Purification and subunit structure of hepatocyte growth factor from rat platelets

scientific article published on November 1987

Purification and subunit structure of hepatocyte growth factor from rat platelets is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID3319692
P5875ResearchGate publication ID19836007

P2093author name stringNakamura T
Nishino T
Ichihara A
Nawa K
Kaise N
P2860cites workHuman serum does contain a high molecular weight hepatocyte growth factor: studies pre- and post-hepatic resectionQ47206038
Human hepatocyte growth factor in plasma from patients with fulminant hepatic failureQ50907827
A simplified ultrasensitive silver stain for detecting proteins in polyacrylamide gelsQ56879289
Structural and biological characteristics of connective tissue activating peptide (CTAP-III), a major human platelet-derived growth factorQ24601871
Cleavage of Structural Proteins during the Assembly of the Head of Bacteriophage T4Q25938983
Human platelet basic protein associated with antiheparin and mitogenic activities: purification and partial characterizationQ36410545
Purification and characterization of a growth factor from rat platelets for mature parenchymal hepatocytes in primary culturesQ37397472
Use of hepatocytes in primary culture for biochemical studies on liver functionsQ40087062
Rat platelets contain growth factor(s) distinct from PDGF which stimulate DNA synthesis in primary adult rat hepatocyte culturesQ42817935
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date1987-11-01
P1433published inFEBS LettersQ1388051
P1476titlePurification and subunit structure of hepatocyte growth factor from rat platelets

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
Q47276722A Novel Herbal Formulation “LiverCare” Differentially Regulates Primary Rat Hepatocyte and Hepatocarcinoma Cell Proliferation In Vitro
Q37370202A broad-spectrum human lung fibroblast-derived mitogen is a variant of hepatocyte growth factor
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Q55314245Acquisition of invasive phenotype in gallbladder cancer cells via mutual interaction of stromal fibroblasts and cancer cells as mediated by hepatocyte growth factor.
Q41679139Activation of Na+/H+ exchanger by hepatocyte growth factor in hepatocytes
Q34379859Activation of hepatocyte growth factor in the injured tissues is mediated by hepatocyte growth factor activator.
Q77932168Active form of human hepatocyte growth factor is excreted into bile after hepatobiliary resection
Q34178591Administration of hepatic stimulatory substance alone or with other liver growth factors does not ameliorate acetaminophen-induced liver failure
Q42808786Age-related changes in the mitogenic activity of heparin-binding growth factors in rat sera
Q71650368Alteration in growth regulation of hepatocytes in primary culture obtained from cirrhotic rat: poor response to transforming growth factor-beta 1 and interferons
Q41687910An alternatively processed mRNA generated from human hepatocyte growth factor gene.
Q39029873Analysis of HGF, MACC1, C-met and apoptosis-related genes in cervical carcinoma mice
Q39116369Analysis of deleted variant of hepatocyte growth factor by alanine scanning mutagenesis: identification of residues essential for its biological function and generation of mutants with enhanced mitogenic activity on rat hepatocytes
Q73231784Analysis of neurotrophic effects of hepatocyte growth factor in the adult hypoglossal nerve axotomy model
Q37173724Anti-allergic inflammatory effects of hepatocyte growth factor.
Q33183473Attenuated acute liver injury in mice by naked hepatocyte growth factor gene transfer into skeletal muscle with electroporation
Q40766170Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide Induces Transforming Growth Factor β and Hepatocyte Growth Factor through Tolllike Receptor 2 in Cultured Human Colon Cancer Cells
Q48514110Basic and clinical aspects of liver growth: Prometheus revisited. Humphry Davy Rolleston Lecture 1992.
Q34283653Biology of kidney cells: ontogeny-recapitulating phylogeny
Q34014020Can we protect the gut in critical illness? The role of growth factors and other novel approaches
Q33900086Cell-specific expression of hepatocyte growth factor in liver. Upregulation in sinusoidal endothelial cells after carbon tetrachloride
Q35201636Clinical significance of hepatocyte growth factor/c-Met expression in the assessment of gastric cancer progression
Q43937512Clinical significance of human hepatocyte growth factor in blood from patients with fulminant hepatic failure
Q77463268Coexpression of hepatocyte growth factor and c‐Met proto‐oncogene product in synovial sarcoma
Q55477950Comparative analysis of expression of hepatocyte growth factor and its receptor, c-met, in gliomas, meningiomas and schwannomas in humans
Q42809273Comparison between serum-free and fibroblast-cocultured single-cell clonal culture systems: evidence showing that epithelial anti-apoptotic activity is present in 3T3 fibroblast-conditioned media
Q67905746Comparison of effects of HGF and EGF on cellular calcium in rat hepatocytes
Q42803690Concomitant expression of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), HGF activator and c-met genes in human glioma cells in vitro
Q73495852Conserved expression of hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor type-2/placental bikunin in human colorectal carcinomas
Q45889078Contribution of a Vascular Modulator, Hepatocyte Growth factor (HGF), to the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular Disease
Q44277664Contribution of spermidine to stimulation by hepatocyte growth factor in repair after damage of rabbit gastric mucosal cells in primary culture
Q53778646Cooperative Interaction between α- and β-Chains of Hepatocyte Growth Factor on c-Met Receptor Confers Ligand-induced Receptor Tyrosine Phosphorylation and Multiple Biological Responses
Q41507260Cooperative roles of hepatocyte growth factor and plasminogen activator in tubular morphogenesis by human microvascular endothelial cells
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Q48402762Cytokines regulate c-Met expression in cultured astrocytes
Q33842687Deduced primary structure of rat hepatocyte growth factor and expression of the mRNA in rat tissues
Q52229247Developmental changes in hepatocyte growth factor mRNA and its receptor in rat liver, kidney and lung
Q49164135Differing distribution of hepatocyte growth factor-positive cells in the liver of LEC rats with acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis and hepatoma
Q73174870Dimerization of Fab fragments enables ready screening of phage antibodies that affect hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor activity on target cells
Q34839515Diminished met signaling in podocytes contributes to the development of podocytopenia in transplant glomerulopathy
Q38361280Dissociation of c-fos induction and mitogen-activated-protein kinase activation from the hepatocyte-growth-factor-induced motility response in human gastric carcinoma cells.
Q28142489Distribution of hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor type 1 (HAI-1) in human tissues. Cellular surface localization of HAI-1 in simple columnar epithelium and its modulated expression in injured and regenerative tissues
Q41730909Domain Structure of Hepatocyte Growth Factor/Scatter Factor (HGF/SF)
Q34395490Effect of in vivo administration of an antibody to epidermal growth factor on the rapid increase in DNA synthesis induced by partial hepatectomy in the rat
Q39116707Effective administration route for the deleted form of hepatocyte growth factor To exert its pharmacological effects
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Q41674298Effects of hepatocyte growth factor on viability and biotransformation functions of hepatocytes in gel entrapped and monolayer culture
Q42459326Effects of protein kinase inhibitors on the mitogenic activity of human hepatocyte growth factor on rat hepatocytes in primary culture
Q34434226Efficient Cellular Transformation by the Met Oncoprotein Requires a Functional Grb2 Binding Site and Correlates with Phosphorylation of the Grb2-associated Proteins, Cbl and Gab1
Q41052630Engineered mutants of HGF/SF with reduced binding to heparan sulphate proteoglycans, decreased clearance and enhanced activity in vivo
Q68099203Enhanced DNA synthesis in rat hepatoma cells by conditioned media from Kupffer cells incubated with supernatants of tumor necrosis factor-alpha-pretreated hepatocytes
Q72075540Enhancement of human hepatocyte growth factor production by interleukin-1 alpha and -1 beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha by fibroblasts in culture
Q74302476Enhancement of intestinal adaptation by hepatocyte growth factor
Q40429582Establishment and characterization of a new human glioblastoma cell line, NYGM.
Q41021185Evaluation of hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor expression in normal and malignant colonic mucosa
Q28297450Evidence for autocrine basis of transformation in NIH-3T3 cells transfected with met/HGF receptor gene
Q37574028Evidence for the identity of human scatter factor and human hepatocyte growth factor
Q41730896Evolution of Plasminogen‐Related Growth Factors (HGF/SF and HGF1/MSP)
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Q43825933Expression and action of hepatocyte growth factor in bovine endometrial stromal and epithelial cells in vitro*
Q43827079Expression and localization of HGF and met in Wilms' tumours
Q33320273Expression of Hepatocyte Growth Factor mRNA in regenerating rat liver after partial hepatectomy
Q41931002Expression of a human hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor cDNA in MDCK epithelial cells influences cell morphology, motility, and anchorage-independent growth
Q41628116Expression of c‐met proto‐oncogene in COS cells induces the signal transducing high‐affinity receptor for hepatocyte growth factor
Q72161408Expression of hepatocyte growth factor and transforming growth factor beta 1 mRNA in P. acnes and lipopolysaccharide-treated rats
Q68435004Expression of hepatocyte growth factor gene in endothelial and Kupffer cells of damaged rat livers, as revealed by in situ hybridization
Q44205827Expression of hepatocyte growth factor mRNA in rat liver cirrhosis induced by N-nitrosodimethylamine as evidenced by in situ RT-PCR.
Q24555664Extracellular proteolytic cleavage by urokinase is required for activation of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor
Q38089600Focus on the potential role of ficlatuzumab in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer
Q38806819Gene of the month: HGF.
Q28145050Genomic structure and chromosomal localization of the human hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor type 1 and 2 genes
Q46899704Growth factors temporally associate with airway responsiveness and inflammation in allergen-exposed mice
Q44126188Growth of normal human hepatocytes in primary culture: effect of hormones and growth factors on DNA synthesis
Q74121111HGF/NK4 is a specific antagonist for pleiotrophic actions of hepatocyte growth factor
Q60920855HGF/c-MET Signaling in Melanocytes and Melanoma
Q41730932HGF: Its Organotrophic Role and Therapeutic Potential
Q39214964HGF–MET Cascade, a Key Target for Inhibiting Cancer Metastasis: The Impact of NK4 Discovery on Cancer Biology and Therapeutics
Q41045479Hemodialysis stimulates hepatocyte growth factor release
Q38154506Heparan sulfate in angiogenesis: a target for therapy
Q42550713Heparin binding and oligomerization of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor isoforms. Heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan requirement for Met binding and signaling
Q29394896Heparin-hepatocyte growth factor complex with low plasma clearance and retained hepatocyte proliferating activity
Q50977853Hepatocyte Growth Factor Isoforms in Tissue Repair, Cancer, and Fibrotic Remodeling
Q77403442Hepatocyte Growth Factor and the Kidney: It Is Not Just for the Liver
Q74424409Hepatocyte Growth Factor/Scatter Factor Activates the Apoptosis Signaling Pathway by Increasing Caspase-3 Activity in Sarcoma 180 Cells
Q30048844Hepatocyte growth factor
Q38671668Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and hemodialysis: physiopathology and clinical implications
Q48760935Hepatocyte growth factor (hepatopoietin A) rapidly increases in plasma before DNA synthesis and liver regeneration stimulated by partial hepatectomy and carbon tetrachloride administration
Q71824998Hepatocyte growth factor activates quiescent skeletal muscle satellite cells in vitro
Q58134190Hepatocyte growth factor and met: Molecular dialogue for tissue organization and repair
Q47872371Hepatocyte growth factor attenuates airway hyperresponsiveness, inflammation, and remodeling
Q41494182Hepatocyte growth factor elevates the activity levels of glycolipid sulfotransferases in renal cell carcinoma cells
Q53462417Hepatocyte growth factor enhancement of preneoplastic hepatic foci development in rats treated with diethylnitrosamine and N-ethyl-N-hydroxyethylnitrosamine
Q73564746Hepatocyte growth factor enhances intestinal mucosal cell function and mass in vivo
Q45864541Hepatocyte growth factor gene transfer into the liver via the portal vein using electroporation attenuates rat liver cirrhosis
Q41660621Hepatocyte growth factor has potent anti-proliferative activity in various tumor cell lines
Q73127641Hepatocyte growth factor in assessment of acute pancreatitis: comparison with C-reactive protein and interleukin-6
Q33336544Hepatocyte growth factor in human placenta and trophoblastic disease
Q40621023Hepatocyte growth factor induces MDCK cell morphogenesis without causing loss of tight junction functional integrity
Q58199731Hepatocyte growth factor induction of collagenase 3 production in human osteoarthritic cartilage: Involvement of the stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway and a sensitive p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor cascad
Q36774791Hepatocyte growth factor inhibits growth of hepatocellular carcinoma cells
Q41596252Hepatocyte growth factor is a potent angiogenic factor which stimulates endothelial cell motility and growth
Q67680994Hepatocyte growth factor is a potent mitogen for cultured rabbit renal tubular epithelial cells
Q41687733Hepatocyte growth factor is a potent stimulator of human melanocyte DNA synthesis and growth
Q36134413Hepatocyte growth factor levels in bone marrow plasma of patients with leukaemia and its gene expression in leukaemic blast cells
Q35229384Hepatocyte growth factor prevents acute renal failure and accelerates renal regeneration in mice
Q40726384Hepatocyte growth factor receptor is a coreceptor for adeno-associated virus type 2 infection.
Q48828270Hepatocyte growth factor reduces the infarct volume after transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats.
Q74358654Hepatocyte growth factor stimulates DNA synthesis in rat preneoplastic hepatocytes but not in liver carcinoma cells
Q37825664Hepatocyte growth factor twenty years on: Much more than a growth factor
Q74212928Hepatocyte growth factor up-regulates SGLT1 and GLUT5 gene expression after massive small bowel resection
Q40931230Hepatocyte growth factor--pleiotropic cytokine produced by human leukemia cells
Q41519944Hepatocyte growth factor-like protein is identical to macrophage stimulating protein
Q41870321Hepatocyte growth factor/c-met signaling in regulating urokinase plasminogen activator in human stomach cancer: A potential therapeutic target for human stomach cancer
Q40956759Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) in early development: evidence for a role in neural induction
Q35070805Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor and MET are involved in arterial repair and atherogenesis
Q41055453Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor and the placenta
Q33331790Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor enhances the thrombopoietin mRNA expression in rat hepatocytes and cirrhotic rat livers
Q36236279Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor induces a variety of tissue-specific morphogenic programs in epithelial cells
Q36134982Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor is present in most pleural effusion fluids from cancer patients
Q40982878Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor modulates cell motility, proliferation, and proteoglycan synthesis of chondrocytes
Q41188806Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor-Met signaling in tumorigenicity and invasion/metastasis
Q37110554Hepatocyte growth factor: Molecular structure and implications for a central role in liver regeneration
Q36804493Hepatocyte growth factor: a regenerative drug for acute hepatitis and liver cirrhosis
Q28217543Hepatocyte growth factor: from diagnosis to clinical applications
Q67898901Hepatopoietins A and B and hepatocyte growth
Q72620674Hepatotrophic activity in mouse serum infected with plerocercoids of Spirometra erinacei
Q40782695High intensity ERK signal mediates hepatocyte growth factor-induced proliferation inhibition of the human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2.
Q72036075Human peri‐tumoral and lung fibroblasts produce paracrine motility factors for recently established human sarcoma cell strains
Q67899024Identification and change in the receptor for hepatocyte growth factor in rat liver after partial hepatectomy or induced hepatitis
Q37599121Identification and characterization of "injurin," an inducer of expression of the gene for hepatocyte growth factor
Q68436350Identification and partial characterization of receptor binding sites for HGF on rat hepatocytes
Q46870070Identification and partial characterization of two classes of receptors for human hepatocyte growth factor on adult rat hepatocytes in primary culture
Q24310794Identification of the Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor As the c- met Proto-Oncogene Product
Q42817226Identification of the hepatocyte mitogen in bovine spleen as heparin-binding growth factors
Q55286947Immunohistochemical detection of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor in human cancerous and inflammatory lesions of various organs.
Q28592355Immunohistochemical localization of hepatocyte growth factor activator (HGFA) in developing mouse liver tissues. Heterogeneous distribution of HGFA protein
Q54991781Immunohistochemical localization of hepatocyte growth factor protein in pancreas islet A-cells of man and rats
Q58800518Impact of Dental Pulp Stem Cells Overexpressing Hepatocyte Growth Factor after Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion in Rats
Q44242718In vivo gene transfer of hepatocyte growth factor to skeletal muscle prevents changes in rat kidneys after 5/6 nephrectomy
Q44620620Induction by staurosporine of hepatocyte growth factor production in human skin fibroblasts independent of protein kinase inhibition
Q36896058Induction of Apoptosis by Hepatocyte Growth Factor/Scatter Factor and Its Augmentation by Phorbol Esters in Meth A Cells
Q41076941Induction of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor by interferon-γ in human leukemia cells
Q41332185Induction of invasive growth in a gallbladder cancer cell line by hepatocyte growth factor in vitro
Q44427665Inhibition of hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced oxidative stress in HGF-stimulated antiapoptotic signaling: role of PI3-K and Akt kinase upon rac1.
Q47789114Insights into the structure of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) and implications for receptor activation.
Q67903127Interleukin-6 stimulates motility of vascular endothelium
Q68056301Intracellular calcium as a second messenger for human hepatocyte growth factor in hepatocytes
Q40957403Involvement of oxidative stress in tumor cytotoxic activity of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor
Q42634662Isolation and characterization of a novel liver-specific gene, hepassocin, upregulated during liver regeneration
Q33860778Isolation and expression of cDNA for different forms of hepatocyte growth factor from human leukocyte
Q34171969Keratinocyte growth factor and hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor are heparin-binding growth factors for alveolar type II cells in fibroblast-conditioned medium
Q73164027Kupffer cell-mediated inhibition of liver regeneration after combined hepatectomy and pancreatectomy
Q37375724Liver regeneration in relationship to acute liver failure
Q67901940Localization of hepatocyte growth factor in human and rat tissues: An immunohistochemical study
Q36660673MET As a Possible Target for Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Q55003815Mammary fibroblast-derived hepatocyte growth factor stimulates growth and morphogenesis of mouse mammary tumor cells in primary culture.
Q73258231Measurement of hepatocyte growth factor in serum and plasma
Q41778198Mechanisms controlling growth of hepatocytes in primary culture
Q36727744Membrane Biochemistry and Chemical Hepatocarcinogenesis
Q28140219Met receptor tyrosine kinase: enhanced signaling through adapter proteins
Q40613762Microscopic analysis of the cellular events during scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor-induced epithelial tubulogenesis
Q41245385Microtubule dynamic turnover is suppressed during polarization and stimulated in hepatocyte growth factor scattered Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells
Q24305558Molecular cloning and expression of human hepatocyte growth factor
Q30857009Mouse hepatocyte growth factor activator gene: its expression not only in the liver but also in the gastrointestinal tract.
Q40341030Native and recombinant human hepatocyte growth factors are highly potent promoters of DNA synthesis in both human and rat hepatocytes
Q39116436Natural hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) from human serum and a bound form of recombinant HGF with heparan sulfate are indistinguishable in their physicochemical properties
Q72079270Natural killer cell may impair liver regeneration in fulminant hepatic failure
Q30484106Noncoding mutations of HGF are associated with nonsyndromic hearing loss, DFNB39.
Q33712995Nonviral retrograde gene transfer of human hepatocyte growth factor improves neuropathic pain-related phenomena in rats
Q69942090One of two subunits of masking protein in latent TGF-beta is a part of pro-TGF-beta
Q36292961Paracrine effects of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor on non-small-cell lung carcinoma cell lines
Q37065913Percutaneous nonviral delivery of hepatocyte growth factor in an osteotomy gap promotes bone repair in rabbits: a preliminary study
Q50985118Physiological Signaling and Structure of the HGF Receptor MET.
Q45857187Platelet increases survival in a model of 90% hepatectomy in rats
Q36058131Platelet-derived growth factor: a potentially important cytokine in glomerular disease
Q36746569Platelets and plasma stimulate sheep rotator cuff tendon tenocytes when cultured in an extracellular matrix scaffold
Q33442308Platelets in liver disease, cancer and regeneration
Q33393784Platelets prevent acute hepatitis induced by anti‐fas antibody
Q41955225Possible endocrine control by Hepatocyte Growth Factor of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy
Q39116344Possible involvement of p21/waf1 in the growth inhibition of HepG2 cells induced by hepatocyte growth factor
Q45887121Potential Role of a Novel Vascular Modulator, Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF), in Cardiovascular Disease : Characterization and Regulation of Local HGF System
Q37101439Prenatal Expression of MET Receptor Tyrosine Kinase in the Fetal Mouse Dorsal Raphe Nuclei and the Visceral Motor/Sensory Brainstem
Q48631093Prevention of apoptosis-inducing factor translocation is a possible mechanism for protective effects of hepatocyte growth factor against neuronal cell death in the hippocampus after transient forebrain ischemia
Q43936261Primary structure of rat hepatocyte growth factor and induction of its mRNA during liver regeneration following hepatic injury
Q78148740Progression-linked overexpression of c-Met in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and latent as well as clinical prostate cancers
Q41656293Promyelocytic leukemia cell line, HL-60, produces human hepatocyte growth factor
Q40851985Properties and functions of scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor and its receptor c-Met
Q53671982Protective effect of aqueous extracts from Rhizopus oryzae on liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats
Q72864099Proteolytic processing of the hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor receptor by furin
Q35832227Proto-oncogene and growth factor/receptor expression in the establishment of primary human non-small cell lung carcinoma cell lines.
Q37106909Purification and characterization of scatter factor
Q24528269Purification and molecular cloning of prostacyclin-stimulating factor from serum-free conditioned medium of human diploid fibroblast cells
Q41977031Rapid and marked induction of hepatocyte growth factor during liver regeneration after ischemic or crush injury
Q36676217Rapid induction of mRNAs for liver regeneration factor and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes by hepatocyte growth factor and epidermal growth factor
Q33326225Regional localization of the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) gene to human chromosome 7 band q21.1
Q94560979Regulation of Energy Metabolism by Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Ligands
Q42234289Regulation of Signal Transduction and Role of Platelets in Liver Regeneration
Q44139022Restoration of scarred vocal folds using 5 amino acid-deleted type hepatocyte growth factor
Q37952015Role of MetMAb (OA-5D5) in c-MET active lung malignancies
Q35217698Role of cancer cell-stroma interaction in invasive growth of cancer cells
Q33409013Role of platelets in chronic liver disease and acute liver injury
Q35062087Roles of hepatocyte growth factor activator (HGFA) and its inhibitor HAI-1 in the regeneration of injured gastrointestinal mucosa
Q44512484SNPs of bovine HGF gene and their association with growth traits in Nanyang cattle
Q33324581Scatter factor from human embryonic lung fibroblasts is probably identical to hepatocyte growth factor
Q37106915Scatter factor stimulates migration of vascular endothelium and capillary-like tube formation
Q72935112Ser Asp Lys-Ac, a strong inhibitor of liver cell proliferation
Q37234448Serum hepatocyte growth factor and cancer mortality in an apparently healthy Japanese population
Q52898206Serum hepatocyte growth factor as a possible indicator of arteriosclerosis
Q72371407Serum hepatocyte growth factor levels in liver diseases: clinical implications
Q42822827Species-specific differences in the mitogenic activity of heparin-binding growth factors in the sera of various mammals
Q42807328Spleen-derived growth factor, SDGF-3, is identified as keratinocyte growth factor (KGF).
Q40855544Stimulation of hepatocyte growth factor production by ascorbic acid and its stable 2-glucoside
Q72617630Stimulation of liver growth by exogenous human hepatocyte growth factor in normal and partially hepatectomized rats
Q72615840Stimulation of prostaglandin production by hepatocyte growth factor in human gastric carcinoma cells
Q74444940Stimulation of rat hepatocyte proliferation in vitro and in vivo by factors derived from the bovine small intestinal mucosa
Q74218439Stimulatory Effects of Hepatocyte Growth Factor on Hemopoiesis of SCF/c‐kit System‐Deficient Mice
Q28274665Structure and function of hepatocyte growth factor
Q52619351Suppression of acute hepatic injury by a synthetic prostacyclin agonist through hepatocyte growth factor expression.
Q40624347Suppression of adriamycin-induced apoptosis by sustained activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3'-OH kinase-Akt pathway
Q37978193Targeting MET in cancer: rationale and progress
Q59020063The Janus factor
Q24609682The MET axis as a therapeutic target
Q41563732The Met receptor tyrosine kinase transduces motility, proliferation, and morphogenic signals of scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor in epithelial cells
Q24609298The discovery of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its significance for cell biology, life sciences and clinical medicine
Q48271358The expression of mRNAs for hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor, its receptor c-met, and one of its activators tissue-type plasminogen activator show a systematic relationship in the developing and adult cerebral cortex and hippocampus
Q40636644The glomerular response to injury: progression or resolution?
Q33922881The hepatocyte growth factor/Met pathway in development, tumorigenesis, and B-cell differentiation.
Q24679595The human gene encoding acetylcholinesterase is located on the long arm of chromosome 7
Q35096108The plasminogen activation system reduces fibrosis in the lung by a hepatocyte growth factor-dependent mechanism
Q48429605The presence of hepatocyte growth factor in the developing rat
Q35994188The presence of scatter factor in patients with metastatic spread to the pleura
Q38101129The role of growth factors in intestinal regeneration and repair in necrotizing enterocolitis
Q35146937The role of the c-Met pathway in lung cancer and the potential for targeted therapy
Q38312563Therapeutic potential of hepatocyte growth factor against cerebral ischemia (Review).
Q27315021Trans-ethnic meta-analysis identifies common and rare variants associated with hepatocyte growth factor levels in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA).
Q33324580Tumor cytotoxic factor/hepatocyte growth factor from human fibroblasts: cloning of its cDNA, purification and characterization of recombinant protein
Q36705281Tumorigenicity of the met proto-oncogene and the gene for hepatocyte growth factor
Q72402184Ultrastructural location of human hepatocyte growth factor in human liver
Q47680471Up-regulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Induced by Hepatocyte Growth Factor/Scatter Factor Stimulation in Human Glioma Cells
Q38506916Uptake and distribution of hepatocyte growth factor in normal and regenerating adult rat liver.
Q74650346Wy-14,643, a peroxisome proliferator, inhibits compensative cell proliferation and hepatocyte growth factor mRNA expression in the rat liver
Q36731520c-Met and hepatocyte growth factor: potential as novel targets in cancer therapy
Q72694068c-met mRNA overexpression in human hepatocellular carcinoma
Q38236096cMET in triple-negative breast cancer: is it a therapeutic target for this subset of breast cancer patients?

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