scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P6179 | Dimensions Publication ID | 1053014290 |
P356 | DOI | 10.1038/NMETH.2689 |
P932 | PMC publication ID | 3851581 |
P698 | PubMed publication ID | 24122041 |
P5875 | ResearchGate publication ID | 257754973 |
P50 | author | Elaine Mardis | Q5353251 |
Malachi Griffith | Q37382147 | ||
Adam C. Coffman | Q111971106 | ||
Ron Bose | Q114289858 | ||
Matthew B Callaway | Q125342085 | ||
Obi Griffith | Q30503239 | ||
P2093 | author name string | Li Ding | |
Richard K Wilson | |||
Christopher A Miller | |||
David J Dooling | |||
Timothy J Ley | |||
David E Larson | |||
Janakiraman Subramanian | |||
Scott M Smith | |||
Ramaswamy Govindan | |||
Jason R Walker | |||
Indraniel Das | |||
James Koval | |||
James M Eldred | |||
James V Weible | |||
Josh F McMichael | |||
Nicholas C Spies | |||
Runjun D Kumar | |||
P2860 | cites work | PDTD: a web-accessible protein database for drug target identification | Q33320236 |
DNA-Mutation Inventory to Refine and Enhance Cancer Treatment (DIRECT): A Catalog of Clinically Relevant Cancer Mutations to Enable Genome-Directed Anticancer Therapy | Q34002791 | ||
Sequence analysis of mutations and translocations across breast cancer subtypes | Q34032470 | ||
PubChem's BioAssay Database | Q34090643 | ||
Trends in the exploitation of novel drug targets | Q34205159 | ||
Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC): a resource for therapeutic biomarker discovery in cancer cells | Q34313686 | ||
The promise of genomics to identify novel therapeutic targets | Q35976369 | ||
Large-scale prediction and testing of drug activity on side-effect targets | Q36059863 | ||
The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database: update 2013. | Q36491395 | ||
SuperTarget goes quantitative: update on drug-target interactions | Q38499993 | ||
The druggable genome: an update | Q40362716 | ||
PROMISCUOUS: a database for network-based drug-repositioning | Q41578922 | ||
Molecular Targeted Agents and Biologic Therapies for Lung Cancer | Q82062699 | ||
Gene ontology: tool for the unification of biology | Q23781406 | ||
The protein kinase complement of the human genome | Q24324497 | ||
Entrez Gene: gene-centered information at NCBI | Q24610128 | ||
DrugBank 3.0: a comprehensive resource for 'omics' research on drugs | Q24612505 | ||
Ensembl 2011 | Q24614810 | ||
The Pfam protein families database | Q24619716 | ||
InterPro in 2011: new developments in the family and domain prediction database | Q24620144 | ||
Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours | Q24630844 | ||
From pharmacogenomic knowledge acquisition to clinical applications: the PharmGKB as a clinical pharmacogenomic biomarker resource | Q24632079 | ||
Update of TTD: Therapeutic Target Database | Q24643206 | ||
SuperCYP: a comprehensive database on Cytochrome P450 enzymes including a tool for analysis of CYP-drug interactions | Q24643366 | ||
T3DB: a comprehensively annotated database of common toxins and their targets | Q24644620 | ||
BindingDB: a web-accessible database of experimentally determined protein-ligand binding affinities | Q24675698 | ||
Activating HER2 mutations in HER2 gene amplification negative breast cancer | Q27851987 | ||
ChEMBL: a large-scale bioactivity database for drug discovery | Q28315179 | ||
Prioritizing Potentially Druggable Mutations with dGene: An Annotation Tool for Cancer Genome Sequencing Data | Q28534371 | ||
A side effect resource to capture phenotypic effects of drugs | Q29387552 | ||
The druggable genome | Q29547361 | ||
The Connectivity Map: using gene-expression signatures to connect small molecules, genes, and disease | Q29547614 | ||
The Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia enables predictive modelling of anticancer drug sensitivity | Q29547693 | ||
The landscape of cancer genes and mutational processes in breast cancer | Q29614637 | ||
Diverse somatic mutation patterns and pathway alterations in human cancers | Q29619825 | ||
The clonal and mutational evolution spectrum of primary triple-negative breast cancers | Q29619914 | ||
STITCH 3: zooming in on protein-chemical interactions | Q30002340 | ||
P4510 | describes a project that uses | SQL | Q47607 |
ggplot2 | Q326489 | ||
P433 | issue | 12 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P304 | page(s) | 1209-1210 | |
P577 | publication date | 2013-10-13 | |
P1433 | published in | Nature Methods | Q680640 |
P1476 | title | DGIdb: mining the druggable genome | |
P478 | volume | 10 |
Q47674278 | "Personalized Cancer Therapy": A Publicly Available Precision Oncology Resource. |
Q34543038 | A CRISPR Dropout Screen Identifies Genetic Vulnerabilities and Therapeutic Targets in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. |
Q38838357 | A Network of Conserved Synthetic Lethal Interactions for Exploration of Precision Cancer Therapy. |
Q33669451 | A c-Myc-regulated stem cell-like signature in high-risk neuroblastoma: A systematic discovery (Target neuroblastoma ESC-like signature). |
Q40062073 | A genomic exploration identifies mechanisms that may explain adverse cardiovascular effects of COX-2 inhibitors |
Q38381789 | A network-based drug repositioning infrastructure for precision cancer medicine through targeting significantly mutated genes in the human cancer genomes. |
Q35671408 | A weighted and integrated drug-target interactome: drug repurposing for schizophrenia as a use case |
Q28660588 | Advances in genome studies in plants and animals |
Q33692066 | An imprinted non-coding genomic cluster at 14q32 defines clinically relevant molecular subtypes in osteosarcoma across multiple independent datasets |
Q35801066 | An improved understanding of cancer genomics through massively parallel sequencing |
Q37051436 | Automated identification of molecular effects of drugs (AIMED) |
Q35244900 | BRAF V600E mutation in early-stage multiple myeloma: good response to broad acting drugs and no relation to prognosis |
Q41009120 | Biomarkers of hippocampal gene expression in a mouse restraint chronic stress model |
Q55031337 | Blood lipid-related low-frequency variants in LDLR and PCSK9 are associated with onset age and risk of myocardial infarction in Japanese. |
Q61445781 | CCNE1 amplification is associated with poor prognosis in patients with triple negative breast cancer |
Q33730180 | CVE: an R package for interactive variant prioritisation in precision oncology. |
Q41138901 | Cancer Driver Log (CanDL): Catalog of Potentially Actionable Cancer Mutations |
Q41156013 | CancerGD: A Resource for Identifying and Interpreting Genetic Dependencies in Cancer |
Q41312671 | Cell-Type-Specific Translation Profiling Reveals a Novel Strategy for Treating Fragile X Syndrome |
Q55717464 | Changing Trends in Computational Drug Repositioning. |
Q33906319 | Choose and Use Your Chemical Probe Wisely to Explore Cancer Biology |
Q30489035 | Clinical application of genomic profiling to find druggable targets for adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients with metastasis. |
Q54212643 | Combined Transcriptomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics Identify Drug Targets in Spinal Cord Injury |
Q91259857 | Combined chemosensitivity and chromatin profiling prioritizes drug combinations in CLL |
Q33757949 | Comparative analysis of genes frequently regulated by drugs based on connectivity map transcriptome data. |
Q91763928 | Comparative proteogenomic characterization of glioblastoma |
Q27853385 | Comprehensive genomic analysis reveals FLT3 activation and a therapeutic strategy for a patient with relapsed adult B-lymphoblastic leukemia |
Q38793593 | Computational approaches for the identification of cancer genes and pathways |
Q37035513 | Concerted changes in transcriptional regulation of genes involved in DNA methylation, demethylation, and folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism pathways in the NCI-60 cancer cell line panel in response to cancer drug treatment |
Q58756266 | Contribution of allelic imbalance to colorectal cancer |
Q36434749 | DGIdb 2.0: mining clinically relevant drug-gene interactions. |
Q52777528 | DGIdb 3.0: a redesign and expansion of the drug-gene interaction database |
Q38922006 | Databases and tools for constructing signal transduction networks in cancer |
Q33913055 | Detecting protein variants by mass spectrometry: a comprehensive study in cancer cell-lines |
Q34529055 | Differences in somatic mutation landscape of hepatocellular carcinoma in Asian American and European American populations |
Q47154705 | Differential prioritization of therapies to subtypes of triple negative breast cancer using a systems medicine method |
Q90371841 | Dissecting the early steps of MLL induced leukaemogenic transformation using a mouse model of AML |
Q37073617 | Divergent clonal selection dominates medulloblastoma at recurrence |
Q92564494 | Diversity spectrum analysis identifies mutation-specific effects of cancer driver genes |
Q35917239 | Drug Normalization for Cancer Therapeutic and Druggable Genome Target Discovery. |
Q47205411 | Drug knowledge bases and their applications in biomedical informatics research. |
Q64948190 | Drug repositioning of herbal compounds via a machine-learning approach. |
Q36010298 | DrugGenEx-Net: a novel computational platform for systems pharmacology and gene expression-based drug repurposing |
Q40392337 | DrugTargetInspector: An assistance tool for patient treatment stratification |
Q58609423 | DrugThatGene: integrative analysis to streamline the identification of druggable genes, pathways, and protein complexes from CRISPR screens |
Q57824478 | Druggability of Coronary Artery Disease Risk Loci |
Q53712744 | Drugging the undruggable: gabapentin, pregabalin and the calcium channel α2δ subunit |
Q64973181 | Dynamics of Dual Specificity Phosphatases and Their Interplay with Protein Kinases in Immune Signaling. |
Q53721548 | Editorial: Strategies for cellular target identification of natural products |
Q28550393 | Enhancements to the Rosetta Energy Function Enable Improved Identification of Small Molecules that Inhibit Protein-Protein Interactions |
Q52332848 | Epigenetic alterations to Polycomb targets precede malignant transition in a mouse model of breast cancer |
Q91386045 | Evidence that genes involved in hedgehog signaling are associated with both bipolar disorder and high BMI |
Q47893147 | Evidence-Based Precision Oncology with the Cancer Targetome. |
Q36994817 | Exploring Transcription Factors-microRNAs Co-regulation Networks in Schizophrenia |
Q38345519 | Exploring hypertension genome-wide association studies findings and impact on pathophysiology, pathways, and pharmacogenetics |
Q92136097 | Five-Feature Model for Developing the Classifier for Synergistic vs. Antagonistic Drug Combinations Built by XGBoost |
Q57793316 | Frequent ESR1 and CDK Pathway Copy Number Alterations in Metastatic Breast Cancer |
Q36496096 | Functional Genomic Landscape of Human Breast Cancer Drivers, Vulnerabilities, and Resistance |
Q37452592 | Functional Genomics Identifies Tis21-Dependent Mechanisms and Putative Cancer Drug Targets Underlying Medulloblastoma Shh-Type Development. |
Q38438981 | Functional and Genomic Features of Human Genes Mutated in Neuropsychiatric Disorders |
Q38451584 | Functional genomics of candidate genes derived from genome-wide association studies for five common neurological diseases. |
Q64990175 | FusionPathway: Prediction of pathways and therapeutic targets associated with gene fusions in cancer. |
Q27319225 | G-DOC Plus - an integrative bioinformatics platform for precision medicine. |
Q28550898 | Gene Network Rewiring to Study Melanoma Stage Progression and Elements Essential for Driving Melanoma |
Q35698696 | GeneStoryTeller: a mobile app for quick and comprehensive information retrieval of human genes |
Q55394663 | Genetic heterogeneity and actionable mutations in HER2-positive primary breast cancers and their brain metastases. |
Q83231583 | Genetic interactions of G-quadruplexes in humans |
Q39980133 | Genetics-directed drug discovery for combating Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection |
Q35836071 | Genome Modeling System: A Knowledge Management Platform for Genomics |
Q36546754 | Genome and transcriptome delineation of two major oncogenic pathways governing invasive ductal breast cancer development |
Q57251981 | Genome-wide association study of intraocular pressure uncovers new pathways to glaucoma |
Q63433067 | Genome-wide meta-analysis of depression identifies 102 independent variants and highlights the importance of the prefrontal brain regions |
Q49341393 | Genomic Heterogeneity Within Individual Prostate Cancer Foci Impacts Predictive Biomarkers of Targeted Therapy |
Q47573861 | Genomic analysis of follicular dendritic cell sarcoma by molecular inversion probe array reveals tumor suppressor-driven biology |
Q33815746 | Genomic analysis of oesophageal squamous-cell carcinoma identifies alcohol drinking-related mutation signature and genomic alterations |
Q40075332 | Genomic correlates of glatiramer acetate adverse cardiovascular effects lead to a novel locus mediating coronary risk |
Q38646090 | HIT'nDRIVE: patient-specific multidriver gene prioritization for precision oncology. |
Q33742810 | High number of kinome-mutations in non-small cell lung cancer is associated with reduced immune response and poor relapse-free survival |
Q41557019 | Identification of a multi-cancer gene expression biomarker for cancer clinical outcomes using a network-based algorithm |
Q47327357 | Identification of cancer genes that are independent of dominant proliferation and lineage programs |
Q38597446 | Identification of drug candidates and repurposing opportunities through compound-target interaction networks |
Q50043890 | Identification of potential therapeutic targets in prostate cancer through a cross-species approach. |
Q61804657 | Identifying Potential Ageing-Modulating Drugs In Silico |
Q41694630 | Identifying putative drug targets and potential drug leads: starting points for virtual screening and docking |
Q36848243 | Immunomediated Pan-cancer Regulation Networks are Dominant Fingerprints After Treatment of Cell Lines with Demethylation. |
Q93061511 | In Silico Toxicology Data Resources to Support Read-Across and (Q)SAR |
Q38968891 | In silico frameworks for systematic pre-clinical screening of potential anti-leukemia therapeutics |
Q36859396 | Integrated clinical, whole-genome, and transcriptome analysis of multisampled lethal metastatic prostate cancer. |
Q30829479 | Integrated microRNA and messenger RNA analysis in aortic stenosis. |
Q37054427 | Integrative analysis of cancer genes in a functional interactome |
Q29248288 | Integrative meta-analysis identifies microRNA-regulated networks in infantile hemangioma |
Q90576336 | Integrative omics analyses broaden treatment targets in human cancer |
Q37345367 | Interactome-transcriptome analysis discovers signatures complementary to GWAS Loci of Type 2 Diabetes |
Q36087896 | International genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new primary biliary cirrhosis risk loci and targetable pathogenic pathways |
Q28597874 | Investigating core genetic-and-epigenetic cell cycle networks for stemness and carcinogenic mechanisms, and cancer drug design using big database mining and genome-wide next-generation sequencing data |
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Q34606998 | Leveraging the new with the old: providing a framework for the integration of historic microarray studies with next generation sequencing. |
Q36109610 | MGDB: a comprehensive database of genes involved in melanoma. |
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Q89243403 | Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for neuroticism in 449,484 individuals identifies novel genetic loci and pathways |
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Q41183987 | Multitype Network-Guided Target Controllability in Phenotypically Characterized Osteosarcoma: Role of Tumor Microenvironment. |
Q31058925 | Mutation based treatment recommendations from next generation sequencing data: a comparison of web tools |
Q34619293 | Mutational analysis of genes coding for cell surface proteins in colorectal cancer cell lines reveal novel altered pathways, druggable mutations and mutated epitopes for targeted therapy |
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Q26748603 | Practical aspects of NGS-based pathways analysis for personalized cancer science and medicine |
Q47133279 | Predicting drug-disease interactions by semi-supervised graph cut algorithm and three-layer data integration |
Q47775156 | Prediction and Subtyping of Hypertension from Pan-Tissue Transcriptomic and Genetic Analyses |
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Q42363061 | Resources for Interpreting Variants in Precision Genomic Oncology Applications |
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Q52639487 | Systematic characterization of pan-cancer mutation clusters. |
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