (Bombus terricola) on fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium) inflorescences
Q115405440Contrasting responses of beta diversity components to environmental and host‐associated factors in insect ectoparasites
Q115532220Convergence of chemical mimicry in a guild of aphid predators
Q126800970Coping with drought: diapause plasticity in katydid eggs at high, mid‐, and low elevations
Q60550105Coping with the cold: minimum temperatures and thermal tolerances dominate the ecology of mountain ants
Q124969657Core‐marginal dynamics interact with sex and temperature to influence morphology of the rapidly expanding invasive kudzu bug (Megacopta cribraria)
Q113798934Correlation between substrate selection and body color of neotropical katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Q56771408Costs of cannibalism in the presence of an iridovirus pathogen of Spodoptera frugiperda
Q125904142Co‐evolution between ectoparasites and their insect hosts: a simulation study of a damselfly–water mite interaction
Q56658797Crab spiders (Thomisidae) attract insect flower-visitors without UV signalling
Q110744127Critical appraisals allow the analytical review of existing knowledge on current topics of significance in ecological entomology. They should assess the worth or quality of the work in the field and suggest areas for investigation
Q56987192Crop colonisation, feeding, and reproduction by the predatory beetle, Hippodamia convergens, as indicated by stable carbon isotope analysis
Q126019507Crop domestication disrupts a native tritrophic interaction associated with the sunflower, Helianthus annuus (Asterales: Asteraceae)
Q115555382Cross-correlation analysis of fluctuations in local populations of pear psyllids and anthocorid bugs
Q112800874Cryptic niche differentiation in West African savannah termites as indicated by stable isotopes
Q115396343Cuticular melanisation and immune response in a butterfly: local adaptation and lack of correlation
Q67231939DNA profiling of hostâ herbivore interactions in tropical forests
Q115532918Dark butterflies camouflaged from predation in dark tropical forest understories
Q113798945Data on aphids indicate that rarity in herbivorous insects may be a consequence of a low rate of potential population growth
Q115532914Dealing with food shortage: larval dispersal behaviour and survival on non-prey food of the hoverflyEpisyrphus balteatus
Q56763651Decline in native ladybirds in response to the arrival of Harmonia axyridis: early evidence from England
Q115555390Defensive larval secretions of leaf beetles attract a specialist predator Parasyrphus nigritarsis
Q60321327Delayed setting of the photoperiodic response in recombinant clones of the aphid species Sitobion avenae
Q61951047Density dependence and noise determine the long-term dynamics of two species of lady beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Epilachninae) in the Indonesian tropics
Q113173197Density-dependent egg dispersion in flowers of Silene vulgaris by the seed predator Hadena confusa (Noctuidae)
Q60128857Density-dependent melanism in sub-arctic populations of winter moth larvae (Operophtera brumata)
Q56880100Density-dependent polyphenism and geographic variation in size among two populations of lubber grasshoppers (Romalea microptera)
Q57655093Density-dependent prophylaxis: evidence from Lepidoptera–baculovirus interactions?
Q61761793Density-mediated indirect interactions alter host foraging behaviour of parasitoids without altering foraging efficiency
Q113798950Depauperation and divergence of plant-specialist herbivore assemblages in a fragmented tropical landscape
Q120170074Description of the herbivore and natural enemy community associated with the seeds of an invasive plant in Brazil
Q56951901Desiccation tolerance and starvation resistance exhibit opposite latitudinal clines in Indian geographical populations of Drosophila kikkawai
Q104206260Detecting phenology change in the mayfly Ephemera danica: responses to spatial and temporal water temperature variations
Q57067212Detecting the effects of environmental change above the species level with beetles in a fragmented tropical rainforest landscape
Q115532217Detection and avoidance of an entomopathogenic fungus by a generalist insect predator
Q115405422Determinants of Delphacidae richness and endemism in China
Q56923935Determinants of local ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) species richness and activity density across Europe
Q60148143Determinants of local spider (Araneidae and Thomisidae) species richness on a regional scale: climate and altitude vs. habitat structure
Q57261132Detrimental effects of latex and cardiac glycosides on survival and growth of first-instar monarch butterfly larvaeDanaus plexippusfeeding on the sandhill milkweedAsclepias humistrata
Q125839875Development of the solitary endoparasitoid Microplitis demolitor: host quality does not increase with host age and size
Q113798264Development, fecundity and survival of the herbivore Lymantria dispar and the number of plant species in its diet
Q115532229Development, growth, and egg production ofAgeneotettix deorum(Orthoptera: Acrididae) in response to spider predation risk and elevated resource quality
Q34392298Developmental mortality increases sex-ratio bias of a size-dimorphic bark beetle
Q114081919Developmental niche construction in necrophagous larval societies: Feeding facilitation can offset the costs of low ambient temperature
Q56880104Developmental response to a seasonal time constraint: the effects of photoperiod on reproduction in the grasshopperRomalea microptera
Q56764321Developmental strategies in an invasive spider: constraints and plasticity
Q60459144Developmental stress in wild-living Drosophilids inferred from biometry: metric and meristic traits react differently to heterogeneous environmental conditions
Q113272051Developmental temperature predicts body size, flight, and pollen load in a widespread butterfly
Q115405467Diel periodicity of a terrestrial arthropod community: diversity, composition, and body size
Q109947385Diel vertical movements by lotic mayfly nymphs under variable predation risk
Q113855245Diet breadth and host plant diversity of tropical- vs. temperate-zone herbivores: South-East Asian and West Palaearctic butterflies as a case study
Q115531889Differences between the 7-spot and 2-spot ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae) in their toxic effects on a bird predator
Q113855242Differences between understorey and canopy in herbivore community composition and leaf quality for two oak species in Missouri
Q57201235Differences in defensive behaviour between host-adapted races of the pea aphid
Q56774556Differences in distribution and performance of two sap-sucking herbivores on glandular and non-glandular Datura wrightii
Q111419248Differences in ecomorphology and microhabitat use of four saproxylic larvae (Diptera,Syrphidae) inScots pine stump rot holes
Q57566808Differences in insect species richness and faunal composition of birch seedlings, saplings and trees: the importance of plant architecture
Q112800860Different groups of ground‐dwelling spiders share similar trophic niches in temperate forests
Q112169633Different predation efficiencies of trap-building larvae of sympatric antlions and wormlions from the rainforest of Borneo
Q114081915Differential ecophysiological syndromes explain the partition of the thermal niche resource in coexisting Eucraniini dung beetles
Q129122317Differential elevational cline in the phenology and demography of two temporally isolated populations of a damselfly: Not two but one taxon?
Q125027103Differential flight responses of two ambrosia beetles to ethanol as indicators of invasion biology: the case with Kuroshio shot hole borer (Euwallacea kuroshio) and fruit‐tree pinhole borer (Xyleborinus saxesenii)
Q57440954Differential response ofTrichogrammawasps to extreme sex pheromone types of the noctuid mothHeliothis virescens
Q115531736Differential responses to predator cues between two mosquito species breeding in different habitats
Q114081911Differential survival and dispersal of avian feather mites with contrasting host specificities
Q58213610Differential survival and reproduction in colour forms ofPhilaenus spumariusgive new insights to the study of its balanced polymorphism
Q113798259Differential susceptibility to variable plant phenology and its role in competition between two insect herbivores on oak
Q115555360Differential vulnerability of prey to an invading top predator: integrating field surveys and laboratory experiments
Q57249101Differing contributions of density dependence and climate to the population dynamics of three eruptive herbivores
Q113798930Differing non‐linear, lagged effects of temperature and precipitation on an insect herbivore and its host plant
Q57061869Digestion rate in relation to alternative feeding in three species of polyphagous predators
Q114298734Digging out intersexual and meteorological effects on cicada emergence using 10‐year citizen monitoring
Q111264003Dinner with the roommates: trophic niche differentiation and competition in a mutualistic ant‐ant association
Q125340503Direct and indirect effects of plant genetic variation on enemy impact
Q57607664Direct and indirect effects of soil structure on the density of an antlion larva in a tropical dry forest
Q60579204Direct and indirect effects of weather variability in a specialist butterfly
Q120686455Discordant pattern between realised and fundamental saline niches in two supralittoral Ochthebius species (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae)
Q113173198Discrimination between 'self and‘non-self’eggs by egg-laying seed beetles: a reassessment
Q57261043Dispersal and egg shortfall in Monarch butterflies: what happens when the matrix is cleaned up?
Q110790206Dispersal capability in a habitat specialist bush cricket: the role of population density and habitat moisture
Q57596861Dispersal in the Glanville fritillary butterfly in fragmented versus continuous landscapes: comparison between three methods
Q62545845Dispersal of butterflies in a New Guinea rainforest: using mark-recapture methods in a large, homogeneous habitat
Q115532919Dispersal to predator-free space counterweighs fecundity costs in alate aphid morphs
Q125406964Distinct diurnal and nocturnal flower visitor communities provide pollination services in urban gardens
Q129097052Distinct feeding strategies of generalist and specialist spiders
Q111493055Distribution and abundance of the intertidal saltmarsh beetle, Bledius spectabilis
Q64032574Distribution and spacing of Drosophila mycetophaga flies on bracket fungi used as mating arenas
Q60321701Distribution, host specificity, and the potential for cryptic speciation in hoverfly Microdon myrmicae (Diptera: Syrphidae), a social parasite of Myrmica ants
Q59270684Diurnal activity patterns in hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae)
Q127171981Divergent chemosensory gene expression accompanies ecological specialisation of pea aphid morphs
Q125421152Divergent effects of leaf‐cutting ant herbivory and soil engineering on the reproductive success of plants in a Caatinga dry forest
Q113798922Diverging effects of geographic distance and local habitat quality on the genetic characteristics of three butterfly species
Q112798582Diverse diet compositions among harpaline ground beetle species revealed by mixing model analyses of stable isotope ratios
Q57199991Diversity and abundance of insect herbivores foraging on seedlings in a rainforest in Guyana
Q115396383Diversity and distribution of aphids in the Qinghai?Tibetan Plateau?Himalayas
Q115396469Diversity and distribution patterns of some mesophyll-feeding leaf hoppers of temperate woodland canopy
Q115396405Diversity and faunistics of small moths (Microlepidoptera) in Bornean rainforest
Q60232024Diversity and specificity of host-natural enemy interactions in an urban-rural interface
Q115432290Diversity patterns of eucalypt canopy arthropods in eastern and western Australia
Q111264008Do bipartite binary antagonistic and mutualistic networks have different responses to the taxonomic resolution of nodes?
Q56386168Do caterpillars disperse their damage?: larval foraging behaviour of two specialist herbivores, Euphydryas phaeton (Nymphalidae) and Pieris rapae (Pieridae)
Q129712040Do defoliating insects distinguish between symmetric and asymmetric leaves within a plant?
Q60361608Do dung beetle larvae need microbial symbionts from their parents to feed on dung?
Q67311512Do galls protect endophytic herbivores from parasitoids? A comparison of galling and non-galling Diptera
Q113036790Do hypotheses from short-term studies hold in the long-term? An empirical test
Q111264634Do leaf domatia mediate a plant-mite mutualism? An experimental test of the effects on predators and herbivores
Q56674761Do leaf shelters always protect caterpillars from invertebrate predators?
Q112800889Do males with higher mating success invest more in armaments? An across-populations study in damselflies
Q113855227Do parasitoids diversify in response to host-plant shifts by herbivorous insects?
Q113798245Do trees in urban or ornamental plantings receive more damage by insects than trees in natural forests?
Q118129054Donon‐nativeplants contribute to insect declines?
Q115532227Does aggregation benefit bark beetles by diluting predation? Links between a group-colonisation strategy and the absence of emergent multiple predator effects
Q113174586Does allometry of a sexually selected ornamental trait vary with sexual selection intensity? A multi-species test in damselflies
Q60557027Does competition with wind-pollinated species alter Echium plantagineum 's attractiveness to a common pollinator Bombus terrestris ?
Q35903841Does differential predation permit invasive and native mosquito larvae to coexist in Florida?
Q56967746Does host-plant diversity explain species richness in insects? A test using Coccidae (Hemiptera)
Q57008612Does intraspecific size variation in bumblebees allow colonies to efficiently exploit different flowers?
Q113033949Does low nutritional quality act as a plant defence? An experimental test of the slow-growth, high-mortality hypothesis
Q56974751Does microhabitat structure affect foliar mite assemblages?
Q113033924Does mother know best? The preference-performance hypothesis and parent-offspring conflict in aboveground-belowground herbivore life cycles
Q117787919Does the host plant affect the benefits from mutualisms? The invasive mealybug and ghost ant association
Q56771330Does the periodical cicada,Magicicada septendecim,prefer to oviposit on native or exotic plant species?
Q114255655Does this title bug (Hemiptera) you? How to write a title that increases your citations
Q113271259Does variation in female body size affect nesting success in Dawson’s burrowing bee,Amegilla dawsoni(Apidae: Anthophorini)?
Q60292641DoesAconitum septentrionalechemically protect floral rewards to the advantage of specialist bumblebees?
Q56447426Drastic changes in host preference in a gall-parasitic flea weevil,Orchestes hustachei, during the last decade
Q115405443Drivers of the beta diversity of spider assemblages in southern Brazilian temporary wetlands
Q114367608Dropping behaviour of larvae of aphidophagous ladybirds and its effects on incidence of intraguild predation: interactions between the intraguild prey, Adalia bipunctata (L.) and Coccinella septempunctata (L.), and the intraguild predator, Harmonia
Q115405457Dung beetle diversity and functions suggest no major impacts of cattle grazing in the Brazilian Pantanal wetlands
Q110868378Dung beetles as hydrological engineers: effects of tunnelling on soil infiltration
Q113087413Dung beetles can sow: the potential of secondary seed dispersers to assist ecological restoration
Q113181675Dung beetles in a Central Amazonian rainforest and their ecological role as secondary seed dispersers
Q114146073Dung or carrion? Sex and age determine resource attraction in dung beetles
Q57266154Dung pad residence time covaries with male morphology in the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus
Q122859791Dynamic distribution modelling of the swamp tigertail dragonfly Synthemis eustalacta (Odonata: Anisoptera: Synthemistidae) over a 20‐year bushfire regime
Q117705405Dynamic landscapes shape post-wildfire recolonisation and genetic structure of the endangered Hermes copper (Lycaena hermes) butterfly
Q59404655Dynamics in a butterfly-plant-ant system: influence of habitat characteristics on turnover rates of the endangered lycaenidMaculinea alcon
Q60531994Dynamics of cannibalism in equal-aged cohorts ofSpodoptera frugiperda
Q59757973Dynamics of parasitism in the organ-pipe wasp, Trypoxylon politurn: effects of spatial scale on parasitoid functional response
Q115555366Dynamics of springtail and mite populations: the role of density dependence, predation, and weather
Q112800891Early exposure to predation risk carries over metamorphosis in two distantly related freshwater insects
Q43047790Ecological Entomology
Q125580584Ecological Entomology – leading ecology into the 21st Century? Twenty‐five years of excellence in perspective
Q115405426Ecological assembly rules on arthropod community inhabiting mistletoes
Q59160801Ecological distribution and niche segregation of sibling species: the case of bean beetles, Acanthoscelides obtectus Say and A. obvelatus Bridwell
Q111264027Ecological effects of multi-species, ant-hemipteran mutualisms in citrus
Q30052067Ecological interactions among ants in the genus Linepithema, their phorid parasitoids, and ant competitors
Q28829696Ecological management of cereal stemborers in African smallholder agriculture through behavioural manipulation
Q112264664Ecological methods for adult populations of Oryctes rhinoceros (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Q111493058Ecological significance of wing polymorphism in Fulgoroidea which inhabit tidal salt marshes
Q113798952Ecological stoichiometry and nutrient partitioning in two insect herbivores responsible for large-scale forest disturbance in the Fennoscandian subarctic
Q56770823Ecologically heterogeneous populations of the invasive antWasmannia auropunctatawithin its native and introduced ranges
Q57196890Ecology of Lepidoptera associated with bird nests in mid-Wales, UK
Q112264665Ecology of baculovirus-infected and healthy adults of Oryctes rhinoceros (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on coconut palms in the Philippines
Q60519691Ecology shapes metabolic and life history scalings in termites
Q112810957Economic motivation for plant species preferences of pollen-collecting bumble bees
Q113173208Ecophysiological aspects of bruchid reproduction. I. The influence of pod maturity and seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris and the influence of insemination on the reproductive activity ofZabrotes subfasciatus
Q57242942Ecosystem engineering by leaf-cutting ants: nests of Atta cephalotes drastically alter forest structure and microclimate
Q110790434Ecosystem functioning in relation to species identity, density, and biomass in two tunneller dung beetles
Q125476959Ecosystem functions and functional traits for the study of phytophagous scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Q126806956Effect of desiccation on mosquito oviposition site selection in Mediterranean temporary habitats
Q57026007Effect of dung beetle species richness and chemical perturbation on multiple ecosystem functions
Q115555354Effect of emigration on cannibalism and intraguild predation in aphidophagous ladybirds
Q113855241Effect of food plant switching by a herbivore on its parasitoid: Cotesia melanoscela development in Lymantria dispar exposed to reciprocal dietary crosses
Q60537418Effect of fragmentation on predation pressure of insect herbivores in a north temperate deciduous forest ecosystem
Q110704382Effect of harvester ants of the genus Pogonomyrmex on the soil seed bank around their nests in the central Monte desert, Argentina
Q60569992Effect of local spatial plant distribution and conspecific density on bumble bee foraging behaviour
Q56639686Effect of mating frequency and brood cell infestation rate on the reproductive success of the honeybee parasite Varroa jacobsoni
Q57613577Effect of non-lethal sampling on life-history traits of the protected mothGraellsia isabelae(Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
Q115531771Effect of sex and bright coloration on survival and predator-induced wing damage in an aposematic lantern fly with startle display
Q112490762Effect of timing and exposure of sunflower pollen on a common gut pathogen of bumble bees
Q125984255Effects of Formica podzolica ant colonies on soil moisture, nitrogen, and plant communities near nests
Q60550133Effects of aggregation pheromone on individual behaviour and food web interactions: a field study on Drosophila
Q125388209Effects of altered precipitation on insect community composition and structure in a meadow steppe
Q57440795Effects of alternative food on cannibalism and herbivore suppression by carabid larvae
Q60306201Effects of aphids on foliar foraging by Argentine ants and the resulting effects on other arthropods
Q57196911Effects of climate warming on host-parasitoid interactions
Q60526321Effects of colony size on larval performance in a processionary moth
Q56772447Effects of competition, cannibalism and intra-guild predation on larval development of the European coccinellidAdalia bipunctataand the invasive speciesHarmonia axyridis
Q57262038Effects of diet quality on performance and nutrient regulation in an omnivorous katydid
Q56998988Effects of dietary nicotine on the development of an insect herbivore, its parasitoid and secondary hyperparasitoid over four trophic levels
Q57648994Effects of eucalypt nutritional quality on the Bog gum-Victorian metapopulation of Ctenarytaina bipartita and implications for host and range expansion
Q35647205Effects of experimental warming on survival, phenology and morphology of an aquatic insect (Odonata).
Q56883203Effects of female feeding regime in a sexually cannibalistic mantid: fecundity, cannibalism, and male response in Stagmomantis limbata (Mantodea)
Q114627629Effects of fertilisation on amino acid mobilisation by a plant-manipulating insect
Q63170546Effects of food plant and group size on predator defence: differences between two co-occurring aposematic Lygaeinae bugs
Q112800883Effects of forest loss and fragmentation on pollen diets and provision mass of the mason bee,Osmia cornifrons, in central Japan
Q125098730Effects of gender and mating status on self‐directed dispersal by the whitefly parasitoidEretmocerus eremicus
Q113173192Effects of grazing and ant/beetle interaction on seed production in the legume Vicia sepium in a seminatural grassland
Q57027577Effects of grazing intensity on pollinator abundance and diversity, and on pollination services
Q56779407Effects of habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, and isolation on the density, species richness, and distribution of ladybeetles in manipulated alfalfa landscapes
Q113798251Effects of herbivory and genotype on growth and survivorship of sand-dune willow (Salix cordata)
Q56781652Effects of human presence on two social wasp species
Q60453856Effects of insects on primary production in temperate herbaceous communities: a meta-analysis
Q59118152Effects of inundation and salt on the survival of ants in a sandy coastal plain
Q113798936Effects of large herbivore grazing on grasshopper behaviour and abundance in a meadow steppe
Q124981538Effects of large‐scale host plant addition and removal on parasitoid‐mediated associational resistance in the gall midge Asphondylia borrichiae
Q92616736Effects of larval density on a natural population of Culex restuans (Diptera: Culicidae): No evidence of compensatory mortality
Q125808213Effects of livestock breed and grazing pressure on ground‐dwelling arthropods in Cantabrian heathlands
Q125055004Effects of origin and experience on patterns of host acceptance by the opiine parasitoid Diachasmimorpha tryoni
Q57032069Effects of plant diversity and structural complexity on parasitoid behaviour in a field experiment
Q115531892Effects of predation on clutch size and egg dispersion in the codling moth Laspeyresia pomonella
Q110790435Effects of predation pressure and prey density on short‐term indirect interactions between two prey species that share a common predator
Q115532944Effects of predation risk and plant resistance onManduca sextacaterpillar feeding behaviour and physiology
Q115531876Effects of predation risk on mate choice in female Acheta domesticus crickets
Q60395186Effects of prescribed fire on an ant community in Florida pine savanna
Q115531900Effects of prey-size and predator-instar on the predation of Daphnia by Notonecta
Q113271264Effects of reproductive timing and colony size on the survival, offspring colony size and drone production in the honey bee (Apis mellifera)
Q113271255Effects of resource availability and social parasite invasion on field colonies of Bombus terrestris
Q113173193Effects of search experience in a resource-heterogeneous environment on the oviposition decisions of the seed beetle,Callosobruchus maculatus(F.)
Q59084289Effects of short-term exposure to naturally occurring thymol concentrations on transmission of a bumble bee parasite
Q115531762Effects of size structure and habitat complexity on predator-prey interactions
Q57249385Effects of small-scale grassland fragmentation and frequent mowing on population density and species diversity of orthopterans: a long-term study
Q113855221Effects of specialist parasitoids on oviposition preference of phytophagous insects: encounter-dilution effects in a tritrophic interaction
Q60578812Effects of submergence by winter floods on diapausing caterpillars of a wetland butterfly, Lycaena dispar batavus
Q58729852Effects of temperature and elevation on habitat use by a rare mountain butterfly: implications for species responses to climate change
Q122710983Effects of temperature and season on egg size, hatchling size and adult size in Notiophilus biguttatus
Q56480640Effects of tree mortality caused by a bark beetle outbreak on the ant community in the San Bernardino National Forest
Q112800881Effects of tree species diversity on insect herbivory and leaf defences in Cordia dodecandra
Q125590682Effects of water mites on the damselfly Ceriagrion tenellum
Q56663761Effects of zebra mussel attachment on the foraging behaviour of a larval dragonfly, Macromia illinoiensis
Q58803195Efficient floret inspection by honeybees in capitula of Carduus acanthoides
Q62638394Egg deposition patterns of fig pollinating wasps: implications for studies on the stability of the mutualism
Q123193947Egg hatching inhibition: field evidence for population regulation in a treehole mosquito
Q56287806Egg laying decisions by the bean weevil Callosobruchus maculatus
Q57649019Elevated anthocyanins protect young Eucalyptus leaves from high irradiance but also indicate foliar nutritional quality to visually attuned psyllids
Q60281529Elevated carbon dioxide results in smaller populations of the bird cherry - oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi
Q60462630Elevated volatile concentrations in high-nutrient plants: do insect herbivores pay a high price for good food?
Q57001766Elevation and experimental snowmelt manipulation affect emergence phenology and abundance of soil-hibernating arthropods
Q114081928Elevational boundaries influence richness patterns at large spatial scales evinced by madicolous insects of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Q58729752Elevational trends in butterfly phenology: implications for species responses to climate change
Q115532921Elevationally biased avian predation as a contributor to the spatial distribution of geometrid moth outbreaks in sub-arctic mountain birch forest
Q123209423Emergence of flies from overwintering populations of cabbage root fly pupae
Q115405527Emergent effects of ground beetles size diversity on the strength of prey suppression
Q99962857Encapsulation of parasitoid eggs in soft scales (Homoptera: Coccidae)*
Q115531867Endophytic fungi decrease available resources for the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi and impair their ability to induce defences against predators
Q125920439Endosymbionts mediate the effects of antibiotic exposure in the tramp ant Cardiocondyla obscurior
Q57052512Energy reserves of parasitoids depend on honeydew from non-hosts
Q56785103Entomogenous fungi in tropical forest ecosystems: an appraisal
Q57201204Entomopathogenic fungi stimulate transgenerational wing induction in pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Q57205129Environmental and geographical determinants of beta diversity of leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in the Iberian Peninsula
Q125687834Environmental conditions and their impact on immunocompetence and pathogen susceptibility of the Caribbean termite Nasutitermes acajutlae
Q112798579Environmental context alters ecological trade-offs controlling ant coexistence in a spatially heterogeneous region
Q115405475Environmental diversity constrains learning inDrosophila melanogaster
Q59221308Environmental features influencing Carabid beetle (Coleoptera) assemblages along a recently deglaciated area in the Alpine region
Q57196933Escape from natural enemies during climate-driven range expansion: a case study
Q112800858Essential but invisible: non‐apparent but widespread ant nests favour soil nutrients and plant growth in semi‐arid areas
Q60267102Estimating changes in mean population age using the death distributions of live-captured medflies
Q115432296Estimating global biodiversity: tropical beetles and wasps send different signals
Q113271256Estimating the population size of specialised solitary bees
Q125847375Estimating the susceptibility of tree species to attack by the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar
Q57016364Estimation of dispersal distances of the obligately plant-associated ant Crematogaster decamera
Q54571196Euphorine phylogeny: the evolution of diversity in host-utilization by parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
Q63000336Evaluating a putative mimetic relationship between two butterflies, Adelpha bredowii and Limenitis lorquini
Q57777984Evaluating female remating rates in light of spermatophore degradation in Heliconius butterflies: pupal-mating monandry versus adult-mating polyandry
Q112800853Evaluating intraspecific variation in insect trait analysis
Q115532942Evergreen foliage allows early hatching in a pine processionary moth and escape from predation
Q110744799Evidence for a substantial host-use bottleneck following the invasion of an exotic, polyphagous weevil
Q29304690Evidence for hilltopping in bumblebees?
Q110809108Evidence for mate-encounter Allee effect in an invasive longhorn beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Q111263886Evidence for mutualism between a flower-piercing carpenter bee and ocotillo: use of pollen and nectar by nesting bees
Q111172573Evidence for the transfer of a soil-borne contaminant from plants to ants via an aphid mediator
Q113174562Evolution of host acceptance and its reversibility in a seed beetle
Q56773248Evolution of increased cold tolerance during range expansion of the elongate hemlock scaleFiorinia externaFerris (Hemiptera: Diaspididae)
Q112207609Evolutionary conservatism of geographic variation in host preference in Callosobruchus maculatus
Q60287784Expansion of the winter moth outbreak range: no restrictive effects of competition with the resident autumnal moth
Q115555383Experimental evidence for predation risk sensitive oviposition by a mosquito, Culiseta longiareolata
Q124983772Experimental evidence for weak effects of fire ants in a naturally invaded pine‐savanna ecosystem in north Florida
Q111264007Experimental field test of the influence of generalist stingless bees (Meliponini) on the topology of a bee–flower mutualistic network in the tropics
Q57411588Experimental logging alters the abundance and community composition of ovipositing mosquitoes in the southern Appalachians
Q62545864Experimental suppression of ants foraging on rainforest vegetation in New Guinea: testing methods for a whole-forest manipulation of insect communities
Q126045596Experimental warming disrupts reproduction and dung burial by a ball‐rolling dung beetle
Q115532219Exposure of arthropod predators to Cry1Ab toxin in Bt maize fields
Q126986112Exposure to potentially cannibalistic conspecifics induces an increased immune response
Q122204295Exposure to the neonicotinoid imidacloprid disrupts sex allocation cue use during superparasitism in the parasitoid waspNasonia vitripennis
Q57066782Extended larval development time for aphid parasitoids in the presence of plant endosymbionts
Q107316476Extreme ecological stoichiometry of a bark beetle–fungus mutualism
Q113389133Facial area and hairiness of pollinators visiting semi‐natural grassland wild plants predict their facial pollen load
Q113798941Facilitation between invasive herbivores: hemlock woolly adelgid increases gypsy moth preference for and performance on eastern hemlock
Q57532377Facultative bacterial endosymbionts benefit pea aphids Acyrthosiphon pisum under heat stress
Q111344621Facultative defences and specialist herbivores? Cinnabar moth (Tyria jacobaeae) on the re growth foliage of ragwort (Senecio jacobaea)
Q60270912Faithful vertical transmission but ineffective horizontal transmission of bacterial endosymbionts during sexual reproduction of the black bean aphid,Aphis fabae
Q56926827Feeding ecology and phylogenetic structure of a complex neotropical termite assemblage, revealed by nitrogen stable isotope ratios
Q60233918Feeding strategies in drosophilid parasitoids: the impact of natural food resources on energy reserves in females
Q124826549Feeny revisited: condensed tannins as anti‐herbivore defences in leaf‐chewing herbivore communities of Quercus
Q113173196Female-biased sex ratio in a wild bruchid seed-predator, Kytorhinus sharpianus. I. Larval competition and other factors
Q112810952Females of the European beewolf preserve their honeybee prey against competing fungi
Q112800877Field experiments show contradictory short‐ and long‐term myrmecochorous plant impacts on seed‐dispersing ants
Q60578811Field studies on flooding and survival of overwintering large heath butterfly Coenonympha tullia larvae on Fenn’s and Whixall Mosses in Shropshire and Wrexham, U.K
Q57637966Fighting in fig wasps: do males avoid killing brothers or do they never meet them?
Q114081922Fire affects galling insect communities through vegetation changes in a subtropical seasonally semiarid forest
Q55839589Fire ant predation on native and introduced subterranean termites in the laboratory: effect of high soldier number in Coptotermes formosanus
Q56936813Fire ants are drivers of biodiversity loss: a reply to King and Tschinkel (2013)
Q115405530Fire ants are not drivers of biodiversity change: a response to Stuble et al. (2013)
Q57069035Fire effects on insect herbivores in an oak savanna: the role of light and nutrients
Q60540008Fire? They don't give a dung! The resilience of dung beetles to fire in a tropical savanna
Q59085444First record of an apparently rare fig wasp feeding strategy: obligate seed predation
Q112798589Fit for succession - community structure and life strategies of leafhoppers in urban brownfields
Q59700254Fitness advantage from nuptial gifts in female fireflies
Q122966059Fitness and microbial networks of the common wasp, Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), in its native and introduced ranges
Q111263875Fitness consequences of nest infiltration by the mutualist-exploiterMegalomyrmex adamsae
Q60449904Fitness costs and benefits of shelter building and leaf trenching behaviour in a pyralid caterpillar
Q62589144Fitness of two sibling species of Asobara (Braconidae:Alysiinae), larval parasitoids of Drosophilidae in different microhabitats
Q125119817Flexibility in the composition and concentration of amino acids in honeydew of the drepanosiphid aphidTuberculatus quercicola
Q60506524Flexible larval development and the timing of destructive feeding by a solitary endoparasitoid: an optimal foraging problem in evolutionary perspective
Q115555365Flexible use of patch marks in an insect predator: effect of sex, hunger state, and patch quality
Q58430234Flight activity of adult stoneflies in relation to weather
Q120068805Flight morphology corresponds to both surrounding landscape structure and local patch conditions in a highly specialized peatland butterfly (Lycaena epixanthe)
Q113272066Floral bagging differentially affects handling behaviours and single‐visit pollen deposition by honey bees and native bees
Q113272052Floral resource continuity boosts bumble bee colony performance relative to variable floral resources
Q59845931Floral resource pulse decreases bumble bee foraging trip duration in central Wisconsin agroecosystem
Q113272078Floral resources, body size, and surrounding landscape influence bee community assemblages in oak-savannah fragments
Q112798588Floral visitation patterns of two invasive ant species and their effects on other hymenopteran visitors
Q112798577Floral visitors and ant scent marks: noticed but not used?
Q117787901Florivory is an alternative but suboptimal diet for an invasive leaf‐feeding beetle
Q57065163Flower-heads, herbivores, and their parasitoids: food web structure along a fertility gradient
Q55869711Flowers at the front line of invasion?
Q114367504Fluctuating asymmetry in relation to two fitness components, adult longevity and male mating success in a ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
Q125860211Fluctuations in the abundance of butterflies, 1976–82
Q112798584Foliage-age mixing within balsam fir increases the fitness of a generalist caterpillar
Q67311511Foliar damage, parasitoids and indirect competition: a test using herbivores of birch
Q57032102Food plant and herbivore host species affect the outcome of intrinsic competition among parasitoid larvae
Q125314655Food resource partition in the beech leaf‐feeding guild
Q59117612Forage collection, substrate preparation, and diet composition in fungus-growing ants
Q56873711Foraging activity and dietary spectrum of wood ants (Formica rufagroup) and their role in nutrient fluxes in boreal forests
Q57242911Foraging activity of leaf-cutting ants changes light availability and plant assemblage in Atlantic forest
Q61883747Foraging and courtship behaviour in males of the solitary bee Anthophora plumipes (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae): thermal physiology and the roles of body size
Q115532223Foraging behaviour influences the outcome of predator-predator interactions
Q115555381Foraging behaviour of caterpillars given a choice of plant genotypes in the presence of insect predators
Q58803201Foraging by honeybees on Carduus acanthoides: pattern and efficiency
Q125584841Foraging by the carabid Agonum dorsale in the field
Q125564568Foraging byAtta sexdens(Formicidae: Attini): seasonal patterns, caste and efficiency
Q125574846Foraging ecology and patterns of diversification in dipteran parasitoids of fire ants in south Brazil
Q59270703Foraging ecology of hoverflies: morphology of the mouthparts in relation to feeding on nectar and pollen in some common urban species
Q128900801Foraging preferences of ants on a heterogeneous Brazilian sandy shore habitat
Q57002157Foraging trip duration of bumblebees in relation to landscape-wide resource availability
Q117219566Forest and grassland habitats support pollinator diversity more than wildflowers and sunflower monoculture
Q126049847Forest complexity drives dung beetle assemblages along an edge‐interior gradient in the southwest Amazon rainforest
Q100252554Forests do not limit bumble bee foraging movements in a montane meadow complex
Q60504207Frequency-dependent and density-dependent larval competition between life-history strains of a fly, Lucilia cuprina
Q115405402Friend and foe? The effects of grassland management on global patterns of spider diversity
Q36370288Friend or foe: inter-specific interactions and conflicts of interest within the family.
Q126628621From dusk till dawn: camera traps reveal the diel patterns of flower feeding by hawkmoths
Q112800840From forest to forestry: Reassembly of spider communities after native forest replacement by pine monocultures
Q111419163From logs to landscapes: determining the scale of ecological processes affecting the incidence of a saproxylic beetle
Q127713104Fruit‐breeding drosophilids (Diptera) in the Neotropics: playing the field and specialising in generalism?
Q114627164Functional benefits of predator species diversity depend on prey identity
Q57013944Functional diversity decreases with temperature in high elevation ant fauna
Q112664016Functional resin use in solitary bees
Q112800839Functional responses to anthropogenic disturbance and the importance of selected traits: A study case using dung beetles
Q115432300GENETIC STRUCTURE AND LOCAL ADAPTATION IN NATURAL INSECT POPULATIONS. Edited by Susan Mopper and Sharon Y. Strauss. Chapman and Hall, New York. 1998. Hardback, £65.00. ISBN 0-412-08031-1.
Q59987721Gall wasps and their parasitoids in cork oak fragmented forests
Q115405504Gall-forming insects in a lowland tropical rainforest: low species diversity in an extremely specialised guild
Q106206106Gallers as leaf rollers: ecosystem engineering in a tropical system and its effects on arthropod biodiversity
Q54586288Generalist dung attraction response in a New Zealand dung beetle that evolved with an absence of mammalian herbivores
Q115531756Generalist predation on forest tent caterpillar varies with forest stand composition: an experimental study across multiple life stages
Q57265300Genetic and social structure of the queen size dimorphic ant Leptothorax cf. andrei
Q113173188Genetic divergence and ecological specialisation of seed weevils (Exapion spp.) on gorses (Ulex spp.)
Q115432261Genetic diversity and widespread haplotypes in a migratory dragonfly, the common green darnerAnax junius
Q56967819Genetic diversity, host-specificity and unusual phylogeography of a cryptic, host-associated species complex of gall-inducing scale insects
Q128162706Genetic mixing facilitates adaptation to a novel environmental constraint
Q30052095Genetic signature of the colonisation dynamics along a coastal expansion front in the damselflyCoenagrion scitulum
Q56961585Genetic, morphological, and dietary changes associated with novel habitat colonisation in the Canary Island endemic grasshopperAcrostira bellamyi
Q112798593Genotype and environment interact to influence acceptability and suitability of white spruce for a specialist herbivore, Zeiraphera canadensis
Q60466091Geographic differences in flash intervals and pre-mating isolation between populations of the Genji firefly, Luciola cruciata
Q113798940Geographic variation in performance of a widespread generalist insect herbivore
Q115531862Geographic variation in prey preference in bark beetle predators
Q59498299Geographic variation in reproductive success of the parasitoid Asobara tabida in larvae of several Drosophila species
Q57236251Geographical patterns of hoverfly (Diptera, Syrphidae) functional groups in Europe: inconsistency in environmental correlates and latitudinal trends
Q112798595Geographical variability in, and temperature effects on, the phenology of Maniola jurtina and Pyronia tithonus (Lepidoptera, Satyrinae) in England and Wales
Q56020366Geographical variation in food web structure in Nepenthes pitcher plants
Q59117924Geographical variation in host-ant specificity of the parasitic butterfly Maculinea alcon in Denmark
Q115532923Geographical variation in mandible morphologies specialised for collembolan predation depend on prey size in the antStrumigenys lewisi
Q60430044Grain aphid clones vary in frost resistance, but this trait is not influenced by facultative endosymbionts
Q60573755Granivory in terrestrial isopods
Q60544922Grasshopper egg mortality mediated by oviposition tactics and fire intensity
Q114081910Gregarious caterpillars shorten their larval development time in response to simulated predation threat
Q57008059Growth, development, and life-history strategies in an unpredictable environment: case study of a rare hoverflyBlera fallax(Diptera, Syrphidae)
Q57230058Guards and thieves: antagonistic interactions between two ant species coexisting on the same ant-plant
Q112810951Gut content analysis and a new feeding group classification of termites
Q119652630Gut content metabarcoding of three widespread Iberian ant‐eating spiders reveals specialisation on the same abundant harvester ants
Q56419303Habitat association and coexistence of endemic and introduced ant species in the Galápagos Islands
Q115555347Habitat edges as a potential ecological trap for an insect predator
Q110789466Habitat loss and degradation due to farming intensification modify the floral visitor assemblages of a semiarid keystone shrub
Q125867890Habitat selection in a large orb‐weaving spider: vegetational complexity determines site selection and distribution
Q111264019Habitat variation, mutualism and predation shape the spatio-temporal dynamics of tansy aphids
Q114081948Hanging in the treetops: anin situexperiment in ancient hemlock assessing outbreak defoliator performance among crown levels
Q113173183Harvester ants modify seed rain using nest vegetation and granivory
Q114645827Health food versus fast food: the effects of prey quality and mobility on prey selection by a generalist predator and indirect interactions among prey species
Q125477074Heatwaves increase larval mortality and delay development of a solitary bee
Q56998913Herbivore-induced plant responses inBrassica oleraceaprevail over effects of constitutive resistance and result in enhanced herbivore attack
Q113798959Herbivorous insect decreases plant nutrient uptake: the role of soil nutrient availability and association of below-ground symbionts
Q113798248Herbivorous insect species in the tree canopy of a relict South African forest
Q56783318Herbivory alters resource allocation and compensation in the invasive tree Melaleuca quinquenervia
Q125777840Herbivory by subterranean termite colonies and the development of fairy circles in SW Namibia
Q114146070Hiding among holes: mechanisms underlying the evolution of masquerade in flea beetles (Chrysomelidae)
Q125630667High densities of leaf‐tiers in open habitats are explained by host plant architecture
Q115396868High local species richness of parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae; Pimplinae and Rhyssinae) from the lowland rainforests of Peruvian Amazonia
Q113798929High temperature and soil moisture reduce host‐plant quality for an insect herbivore
Q56837350Higher gregarine parasitism often in sibling species of host damselflies with smaller geographical distributions
Q60254796Higher investment in flight morphology does not trade off with fecundity estimates in a poleward range-expanding damselfly
Q56619633Higher productivity at the cost of increased host-specificity when Maculinea butterfly larvae exploit ant colonies through trophallaxis rather than by predation
Q60535368Historical dynamics of a native cerambycid, Enaphalodes rufulus, in relation to climate in the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas
Q113272053Homing ability in a tropical Asian stingless bee is influenced by interaction between release distances and urbanisation
Q127183318Honeydew composition and its effect on life‐history parameters of hyperparasitoids
Q57638075Horizontal transmission of Wolbachia in a Drosophila community
Q59271065Host choice byAphidius colemani: effects of plants, plant-aphid combinations and the presence of intra-guild predators
Q60271086Host genotype affects the relative success of competing lines of aphid parasitoids under superparasitism
Q59732134Host phylogeny and nutrient content drive galler diversity and abundance on willows
Q115396460Host plant associations, diversity and species—area relationships of mesophyll-feeding leafhoppers of trees and shrubs in Britain
Q57434232Host plant direct defence against eggs of its specialist herbivore, Heliothis subflexa
Q57031711Host plant effects on the behavioural phenotype of a Chrysomelid
Q58039825Host plant finding in the specialised leaf beetle Cassida canaliculata: an analysis of small-scale movement behaviour
Q57886949Host plant growth characteristics as determinants of abundance and phenology in jumping plant-lice on downy willow
Q129965620Host plant nitrogen enrichment has both positive and negative effects on the larval growth of a specialist butterfly
Q113181752Host plant phenology may determine the abundance of an ecosystem engineering herbivore in a tropical savanna
Q119583044Host plant selection by Cerambycidae in two different strata in association with seasonality and physical wood characteristics in a tropical dry forest
Q99966699Host plant specificity in several species of generalist mite predators
Q125015177Host plant taxonomy and phenotype influence the structure of a neotropical host plant-hispine beetle food web
Q60568405Host plant variation in plant-mediated indirect effects: moth boring-induced susceptibility of willows to a specialist leaf beetle
Q57251443Host plants and butterfly biology. Do host-plant strategies drive butterfly status?
Q57032080Host preference and offspring performance are linked in three congeneric hyperparasitoid species
Q112798590Host preferences in a phonotactic parasitoid of field crickets: the relative importance of host song characters
Q117787911Host quality does not matter to native or invasive cactus moth larvae: grave implications for North American prickly pears
Q112800843Host repertoires and changing insect–plant interactions
Q56771656Host selection and sex ratio in a heteronomous hyperparasitoid
Q57001784Host shifting by Operophtera brumata into novel environments leads to population differentiation in life-history traits
Q62545902Host specificity of ambrosia and bark beetles (Col., Curculionidae: Scolytinae and Platypodinae) in a New Guinea rainforest
Q60488020Host tree architecture mediates the effect of predators on herbivore survival
Q58261262Host utilisation by moth and larval survival of pine processionary caterpillar Thaumetopoea pityocampa in relation to food quality in three Pinus species
Q58875715Host-plant quality adaptively affects the diapause threshold: evidence from leaf beetles in willow plantations
Q112798587Host-plant quality alters grass/forb consumption by a mixed-feeding insect herbivore,Melanoplus bivittatus(Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q60526335Host-plant use in the range expansion of the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa
Q99974494Host-specificity constrains evolutionary host change in the psyllid Prosopidopsylla flava
Q125659678Host‐searching responses to herbivory‐associated chemical information and patch use depend on mating status of female solitary parasitoid wasps
Q128209541Host‐size decisions of female parasitoid wasps seeking hidden hosts
Q115213296How climate change affects the seasonal ecology of insect parasitoids
Q110626362How do invasive species affect native species? Experimental evidence from a carrion blowfly (Diptera: Calliphoridae) system
Q113173194How labile are the egg-laying preferences of seed beetles?
Q113033934How many species are there in apple insect communities?: testing the resource diversity and intermediate disturbance hypotheses
Q36533344How much flower-rich habitat is enough for wild pollinators? Answering a key policy question with incomplete knowledge
Q34308399Hunger-dependent and Sex-specific Antipredator Behaviour of Larvae of a Size-dimorphic Mosquito
Q115405386Identification of the missing links in parasite–host networks using the dark diversity concept: a case study with two taxonomic groups of ectoparasitic arthropods and small mammalian hosts
Q115532960Identifying inter- and intra-guild feeding activity of an arthropod predator assemblage
Q60394670Identity and combinations of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal isolates influence plant resistance and insect preference
Q62569357Immediate protein dietary effects on movement and the generalised immunocompetence of migrating Mormon cricketsAnabrus simplex(Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Q59208719Impact of an invasive alien ant,Wasmannia auropunctataRoger., on a specialised plant-ant mutualism,Barteria fistulosaMast. andTetraponera aethiopsF. Smith., in a Gabon forest
Q115555352Impact of avian and arthropod predation on lepidopteran caterpillar densities and plant productivity in an ephemeral agroecosystem
Q113036795Impact of diet quality on demographic attributes in adult grasshoppers and the nitrogen limitation hypothesis
Q36851532Impact of inter- and intra-specific competition among larvae on larval, adult, and life-table traits of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus females
Q60329512Impact of intraguild predation on parasitoid foraging behaviour
Q125681030Impact of non‐pathogenic bacteria on insect disease resistance: importance of ecological context
Q58883932Impact of plant cover on the cavity-nesting ant Temnothorax crassispinus
Q112800872Impact of seed abundance on seed processing and dispersal by the red ant Myrmica rubra
Q56776519Impacts of Argentine ants on mealybugs and their natural enemies in California’s coastal vineyards
Q56439895Impacts of exotic spider spillover on resident arthropod communities in a natural habitat
Q123242031Impacts of grazing intensity and increased precipitation on a grasshopper assemblage (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in a meadow steppe
Q117043577In plateaus, land cover replaced climate as the vital environmental factor on the spatial composition of bumblebees with the altitude rising
Q56431696Indirect effects of grazing intensity on pollinators and floral visitation
Q111264022Indirect mutualism: ants protect fig seeds and pollen dispersers from parasites
Q115405445Individual tree context and contrast dictate tree physiological features and arthropod biodiversity patterns across multiple trophic levels
Q56332538Individually mark-mass release-resight study elucidates effects of patch characteristics and distance on host patch location by an insect herbivore
Q125564494Individual‐resource network between Xylocopa bees and plant resources: generalist species, specialist individuals?
Q113855233Induced Plant Defenses Against Pathogens And Herbivores: Biochemistry, Ecology And Agriculture.
Q56386067Industrial and non-industrial melanism in the peppered moth,Bistort betularia(L.)
Q56779402Infestation of commercial bumblebee (Bombus impatiens) field colonies by small hive beetles (Aethina tumida)
Q111264023Infiltration of a facultative ant-plant mutualism by the introduced Argentine ant: effects on mutualist diversity and mutualism benefits
Q56987536Influence of adult nutrition on the relationship between body size and reproductive parameters in a parasitoid wasp
Q113855226Influence of atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment on induced response and growth compensation after herbivore damage inLotus corniculatus
Q29013488Influence of egg size differences within egg clutches on larval parameters in nine libellulid species (Odonata)
Q57039045Influence of extrafloral nectary phenology on ant-plant mutualistic networks in a neotropical savanna
Q125387070Influence of feeding guild on insect response to host plant fertilization
Q125407009Influence of generalist stingless bees on the structure of mutualistic flower–pollinator networks in the tropics: Temporal variation
Q112798592Influence of habitat structure on the phonotactic strategy of a parasitoid flyEmblemasoma auditrix
Q125589920Influence of host plant heterogeneity on the distribution of a birch aphid
Q113798250Influence of inter-tree variation in time of budburst of white spruce on herbivory and the behaviour and survivorship of Zeiraphera canadensis
Q113798252Influence of intra-tree variation in time of budburst of white spruce on herbivory and the behaviour and survivorship of Zeiraphera canadensis
Q57200008Influence of leaf traits on the spatial distribution of arboreal arthropods within an overstorey rainforest tree
Q110099054Influence of male mating history on female reproductive success among monandrous Naryciinae (Lepidoptera: Psychidae)
Q56996912Influence of presence and spatial arrangement of belowground insects on host-plant selection of aboveground insects: a field study
Q124925846Influence of the predatory backswimmer, Notonecta maculata, on invertebrate community structure
Q57008296Influence of urbanisation on the prevalence of protozoan parasites of bumblebees
Q67311513Influences of host feeding-niche and foodplant type on generalist and specialist parasitoids
Q60573904Influences of two life-history stages of the weevil,Larinus minutus, on its host plantCentaurea diffusa
Q115405479Insect biodiversity meets ecosystem function: differential effects of habitat and insects on carrion decomposition
Q113033936Insect chemosensory responses: a chemical legacy hypothesis
Q125875090Insect colonisation sequences in bracts of Heliconia caribaea in Puerto Rico
Q113033986Insect diversity over 36 years at a protected Sierra Nevada (California) site: towards an evaluation of the insect apocalypse hypothesis
Q113798273Insect herbivore guilds and species—area relationships: leafminers on British trees
Q111263883Insect herbivore stoichiometry: the relative importance of host plants and ant mutualists
Q125919890Insect immune priming: ecology and experimental evidences
Q120064088Insect invasion sequences: systematic or stochastic?
Q113272067Insect pollinators show constancy for different flower traits between the most‐ and less‐preferred plants: a case study of the long‐proboscid tangle‐veined fly
Q114081929Insect predation reduces the abundance of a nidicolous ectoparasite
Q112800854Insect responses to global change offer signposts for biodiversity and conservation
Q114081906Insect‐plant‐fungus interactions in mycorrhizal associations, with a focus on spittlebugs and ectomycorrhizal host plants
Q56999038Instar-specific sensitivity of specialist Manduca sexta larvae to induced defences in their host plant Nicotiana attenuata
Q57032084Integrating more biological and ecological realism into studies of multitrophic interactions
Q60362660Inter-individual variation in movement: is there a mobility syndrome in the large white butterfly Pieris brassicae?
Q60362607Inter-individual variation in shivering behaviour in the migratory painted lady Vanessa cardui
Q62925313Inter-sexual combat and resource allocation into body parts in the spider, Stegodyphus lineatus
Q126203605Interaction of specialist root and shoot herbivores of Alliaria petiolata and their impact on plant performance and reproduction
Q112800867Interactions among body size, trophic level, and dispersal traits predict beetle detectability and occurrence responses to fire
Q126007099Interactions between Apion species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Polygonaceae. I. Apion curtirostre Germ, and Rumex acetosa L.
Q115532225Interactions between a hunting spider and a web-builder: consequences of intraguild predation and cannibalism for prey suppression
Q106377791Interactions between cottonwood and beavers positively affect sawfly abundance
Q60233785Interactions between granivorous and omnivorous ants in a desert grassland: results from a long-term experiment
Q56781654Interactions between introduced and native predatory ladybirds (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae): factors influencing the success of species introductions
Q55871054Interactions with native mosquito larvae regulate the production of Aedes albopictus from bromeliads in Florida
Q113855244Interactive effects of herbivory and sand burial on growth of a tropical dune plant, Ipomoea pes-caprae
Q57715589Interdemic variation of cannibalism in a wolf spider (Pardosa monticola) inhabiting different habitat types
Q115532959Interference competition, not predation, explains the negative association between wood ants (Formica rufa) and abundance of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Q111172591Interguild interactions between a non‐native phloem feeder and a native outbreaking defoliator
Q113173204Interspecific competition between insect herbivores: asymmetric competition between cinnabar moth and the ragwort seed-head fly
Q115153020Interspecific host discrimination and competition in Apoanagyrus (Epidinocarsis) lopezi and A.(E.)diversicornis, parasitoids of the cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti
Q112800868Interspecific plant functional variation prevails over intraspecific variation in driving spider beta diversity
Q126073894Inter‐ and intra‐sexual variation in immune defence in the cabbage white butterfly, Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)
Q110737026Intra- and interspecific variation in trophic ecology of ‘predatory’ ants in the subfamily Ponerinae
Q56765647Intra-floral resource partitioning between endemic and invasive flower visitors: consequences for pollinator effectiveness
Q115531868Intra-guild predation and variation in egg defence between sympatric and allopatric populations of two species of ladybird beetles
Q113855224Intra-guild predation relaxes natural enemy impacts on herbivore populations
Q111952320Intra-specific body size variation in Polistes paper wasps as a response to social parasite pressure
Q56768725Intra-specific host preference forLittoraria filosaby the dipteran parasitoidSarcophaga megafilosia: the consequences of attacking individuals outside the preferred size range
Q56774947Intraguild predation of the aphid pathogenic fungus Pandora neoaphidis by the invasive coccinellid Harmonia axyridis
Q111172574Intraspecific aggression and the colony structure of the invasive ant Myrmica rubra
Q104206113Intraspecific aggression, colony identity and foraging distances in Sudanese Microtermes spp. (Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae)
Q114367508Intraspecific competition amongst larval Aedes aegypti: food exploitation or chemical interference?
Q113798277Intraspecific variability in herbivore performance and host quality: a field study of Uroleucon caligatum (Homoptera: Aphididae) and its Solidago hosts (Asteraceae)
Q60163561Intraspecific variability in host plant quality and ovipositionaI preferences in Eucheira socialis (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)
Q111425945Intraspecific variation in beech scale populations and in susceptibility of their host Fagus sylvatica
Q112800859Intraspecific variation in host plant traits mediates taxonomic and functional composition of local insect herbivore communities
Q33708760Intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of succession: Effects of habitat age and season on an aquatic insect community
Q57032145Intrinsic competition among solitary and gregarious endoparasitoid wasps and the phenomenon of ‘resource sharing’
Q57032035Intrinsic competition between primary hyperparasitoids of the solitary endoparasitoidCotesia rubecula
Q56559533Invading and resident defoliators in a changing climate: cold tolerance and predictions concerning extreme winter cold as a range-limiting factor
Q117044794Invasion of the coccinellid community associated with a tropical annual agroecosystem
Q59270453Invasive ants-are fire ants drivers of biodiversity loss?
Q114081921Invasive intraguild predators: Evidence of their effects, not assumptions
Q111172597Invasive paper wasps have strong cascading effects on the host plant of monarch butterflies
Q117787927Invasive plant population and herbivore identity affect latex induction
Q115531899Invertebrate predation of leaf-miners at low densities
Q113174514Is elevation a strong environmental filter? Combining taxonomy, functional traits and phylogeny of butterflies in a tropical mountain
Q60511777Is it enemy-free space? The evidence for terrestrial insects and freshwater arthropods
Q59504692Is natural selection a plausible explanation for the distribution of Idh-1 alleles in the cricket Allonemobius socius?
Q60569118Is optimal foraging a realistic expectation in orb-web spiders?
Q54637600Is the matrix a sea? Habitat specificity in a naturally fragmented landscape
Q115405494Is there any evidence that aphid alarm pheromones work as prey and host finding kairomones for natural enemies?
Q126013162Isotope evidence for latitudinal migrations of the dragonfly Sympetrum fonscolombii (Odonata: Libellulidae) in Middle Asia
Q115405378Ivermectin impacts on dung beetle diversity and their ecological functions in two distinct Brazilian ecosystems
Q113855228Jasmonate-mediated induced plant resistance affects a community of herbivores
Q54646984Kleptoparasitic behaviour of Aphodius rufipes (L.) larvae in nests of Geotrupes spiniger Marsh. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Q115405459Knitting patterns of biodiversity, range size and body size in aquatic beetle faunas: significant relationships but slightly divergent drivers
Q115531881Laboratory study of cannibalism and interspecific predation in ladybirds
Q61755388Lack of evidence for reproductive isolation among ecologically specialised lycaenid butterflies
Q115532887Lack of prey switching and strong preference for mosquito prey by a temporary pond specialist predator
Q57002290Landscape context affects trap-nesting bees, wasps, and their natural enemies
Q59401658Large-scale migration synchrony between parasitoids and their host
Q115532953Larger clutches of chemically defended butterflies reduce egg mortality: evidence fromBattus philenor
Q115396306Larger wildflower plantings increase natural enemy density, diversity, and biological control of sentinel prey, without increasing herbivore density
Q125743895Largest on earth: Discovery of a new type of fairy circle in Angola supports a termite origin
Q112798596Larval aestivation and direct development as alternative strategies in the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria, in Sweden
Q115555370Larval defence against ant predation in the butterfly Smyrna blomfildia
Q115396319Larval experience induces adult aversion to rearing host plants: a novel behaviour contrary to Hopkins' host selection principle
Q116524571Larval food affects oviposition preference, female fecundity and offspring survival in Yponomeuta evonymellus
Q57031734Larval food composition affects courtship song and sperm expenditure in a lekking moth
Q67311515Latitudinal body-size gradients for the bees of the eastern United States
Q115396443Latitudinal effects on treehopper species richness (Hornoptera: Membracidae)
Q115396432Latitudinal gradients in ichneumonid species-richness in Australia
Q60449900Latitudinal variation in the phenological responses of eastern tent caterpillars and their egg parasitoids
Q115531793Leaf domatia reduce intraguild predation among predatory mites
Q113798254Leaf miners on Ochna ciliata (Ochnaceae) growing on Aldabra Atoll: patterns of herbivory in relation to goat browsing and exposure to the sun
Q57032442Leaf mining in the Myrtaceae
Q112490754Leaf phenology mediates provenance differences in herbivore populations on valley oaks in a common garden
Q113173200Leaf shape and the host-finding behaviour of two ovipositing monophagous butterfly species
Q37266013Leaf species identity and combination affect performance and oviposition choice of two container mosquito species
Q60504251Leaf tissue transport as a function of loading ratio in the leaf-cutting ant Atta cephalotes
Q62006979Leaf traits of congeneric host plants explain differences in performance of a specialist herbivore
Q57242931Leaf-cutting ants as ecosystem engineers: topsoil and litter perturbations aroundAtta cephalotesnests reduce nutrient availability
Q128022230Let's mate here and now – seasonal constraints increase mating efficiency
Q60518037Lethal and sublethal behavioural responses of saline water beetles to acute heat and osmotic stress
Q59599601Life cycle and food availability indices in Notiophilus biguttatus (Coleoptera, Carabidae)
Q59151716Life history consequences of larval foraging depth differ between two competing Anopheles mosquitoes
Q56267954Life history of Kladothrips ellobus and Oncothrips rodwayi: insight into the origin and loss of soldiers in gall-inducing thrips
Q113173195Life history traits related to resource partitioning between synhospitalic species of Colocasiomyia (Diptera, Drosophilidae) breeding in inflorescences of Alocasia odora (Araceae)
Q112800886Life in harsh environments: carabid and spider trait types and functional diversity on a debris-covered glacier and along its foreland
Q115555359Life-history responses of a mayfly to seasonal constraints and predation risk
Q115034295Life-history trait variation in a queen-size dimorphic ant
Q63975887Life-history, genotypic, and environmental correlates of clutch size in the Glanville fritillary butterfly
Q112798591Limitation of nesting resources for ants in Colombian forests and coffee plantations
Q117705401Limited direct effects of a massive wildfire on its sagebrush steppe bee community
Q60519715Limited effects of dominant ants on assemblage species richness in three Amazon forests
Q60271120Limited scope for maternal effects in aphid defence against parasitoids
Q54653878Limiting the potential for intraspecific competition: regulation of Trioza eugeniae oviposition on unexpanded leaf tissue
Q57064703Linking the bacterial community in pea aphids with host-plant use and natural enemy resistance
Q115532856Living in an urban pod: Seed predation and parasitism of bruchid beetles in a native tree species
Q60135428Load size selection by foraging leaf-cutter ants (Atta cephalotes)
Q114145171Local adaptations of life-history traits of a Drosophila parasitoid, Leptopilina boulardi: does climate drive evolution?
Q128709488Local and regional climate variables driving spring phenology of tortricid pests: a 36 year study
Q114081945Local climate mediates spatial and temporal variation in carabid beetle communities in three forests in Mount Odaesan, Korea
Q60546995Local dynamics of worker activity of the invasiveVespula germanicaandV. vulgaris(Hymenoptera: Vespidae) wasps in Argentina
Q67236719Local grassland restoration affects insect communities
Q56938617Local host ant specificity of Phengaris (Maculinea) teleius butterfly, an obligatory social parasite of Myrmica ants
Q62545937Local versus regional species richness in tropical insects: one lowland site compared with the island of New Guinea
Q57008028Location of bumblebee nests is predicted by counts of nest-searching queens
Q115532920Locking out predators by silk, a new counterattack behaviour in a social spider mite
Q113798243Long- and short-term changes in plant growth following simulated herbivory: adaptive responses to damage?
Q56333772Long-distance dispersal of non-native pine bark beetles from host resources
Q59387715Long-term after-effects of cold exposure in adult Alphitobius diaperinus (Tenebrionidae): the need to link survival ability with subsequent reproductive success
Q57049669Long-term changes in ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages in Scotland
Q59345473Long-term dynamics of leaf miners, Eriocrania spp., on mountain birch: alternate year fluctuations and interaction with Epirrita autumnata
Q56780396Long-term impact of exotic ants on the native ants of Madeira
Q114146069Longer daylengths associated with poleward range shifts accelerate aphid extinction by parasitoid wasps
Q60405559Lower thermal tolerance in nocturnal than in diurnal ants: a challenge for nocturnal ectotherms facing global warming
Q109040606Low‐temperature tolerance in coprophagic beetle species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): implications for ecological services
Q115396398Lycaenid butterflies and plants: is myrmecophily associated with amplified hostplant diversity?
Q56444604Maintenance of body-size variation and host range in the orange-tip butterfly: evidence for a trade-off between adult life-history traits
Q112800892Male disguised females: costs and benefits of female-limited dimorphism in a butterfly
Q122204312Male field crickets that provide reproductive benefits to females incur higher costs
Q111593545Male golden egg bugs ( Phyllomorpha laciniata Vill.) do not preferentially accept their true genetic offspring; comment on the paper by García-González et al. (2005, Ecological Entomology , 30, 444-455)
Q121851466Male mate choice based on chemical cues in the cricketAcheta domesticus(Orthoptera: Gryllidae)
Q64947268Male pheromone composition depends on larval but not adult diet in Heliconius melpomene.
Q99955061Male size and survival: the effects of male combat and bird predation in Dawson's burrowing bees, Amegilla dawsoni
Q57247132Male-biased size dimorphism in ichneumonine wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) - the role of sexual selection for large male size
Q125791811Male‐biased sex ratios in mature damselfly populations: real or artefact?
Q112800855Management actions shape dung beetle community structure and functional traits in restored tallgrass prairie
Q55841820Marginal range expansion in a host-limited butterfly species Gonepteryx rhamni
Q122748299Market basket analysis of grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) assemblages in eastern Wyoming: a 17-year case study using associative analysis for ecological insights into grasshopper outbreaks
Q114081923Massive spider web aggregations in South American grasslands after flooding
Q56699864Mate finding, dispersal, number released, and the success of biological control introductions
Q57486828Mate preference for novel partners in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
Q115532904Maternal effects across life stages: larvae experiencing predation risk increase offspring provisioning
Q57251325Measuring dispersal and detecting departures from a random walk model in a grasshopper hybrid zone
Q113798260Measuring herbivory
Q128346896Mechanisms driving component Allee effects during invasions: using a biological control agent as model invader
Q115531886Mechanisms of predator accumulation in a mixed crop system
Q57201177Mechanisms of species-sorting: effect of habitat occupancy on aphids' host plant selection
Q127851977Mechanisms structuring host–parasitoid networks in a global warming context: a review
Q56168431Mesophyll cell-sucking herbivores (Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) on rainforest trees in Papua New Guinea: local and regional diversity of a taxonomically unexplored guild
Q110762747Metacommunity patterns of highly diverse stream midges: gradients, chequerboards, and nestedness, or is there only randomness?
Q110762566Metacommunity structure analysis reveals nested patterns in deconstructed macroinvertebrates assemblages
Q56690009Micro-climate determines oviposition site selection and abundance in the butterflyPyrgus armoricanusat its northern range margin
Q112800857Microbes make the meal: oligolectic bees require microbes within their host pollen to thrive
Q114146065Microbial volatiles and succession of beetles on small carrion
Q114081927Microclimatic edge effects in a fragmented forest: disentangling the drivers of ecological processes in plant‐leafminer‐parasitoid food webs
Q104206114Microclimatic factors associated with elevational changes in army ant density in tropical montane forest
Q99962878Microhabitat specialization and similarity of scale-insect assemblages on different fruit trees and in different countries
Q57251328Migration and Allee effects in the six-spot burnet moth Zygaena filipendulae
Q60379852Mimicry in the burnet moth Zygaena ephialtes: population studies and evidence of a Batesian—Müllerian situation
Q59112176Mismatch between the timing of oviposition and the seasonal optimum. The stochastic phenology of Mediterranean acorn weevils
Q60235037Mixed effects of habitat fragmentation on species richness and community structure in a microarthropod microecosystem
Q113798267Mixed function oxidases and herbivore polyphagy: the devil's advocate position
Q113855239Mixture models of soybean growth and herbivore performance in response to nitrogen-sulphur-phosphorous nutrient interactions
Q112798580Mobility is related to species traits in noctuid moths
Q59653754Moisture content and nutrition as selection forces for emerald ash borer larval feeding behaviour
Q107968340Monarch butterflies reared under autumn‐like conditions have more efficient flight and lower post‐flight metabolism
Q60562772More food, less habitat: how necromass and leaf litter decomposition combine to regulate a litter ant community
Q56210059More than just fish food: ecosystem services provided by freshwater insects
Q112800841More than meets the eye: decrypting diversity reveals hidden interaction specificity between frogs and frog‐biting midges
Q59270496Morphological correlates of nectar production used by honeybees
Q111264005Morphological matching and phenological overlap promote niche partitioning and shape a mutualistic plant–hawkmoth network
Q115532958Mothers vigilantly guard nests after partial brood loss: a cue of nest predation risk in a paper wasp
Q113798925Movement of nest‐searching bumblebee queens reflects nesting habitat quality
Q56690063Movement of the Apollo butterfly Parnassius apollo related to host plant and nectar plant patches
Q56772451Movement, colonization, and establishment success of a planthopper of prairie potholes,Delphacodes scolochloa(Hemiptera: Delphacidae)
Q59426851Moving beyond the guild concept: developing a practical functional trait framework for terrestrial beetles
Q56805474Mud puddling by butterflies is not a simple matter
Q113174538Multitrophic interactions drive body size variations in seed‐feeding insects
Q128614665Multi‐scale oviposition site selection in two mosquito species
Q112800850Multi‐species occupancy models: an effective and flexible framework for studies of insect communities
Q107316473Mutualism is not restricted to tree‐killing bark beetles and fungi: the ecological stoichiometry of secondary bark beetles, fungi, and a scavenger
Q113174512Myrmecochorous plants and their ant seed dispersers through successional stages in temperate cove forests
Q115532941Natural enemies of natural enemies: the potential top-down impact of predators on entomopathogenic nematode populations
Q125865631Natural enemy impacts on Bemisia tabaci (MEAM1) dominate plant quality effects in the cotton system
Q60505581Natural history of whitefly in Costa Rica: an evolutionary starting point
Q125582589Natural pupation sites of swallowtail butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilioninae): Papilio polyxenes Fabr., P.glaucus L. and Battus philenor (L.)
Q126171939Nectar usage in a southern Arizona hawkmoth community
Q115405433Negative effects of urbanisation on the physical condition of an endemic dung beetle from a neotropical hotspot
Q115531863Negative interactions between chemical resistance and predators affect fitness in soybeans
Q111289102Negative spatial covariation in abundance of two European ticks: diverging niche preferences or biotic interaction?
Q113855248Neighbourhood affects a plant's risk of herbivory and subsequent success
Q60317156Neither the devil nor the deep blue sea: larval mortality factors fail to explain the abundance and distribution of Tischeria ekebladella
Q122653068Neonicotinoids override a parasite exposure impact on hibernation success of a key bumblebee pollinator
Q115396464Nerium oleander as an alternative host plant for south Florida milkweed bugs, Oncopeltus fasciatus
Q99966957Nest construction and larval behaviour of Bubas bison (L.) and Bubas bubalus (01.) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Q61307542Nest site choice by the intertidal spider Desis formidabilis (Araneae: Desidae) and nest utilisation by its hymenopteran egg parasitoid
Q112800851Nesting habitat of ground‐nesting bees: a review
Q55878852Nettle-feeding nymphalid butterflies: temperature, development and distribution
Q113271254Networks and dominance hierarchies: does interspecific aggression explain flower partitioning among stingless bees?
Q113174528Neutral and niche‐based factors simultaneously drive seed and invertebrate removal by red harvester ants
Q113282464Niche differentiation in nectar-collecting stingless bees: the influence of morphology, floral choice and interference competition
Q112810958Nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios in termites: an indicator of trophic habit along the gradient from wood‐feeding to soil‐feeding
Q59117572No benefit in diversity? The effect of genetic variation on survival and disease resistance in a polygynous social insect
Q60287726No regulatory role for adult predation in cyclic population dynamics of the autumnal moth,Epirrita autumnata
Q120170076No water, no eggs: insights from a warming outdoor mesocosm experiment
Q56939927Nocturnal resource defence in aphid-tending ants of northern Patagonia
Q55952513Non-morph specific predation of peppered moths (Biston betularia) by bats
Q59565406Non-random distribution among a guild of parasitoids: implications for community structure and host survival
Q113798918Non‐native stinging ant interactions with native anurans
Q124973118Non‐trophic effects of oribatid mites on cord‐forming basidiomycetes in soil microcosms
Q111376486Not all matrix habitat is created equal for rare bee species in forest habitat
Q113798935Novel evidence for systemic induction of silicon defences in cucumber following attack by a global insect herbivore
Q59117659Novel fungal disease in complex leaf-cutting ant societies
Q113174511Numbers matter: Predatory ability increases with forager group size in omnivorous ant species with similar predatory traits
Q57048859Nutrients, diversity, and community structure of two phytotelm systems in a lower montane forest, Puerto Rico
Q115555380Nutritional benefits of intraguild predation and cannibalism among generalist and specialist phytoseiid mites
Q113036792Nutritional benefits of the leaf-mining behaviour of two grass miners: a test of the selective feeding hypothesis
Q56050306Nutritional condition influences investment by male katydids in nuptial food gifts
Q60023584Nutritional versus genetic correlates of caste differentiation in a desert ant
Q57275405Observations of the flight behaviour of the army worm moth, Spodoptera exempta, at an emergence site using radar and infra-red optical techniques
Q125882399Observations on the biology of Subcoccinella vigintiquattuor‐punctata (L.) in southern England
Q60537463Occurrence patterns of aspen-feeding wood-borers (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) along the wood decay gradient: active selection for specific host types or neutral mechanisms?
Q125580526Odonates, gregarines and water mites: why are the same host species infected by both parasites?
Q112798586On the analysis of non-linear allometries
Q59270386On the role of sinigrin (mustard oil) in a tritrophic context: plant-aphid-aphidophagous hoverfly
Q115555394Ontogenetic change of prey preference in the generalist predator Zelus renardii and its influence on predator-predator interactions
Q60537474Ontogenetic shifts in competitive interactions and intra-guild predation between two wolf spider species
Q114627623Ontogenic colour change, survival, and mating in the damselflyAgriocnemis pygmaeaRambur (Insecta: Odonata)
Q35648342Ontogeny of worker body size distribution in bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) colonies
Q115531872Opportunistic predation and offspring sex ratios of cicada-killer wasps (Sphecius speciosus Drury)
Q113033990Optimal progeny body size in a solitary bee,Osmia bicornis(Apoidea: Megachilidae)
Q115532934Optimal range of prey size for antlions
Q57057676Optimum body size in aphids
Q67311510Organization of a parasitoid community associated with a complex of galls on Atriplex spp. in southern California
Q60164433Organization of predator assemblages in Neotropical tree holes: effects of abiotic factors and priority
Q57436753Origin of termite eusociality: trophallaxis integrates the social, nutritional, and microbial environments
Q57724745Original Article
Q57340186Overdispersion of Allothrombium pulvinum larvae (Acari: Trombidiidae) parasitic on Aphis gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae) in cotton fields
Q113798262Overwintering survivorship of pupae of the mimosa web worm, Homadaula anisocentra (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), in an urban landscape
Q113798258Oviposition by herbivorous insects on spider webs as an anti-predation defence
Q37657654Oviposition habitat selection by container-dwelling mosquitoes: responses to cues of larval and detritus abundances in the field
Q56771451Oviposition habitat selection for a predator refuge and food source in a mosquito
Q60487993Oviposition patterns and larval damage by the invasive horse-chestnut leaf minerCameraria ohridellaon different species ofAesculus
Q115555364Oviposition patterns in a predatory mite reduce the risk of egg predation caused by prey
Q43047632Oviposition preference and offspring performance in container breeding mosquitoes: evaluating the effects of organic compounds and laboratory colonisation
Q115396323Oviposition preference of Lycaena salustiusfor, and larval performance on, a novel host plant: an example of ecological fitting
Q57005604Oviposition preference of a Eucalyptus herbivore and the importance of leaf age on interspecific host choice
Q59270552Oviposition preferences of aphidophagous hoverflies
Q58042227Oviposition substrate affects adult mortality, independent of reproduction, in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus
Q114627624Oviposition, larval survival and leaf damage by the willow leaf blotch miner,Micrurapteryx salicifoliella,in relation to leaf trichomes across 10Salixspecies
Q112800895Parabiotic ants: the costs and benefits of symbiosis
Q60504166Parallel foraging cycles for different resources in leaf-cutting ants: a clue to the mechanisms of rhythmic activity
Q56931665Parallel host range expansion in two unrelated cossid moths infestingEucalyptus nitenson two continents
Q113174516Parallel host‐plant‐associated differences in an extended phenotype between populations of six species of gall‐forming insects
Q128996807Parasitism and constitutive defence costs to host life‐history traits in a parasitoid–host interaction
Q115531877Parasitism and predation as agents of mortality of winter moth populations in neglected apple orchards in Nova Scotia
Q55841821Parasitoid and inquiline attack in the galls of four alien, cynipid gall wasps: host switches and the effect on parasitoid sex ratios
Q58491025Parasitoid genus-specific manipulation of orb-web host spiders (Araneae, Araneidae)
Q125660734Parasitoids affect plant responses through their host Pieris brassicae, but not for the benefit of their own performance
Q57742170Parasitoids use herbivore-induced information to adapt patch exploitation behaviour
Q59024493Parental care influences social immunity in burying beetle larvae
Q56837342Parthenogenesis did not consistently evolve in insular populations ofIschnura hastata(Odonata, Coenagrionidae)
Q57198930Past attacks influence host selection by the solitary bark beetleDendroctonus micans
Q60525715Patch choice from a distance and use of habitat information during foraging by the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides
Q126099469Patch exploitation strategies of parasitoids under indirect intra‐ and inter‐specific competition
Q57208150Patch size effects are more important than genetic diversity for plant-herbivore interactions in Brassica crops
Q114367778Paternal effects associated with melanism inHarmonia axyridis(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): mating sequence asymmetries and interactions with age-specific maternal effects
Q58924902Paternity analysis in the golden egg bug using AFLPs: do the males preferentially accept their true genetic offspring?
Q122453783Paternity and female remating in Requena verticalis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Q59024323Pathogen and immune dynamics during maturation are explained by Bateman's Principle
Q57220159Patterns in the abundance and distribution of ichneumonid parasitoids within and across habitat patches
Q59159087Patterns inVarroa destructordepend on bee host abundance, availability of natural resources, and climate in Mediterranean apiaries
Q125820647Patterns of abundance of fire ants and native ants in a native ecosystem
Q111493056Patterns of abundance, distribution, and alary polymorphism among the salt marsh Delphacidae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) of Northwest Florida
Q113798275Patterns of herbivory on Passiflora leaf tissues and species by generalized and specialized feeding insects
Q57452350Patterns of parasite infection in bumble bees (Bombusspp.) of Northern Virginia
Q56689173Patterns of pollen feeding and habitat preference among Heliconius species
Q115396863Patterns of species richness for blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in the Nearctic and Neotropical regions
Q57607604Pay it forward: refuse dump from leaf-cutting ants promotes caterpillar digestive performance by increasing plant nitrogen content
Q115432309Payoffs of the two alternative nesting tactics in the African dung beetle, Scarabaeus catenatus
Q125910283Pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris) reduce secretion of extrafloral nectar in broad bean (Vicia faba)
Q60287869Performance of a spring-feeding moth in relation to time of oviposition and bud-burst phenology of different host species
Q57532367Persistence and regression of hearing in the exclusively diurnal moths, Trichodezia albovittata (Geometridae) and Lycomorpha pholus (Arctiidae)
Q64032558Persistence of experience effects in the parasitoid Trichogramma nr. brassicae
Q113033933Persistent size variation in the anthophorine bee Centris pallida (Apidae) despite a large male mating advantage
Q115555396Persistent, localized outbreaks in the western tussock moth Orgyia vetusta: the roles of resource quality, predation and poor dispersal
Q113173191Petal herbivory by chrysomelid beetles (Phyllotreta sp.) is detrimental to pollination and seed production in Lepidium papilliferum (Brassicaceae)
Q125405865Phenological imbalance in the supply and demand of floral resources: Half the pollen and nectar produced by the main autumn food source, Hedera helix, is uncollected by insects
Q57038926Phenological phases of the host plant shape plant-treehopper interaction networks
Q111425946Phenology and intensity of phyllophage attack on Fagus sylvatica in Wytham Woods, Oxford
Q54604148Phenology and life history of Belgica antarctica, an Antarctic midge (Diptera: Chironomidae)
Q58868948Phenology determines seasonal variation in ectoparasite loads in a natural insect population
Q115396370Phenotypic changes and reduced genetic diversity have accompanied the rapid decline of the garden tiger moth (Arctia caja) in the U.K.
Q113798280Phenotypic induction inPieris napiL.: role of temperature and photoperiod in a coastal California population
Q110615816Phenotypic plasticity and geographical variation in the pre-reproductive period of Autographa gamma (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and its implications for migration in this species
Q110615936Phenotypic plasticity in host-plant specialisation in Aphis fabae
Q110614786Phenotypic plasticity in hoverflies: the relationship between colour pattern and season in Episyrphus balteatus and other Syrphidae
Q110615821Phenotypic plasticity of thermal tolerance contributes to the invasion potential of Mediterranean fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata)
Q110615819Phenotypic plasticity ofBrevicoryne brassicaein responses to nutritional quality of two related host plants
Q110615815Phenotypic plasticity, seasonal climate and the population biology of Bicyclus butterflies (Satyridae) in Malawi
Q113173211Phenotypic variability in nesting success among Osmia lignaria propinqua females in a glasshouse environment: (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)
Q110615818Phenotypic variation in colour pattern and seasonal plasticity in Eristalis hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae)
Q113173190Phenotypic variation in male and worker encapsulation response in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris
Q115396395Philopatry in the alpine grasshopper, Podisma pedestris: a novel experimental and analytical method
Q56785066Phorid fly parasitoids of invasive fire ants indirectly improve the competitive ability of a native ant
Q112800888Phosphorus-rich grasshoppers consume plants high in nitrogen and phosphorus
Q108685652Photoperiod and variation in life history traits in core and peripheral populations in the damselflyLestes sponsa
Q60506313Phylloplane bacteria increase the negative impact of food limitation on insect fitness
Q113033925Phylogenetic analysis of the latitude-niche breadth hypothesis in the butterfly subfamily Nymphalinae
Q113798242Physical barriers and corridors in urban habitats affect colonisation and parasitism rates of a specialist leaf miner
Q57043617Physiological tolerance, climate change, and a northward range shift in the spittlebug, Philaenus spumarius
Q113798942Phytochemical defences and performance of specialist and generalist herbivores: a meta‐analysis
Q60802109Plant and insect genetic variation mediate the impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on a natural plant-herbivore interaction
Q113798947Plant composition, not richness, drives occurrence of specialist herbivores
Q64032561Plant cues influence searching behaviour and parasitism in the egg parasitoid Trichogramma nr. brassicae
Q126244955Plant genotype and induced responses affect resistance to herbivores on evening primrose (Oenothera biennis)
Q111263882Plant glandular trichomes mediate protective mutualism in a spider-plant system
Q115532955Plant neighbours mediate bird predation effects on arthropod abundance and herbivory
Q115396336Plant patch structure modifies parasitoid assemblage richness of a specialist herbivore
Q113798919Plant silicon defences reduce the performance of a chewing insect herbivore which benefits a contemporaneous sap‐feeding insect
Q110762565Plant species richness as the main driver of moth metacommunities
Q60559654Plant species variation in bottom-up effects across three trophic levels: a test of traits and mechanisms
Q57031691Plant species, mycorrhiza, and aphid age influence the performance and behaviour of a generalist
Q113798276Plant tannins and insect herbivores: an appraisal
Q115532943Plant traits mediate effects of predators across pepper (Capsicum annuum) varieties
Q60546333Plant-mediated effects of butterfly egg deposition on subsequent caterpillar and pupal development, across different species of wild Brassicaceae
Q60549592Plant-mediated effects of soil nitrogen enrichment on a chemically defended specialist herbivore, Calophasia lunula
Q61761791Plant-mediated species networks: the modulating role of herbivore density
Q125352728Plant‐attracted ants affect arthropod community structure but not necessarily herbivory
Q125561159Plasticity in flower size as an adaptation to variation in pollinator specificity
Q113272055Pollen analysis of cavity‐nesting bees (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) and their food webs in a city
Q125414932Pollen associated with a Texas population of blow flies‐(Diptera: Calliphoridae) highlights underappreciated aspects of their biology
Q28084670Pollination by nocturnal Lepidoptera, and the effects of light pollution: a review
Q113282462Pollinator genetics and pollination: do honey bee colonies selected for pollen-hoarding field better pollinators of cranberryVaccinium macrocarpon?
Q56839461Pollution by conspecifics as a component of intraspecific competition among Aedes aegypti larvae
Q115396415Pondering the imponderable: a probability-based approach to estimating insect diversity from repeat faunal samples
Q58317477Population genetic structure of the winter moth, Operophtera brumata Linnaeus, in the Orkney Isles suggests long-distance dispersal
Q58261605Population suppression for control of the blowfly Lucilia sericata and sheep blowfly strike
Q126300697Population‐level variation of digestive physiology costs of mounting an immune response in damselflies
Q115532931Positive indirect effect of aquatic insects on terrestrial prey is not offset by increased predator density
Q115396378Potential novel hosts for the lily leaf beetle Lilioceris lilii Scopoli (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in eastern North America
Q123024630Potential range expansion and niche shift of the invasive Hyphantria cunea between native and invasive countries
Q56534213Potential sexual transmission of environmental microbes in a traumatically inseminating insect
Q60308753Pre-wintering conditions and post-winter performance in a solitary bee: does diapause impose an energetic cost on reproductive success?
Q118129060Precision and accuracy in quantifying herbivory
Q111172594Predation and avoidance behaviour in aphid‐ladybird interactions of native and invasive ladybirds in Europe
Q115531879Predation and avoidance of tough leaves by aquatic larvae of the moth Parapoynx rugosalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Q115531841Predation and facilitation determine chironomid emergence in a bromeliad-insect food web
Q113798253Predation and parasitism in a tropical herbivore community
Q56226330Predation by an exotic lizard,Anolis sagrei, alters the ant community structure in betelnut palm plantations in southern Taiwan
Q115531894Predation by wasps on lepidopteran larvae in an Ozark forest canopy
Q107968336Predation differentially structures immature mosquito populations in stormwater ponds
Q56993216Predation of a cave fish (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae) by a giant water-bug (Belostoma, Belostomatidae) in a Mexican sulphur cave
Q115531883Predation of the cereal aphid Sitobion avenae by polyphagous predators on the ground
Q110792738Predation pressure on the arboreal epiphytic herbivores of larch trees in southern England
Q114081916Predation promotes diversification in the mean and variance of antipredator traits
Q60429920Predation risk perception and food scarcity induce alterations of life-cycle traits of the mosquito Culex pipiens
Q111321367Predation yields greater population performance: What are the contributions of density- and trait-mediated effects?
Q115532912Predator and floral traits change pollinator behaviour, with consequences for plant fitness
Q115532917Predator feeding vibrations encourage mosquito larvae to shorten their development and so become smaller adults
Q115531898Predator gut state and prey detectability using electrophoretic analysis of gut contents
Q115532897Predator modulation of plant pathogen spread through induced changes in vector development rates
Q60482970Predator-induced spine length and exocuticle thickness inLeucorrhinia dubia(Insecta: Odonata): a simple physiological trade-off?
Q115531888Predator-mediated coexistence in laboratory communities of mycophagous Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae)
Q114627631Predators marked with chemical cues from one prey have increased attack success on another prey species
Q115531856Predators mediate the effects of a fungal pathogen on prey: an experiment with grasshoppers, wolf spiders, and fungal pathogens
Q125928826Predictability, toxicity, and trophic niche breadth in fungus‐feeding Drosophilidae (Diptera)
Q129012366Preference and performance of Lepidoptera varies with tree age in juniper woodlands
Q113798956Preference and performance of generalist and specialist herbivores on chemically defended host plants
Q112490867Preference-performance relationship in the gall midge Rabdophaga rosaria: insights from a common-garden experiment with nine willow clones
Q111264021Presence of weed fungus in a non-social beetle-fungus cultivation mutualism
Q125298707Prey attraction by luminous larvae of the fungus gnat Orfelia fultoni
Q114626882Prey capture performance in hatchlings of two sibling Harmonia ladybird species in relation to maternal investment through sibling cannibalism
Q115555373Prey discrimination by a generalist coccinellid predator: effect of prey age or parasitism?
Q56771604Prey selection and baculovirus dissemination by carabid predators of Lepidoptera
Q115532885Prey size and predator density modify impacts by natural enemies towards mosquitoes
Q114645829Prey species and prey diet affect growth of invertebrate predators
Q114626881Prey temporarily escape from predation in the presence of a second prey species
Q60550129Prey-mediated effects of glucosinolates on aphid predators
Q126083644Pre‐oviposition mate‐guarding and mating behaviour of Argia vivida (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)
Q113855264Prior flea beetle herbivory affects oviposition preference and larval performance of a potato beetle on their shared host plant
Q60164434Priority effects of bamboo-stump mosquito larvae: influences of water exchange and leaf litter input
Q56447430Priority effects on the life-history traits of two carrion blow fly (Diptera, Calliphoridae) species
Q110620583Probing the role of propagule pressure, stochasticity, and Allee effects on invasion success using experimental introductions of a biological control agent
Q113272054Proboscis curling in a pollinator causes extensive pollen movement and loss
Q110620584Propagule pressure rather than population growth determines colonisation ability: a case study using two phytophagous mite species differing in their invasive potential
Q56446112Proportion of exotics and relatedness of host species mediate the positive effect of plant richness on the species richness of fruit flies
Q56519101Providing insights into browntail moth local outbreaks by combining life table data and semi-parametric statistics
Q126059088Proximate effects of maternal oviposition preferences on defence efficacy and larval survival in a diet‐specialised tortoise beetle. Who knows best: mothers or their progeny?
Q56939838Pupal colour dimorphism in a desert swallowtail (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) is driven by changes in food availability, not photoperiod
Q58875740Putting more eggs in the best basket: clutch-size regulation in the comma butterfly
Q60484809Putting your sons in the right place: the spatial distribution of fig wasp offspring inside figs
Q125458011Quantification of invertebrates on fungal fruit bodies by the use of time‐lapse cameras
Q57251258Quantifying the activity levels and behavioural responses of butterfly species to habitat boundaries
Q60264479Quantifying the benefits and costs of parental care in assassin bugs
Q124852514Quantifying the costs and benefits of protective egg coating in a Chrysomelid beetle
Q114146066Quantifying the post‐fire recovery of taxonomic and functional diversity of dung beetles in the Brazilian Pantanal
Q29400402Queen lifespan and colony longevity in the ant Harpegnathos saltator
Q58477416Questioning the mutual benefits of myrmecochory: a stable isotope-based experimental approach
Q113033929RESPONSE - Pattern, process, and the size-grain hypothesis
Q56502897Radiotelemetry reveals differences in individual movement patterns between outbreak and non-outbreak Mormon cricket populations
Q115532906Rain, predators and vegetation lushness may structure web-building spider communities along precipitation gradients
Q113174547Rainfall and host reproduction regulate population dynamics of a specialist seed predator
Q112033119Rapid morphological change in stream beetle museum specimens correlates with climate change
Q113272065Rapid photogrammetry of morphological traits of free‐ranging moths
Q56987555Ratio dependence in the functional response of insect parasitoids: evidence from Trichogramma minutum foraging for eggs in small host patches
Q113272057Ratios rather than concentrations of nutritionally important elements may shape honey bee preferences for ‘dirty water’
Q113798939Realised toxicity of plant defences to an insect herbivore depends more on insect dehydration than on energy reserves
Q57443102Reconstruction of fig wasp mating structure: how many mothers share a fig?
Q113348663Reduced flight capability in British Virgin Island populations of a wing-dimorphic insect: the role of habitat isolation, persistence, and structure
Q112207460Reduced learning ability as a consequence of evolutionary adaptation to nutritional stress in Drosophila melanogaster
Q57800501Reduced realised fecundity in the pine looper Bupalus piniarius caused by host plant defoliation
Q110809107Reduction of oviposition time and enhanced larval feeding: two potential benefits of aggregative oviposition for the viburnum leaf beetle
Q115531871Refuge from cannibalism in complex-structured habitats: implications for the accumulation of invertebrate predators
Q112798594Regional diversity, local community structure and vacant niches: the herbivorous arthropods of bracken in South Africa
Q62545978Relation between temporal persistence of host plants and wing length in leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha)
Q112798585Relationship between body size and homing ability in the genusOsmia(Hymenoptera; Megachilidae)
Q56268464Relationship of queen number and queen relatedness in multiple-queen colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta
Q110790989Relationships between densities of previous and simultaneous foragers and the foraging behaviour of three bumblebee species
Q113173206Relationships between larval density, adult size and egg production in the cowpea seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus
Q60577395Relationships between oviposition date, hatch date, and offspring size in the grasshopper Chorthippus brunneus
Q115396385Relationships between the density and diversity of floral resources and flower visitor activity in a temperate grassland community
Q57077736Relative contributions of environmental and maternal factors to trans-generational immune priming inT. castaneum
Q113798948Relative importance of drought, soil quality, and plant species in determining the strength of plant–herbivore interactions
Q60255240Repeatability of dispersal behaviour in a common dwarf spider: evidence for different mechanisms behind short- and long-distance dispersal
Q110855460Reproductive interference in insects
Q58045792Reproductive phenologies in a diverse temperate ant fauna
Q99973276Reproductive seasonality in tropical satyrine butterflies: strategies for the dry season
Q114146071Research networks should improve connectivity for halting freshwater insect extinctions
Q115396410Resilience of the natural arthropod community on apple to external disturbance
Q56449438Resource competition assays between the African big-headed ant,Pheidole megacephala(Fabricius) and the invasive Argentine ant,Linepithema humile(Mayr): mechanisms of inter-specific displacement
Q110790433Resource density regulates the foraging investment in higher termite species
Q125019733Resource discovery versus resource domination in ants: a functional mechanism for breaking the trade‐off
Q56547829Resource input and the community structure of larval infaunas of an eastern tropical pitcher plant Nepenthes bicalcarata
Q72993800Resource regulation by a twig-girdling beetle has implications for desertification
Q47162075Response of Brassica oleracea to temporal variation in attack by two herbivores affects preference and performance of a third herbivore.
Q57308616Response of Cydia pomonella to selection on mobility: laboratory evaluation and field verification
Q115405416Response of dung beetle taxonomic and functional diversity to livestock grazing in an arid ecosystem
Q56268430Response of fire ants (Formicidae: Solenopsis invicta and S.gerninata) to artificial nectars with amino acids
Q57196937Response of native parasitoids to a range-expanding host
Q123125066Response of passerine birds and chicks to larvae and pupae of ladybirds
Q56455934Responses of a native beetle to novel exotic plant species with varying invasion history
Q57031840Responses of an oligophagous beetle species to rearing for several generations on alternative host-plant species
Q60287800Responses of generalist invertebrate predators to pupal densities of autumnal and winter moths under field conditions
Q125760066Responses of insect herbivores to sharing a host plant with a hemiparasite: impacts on preference and performance differ with feeding guild
Q115531870Responses of larval dragonflies to conspecific and heterospecific predator cues
Q60317112Revealing secret liaisons: DNA barcoding changes our understanding of food webs
Q111172601Role of ants as dispersers of native and exotic seeds in an understudied dryland
Q125129890Role of ants in structuring the aphid community on apple
Q112798880Role of nesting resources in organising diverse bee communities in a Mediterranean landscape
Q115405437Role of saprophagous fly biodiversity in ecological processes and urban ecosystem services
Q57247589Roles of endothermy in niche differentiation for ball-rolling dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) along an altitudinal gradient
Q60292451Root herbivore performance suppressed when feeding on a jasmonate-induced pasture grass
Q115532884Salinity cascading and predator effects on consumer and producer community structure: a mesocosm experiment
Q115432259Sampling subterranean termite species diversity and activity in tropical savannas: an assessment of different bait choices
Q56987727Satiation and the functional response: a test of a new model
Q114145175Searching by Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and escape behaviour of its aphid and cicadellid prey on lime (Tilia × vulgaris Hayne)
Q56987686Searching strategies and attack rates of parasitoids of the ash bark beetle (Leperisinus varius) and its relevance to biological control
Q113272076Season length, body size, and social polymorphism: size clines but not saw tooth clines in sweat bees
Q111172600Seasonal and landscape effects on the biotic resistance of forest communities to experimental insect introductions
Q113271365Seasonal change in offspring sex and size in Dawson's burrowing bees (Amegilla dawsoni) (Hymenoptera: Anthophorini)
Q112800862Seasonal changes in arthropod diversity patterns along an Alpine elevation gradient
Q113036791Seasonal changes in leaf nutritional quality influence grass miner performance
Q114367495Seasonal cycles of assortative mating and reproductive behaviour in polymorphic populations ofHarmonia axyridisin China
Q56447432Seasonal decline in plant defence is associated with relaxed offensive oviposition behaviour in the viburnum leaf beetlePyrrhalta viburni
Q129607342Seasonal differences in body mass and circulating metabolites in a wing‐dimorphic pygmy grasshopper: implications for life history?
Q110868377Seasonal fluctuation of groundwater level influences local litter‐dwelling ant richness, composition, and colonization in the Amazon rainforest
Q113798272Seasonal patterns in species richness of herbivores: Macrolepidopteran larvae on Finnish deciduous trees
Q58108202Seasonal patterns of herbivory, leaf traits and productivity consumption in dry and wet Patagonian forests
Q110615817Seasonal phenotypic plasticity of wing melanisation in the cabbage white butterfly, Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)
Q125865912Seasonal shifts in host usage in Uroleucon gravicorne (Homoptera: Aphididae) and implications for the evolution of host alternation in aphids
Q56779914Seasonal spatial dynamics and causes of nest movement in colonies of the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile)
Q61697991Seasonality and life cycles of woody plant-feeding noctuid moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Mediterranean habitats
Q57232065Seasonality of spiders (Araneae) in Mediterranean ecosystems and its implications in the optimum sampling period
Q115405536Secondary galling: a novel feeding strategy among ‘non-pollinating’ fig wasps fromFicus curtipes
Q113710675Secondary seed dispersal by ants in Neotropical cerrado savanna: species-specific effects on seeds and seedlings ofSiparuna guianensis(Siparunaceae)
Q113173189Seed growth suppression constrains the growth of seed parasites: premature acorn abscission reduces Curculio elephas larval size
Q56455930Seed handling behaviours of native and invasive seed-dispersing ants differentially influence seedling emergence in an introduced plant
Q113174560Seed manipulation by ants: disentangling the effects of ant behaviours on seed germination
Q63564606Seed predation by insects across a tropical forest precipitation gradient
Q113173186Seed weevils living on the edge: pressures and conflicts over body size in the endoparasiticCurculiolarvae
Q57251315Selection for discontinuous life-history traits along a continuous thermal gradient in the butterfly Aricia agestis
Q59321265Selection for enemy-free space: eggs placed away from the host plant increase survival of a neotropical ithomiine butterfly
Q115532935Selection of aphid prey by a generalist predator: do prey chemical defences matter?
Q63628060Selection of large host plants for oviposition by a monophagous leaf beetle: nutritional quality or enemy-free space?
Q111419161Semi-field experiments investigating facilitation: arrival order decides the interrelationship between two saproxylic beetle species
Q34339884Senescent leaf exudate increases mosquito survival and microbial activity
Q58462815Separating host-tree and environmental determinants of honeydew production by Ultracoelostoma scale insects in a Nothofagus forest
Q115396350Sequential speciation and the diversity of parasitic insects
Q58709489Serial monodomy in ants: an antipredator strategy?
Q125956482Setting the scene… meeting up with Darwin and Wallace
Q115531902Sex ratio, pupal parasitism, and predation in two declining populations of the bagworm, Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis (Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Psychidae)
Q115153022Sex ratios in field populations of Epidinocarsis lopezi, an exotic parasitoid of the cassava mealybug, in Africa
Q60525708Sex, life history and morphology drive individual variation in flight performance of an insect parasitoid
Q113033932Sex-ratio bias in an aphid parasitoid-hyperparasitoid association: a test of two hypotheses
Q128021675Sexual differences rather than flight performance underlie movement and exploration in a tropical butterfly
Q113173185Sexual selection did not contribute to the evolution of male lifespan under curtailed age at reproduction in a seed beetle
Q115034296Sexual size dimorphism and the integration of phenotypically plastic traits
Q56287888Sexually transmitted disease in a promiscuous insect, Adalia bipunctata
Q56985404Shaking a leg and hot to trot: the effects of body size and temperature on running speed in ants
Q111419164Sharing the same space: foraging behaviour of saproxylic beetles in relation to dietary components of morphologically similar larvae
Q59321283Shift happens! Shifting balance and the evolution of diversity in warning colour and mimicry
Q115532915Shift in predation regime mediates diversification of foraging behaviour in a dragonfly genus
Q107968338Shifts in the community composition of caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) in a subtropical river over three decades
Q115396369Short-term larval food stress and associated compensatory growth reduce adult immune function in a damselfly
Q112800842Short‐term positive effects of wildfire on diurnal insects and pollen transport in a Mediterranean ecosystem
Q126012235Show your true colour: cues for male mate preference in an intra‐specific mimicry system
Q129642496Shrub shading moderates the effects of weather on arthropod activity in arctic tundra
Q114081904Size and location of host‐plant shape the spatial pattern of forest insect
Q115532947Size and sex of cricket prey predict capture by a sphecid wasp
Q113271266Size-related foraging differences of bumble bee workers
Q112800871Size‐related life‐history traits in geometrid moths: a comparison of a temperate and a tropical community
Q113798263Skeletal economy in certain herbivorous beetles as an adaptation to a poor dietary supply of nitrogen
Q61883741Skewed sex ratios and multiple founding in galls of the oak apple gall wasp Biorhiza pallida
Q113036794Slow-growth, high-mortality - a general hypothesis, or is it?
Q62858154Small spermatophore size and reduced female fitness in an isolated butterfly population
Q56267951Social biology and sex ratios of the eusocial gall-inducing thrips Kladothrips hamiltoni
Q124877238Social but not solitary bee abundance tracks pollen protein accumulation in forest canopy gaps
Q59118117Social structure in the ant Lasius flavus: multi-queen nests or multi-nest mounds?
Q57039050Soil and vegetation features determine the nested pattern of ant-plant networks in a tropical rainforest
Q123264998Soil arthropod communities associated with Berberis thunbergii invasion in a temperate deciduous forest harbour more detritivores
Q113106835Soil surface complexity has a larger effect on food exploitation by ants than a change from grassland to shrubland
Q57249357Solar radiation directly affects larval performance of a forest insect
Q56987732Some aspects of the rate of increase of a coccinellid
Q112800847Some considerations on the terminology applied to dung beetle functional groups
Q125488273Sources of prey availability data alter interpretation of outputs from prey choice null networks
Q60128461Sources of variation in larval parasitism of two sympatrically outbreaking birch forest defoliators
Q115405461Spatial and temporal diversity in hyperparasitoid communities ofCotesia glomerataon garlic mustard,Alliaria petiolata
Q115396362Spatial and temporal dynamics of habitat selection across canopy gradients generates patterns of species richness and composition in aquatic beetles
Q113173494Spatial and temporal organisation of the pre-dispersal seed predator guild in a perennial legume, Vicia tenuifolia
Q56483742Spatial and temporal patterns of caterpillar performance and the suitability of two host plant species
Q115531890Spatial and temporal patterns of predation by ants on eggs of Cactoblastis cactorum
Q113173187Spatial and temporal variation in a suite of life-history traits in two species of wolf spider
Q57030810Spatial and temporal variation in the parasitoid assemblage of an exophytic polyphagous caterpillar
Q59849353Spatial correlations of Diceroprocta apache and its host plants: evidence for a negative impact from Tamarix invasion
Q112800885Spatial distribution, sampling efficiency and Taylor's power law
Q57196919Spatial ecology of multiple parasitoids of a patchily-distributed host: implications for species coexistence
Q112800861Spatial partitioning of perching on plants by tropical dung beetles depends on body size and leaf characteristics: a sit‐and‐wait strategy for food location
Q57008584Spatial patterns, temporal variability, and the role of multi-nest colonies in a monogynous Spanish desert ant
Q61951018Spatial variation in the magnitude and functional form of density-dependent processes on the large skipper butterflyOchlodes sylvanus
Q109780826Spatio‐temporal responses of butterflies to global warming on a Mediterranean island over two decades
Q115532905Specialisation in prey capture drives coexistence among sympatric spider‐hunting wasps
Q59271033Specialisation of bacterial endosymbionts that protect aphids from parasitoids
Q113174596Specialist pollinating seed predator exhibits oviposition strategy consistent with optimal oviposition theory
Q56047425Specializations and polyphagy of Plebejus argus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in North Wales
Q57638033Speciation in fig wasps
Q113174541Species associations and trait dissimilarity in communities of ectoparasitic arthropods harboured by small mammals at three hierarchical scales
Q57032577Species diversity and structure of phytophagous beetle assemblages along a latitudinal gradient: predicting the potential impacts of climate change
Q57200011Species number, species abundance and body length of arboreal arthropods associated with an Australian rainforest tree
Q115432267Species richness and parasitism in an assemblage of parasitoids attacking maize stem borers in coastal Kenya
Q115396377Species richness estimation and determinants of species detectability in butterfly monitoring programmes
Q115396874Species richness of phytophagous beetles in the tropical treeBrosimum utile(Moraceae): the effects of sampling strategy and the problem of tourists
Q113798938Species richness, range size, and wing development in South American melanopline grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acrididae)
Q112810950Spiders and harvestmen as gastropod predators
Q115034290Spiders follow an ideal free distribution based on traits of the plant community
Q113855247Spore-feeding: a new, regionally vacant niche for bracken herbivores
Q34370681Stable Isotope Analysis Reveals Detrital Resource Base Sources of the Tree Hole Mosquito, Aedes triseriatus
Q112800856Stable isotope ecology in insects: a review
Q113033984Stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponini) seek sodium at carrion baits in Costa Rica
Q113174545Stronger dung removal in forests compared with grassland is driven by trait composition and biomass of dung beetles
Q113174549Structural changes over time in individual‐based networks involving a harvester ant, seeds, and invertebrates
Q57097149Structural refuges in two stem-boring weevils on Rumex crispus
Q57196927Structure and vertical stratification of plant galler-parasitoid food webs in two tropical forests
Q115432286Structure of two macrolepidopteran assemblages onSalix nigra(Marsh) andAcer negundoL.: abundance, diversity, richness, and persistence of scarce species
Q64216202Sublethal effect of brood parasitism on the grass-carrying wasp Isodontia mexicana
Q127902579Suboptimal oviposition of tephritid flies supports parasitoid wasps
Q117219571Substantial niche overlap in carrion beetle habitat and vegetation use
Q112169625Substrate moisture, particle size and temperature preferences of trap‐building larvae of sympatric antlions and wormlions from the rainforest of Borneo
Q115532928Suitability of woodlice prey for generalist and specialist spider predators: a comparative study
Q114081913Summer drought affects abundance of grassland grasshoppers differently along an elevation gradient
Q113272064Sunflower pollen reduces a gut pathogen in worker and queen but not male bumble bees
Q115405515Survivability and post-diapause fitness in a scolytid beetle as a function of overwintering developmental stage and the implications for population dynamics
Q59462508Survival, movement, and resource use of the butterfly Parnassius clodius
Q99967628Swarming behaviour in the Australian beetle, Heteronyx obesus, with notes on related species
Q105464087Switching roles from antagonist to mutualist: a harvester ant as a key seed disperser of a myrmecochorous plant
Q60270954Symbiont-conferred protection against Hymenopteran parasitoids in aphids: how general is it?
Q56169722Symbionts of societies that fission: mites as guests or parasites of army ants
Q125422185Synthesis and perspectives on the study of ant‐plant interaction networks: A global overview
Q125450779Systematic review of cuckoo bumblebee research reveals data gaps and understudied species
Q113282461Task-partitioned nectar transfer in stingless bees: work organisation in a phylogenetic context
Q113798278Taxonomic isolation and the accumulation of herbivorous insects: a comparison of introduced and native trees
Q112800887Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic perspectives on butterfly spatial assembly in northern Amazonia
Q56659868Temperate forest termites: ecology, biogeography, and ecosystem impacts
Q115531866Temperature and prey capture: opposite relationships in two predator taxa
Q56623545Temperature and the pollinating activity of social bees
Q115532925Temperature modulates the effects of predation and competition on mosquito larvae
Q123302562Temperature, deltamethrin‐resistance status and performance measures of Plutella xylostella: complex responses of insects to environmental variables
Q56980764Temperature-dependent reproduction of the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus, and analysis of the potential population growth
Q112800864Temporal and dietary niche is context‐dependent in tropical ants
Q111264024Temporal and geographic variation in parasitoid attack with no evidence for ant protection of the Melissa blue butterfly,Lycaeides melissa
Q61475639Temporal and spatial patterns in the emigrations of the army ant Dorylus (Anomma) molestus in the montane forest of Mt Kenya
Q128162155Temporal changes in the composition of parasitoid assemblages associated with the invasive chestnut gall wasp
Q122979896Temporal constancy in grasshopper assemblies (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Q113173209Temporal patterns of seed use and availability in a guild of desert ants
Q60482999Temporal priority and intra-guild predation in temporary waters: an experimental study using Namibian desert dragonflies
Q57483662Temporal variation in body size and weapon allometry in the New Zealand giraffe weevil
Q36097047Ten years of invasion: Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Britain
Q125122824Termitariophily: expanding the concept of termitophily in a physogastric rove beetle (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
Q56380382Termite cohabitation: the relative effect of biotic and abiotic factors on mound biodiversity
Q113033982Testing competing hypotheses about the behaviour of floral visitors in mixed‐flower stands
Q111172606Testing effects of invasive fire ants and disturbance on ant communities of the longleaf pine ecosystem
Q36995994Testing for context-dependence in a processing chain interaction among detritus-feeding aquatic insects
Q56413702Testing the hypothesis of greater eurythermality in invasive than in native ladybird species: from physiological performance to life-history strategies
Q114081903Testing the migration syndrome: Comparative fecundity of migratory and non‐migratory nymphaline butterflies
Q113033926Testing the nutrition hypothesis for the adaptive nature of insect galls: does a non-adapted herbivore perform better in galls?
Q112810948Testing the resource concentration hypothesis with tarnished plant bug on strawberry: density of hosts and patch size influence the interaction between abundance of nymphs and incidence of damage
Q113033981Testing three hypotheses of rarity among the Buprestidae species of a tropical dry forest
Q115432305The Lepidoptera fauna associated with Calluna vulgaris: effects of plant architecture on abundance and diversity
Q54575950The adaptive and evolutionary significance of wing polymorphism and parthenogenesis in Ptinella Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae)
Q58924897The adaptive significance of male egg carrying in the golden egg bug: defining research avenues. A reply to Härdlinget al
Q115531880The arthropod predators of ant-mimetic and aposematic prey: a serological analysis
Q115532870The benefits of intraguild predation for a top predator spider
Q113798268The biogeography of herbivorous arthropods: species accrual on tropical crops
Q122713546The biology of the phonotactic parasitoid, Homotrixa sp. (Diptera: Tachinidae), and its impact on the survival of male Sciarasaga quadrata (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) in the field
Q55839331The community ecology of Aedes egg hatching: implications for a mosquito invasion
Q125893625The community‐wide and guild‐specific effects of pubescence on the folivorous insects of manzanitas Arctostaphylos spp.
Q122664738The complex hatching response of Aedes eggs to larval density
Q125360283The considerable adult size variability in wood feeders is optimal
Q58868496The cost of ant attendance and melezitose secretion in the black bean aphidAphis fabae
Q115531896The costs of reduced feeding due to predator avoidance: potential effects on growth and fitness in Ischnura elegans larvae (Odonata: Zygoptera)
Q56680632The degree of oligophagy in Locusta migratoria (L.)
Q125818810The deleterious effects of salinity stress on leafminers and their freshwater host
Q125416883The dispersal of microbes among and within flowers by butterflies
Q30048565The distribution and abundance of the British fungal-breeding Drosophila
Q57251345The distribution and decline of a widespread butterfly Lycaena phlaeas in a pastoral landscape
Q56918411The distribution and species characteristics of the Culicoides biting midge fauna of South Africa
Q126064834The distribution of a typhlocybine leafhopper, Ribautiana ulmi (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) on a specimen wych elm tree
Q111044117The distribution of risk and density-dependent mortality in the galls of Eurosta solidaginis, the goldenrod gall fly
Q113798279The distribution pattern of herbivory in a beech canopy
Q92097143The distribution, abundance and host plant relationships of Salix- feeding psyllids (Homoptera: Psylloidea) in arctic Alaska
Q115396424The diversity of Hymenoptera in the tropics with special reference to Parasitica in Sulawesi
Q57638017The dominant exploiters of the fig/pollinator mutualism vary across continents, but their costs fall consistently on the male reproductive function of figs
Q110615820The double cloak of invisibility: phenotypic plasticity and larval decoration in a geometrid moth,Synchlora frondaria, across three diet treatments
Q113798946The ecology and evolution of induced responses to herbivory and how plants perceive risk
Q123366190The effect of a foliar disease (rust) on the development of Gastrophysa viridula (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Q57601881The effect of colour variation in predators on the behaviour of pollinators: Australian crab spiders and native bees
Q56973235The effect of dispersal ability in winter and summer stoneflies on their genetic differentiation
Q59270555The effect of egg load and host deprivation on oviposition behaviour in aphidophagous hoverflies
Q57742182The effect of foundress number on sex ratio under partial local mate competition
Q57032217The effect of host developmental stage at parasitism on sex-related size differentiation in a larval endoparasitoid
Q60802294The effect of multi-species host density on superparasitism and sex ratio in a gregarious parasitoid
Q114145174The effect of prey density and host plant characteristics on oviposition and fertility in Anthocoris confusus (Reuter)
Q60546305The effect of rearing history and aphid density on volatile-mediated foraging behaviour of Diaeretiella rapae
Q57032354The effect of superparasitism on development of the solitary parasitoid wasp, Venturia canescens (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)
Q121295122The effect of temperature and behaviour on the interaction between two dragonfly larvae species within the native and expanded range
Q125867607The effects of abiotically induced changes in host plant quality (and morphology) on a salt marsh planthopper and its parasitoid
Q113798247The effects of crop diversification on herbivorous insects: a meta-analysis approach
Q57426866The effects of drought and herbivory on plant-herbivore interactions across 16 soybean genotypes in a field experiment
Q57566803The effects of foliage damage on casebearing moth larvae, Coleophora serratella, feeding on birch
Q57262046The effects of foliar pubescence and nutrient enrichment on arthropod communities of Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtaceae)
Q113181583The effects of foraging ants on arboreal insect herbivores in an undisturbed woodland savanna
Q126304283The effects of host plant species on adult oviposition and larval performance of the aphid predator Aphidoletes aphidimyza
Q57566825The effects of host-plant distribution and local abundance on the species richness of agromyzid flies attacking British umbellifers
Q56796841The effects of parasitoid fecundity and host taxon on the biological control of insect pests: the relationship between theory and data
Q60566042The effects of starvation and repeated disturbance on mass loss, pit construction, and spatial pattern in a trap-building predator
Q113271262The effects of temperature and body size on the mating pattern of a gregariously nesting bee, Colletes cunicularius (Hymenoptera: Colletidae)
Q125993334The effects of temperature and prey density on the development rates and growth of damselfly larvae (Odonata: Zygoptera)
Q56936993The effects of the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) and the native antPrenolepis imparison the structure of insect herbivore communities on willow trees (Salix lasiolepis)
Q115555386The escape response of pea aphids to foliar-foraging predators: factors affecting dropping behaviour
Q56854550The evolution of parental care in insects: the roles of ecology, life history and the social environment
Q56112645The evolutionary ecology of cheating: does superficial oviposition facilitate the evolution of a cheater yucca moth?
Q60562759The farming ant Sericomyrmex amabilis nutritionally manages its fungal symbiont and its social parasite
Q99975682The first parasitic Trichoptera
Q113798949The forgotten season: the impact of autumn phenology on a specialist insect herbivore community on oak
Q57265264The frequency of multi-queen colonies increases with altitude in a Nearctic ant
Q115396437The function of multiple anti-predator mechanisms in adult tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae)
Q115396457The function of turret building behaviour in the larval tiger beetle, Cicindela willistoni (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae)
Q115531887The growth and survival of Panolis flammea larvae in the absence of predators on Scots pine and lodgepole pine
Q122451040The hatching stimulus for eggs of Aedes punctor (Diptera: Culicidae)
Q112798878The impact of altered precipitation on spatial stratification and activity-densities of springtails (Collembola) and spiders (Araneae)
Q111263880The impact of an ant-aphid mutualism on the functional composition of the secondary parasitoid community
Q56774951The impact of an exotic social wasp (Vespula germanica) on the native arthropod community of north-west Patagonia, Argentina: an experimental study
Q115396450The impact of forest cutting on the diversity of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the southern Appalachians
Q117705398The impact of wildfire and mammal carcasses on beetle emergence from heathland soils
Q57008001The impacts of predators and parasites on wild bumblebee colonies
Q111493075The importance of canopy complexity in shaping seasonal spider and beetle assemblages in saltmarsh habitats
Q62377127The importance of specialist natural enemies for Chrysomela lapponica in pioneering a new host plant
Q113855250The influence of ants and water availability on oviposition behaviour and survivorship of a facultatively ant‐tended herbivore
Q61996360The influence of different spatial-scale variables on caddisfly assemblages in Flemish lowland streams
Q56699261The influence of habitat use and foraging on the replacement of one introduced wasp species by another in New Zealand
Q115432273The influence of host plant diversity and food quality on larval survival of plant feeding heteropteran bugs
Q129184362The influence of light environment on host colour preference in a parasitoid wasp
Q60531691The influence of prior experience on preference and performance of a cryptoparasitoidScleroderma guani(Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) on beetle hosts
Q56776524The influence of temperature and fine-scale resource distribution on resource sharing and domination in an ant community
Q113173496The interactive effects of climate, life history, and interspecific neighbours on mortality in a population of seed harvester ants
Q113855243The interplay between plant traits and herbivore attack: a study of a stem galling midge in the neotropics
Q56384448The life and death of barn beetles: faunas from manure and stored hay inside farm buildings in northern Iceland
Q54666515The life history of Philanisus plebeius Walker (Trichoptera: Chathamiidae), a caddisfly whose eggs were found in a starfish
Q112852029The macroevolution of climatic niches and its role in ant diversification
Q56883202The metazoan food webs from six Bornean Nepenthes species
Q125476043The missing links: Bee and non‐bee alpine visitor observation networks differ to pollen transport networks
Q56212600The nature of migration in the red admiral butterfly Vanessa atalanta: evidence from the population ecology in its southern range
Q112800893The network structure of myrmecophilic interactions
Q113855232The occurrence and effectiveness of hypersensitive reaction against galling herbivores across host taxa
Q125477024The occurrence of sequential oviposition in fig wasps and the implications for interpreting sex ratio data
Q109009047The origins of northern European Autographa gamma individuals evaluated using hydrogen stable isotopes
Q56785111The pea aphid complex as a model of ecological speciation
Q124839436The population dynamics of the yellow crazy ant Anoplolepis gracilipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on a tropical island in Malaysia
Q56780845The potential impacts of the arrival of the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), in Britain
Q125622780The power and efficiency of brood incubation in queenless microcolonies of bumble bees (Bombus terrestris L.)
Q115531882The predators of insects
Q58423766The presence of conifer resin decreases the use of the immune system in wood ants
Q56987607The relationship between egg load and fecundity among Trichogramma parasitoids
Q56785107The relationship between feeding specialization and host plants to aldrin epoxidase activities of midgut homogenates in larval Lepidoptera
Q111247967The relationship between the abundances of bumblebees and honeybees in a native habitat
Q99966956The repair of larval cells and other larval activities in Geotrupes spiniger Marsham and other species (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
Q111264009The resource‐mediated modular structure of a non‐symbiotic ant–plant mutualism
Q56987594The response of Hyssopus pallidus to hosts previously parasitised by Ascogaster quadridentata: heterospecific discrimination and host quality
Q125406178The response to fire by two eusocial bee species
Q115531897The responses of polyphagous predators to prey spatial heterogeneity: aggregation by carabid and staphylinid beetles to their cereal aphid prey
Q125993377The role of body size in mating success of Sphenarium purpurascens in Central Mexico
Q125289623The role of carrion‐frequenting arthropods in the decay process
Q113798256The role of extrafloral nectaries in Qualea grandiflora (Vochysiaceae) in limiting herbivory: an experiment of ant protection in cerrado vegetation
Q113798266The role of extrafloral nectaries in the herbivore defence of Cassia fasiculata
Q113271261The role of larval nutrition in pre-imaginal biasing of caste in the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
Q126165252The role of olfactory stimuli in the location of weakened hosts by twig‐infesting Pityophthorus spp.
Q114145176The role of predator-prey size ratio in determining the efficiency of capture by Anthocoris nemorum and the escape reactions of its prey, Acyrthosiphon pisum
Q113855229The role of resources and natural enemies in determining the distribution of an insect herbivore population
Q60487756The role of temperature in competition and persistence of an invaded ant assemblage
Q36141400The role of the North Atlantic Oscillation in controlling U.K. butterfly population size and phenology
Q56551793The roles and interactions of reproductive isolation mechanisms in fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) host strains
Q56880097The roles of history: age and prior exploitation in aquatic container habitats have immediate and carry-over effects on mosquito life history
Q110615268The roles of phenotypic plasticity and adaptation in morphology and performance of an invasive species in a novel environment
Q115532950The roles of top and intermediate predators in herbivore suppression: contrasting results from the field and laboratory
Q114145173The searching behaviour of Anthocoris confusus (Reuter) in relation to prey density and plant surface topography
Q57039015The seasonal dynamic of ant-flower networks in a semi-arid tropical environment
Q57200013The seasonality of arboreal arthropods foraging within an Australian rainforest tree
Q58855339The significance of a facultative bacterium to natural populations of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum
Q56267944The significance of prey in the diet of the phytophagous thrips, Frankliniella schultzei
Q56453626The size-distance relationship in the wood ant Formica rufa
Q113036785The size-grain hypothesis: a phylogenetic and field test
Q113033927The size?grain hypothesis: do macroarthropods see a fractal world?
Q113033989The slow-growth high-mortality hypothesis: direct experimental support in a leafmining fly
Q125774497The spatial distribution of beetles within the canopies of oak trees in Richmond Park, U.K.
Q111493057The structure of the aquatic insect community associated with intertidal pools on a New Jersey salt marsh
Q56927676The tethered flight technique as a tool for studying life-history strategies associated with migration in insects
Q115532922The three criteria for resistance by plant carrion-provisioning: insect entrapment and predator enrichment onMimulus bolanderi
Q111172590The three‐dimensional macronutrient niche of an invasive generalist predator
Q60506541The time and egg budget of Leptopilina clavipes, a parasitoid of larval Drosophila
Q113389134The upper thermal tolerance for a Texas population of the hairy maggot blow flyChrysomya rufifaciesMacquart (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
Q56031724The use of chemical composition as a population marker in insects: a study of the Brimstone butterfly
Q58417539The use of digital video recorders in pollination biology
Q113282460The use of field-based social information in eusocial foragers: local enhancement among nestmates and heterospecifics in stingless bees
Q61761929The use of oviposition-induced plant cues by Trichogramma egg parasitoids
Q67311516The usefulness of destructive host feeding parasitoids in classical biological control: theory and observation conflict
Q114106536The utilization of patchy thermal microhabitats by the ectothermic insect predator, Cicindela sexguttata
Q57241967The value of georeferenced collection records for predicting patterns of mosquito species richness and endemism in the Neotropics
Q54586297The volatile organic compounds of introduced and native dung and carrion and their role in dung beetle foraging behaviour
Q125659795The ‘night shift’: nocturnal pollen-transport networks in a boreal pine forest
Q60233856Thermal change alters the outcome of behavioural interactions between antagonistic partners
Q60531266Thermal tolerance and recovery behaviour of Thorectes lusitanicus (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae)
Q113033987Thermal tolerance varies with dim‐light foraging and elevation in large carpenter bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Xylocopini)
Q42590329Thermoregulation of foraging honeybees on flowering plants: seasonal variability and influence of radiative heat gain
Q57196960Three ways of assessing metapopulation structure in the butterfly Plebejus argus
Q115555369Tigers eating tigers: evidence of intraguild predation operating in an assemblage of tiger beetles
Q121793227Time-lags in insect response to plant productivity: significance for plant-insect interactions in deserts
Q126080254Timing is everything? Phenological synchrony and population variability in leaf‐chewing herbivores of Quercus
Q60572395Timing of diapause induction and its life-history consequences in Nezara viridula: is it costly to expand the distribution range?
Q56996103To be an intra-guild predator or a cannibal: is prey quality decisive?
Q57607636To be or not to be faithful: flexible fidelity to foraging trails in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis
Q60438845Towards an understanding of how phloem amino acid composition shapes elevated CO2-induced changes in aphid population dynamics
Q57043622Towards an understanding of the mechanisms of tolerance: compensating for herbivore damage by enhancing a mutualism
Q125995787Tracking larval insect movement within soil using high resolution X‐ray microtomography
Q115531857Tracking predator density dependence and subterranean predation by carabid larvae on slugs using monoclonal antibodies
Q57308617Trade-off between mobility and fitness in Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
Q115405404Trade‐off mediated by pyrrolizidine alkaloids predicts alternative reproductive tactics in ithomiine butterflies
Q115555384Trail sex pheromone as a cue for searching mates in an insect predator Orius sauteri
Q115531785Trait-mediated effects of predation across life-history stages in container mosquitoes
Q113272069Traits reveal ecological strategies driving carrion insect community assembly
Q113798926Trait‐based characterisation of parasitoid wasp communities in natural and agricultural areas
Q125636600Transgenerational developmental effects of species‐specific, maternally transmitted microbiota in Onthophagus dung beetles
Q60364800Transgenic Bt maize and Rhopalosiphum padi (Hom., Aphididae) performance
Q56771458Transmission dynamics of an iridescent virus in an experimental mosquito population: the role of host density
Q57002035Tree diversity drives abundance and spatiotemporal β-diversity of true bugs (Heteroptera)
Q59404525Tree diversity promotes predator but not omnivore ants in a subtropical Chinese forest
Q115432275Triangular fecundity function and ageing in ladybird beetles
Q125699522Tritrophic interactions and trade‐offs in herbivore fecundity on hybridising host plants
Q125072231Trophic ecology of adult male Odonata. II. Dietary contributions of aquatic food sources
Q125029288Trophic ecology of adult male Odonata. I. Dietary niche metrics by foraging guild, species, body size, and location
Q114081930Trophic ecology of the arboreal and ground ant communities in forests and savannas of central Brazil
Q56092652Trophic interactions among invertebrates in termitaria in the African savanna: a stable isotope approach
Q57001729Trophic level modulates carabid beetle responses to habitat and landscape structure: a pan-European study
Q56930001Trophic-level responses differ at plant, plot, and fragment levels in urban native forest fragments: a hierarchical analysis
Q57031751Uncovering different parameters influencing florivory in a specialist herbivore
Q115531875Understanding gregariousness in a larval Lepidopteran: the roles of host plant, predation, and microclimate
Q113855225Uptake of Bt-toxin by herbivores feeding on transgenic maize and consequences for the predator Chrysoperla carnea
Q112800845Urbanisation drivers and underlying mechanisms of terrestrial insect diversity loss in cities
Q127593642Use of visual and olfactory cues of flowers of two brassicaceous species by insect pollinators
Q57008103Using citizen science to monitor pollination services
Q115532230Using food for different purposes: female responses to prey in the predatorCoccinella septempunctataL. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
Q112800846Using network ecology to understand and mitigate long‐term insect declines
Q60519776Using species distribution models to locate animal aggregations: a case study with Hippodamia undecimnotata (Schneider) overwintering aggregation sites
Q59271119Using superparasitism by a stem borer parasitoid to infer a host refuge
Q114081944Using temporary emigration to inform movement behaviour of cave-dwelling invertebrates: a case study of a cave harvestman species
Q113272060Using trapped drones to assess the density of honey bee colonies: a simulation and empirical study to evaluate the accuracy of the method
Q124980646Variability in activity differs between castes in the ant Linepithema humile
Q125882825Variability of a niche difference between Drosophila hydei and D.melanogaster
Q60287237Variable chemical defence in the checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas gillettii (Lepidoptera: NymphaIidae)
Q58042323Variable maternal control of facultative egg diapause in the bushcricketEphippiger ephippiger
Q113173205Variance in number of eggs per patch: oviposition behaviour and population dispersion in a seed parasitic moth
Q113033928Variation among individual butterflies along a generalist?specialist axis: no support for the ?neural constraint? hypothesis
Q113272074Variation in composition of two bumble bee species across communities affects nectar robbing but maintains pollinator visitation rate to an alpine plant,Salvia przewalskii
Q60178644Variation in herbivory by Yponomeuta mahalebella on its only host plant Prunus mahaleb along an elevational gradient
Q61758202Variation in performance of two co-occurring mosquito species across diverse resource environments: insights from nutrient and stable isotope analyses
Q122204310Variation in singing behaviour among morphs of the sand field cricket, Gryllus firmus
Q125391532Variation in trichome density and resistance against a specialist insect herbivore in natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana
Q56519266Variation of density-dependence with spatial scale in the leaf-mining fly Liriomyza commelinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae)
Q114081905Variations in calling behaviour of wing dimorphic male crickets
Q88583211Venom is beneficial but not essential for development and survival of Nasonia
Q60514553Vertical transmission in feather mites: insights into its adaptive value
Q113271366Viability of cotton and canola pollen on the proboscis of Helicoverpa armigera: implications for spread of transgenes and pollination ecology
Q113855231Vigour of a dioecious shrub and attack by a galling herbivore
Q126302697Visual preference of flower‐visiting crab spiders (Ebrechtella tricuspidata) for host flowers
Q115396391Water-energy balance and the geographic pattern of species richness of western Palearctic butterflies
Q115197006Weak relationships of parasite infection with sexual and life‐history traits in wild‐caught Texas field crickets ( Gryllus texensis )
Q58202049Weaknesses in the plant competition hypothesis for fairy circle formation and evidence supporting the sand termite hypothesis
Q125291059Weather and regional crop composition variation drive spatial synchrony of lepidopteran agricultural pests
Q115531854Wetland isolation facilitates larval mosquito density through the reduction of predators
Q58740001What makes the cost of brood care important for the evolution of termite sociality? Its insignificance
Q57208139What shapes local density? The importance of migration rates and local growth for density-patch size relationships in two Cionus weevils
Q113855238When host choice is a problem for a generalist herbivore: experiments with the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci
Q115532916When predator odour makes groups stronger: effects on behavioural and chemical adaptations in two termite species
Q126190690Which moths might be pollinators? Approaches in the search for the flower‐visiting needles in the Lepidopteran haystack
Q57063010Who flies first? - habitat-specific phenological shifts of butterflies and orthopterans in the light of climate change: a case study from the south-east Mediterranean
Q113033938Why a cicada, Mogannia minuta Matsumura, became a pest of sugarcane: an hypothesis based on the theory of ‘escape’
Q125114254Why do Pheidole oxyops (Forel, 1908) ants place feathers around their nests?
Q56094918Why does the hoverfly Metasyrphus corollae migrate?
Q56094927Why grow up? A perspective on insect strategies to avoid metamorphosis
Q111264014Why resource history matters: age and oviposition history affect oviposition behaviour in exploiters of a mutualism
Q109267082Why we love bees and hate wasps
Q115405396Wild bee functional diversity and plant associations in native and conventional plant nurseries
Q56603774Wind as a factor influencing flower-visiting by Hadena bicruris (Noctuidae) and Deilephila elpenor (Sphingidae)
Q59270568Windows of opportunity and the temporal structuring of foraging activity in a desert solitary bee
Q60163564Winter foraging patterns and voluntary hypothermia in the social caterpillar Eucheira socialis
Q113174567Wise flies: a pre-dispersal seed predator prefers hermaphrodites over females in the gynodioeciousPolemonium foliosissimum
Q56763649Within plant interspecific competition does not limit the highly invasive thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis in Florida
Q57262313Within-plant distribution of a galling adelgid (Homoptera: Adelgidae): the consequences of conflicting survivorship, growth, and reproduction
Q112800870Yaks and sheep trigger different changes in the grasshopper assemblages of the Qilian Mountains via differentially altering plant assemblages
Q57433425‘Cost’ of proctodeal trophallaxis in extant termite individuals has no relevance in analysing the origins of eusociality