Apache Beehive

Java application development framework

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Apache_Beehive

Abstract is: Apache Beehive is a discontinued Java Application Framework that was designed to simplify the development of Java EE-based applications. It makes use of various open-source projects at Apache such as XMLBeans. Apache Beehive uses Java 5, including JSR-175, a facility for annotating fields, methods, and classes so that they can be treated in special ways by runtime tools. It builds on the framework developed for BEA Systems Weblogic Workshop for its 8.1 series. BEA later decided to donate the code to Apache.

Apache Beehive is …
instance of (P31):
free softwareQ341

External links are
P8057Apache Project IDattic-beehive
P4945download URLhttp://beehive.apache.org/downloads.html
P646Freebase ID/m/05x1x2
P1401issue tracker URLhttp://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEEHIVE
P856official websitehttp://beehive.apache.org
P1324source code repository URLhttp://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/beehive/trunk/

P275copyright licenseApache Software License 2.0Q13785927
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P178developerApache Software FoundationQ489709
P366has useweb frameworkQ1330336
P400platformJava Virtual MachineQ193321
P277programmed inJavaQ251

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      Apache Beehivewikipedia
      Apache Beehivewikipedia

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