scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Feng Liu | Q85351683 |
Jean-Paul Fouche | Q100522928 | ||
Jurong Ding | Q124134641 | ||
Huafu Chen | Q130273099 | ||
P2093 | author name string | Wenqin Wang | |
Ling Zeng | |||
Wei Zhang | |||
Qiyong Gong | |||
Yifeng Wang | |||
Wenbin Guo | |||
Changjian Qiu | |||
P2860 | cites work | Mapping the structural core of human cerebral cortex | Q21145869 |
Development and neurophysiology of mentalizing | Q22242672 | ||
Functional neuroimaging of anxiety: a meta-analysis of emotional processing in PTSD, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobia | Q22306274 | ||
A default mode of brain function | Q24544311 | ||
Self-representation in social anxiety disorder: linguistic analysis of autobiographical narratives | Q24645934 | ||
The global signal and observed anticorrelated resting state brain networks | Q24648484 | ||
Consistent resting-state networks across healthy subjects | Q24673419 | ||
Automated Anatomical Labeling of Activations in SPM Using a Macroscopic Anatomical Parcellation of the MNI MRI Single-Subject Brain | Q25855787 | ||
The brain basis of emotion: a meta-analytic review | Q26999890 | ||
The human brain is intrinsically organized into dynamic, anticorrelated functional networks | Q27860802 | ||
Functional connectivity in the motor cortex of resting human brain using echo-planar MRI | Q27860856 | ||
Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on emotion regulation in social anxiety disorder | Q28272719 | ||
Machine learning classifiers and fMRI: a tutorial overview | Q28310323 | ||
Circular analysis in systems neuroscience: the dangers of double dipping | Q29614738 | ||
Beyond mind-reading: multi-voxel pattern analysis of fMRI data | Q29616367 | ||
A resilient, low-frequency, small-world human brain functional network with highly connected association cortical hubs | Q29618997 | ||
The impact of global signal regression on resting state correlations: are anti-correlated networks introduced? | Q29619522 | ||
Spurious but systematic correlations in functional connectivity MRI networks arise from subject motion | Q29619898 | ||
Functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging classification of autism. | Q30423582 | ||
Impact of in-scanner head motion on multiple measures of functional connectivity: relevance for studies of neurodevelopment in youth | Q30450642 | ||
Selective changes of resting-state networks in individuals at risk for Alzheimer's disease | Q30499400 | ||
Classifying brain states and determining the discriminating activation patterns: Support Vector Machine on functional MRI data | Q31016440 | ||
The role of the orbitofrontal cortex in anxiety disorders | Q31121810 | ||
Structural and functional biomarkers of prodromal Alzheimer's disease: a high-dimensional pattern classification study | Q31152078 | ||
Resting-state functional connectivity in neuropsychiatric disorders | Q31161858 | ||
Hemisphere- and gender-related differences in small-world brain networks: a resting-state functional MRI study | Q48098831 | ||
Whole brain functional connectivity in the early blind | Q48154150 | ||
Altered functional connectivity of primary visual cortex in early blindness | Q48156097 | ||
Abnormal resting-state cerebellar–cerebral functional connectivity in treatment-resistant depression and treatment sensitive depression | Q48192994 | ||
Selective aberrant functional connectivity of resting state networks in social anxiety disorder. | Q48198252 | ||
Time-varying amygdala response to emotional faces in generalized social phobia | Q48328533 | ||
Whole-brain anatomical networks: does the choice of nodes matter? | Q48367641 | ||
Cerebral blood flow during anticipation of public speaking in social phobia: a PET study | Q48434798 | ||
Abnormal regional spontaneous neural activity in first-episode, treatment-naive patients with late-life depression: A resting-state fMRI study | Q48440326 | ||
Brain imaging: fMRI 2.0 | Q48581261 | ||
Disrupted Brain Connectivity Networks in Drug-Naive, First-Episode Major Depressive Disorder | Q48822612 | ||
Abnormal neural activities in first-episode, treatment-naïve, short-illness-duration, and treatment-response patients with major depressive disorder: A resting-state fMRI study | Q48824075 | ||
Altered functional–structural coupling of large-scale brain networks in idiopathic generalized epilepsy | Q48859663 | ||
Differential modulation of neural activity throughout the distributed neural system for face perception in patients with Social Phobia and healthy subjects | Q48938995 | ||
Regional homogeneity changes in social anxiety disorder: A resting-state fMRI study | Q48954887 | ||
Reduced resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex in social anxiety disorder | Q50641255 | ||
Neural correlates of altered general emotion processing in social anxiety disorder | Q50649623 | ||
fMRI of patients with social anxiety disorder during a social situation task | Q50664978 | ||
Alteration learning in social anxiety disorder: an fMRI study | Q50760430 | ||
Fisher discriminative analysis of resting-state brain function for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder | Q51896926 | ||
Disrupted small-world networks in schizophrenia | Q52585363 | ||
Resting brain perfusion in social anxiety disorder: a voxel-wise whole brain comparison with healthy control subjects | Q53416382 | ||
Nearest neighbor pattern classification | Q56219830 | ||
Gene Selection for Cancer Classification using Support Vector Machines | Q56535529 | ||
A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition | Q56885196 | ||
Neuroimaging in anxiety disorders | Q58828852 | ||
Orbitofrontal cortex and social behavior: integrating self-monitoring and emotion-cognition interactions | Q33342915 | ||
Cerebellum and psychiatric disorders | Q33373705 | ||
Comparison of characteristics between region-and voxel-based network analyses in resting-state fMRI data | Q33520151 | ||
Altered functional connectivity and small-world in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy | Q33523804 | ||
Social anxiety disorder. | Q34010741 | ||
Neural bases of social anxiety disorder: emotional reactivity and cognitive regulation during social and physical threat | Q34082085 | ||
Disrupted functional brain connectivity in partial epilepsy: a resting-state fMRI study. | Q34126553 | ||
Sparse representation of brain aging: extracting covariance patterns from structural MRI. | Q34270674 | ||
Group-constrained sparse fMRI connectivity modeling for mild cognitive impairment identification | Q34331522 | ||
Classification of Different Therapeutic Responses of Major Depressive Disorder with Multivariate Pattern Analysis Method Based on Structural MR Scans | Q34345460 | ||
Enriched white matter connectivity networks for accurate identification of MCI patients | Q34432603 | ||
Social concepts are represented in the superior anterior temporal cortex | Q34615037 | ||
Multimodal classification of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment | Q34672813 | ||
Identifying individuals with antisocial personality disorder using resting-state FMRI. | Q34673628 | ||
Prediction of individual brain maturity using fMRI. | Q35102356 | ||
Multivariate searchlight classification of structural magnetic resonance imaging in children and adolescents with autism | Q35317883 | ||
Support vector machine classification and characterization of age-related reorganization of functional brain networks | Q35784018 | ||
Gray matter abnormalities in social anxiety disorder: primary, replication, and specificity studies | Q36301072 | ||
Trouble at rest: how correlation patterns and group differences become distorted after global signal regression | Q36358590 | ||
Structural evidence for involvement of a left amygdala-orbitofrontal network in subclinical anxiety | Q36530813 | ||
The Enigmatic temporal pole: a review of findings on social and emotional processing | Q36773276 | ||
The influence of head motion on intrinsic functional connectivity MRI | Q36932627 | ||
Neural mechanisms of cognitive reappraisal of negative self-beliefs in social anxiety disorder | Q37456960 | ||
The Role of the Cerebellum in Cognition and Emotion: Personal Reflections Since 1982 on the Dysmetria of Thought Hypothesis, and Its Historical Evolution from Theory to Therapy | Q37785838 | ||
The human connectome: a complex network | Q37830737 | ||
Recent advances in the brain imaging of social anxiety disorder | Q38067311 | ||
Brainnetome: a new -ome to understand the brain and its disorders | Q38097652 | ||
Cerebral blood flow in subjects with social phobia during stressful speaking tasks: a PET study | Q38841782 | ||
Combined structural and resting-state functional MRI analysis of sexual dimorphism in the young adult human brain: an MVPA approach | Q43515890 | ||
Beyond amygdala: Default Mode Network activity differs between patients with social phobia and healthy controls | Q43863084 | ||
Parcellation-dependent small-world brain functional networks: a resting-state fMRI study | Q44188226 | ||
General emotion processing in social anxiety disorder: neural issues of cognitive control | Q44357985 | ||
Social phobia and depression: prevalence and comorbidity | Q44729605 | ||
Impaired emotional processing in a patient with a left posterior insula-SII lesion | Q45544803 | ||
An fMRI study of the social competition in healthy subjects | Q45954186 | ||
The neural correlates of social anxiety disorder and response to pharmacotherapy. | Q46981602 | ||
Grey matter abnormalities in social anxiety disorder: a pilot study | Q47863100 | ||
P433 | issue | 1 | |
P921 | main subject | social anxiety disorder | Q281928 |
multivariate statistics | Q1952580 | ||
social brain | Q51289154 | ||
functional connectivity | Q56711521 | ||
P304 | page(s) | 101-115 | |
P577 | publication date | 2013-09-27 | |
P1433 | published in | Brain Structure and Function | Q13444883 |
P1476 | title | Multivariate classification of social anxiety disorder using whole brain functional connectivity | |
P478 | volume | 220 |
Q55033185 | Aberrant Effective Connectivity of the Right Anterior Insula in Primary Insomnia. |
Q47836431 | Aberrant Functional Network Connectivity as a Biomarker of Generalized Anxiety Disorder |
Q99237551 | Aberrant Resting-State Brain Function in Adolescent Depression |
Q54977374 | Aberrant brain functional connectome in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. |
Q92370027 | Aberrant regional homogeneity in post-traumatic stress disorder after traffic accident: A resting-state functional MRI study |
Q92442577 | Abnormal Brain Functional Connectivity Strength in the Overactive Bladder Syndrome: A Resting-State fMRI Study |
Q40036788 | Abnormal Functional Connectivity Density in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. |
Q34701090 | Abnormal causal connectivity by structural deficits in first-episode, drug-naive schizophrenia at rest |
Q37650081 | Abnormal whole-brain functional connectivity in patients with primary insomnia |
Q50325471 | Alterations of Resting-State Static and Dynamic Functional Connectivity of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Subjects with Internet Gaming Disorder |
Q64067827 | Altered Brain Signal Variability in Patients With Generalized Anxiety Disorder |
Q37053347 | Altered Cerebral Blood Flow Covariance Network in Schizophrenia. |
Q64119427 | Altered Local and Large-Scale Dynamic Functional Connectivity Variability in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Resting-State fMRI Study |
Q90296734 | Altered Spontaneous Regional Brain Activity in the Insula and Visual Areas of Professional Traditional Chinese Pingju Opera Actors |
Q40710693 | Altered cortical hubs in functional brain networks in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
Q90627876 | Altered inter- and intrahemispheric functional connectivity dynamics in autistic children |
Q89877817 | Altered intra- and inter-network functional connectivity in patients with persistent postural-perceptual dizziness |
Q89992944 | Altered static and dynamic voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity in subacute stroke patients: a resting-state fMRI study |
Q43120146 | An Effective Method to Identify Adolescent Generalized Anxiety Disorder by Temporal Features of Dynamic Functional Connectivity |
Q87862615 | Brain network alteration in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy with cognitive impairment |
Q90986777 | Brain network alterations of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with cognitive dysfunction following anterior temporal lobectomy |
Q36265562 | Brain structural and functional dissociated patterns in schizophrenia |
Q58705182 | Callosal and subcortical white matter alterations in schizophrenia: A diffusion tensor imaging study at multiple levels |
Q47836442 | Characteristics of Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Intractable Unilateral Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Patients with Impaired Executive Control Function |
Q45340926 | Characterization of post-traumatic stress disorder using resting-state fMRI with a multi-level parametric classification approach. |
Q57170569 | Classification and Prediction of Brain Disorders Using Functional Connectivity: Promising but Challenging |
Q92069407 | Classification of Multiple Psychological Dimensions in Computer Game Players Using Physiology, Performance, and Personality Characteristics |
Q37466771 | Classifying social anxiety disorder using multivoxel pattern analyses of brain function and structure |
Q37116755 | Clinical significance of increased cerebellar default-mode network connectivity in resting-state patients with drug-naive somatization disorder. |
Q38658936 | Combining Multiple Resting-State fMRI Features during Classification: Optimized Frameworks and Their Application to Nicotine Addiction |
Q48093829 | Cross-modal integration of polyphonic characters in Chinese audio-visual sentences: a MVPA study based on functional connectivity |
Q47573866 | Decreased interhemispheric coordination in the posterior default-mode network and visual regions as trait alterations in first-episode, drug-naive major depressive disorder |
Q33604721 | Depression Disorder Classification of fMRI Data Using Sparse Low-Rank Functional Brain Network and Graph-Based Features |
Q35769021 | Diagnostic Prediction for Social Anxiety Disorder via Multivariate Pattern Analysis of the Regional Homogeneity |
Q64066053 | Differentiating weight-restored anorexia nervosa and body dysmorphic disorder using neuroimaging and psychometric markers |
Q48696872 | Discriminative analysis of brain functional connectivity patterns for mental fatigue classification. |
Q37605544 | Discriminative analysis of schizophrenia using support vector machine and recursive feature elimination on structural MRI images |
Q60938345 | Disrupted Brain Network Efficiency and Decreased Functional Connectivity in Multi-sensory Modality Regions in Male Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder |
Q37411848 | Disrupted Topological Patterns of Large-Scale Network in Conduct Disorder |
Q98782405 | Disrupted alertness and related functional connectivity in patients with focal impaired awareness seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy |
Q37328014 | Disrupted resting-state insular subregions functional connectivity in post-traumatic stress disorder |
Q42371551 | Disrupted small-world brain network topology in pure conduct disorder |
Q48599843 | Disrupted structural and functional rich club organization of the brain connectome in patients with generalized tonic-clonic seizure |
Q52565156 | Distinguishable brain networks relate disease susceptibility to symptom expression in schizophrenia |
Q48482376 | Dynamic functional network connectivity in idiopathic generalized epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizure |
Q92234389 | Early second-line therapy is associated with improved episodic memory in anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis |
Q58553516 | Effect of emotional enhancement of memory on recollection process in young adults: the influence factors and neural mechanisms |
Q50531971 | Enhanced Network Efficiency of Functional Brain Networks in Primary Insomnia Patients |
Q39264760 | Extraversion and neuroticism related to the resting-state effective connectivity of amygdala |
Q40323149 | Extraversion modulates functional connectivity hubs of resting-state brain networks |
Q37678963 | Family-based case-control study of homotopic connectivity in first-episode, drug-naive schizophrenia at rest. |
Q47095760 | Frequency-Specific Functional Connectivity Density as an Effective Biomarker for Adolescent Generalized Anxiety Disorder. |
Q48772481 | Frequency-specific alterations in the fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
Q35880602 | Functional Connectivity Estimated from Resting-State fMRI Reveals Selective Alterations in Male Adolescents with Pure Conduct Disorder |
Q58571799 | Functional Connectivity Within the Executive Control Network Mediates the Effects of Long-Term Tai Chi Exercise on Elders' Emotion Regulation |
Q98464834 | Gender Differences Are Encoded Differently in the Structure and Function of the Human Brain Revealed by Multimodal MRI |
Q42690760 | Identify a shared neural circuit linking multiple neuropsychiatric symptoms with Alzheimer's pathology |
Q91742834 | Imaging the socially-anxious brain: recent advances and future prospects |
Q47420798 | Impact of previous episodes of hepatic encephalopathy on short-term brain function recovery after liver transplantation: a functional connectivity strength study |
Q37368600 | Impaired White Matter Connections of the Limbic System Networks Associated with Impaired Emotional Memory in Alzheimer's Disease |
Q60949845 | Improving Sparsity and Modularity of High-Order Functional Connectivity Networks for MCI and ASD Identification |
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