The parahippocampal place area: recognition, navigation, or encoding?

scientific article

The parahippocampal place area: recognition, navigation, or encoding? is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID10402198
P5875ResearchGate publication ID12897525

P50authorNancy KanwisherQ6962770
Alison HarrisQ48500761
P2093author name stringR Epstein
D Stanley
P2860cites workNeural components of topographical representationQ24600411
The fusiform face area: a module in human extrastriate cortex specialized for face perceptionQ28238243
A cortical representation of the local visual environmentQ28268818
Spatial memory deficits in patients with lesions to the right hippocampus and to the right parahippocampal cortexQ31960817
A critique of the use of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistic for the analysis of BOLD fMRI data.Q32099438
Face encoding and recognition in the human brainQ33590306
Topographic amnesia: spatial memory disorder, perceptual dysfunction, or category specific semantic memory impairment?Q33735101
Sensory-specific and fractional disorders of recent memory in man. I. Isolated loss of visual recent memoryQ34285459
The functional organization of human extrastriate cortex: a PET-rCBF study of selective attention to faces and locations.Q34326052
The representation of stimulus familiarity in anterior inferior temporal cortexQ34352686
Recalling routes around london: activation of the right hippocampus in taxi driversQ34437519
Knowing where and getting there: a human navigation networkQ34466707
The medial temporal lobe memory systemQ34599469
Face-specific processing in the human fusiform gyrusQ34655516
Selective sparing of topographical memoryQ36319130
Selective impairment of topographical memory: a single case studyQ37060233
The hippocampal formation participates in novel picture encoding: evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging.Q37414287
Pure topographical disorientation: a definition and anatomical basisQ44479933
The effect of face inversion on the human fusiform face areaQ48375199
Loss of topographic familiarity. An environmental agnosiaQ48379709
An area within human ventral cortex sensitive to "building" stimuli: evidence and implicationsQ48400465
Building memories: remembering and forgetting of verbal experiences as predicted by brain activityQ48407763
Making memories: brain activity that predicts how well visual experience will be rememberedQ48407772
fMRI study of face perception and memory using random stimulus sequencesQ48440150
Hemispheric specialization in human dorsal frontal cortex and medial temporal lobe for verbal and nonverbal memory encodingQ48453521
A neural mechanism for working and recognition memory in inferior temporal cortexQ48622090
Separate neural bases of two fundamental memory processes in the human medial temporal lobeQ48729635
Mental navigation along memorized routes activates the hippocampus, precuneus, and insulaQ48801469
The parahippocampus subserves topographical learning in man.Q48878839
Modulation of human medial temporal lobe activity by form, meaning, and experience.Q52004443
Learning to find your way: a role for the human hippocampal formation.Q52045415
The effect of learning on the face selective responses of neurons in the cortex in the superior temporal sulcus of the monkey.Q52248104
Novelty encoding networks in the human brainQ63090356
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date1999-05-01
P1433published inNeuronQ3338676
P1476titleThe parahippocampal place area: recognition, navigation, or encoding?

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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Q37379376Greater working memory load results in greater medial temporal activity at retrieval.
Q48354830Guided saccades modulate object and face-specific activity in the fusiform gyrus
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Q43956166High-resolution fMRI reveals match enhancement and attentional modulation in the human medial temporal lobe
Q36681138High-resolution multi-voxel pattern analysis of category selectivity in the medial temporal lobes
Q35214276Hippocampal subfield and medial temporal cortical persistent activity during working memory reflects ongoing encoding.
Q48478526How distributed is visual category information in human occipito-temporal cortex? An fMRI study
Q33579692How reliable are visual context effects in the parahippocampal place area?
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Q34631668Human hippocampal processing of environmental novelty during spatial navigation
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Q36001005Imaging of the Functional and Dysfunctional Visual System.
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Q37958253Memory: enduring traces of perceptual and reflective attention
Q49028285Mental imagery of faces and places activates corresponding stiimulus-specific brain regions
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Q51864201Neural encoding of objects relevant for navigation and resting state correlations with navigational ability.
Q49060095Neural events and perceptual awareness
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Q33641903Neural repetition suppression: evidence for perceptual expectation in object-selective regions
Q37811455Neural structures and mechanisms involved in scene recognition: A review and interpretation
Q51939968Neural substrates associated with the concurrent performance of dual working memory tasks.
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Q52017661Neuropsychological evidence for a topographical learning mechanism in parahippocampal cortex
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Q43778452Object recognition: seeing us seeing shapes
Q27307175Object visibility alters the relative contribution of ventral visual stream and mirror neuron system to goal anticipation during action observation
Q51978256Object-form topology in the ventral temporal lobeResponse to I. Gauthier (2000).
Q38432964Object-specific semantic coding in human perirhinal cortex.
Q44357380One-trial memory for object-place associations after separate lesions of hippocampus and posterior parahippocampal region in the monkey.
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Q38665811Overlap among Spatial Memories Triggers Repulsion of Hippocampal Representations.
Q45027397Parahippocampal Cortex Processes the Nonspatial Context of an Event.
Q37257456Parahippocampal and retrosplenial contributions to human spatial navigation
Q27303050Parametric Coding of the Size and Clutter of Natural Scenes in the Human Brain
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Q39259636Perception of Impossible Scenes Reveals Differential Hippocampal and Parahippocampal Place Area Contributions to Spatial Coherency.
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Q45354830Place-related neuronal activity in the monkey parahippocampal gyrus and hippocampal formation during virtual navigation
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Q47882356Positional firing properties of postrhinal cortex neurons
Q57191738Precision and False Perceptual Inference
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Q36949761Probabilistic atlases for face and biological motion perception: an analysis of their reliability and overlap
Q35593109Putting names to faces: successful encoding of associative memories activates the anterior hippocampal formation
Q38766470Quantifying the variability of scene-selective regions: Interindividual, interhemispheric, and sex differences.
Q33509702Reaching across the abyss: recent advances in functional magnetic resonance imaging and their potential relevance to disorders of consciousness
Q35046683Real-world scene representations in high-level visual cortex: it's the spaces more than the places
Q45957084Recollection and the reinstatement of encoding-related cortical activity.
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Q48321578Relationship between regional cerebral blood flow and neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies
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Q39290756Resilience to the contralateral visual field bias as a window into object representations
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Q30491576Retinotopic organization of human ventral visual cortex
Q35218876Reward reduces conflict by enhancing attentional control and biasing visual cortical processing
Q30626933Rightward-biased hemodynamic response of the parahippocampal system during virtual navigation
Q46152853Role of the Wada test and functional magnetic resonance imaging in preoperative mapping of language and memory: two atypical cases.
Q51953802Route learning impairment associated with encephalomalasia secondary to traumatic brain injury: a case report.
Q47901772Saccades are phase-locked to alpha oscillations in the occipital and medial temporal lobe during successful memory encoding
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Q51937245Selective hippocampal damage in rhesus monkeys impairs spatial memory in an open-field test.
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Q34251274Sensori-motor experience leads to changes in visual processing in the developing brain
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Q48809622Specialization in the medial temporal lobe for processing of objects and scenes
Q34993609Stimulus content and the neural correlates of source memory
Q37514446Structural and functional neural correlates of spatial navigation: a combined voxel-based morphometry and functional connectivity study
Q35269971Task-rest modulation of basal ganglia connectivity in mild to moderate Parkinson's disease
Q38450040Temporal components in the parahippocampal place area revealed by human intracerebral recordings
Q50965292Temporal lobe anatomy: eight imaging signs to facilitate interpretation of MRI.
Q90638190Testing Navigation in Real Space: Contributions to Understanding the Physiology and Pathology of Human Navigation Control
Q30660954Testing cognitive models of visual attention with fMRI and MEG.
Q55333534The Architectonic Experience of Body and Space in Augmented Interiors.
Q48433362The Faces in Radiological Images: Fusiform Face Area Supports Radiological Expertise
Q38684933The Influence of Content Meaningfulness on Eye Movements across Tasks: Evidence from Scene Viewing and Reading
Q38406668The Neural Bases of the Semantic Interference of Spatial Frequency-based Information in Scenes
Q59047767The Potentiation of Associative Memory by Emotions: An Event-Related FMRI Study
Q50075594The Role of Visual Association Cortex in Associative Memory Formation across Development
Q35900791The brain on art: intense aesthetic experience activates the default mode network
Q36272660The contribution of the human medial temporal lobe to perception: bridging the gap between animal and human studies
Q36737146The effect of scene context on episodic object recognition: parahippocampal cortex mediates memory encoding and retrieval success
Q42093809The emergence of perceived position in the visual system
Q48235934The engagement of mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and posterior brain regions in intentional cognitive activity
Q28255809The fusiform face area subserves face perception, not generic within-category identification
Q33783288The ghosts of brain states past: remembering reactivates the brain regions engaged during encoding
Q30650702The lateral occipital complex and its role in object recognition.
Q33605958The neural bases of spatial frequency processing during scene perception
Q35109214The neural correlates of competition during memory retrieval are modulated by attention to the cues
Q30492567The neural correlates of implicit sequence learning in schizophrenia.
Q51943507The neural fate of consciously perceived and missed events in the attentional blink.
Q48218809The neural underpinnings of event-file management: evidence for stimulus-induced activation of and competition among stimulus-response bindings
Q37013559The occipital place area is causally and selectively involved in scene perception
Q64115359The perceptual neural trace of memorable unseen scenes
Q30691385The problem of functional localization in the human brain
Q98647495The ratio of posterior-anterior medial temporal lobe volumes predicts source memory performance in healthy young adults
Q36493611The representation of biological classes in the human brain
Q36754086The role of scene type and priming in the processing and selection of a spatial frame of reference
Q30493623The selectivity and functional connectivity of the anterior temporal lobes
Q48470166The sightless view: neural correlates of occluded objects
Q48721757Three-dimensional probability maps of the rhinal and the collateral sulci in the human brain
Q46004193Timing of posterior parahippocampal gyrus activity reveals multiple scene processing stages.
Q48398514Top-down activation of fusiform cortex without seeing faces in prosopagnosia
Q34450400Top-down suppression deficit underlies working memory impairment in normal aging
Q48574739Toward brain correlates of natural behavior: fMRI during violent video games
Q34170115Tracking down abstract linguistic meaning: neural correlates of spatial frame of reference ambiguities in language
Q45366762Transcranial magnetic stimulation to the transverse occipital sulcus affects scene but not object processing.
Q38953796Two New Cytoarchitectonic Areas on the Human Mid-Fusiform Gyrus
Q38044816Two cortical systems for memory-guided behaviour.
Q34768974Two kinds of FMRI repetition suppression? Evidence for dissociable neural mechanisms
Q37770980Two systems of spatial representation underlying navigation
Q64061059Two-step paretial least square regression classifiers in brain-state decoding using functional magnetic resonance imaging
Q26781799Understanding What We See: How We Derive Meaning From Vision
Q33312951Using FMRI brain activation to identify cognitive states associated with perception of tools and dwellings
Q60038403Varieties of human spatial memory: a meta-analysis on the effects of hippocampal lesions
Q48368632Viewpoint-specific scene representations in human parahippocampal cortex
Q37090285Violence as a source of pleasure or displeasure is associated with specific functional connectivity with the nucleus accumbens
Q90354642Visual experiences during letter production contribute to the development of the neural systems supporting letter perception
Q48232518Visual response properties of neurons in the parahippocampal cortex of monkeys
Q34577992Visual scene processing in familiar and unfamiliar environments
Q44454264Visual search is facilitated by scene and sequence familiarity in rhesus monkeys
Q37558416Visual space and object space in the cerebral cortex of retinal disease patients
Q35829246Visual word processing and experiential origins of functional selectivity in human extrastriate cortex
Q35543145When a thought equals a look: refreshing enhances perceptual memory
Q33399872When learning and remembering compete: a functional MRI study
Q34501389When the brain is prepared to learn: enhancing human learning using real-time fMRI.
Q37302043Where am I and how will I get there from here? A role for posterior parietal cortex in the integration of spatial information and route planning
Q48144268Where am I now? Distinct roles for parahippocampal and retrosplenial cortices in place recognition.
Q35111656Where do objects become scenes?
Q51896938Where vision meets memory: prefrontal-posterior networks for visual object constancy during categorization and recognition.
Q64079906Williams Syndrome, Human Self-Domestication, and Language Evolution
Q48913925Within-subject reproducibility of category-specific visual activation with functional MRI.
Q57911683fMRI of Memory
Q34172941fMRI studies of successful emotional memory encoding: A quantitative meta-analysis.

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