The IDP-Specific Force Field ff14IDPSFF Improves the Conformer Sampling of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

scientific article published on 27 April 2017

The IDP-Specific Force Field ff14IDPSFF Improves the Conformer Sampling of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/jcisd/SongLC17
P932PMC publication ID5731455
P698PubMed publication ID28448138

P50authorHaifeng ChenQ75721314
Ray LuoQ47098696
Dong SongQ58808132
P2093author name stringDong Song
Hai-Feng Chen
P2860cites workIntrinsically unstructured proteins and their functionsQ22061731
A series of PDB related databases for everyday needsQ24613221
Comparison of simple potential functions for simulating liquid waterQ26778447
The aspartic proteinase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae folds its own inhibitor into a helixQ27621171
A Combinatorial NMR and EPR Approach for Evaluating the Structural Ensemble of Partially Folded ProteinsQ27662113
Folding of the Tau Protein on MicrotubulesQ27701048
Structure of ubiquitin refined at 1.8 A resolutionQ27728512
Solution Structure of the KIX Domain of CBP Bound to the Transactivation Domain of CREB: A Model for Activator:Coactivator InteractionsQ27748755
All-atom empirical potential for molecular modeling and dynamics studies of proteinsQ27860468
Dictionary of protein secondary structure: pattern recognition of hydrogen-bonded and geometrical featuresQ27860675
The Amber biomolecular simulation programsQ27860745
GROMACS 4:  Algorithms for Highly Efficient, Load-Balanced, and Scalable Molecular SimulationQ27860944
Comparison of multiple Amber force fields and development of improved protein backbone parametersQ27861040
Intrinsically disordered proteinQ28191444
Intrinsic disorder in cell-signaling and cancer-associated proteinsQ28207698
Roles of phosphorylation and helix propensity in the binding of the KIX domain of CREB-binding protein by constitutive (c-Myb) and inducible (CREB) activatorsQ28219104
Conformational preferences in the Ser133-phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated forms of the kinase inducible transactivation domain of CREBQ28910220
The protein non-folding problem: amino acid determinants of intrinsic order and disorderQ73658941
Alzheimer's-disease-associated conformation of intrinsically disordered tau protein studied by intrinsically disordered protein liquid-phase competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assayQ79325388
Observation of beta-sheet aggregation in a gas-phase tau-peptide dimerQ83261087
A five-site model for liquid water and the reproduction of the density anomaly by rigid, nonpolarizable potential functionsQ29031294
Development of an improved four-site water model for biomolecular simulations: TIP4P-EwQ29396077
Numerical integration of the cartesian equations of motion of a system with constraints: molecular dynamics of n-alkanesQ29397708
Extending the treatment of backbone energetics in protein force fields: limitations of gas-phase quantum mechanics in reproducing protein conformational distributions in molecular dynamics simulationsQ29547631
Sequence complexity of disordered proteinQ29616420
MMTSB Tool Set: enhanced sampling and multiscale modeling methods for applications in structural biology.Q30341299
Residue-specific force field based on the protein coil library. RSFF1: modification of OPLS-AA/L.Q30362385
Protein structural and surface water rearrangement constitute major events in the earliest aggregation stages of tau.Q31034284
Evaluation of the Coupled Two-Dimensional Main Chain Torsional Potential in Modeling Intrinsically Disordered ProteinsQ31155071
ff14IDPs force field improving the conformation sampling of intrinsically disordered proteinsQ33824917
Test and Evaluation of ff99IDPs Force Field for Intrinsically Disordered ProteinsQ33851634
Balanced Protein-Water Interactions Improve Properties of Disordered Proteins and Non-Specific Protein AssociationQ34503099
The intrinsic conformational features of amino acids from a protein coil library and their applications in force field developmentQ34577841
Protein backbone chemical shifts predicted from searching a database for torsion angle and sequence homologyQ34645831
Intrinsically disordered proteins in cellular signalling and regulation.Q35510300
Routine Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulations with AMBER on GPUs. 1. Generalized BornQ35948015
Structure of tumor suppressor p53 and its intrinsically disordered N-terminal transactivation domain.Q36558058
ff14SB: Improving the Accuracy of Protein Side Chain and Backbone Parameters from ff99SB.Q36766916
Multiscaled exploration of coupled folding and binding of an intrinsically disordered molecular recognition element in measles virus nucleoprotein.Q37218609
Intrinsically disordered proteins and intrinsically disordered protein regionsQ38194194
Small-angle scattering studies of intrinsically disordered proteins and their complexes.Q38994238
Calibration of the angular dependence of the amide proton-C alpha proton coupling constants, 3JHN alpha, in a globular protein. Use of 3JHN alpha for identification of helical secondary structureQ39339655
CHARMM36m: an improved force field for folded and intrinsically disordered proteinsQ40299880
Binding induced folding in p53-MDM2 complexQ41816238
Intrinsic disorder in putative protein sequencesQ42210557
Correction to Balanced Protein-Water Interactions Improve Properties of Disordered Proteins and Non-Specific Protein AssociationQ42545304
New force field on modeling intrinsically disordered proteins.Q44063793
Improved treatment of the protein backbone in empirical force fields.Q44735024
Solution structure of the KIX domain of CBP bound to the transactivation domain of c-MybQ44799099
A folding-after-binding mechanism describes the recognition between the transactivation domain of c-Myb and the KIX domain of the CREB-binding proteinQ46062204
RNA recognition by an isolated α helixQ46325121
Automatic assignment of the intrinsically disordered protein Tau with 441-residuesQ53311821
A Second Generation Force Field for the Simulation of Proteins, Nucleic Acids, and Organic MoleculesQ55918670
Particle mesh Ewald: An N⋅log(N) method for Ewald sums in large systemsQ56750591
Water Dispersion Interactions Strongly Influence Simulated Structural Properties of Disordered Protein StatesQ56873339
Structural biology: Breaking the protein rulesQ57071963
Residual Dipolar Couplings in Short Peptides Reveal Systematic Conformational Preferences of Individual Amino AcidsQ57080210
P921main subjectforce fieldQ1341441
P577publication date2017-04-27
P1433published inJournal of Chemical Information and ModelingQ3007982
P1476titleThe IDP-Specific Force Field ff14IDPSFF Improves the Conformer Sampling of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

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