Gay Army

television reality series

DBpedia resource is:

Abstract is: Gay Army is a Danish comedy reality television series. It centers around nine effeminate gay men put into the hands of a drill sergeant who puts them through military training exercises. The series was first broadcast in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The series has also been sold to Italy, Germany, Canada, Switzerland and Poland, although protests led to the show being cancelled in Poland before it aired.

Gay Army is …
instance of (P31):
television programQ15416

External links are
P7975Filmfront film ID (archived)6654
P646Freebase ID/m/0g7_vp
P345IMDb IDtt0817261
P856official website
P4835TheTVDB series ID103471
P4983TMDB TV series ID16781 IDshows/gay-army

P495country of originSwedenQ34
P136genreLGBTI+ related TV seriesQ85133165
P449original broadcasterKanal 5Q743120
P580start time2006-04-27

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

Arabic (ar / Q13955)جيش المثليينwikipedia
      Gay Armywikipedia
nbGay Armywikipedia
      Gay Armywikipedia

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