scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P356 | DOI | 10.1111/1469-7610.00782 |
P953 | full work available at URL | |
P698 | PubMed publication ID | 11693581 |
P5875 | ResearchGate publication ID | 11659902 |
P2093 | author name string | J. Belsky | |
P433 | issue | 7 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | object attachment | Q69941618 |
child development | Q407784 | ||
parent–child relationship | Q1334052 | ||
P304 | page(s) | 845-859 | |
P577 | publication date | 2001-10-01 | |
P1433 | published in | The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry | Q6294936 |
P1476 | title | Emanuel Miller lecture developmental risks (still) associated with early child care | |
Emanuel Miller Lecture Developmental Risks (Still) Associated with Early Child Care | |||
P478 | volume | 42 |
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