Škoda 32Tr SOR

full-sized low-entry trolleybus produced by Škoda Transportation

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Škoda_32Tr_SOR

Abstract is: The Škoda 32Tr SOR is a full-sized low-entry trolleybus produced in cooperation of Škoda Electric (subsidiary of Škoda Transportation) (electrical equipment and assembly) and SOR, which supplies the body based on the bus .

Wikimedia Commons category is Škoda 32Tr

Škoda 32Tr SOR is …
instance of (P31):
trolleybus modelQ42319471

sublass of (P279):
low-floor trolleybusQ118134004
rigid trolleybusQ118134105

P1071location of creationLibchavyQ1121374
P176manufacturerSOR LibchavyQ2377690
Škoda ElectricQ10404612

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      Škoda 32Tr SORwikipedia

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