Sparse temporal coding of elementary tactile features during active whisker sensation.

scientific article published on 10 May 2009

Sparse temporal coding of elementary tactile features during active whisker sensation. is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1016822630
P2888exact match
P698PubMed publication ID19430473
P5875ResearchGate publication ID24416044

P50authorShantanu JadhavQ42799092
P2093author name stringDaniel E Feldman
Jason Wolfe
P2860cites workSparse optical microstimulation in barrel cortex drives learned behaviour in freely moving miceQ24614009
Neuronal encoding of texture in the whisker sensory pathwayQ24800827
Texture coding in the rat whisker system: slip-stick versus differential resonanceQ27332422
Neuronal activity in rat barrel cortex underlying texture discriminationQ27334000
Active spatial perception in the vibrissa scanning sensorimotor systemQ27334875
Sparse coding and decorrelation in primary visual cortex during natural visionQ28144886
Sparse representation of sounds in the unanesthetized auditory cortex.Q28266540
Sustained firing in auditory cortex evoked by preferred stimuliQ29400824
Dynamic predictions: oscillations and synchrony in top-down processingQ30004210
The volley theory and the spherical cell puzzleQ30488996
Modulation of spike timing by sensory deprivation during induction of cortical map plasticityQ30499866
Embodied information processing: vibrissa mechanics and texture features shape micromotions in actively sensing ratsQ30637931
Statistical smoothing of neuronal dataQ30773466
Stimulus dependence of barrel cortex directional selectivityQ33268305
Sparse coding of sensory inputsQ34342354
Haptic object localization in the vibrissal system: behavior and performance.Q34558083
'Where' and 'what' in the whisker sensorimotor systemQ34798324
Frequency-dependent processing in the vibrissa sensory system.Q35770084
Neural mechanisms of tactual form and texture perceptionQ36064938
Active sensation: insights from the rodent vibrissa sensorimotor systemQ36534474
Barrel cortex and whisker-mediated behaviorsQ36911901
The functional organization of the barrel cortexQ36983004
Ultra-miniature headstage with 6-channel drive and vacuum-assisted micro-wire implantation for chronic recording from the neocortexQ41695591
Correlation of primate caudate neural activity and saccade parameters in reward-oriented behavior.Q42439546
Temporal interaction between single spikes and complex spike bursts in hippocampal pyramidal cellsQ43768758
Long-term depression induced by sensory deprivation during cortical map plasticity in vivoQ44308976
The analysis of visual motion: a comparison of neuronal and psychophysical performanceQ46446679
Behavioural report of single neuron stimulation in somatosensory cortexQ46840271
Spatial organization of neuronal population responses in layer 2/3 of rat barrel cortexQ46876519
Angular Tuning and Velocity Sensitivity in Different Neuron Classes Within Layer 4 of Rat Barrel CortexQ47875519
Thalamocortical Angular Tuning Domains within Individual Barrels of Rat Somatosensory CortexQ48164960
Encoding of whisker vibration by rat barrel cortex neurons: implications for texture discrimination.Q48177099
Response properties of vibrissa units in rat SI somatosensory neocortexQ48191900
Layer- and cell-type-specific suprathreshold stimulus representation in rat primary somatosensory cortexQ48264909
Internal brain state regulates membrane potential synchrony in barrel cortex of behaving mice.Q48331446
Local field potentials and the encoding of whisker deflections by population firing synchrony in thalamic barreloids.Q48376889
Texture discrimination and unit recordings in the rat whisker/barrel system.Q48410089
Background synaptic activity is sparse in neocortex.Q48450838
Correlating whisker behavior with membrane potential in barrel cortex of awake mice.Q48582556
Central versus peripheral determinants of patterned spike activity in rat vibrissa cortex during whisking.Q48642115
Psychophysical and neurometric detection performance under stimulus uncertainty.Q48798028
The role of spike timing in the coding of stimulus location in rat somatosensory cortex.Q48920069
Correlated firing in macaque visual area MT: time scales and relationship to behavior.Q48974632
Layer-specific somatosensory cortical activation during active tactile discrimination.Q51656765
Circuit dynamics and coding strategies in rodent somatosensory cortex.Q52081173
Rats can learn a roughness discrimination using only their vibrissal system.Q52247861
Automatic sorting of multiple unit neuronal signals in the presence of anisotropic and non-Gaussian variability.Q52292679
Neural codes for perceptual discrimination in primary somatosensory cortex.Q52980438
Biometric analyses of vibrissal tactile discrimination in the ratQ68890817
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2009-05-10
P1433published inNature NeuroscienceQ1535359
P1476titleSparse temporal coding of elementary tactile features during active whisker sensation.

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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