Multivariate classification of social anxiety disorder using whole brain functional connectivity.

scientific article published on 27 September 2013

Multivariate classification of social anxiety disorder using whole brain functional connectivity. is …
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P698PubMed publication ID24072164
P5875ResearchGate publication ID257135518

P50authorFeng LiuQ85351683
Jean-Paul FoucheQ100522928
Jurong DingQ124134641
Huafu ChenQ130273099
P2093author name stringWenqin Wang
Ling Zeng
Wei Zhang
Qiyong Gong
Yifeng Wang
Wenbin Guo
Changjian Qiu
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Abnormal resting-state cerebellar–cerebral functional connectivity in treatment-resistant depression and treatment sensitive depressionQ48192994
Selective aberrant functional connectivity of resting state networks in social anxiety disorder.Q48198252
Time-varying amygdala response to emotional faces in generalized social phobiaQ48328533
Whole-brain anatomical networks: does the choice of nodes matter?Q48367641
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Abnormal regional spontaneous neural activity in first-episode, treatment-naive patients with late-life depression: A resting-state fMRI studyQ48440326
Brain imaging: fMRI 2.0Q48581261
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Regional homogeneity changes in social anxiety disorder: A resting-state fMRI studyQ48954887
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Neural correlates of altered general emotion processing in social anxiety disorderQ50649623
fMRI of patients with social anxiety disorder during a social situation taskQ50664978
Alteration learning in social anxiety disorder: an fMRI studyQ50760430
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Disrupted small-world networks in schizophreniaQ52585363
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Neuroimaging in anxiety disordersQ58828852
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Cerebellum and psychiatric disordersQ33373705
Comparison of characteristics between region-and voxel-based network analyses in resting-state fMRI dataQ33520151
Altered functional connectivity and small-world in mesial temporal lobe epilepsyQ33523804
Social anxiety disorder.Q34010741
Neural bases of social anxiety disorder: emotional reactivity and cognitive regulation during social and physical threatQ34082085
Disrupted functional brain connectivity in partial epilepsy: a resting-state fMRI study.Q34126553
Sparse representation of brain aging: extracting covariance patterns from structural MRI.Q34270674
Group-constrained sparse fMRI connectivity modeling for mild cognitive impairment identificationQ34331522
Classification of Different Therapeutic Responses of Major Depressive Disorder with Multivariate Pattern Analysis Method Based on Structural MR ScansQ34345460
Enriched white matter connectivity networks for accurate identification of MCI patientsQ34432603
Social concepts are represented in the superior anterior temporal cortexQ34615037
Multimodal classification of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairmentQ34672813
Identifying individuals with antisocial personality disorder using resting-state FMRI.Q34673628
Prediction of individual brain maturity using fMRI.Q35102356
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Support vector machine classification and characterization of age-related reorganization of functional brain networksQ35784018
Gray matter abnormalities in social anxiety disorder: primary, replication, and specificity studiesQ36301072
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Structural evidence for involvement of a left amygdala-orbitofrontal network in subclinical anxietyQ36530813
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The influence of head motion on intrinsic functional connectivity MRIQ36932627
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The human connectome: a complex networkQ37830737
Recent advances in the brain imaging of social anxiety disorderQ38067311
Brainnetome: a new -ome to understand the brain and its disordersQ38097652
Cerebral blood flow in subjects with social phobia during stressful speaking tasks: a PET studyQ38841782
Combined structural and resting-state functional MRI analysis of sexual dimorphism in the young adult human brain: an MVPA approachQ43515890
Beyond amygdala: Default Mode Network activity differs between patients with social phobia and healthy controlsQ43863084
Parcellation-dependent small-world brain functional networks: a resting-state fMRI studyQ44188226
General emotion processing in social anxiety disorder: neural issues of cognitive controlQ44357985
Social phobia and depression: prevalence and comorbidityQ44729605
Impaired emotional processing in a patient with a left posterior insula-SII lesionQ45544803
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The neural correlates of social anxiety disorder and response to pharmacotherapy.Q46981602
Grey matter abnormalities in social anxiety disorder: a pilot studyQ47863100
P921main subjectsocial anxiety disorderQ281928
multivariate statisticsQ1952580
social brainQ51289154
functional connectivityQ56711521
P577publication date2013-09-27
P1433published inBrain Structure and FunctionQ13444883
P1476titleMultivariate classification of social anxiety disorder using whole brain functional connectivity

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