Method for moderation: measuring lifetime risk of alcohol-attributable mortality as a basis for drinking guidelines.

scientific article published in January 2008

Method for moderation: measuring lifetime risk of alcohol-attributable mortality as a basis for drinking guidelines. is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID6878565
P698PubMed publication ID18763694

P50authorRobin RoomQ22096670
Jürgen RehmQ59708828
P2093author name stringJürgen Rehm
Robin Room
Benjamin Taylor
P2860cites workA meta-analysis of alcohol consumption and the risk of 15 diseasesQ28254867
The world health report 2002 - reducing risks, promoting healthy lifeQ29615448
Multicentre study of acute alcohol use and non-fatal injuries: data from the WHO collaborative study on alcohol and injuriesQ31046483
Low-risk drinking guidelines: the scientific evidence.Q33734096
Reducing the risk of sexual HIV transmission: quantifying the per-act risk for HIV on the basis of choice of partner, sex act, and condom use.Q33956699
The relationship of average volume of alcohol consumption and patterns of drinking to burden of disease: an overviewQ35203806
Alcohol-related morbidity and mortality.Q35858975
Global burden of disease from alcohol, illicit drugs and tobaccoQ36667173
Effects of Moderate Alcohol Consumption on the Central Nervous System*Q40844399
Comparative quantification of alcohol exposure as risk factor for global burden of disease.Q44894255
Correlates of injury among ED visits: effects of alcohol, risk perception, impulsivity, and sensation seeking behaviorsQ46169916
Determination of lifetime injury mortality risk in Canada in 2002 by drinking amount per occasion and number of occasionsQ46417546
A further examination of gender differences in alcohol-related aggressionQ46621609
The costs of alcohol, illegal drugs, and tobacco in Canada, 2002.Q46932270
The effect of a moderate dose of alcohol on the traffic hazard perception profile of young drink-driversQ52273993
Exploring the dose-response relationship between alcohol consumption and the risk of several alcohol-related conditions: a meta-analysisQ52278331
Anstie's alcohol limit: Francis Edmund Anstie 1833-1874Q52428548
The estimation and interpretation of attributable risk in health researchQ68229973
Ethanol metabolism in men and womenQ69154224
Prevention for multifactorial diseasesQ71347643
Demographic characteristics, drinking patterns and drink-driving behavior of injured male drivers and motorcycle ridersQ71518761
Collateral damage from alcohol abuse: the enormous costs to AustraliaQ74124932
Increased incidence of complications in trauma patients cointoxicated with alcohol and other drugsQ80111260
P577publication date2008-01-01
P1433published inInternational Journal of Methods in Psychiatric ResearchQ15752770
P1476titleMethod for moderation: measuring lifetime risk of alcohol-attributable mortality as a basis for drinking guidelines

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cites work (P2860)
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