Behavioral Ecology


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Abstract is: Behavioral Ecology is a bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the . The journal was established in 1990.

Behavioral Ecology is …
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scientific journalQ5633421

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P6981ACNP journal ID2477235
P8375Crossref journal ID5065
P1250Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO15572
P1058ERA Journal ID3206
P646Freebase ID/m/0nb0dwv
P8903HAL journal ID11075
P1160ISO 4 abbreviationBehav. Ecol.
P1277JUFO ID52215
P4730Mir@bel journal ID21080
P1055NLM Unique ID9426330
P243OCLC control number41963900
P856official website
P10283OpenAlex IDS121360315
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID55413
P7662Scilit journal ID85747
P1156Scopus source ID13151
P4616UniProt journal ID3064

P495country of originUnited KingdomQ145
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level1
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
Science Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectecologyQ7150
P123publisherOxford University PressQ217595
P1476titleBehavioral Ecology

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published in (P1433)
Q36701398"Parasite-induced aposematism" protects entomopathogenic nematode parasites against invertebrate enemies
Q115543282Gammarus pulexshow a grouping response to conspecific injury cues but not to predator kairomones
Q59891451A bee or not a bee: an experimental test of acoustic mimicry by hoverflies
Q34060906A behavioral mechanism underlying ecological divergence in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae
Q128095759A benefit to providing information? Flower size cues, plant attractiveness, and plant visit length
Q53417109A case for considering individual variation in diel activity patterns.
Q29303912A case of mental time travel in ant-following birds?
Q60549946A chorus of color: hierarchical and graded information content of rapid color change signals in chameleons
Q29302967A commitment model of reproductive inhibition in cooperatively breeding groups
Q55966932A comparative analysis of the evolution of variation in appearance of eggs of European passerines in relation to brood parasitism
Q115538203A comparative study of activity levels in larval anurans and response to the presence of different predators
Q115414499A comparative study of the function of heterospecific vocal mimicry in European passerines
Q57529355A context-dependent induction of natal habitat preference in a generalist herbivorous insect
Q113393727A dynamic model of group-size choice in the coral reef fish Dascyllus albisella
Q57269619A farewell to Bonferroni: the problems of low statistical power and publication bias
Q115787891A game-theoretical model of kleptoparasitic behavior in an urban gull (Laridae) population
Q35218065A larger brain confers a benefit in a spatial mate search learning task in male guppies
Q109745478A link between heritable parasite resistance and mate choice in dung beetles
Q107099628A longitudinal study of dominance and aggression in greylag geese (Anser anser)
Q36701391A lover or a fighter? Opposing sexual selection pressures on men's vocal pitch and facial hair
Q55277700A marker of biological ageing predicts adult risk preference in European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris.
Q56421621A mechanism for cryptic female choice in chinook salmon
Q112806639A meta-analysis of correlated behaviors with implications for behavioral syndromes: relationships between particular behavioral traits
Q112855595A meta-analysis of factors influencing the strength of mate-choice copying in animals
Q112806649A meta-analysis of the group-size effect on vigilance in mammals
Q60384404A meta-analytic castle built on sand? A comment on Roca et al
Q59256270A multi-level approach to quantify speed-accuracy trade-offs in great tits (Parus major)
Q115543241A multilevel society of herring-eating killer whales indicates adaptation to prey characteristics
Q60490580A multivariate analysis of phenotype and paternity in male harbor seals, Phoca vitulina, at Sable Island, Nova Scotia
Q109041135A mutual understanding? Interspecific responses by birds to each other's aerial alarm calls
Q129749346A new trophic specialization buffers a top predator against climate-driven resource instability
Q115414536A novel evolutionary pattern of reversed sexual dimorphism in fairy wrens: implications for sexual selection
Q54284208A parasite in wolf's clothing: hawk mimicry reduces mobbing of cuckoos by hosts
Q115543386A pigheaded compromise: do competition and predation explain variation in warthog group size?
Q56999593A place for behavior in ecological epigenetics
Q129558552A pollen fatty acid enhances learning and survival in bumblebees
Q62006927A possible case of contemporary selection leading to a decrease in sexual plumage dimorphism in a grassland-breeding shorebird
Q57236814A prison effect in a wild population: a scarcity of females induces homosexual behaviors in males
Q55892800A prudent hoarder: effects of long-term hoarding in the European nuthatch, Sitta europaea
Q115414522A quantitative genetics approach to validate lab- versus field-based behavior in novel environments
Q115544010A rare predator exploits prey escape behavior: the role of tail-fanning and plumage contrast in foraging of the painted redstart (Myioborus pictus)
Q60393663A receiver bias for red predates the convergent evolution of red color in widowbirds and bishops
Q113821480A reevaluation of the logic of pilferage effects, predation risk, and environmental variability on avian energy regulation: the critical role of time budgets
Q59197847A sex-specific behavioral syndrome in a wild passerine
Q109041166A songbird mimics different heterospecific alarm calls in response to different types of threat
Q128144077A superb solo, or a deviant duet? Overlapping songs in superb fairy-wrens
Q57669777A survey of the statistical power of research in behavioral ecology and animal behavior
Q60502026A tale of 2 signals: signal mimicry between aposematic species enhances predator avoidance learning
Q56156790A taste for novelty in invading house sparrows, Passer domesticus
Q113035189A test of alternative hypotheses for kin recognition in cannibalistic tiger salamanders
Q113035026A test of the dear enemy hypothesis in female New Zealand bellbirds (Anthornis melanura): female neighbors as threats
Q56269921A test of the good-genes-as-heterozygosity hypothesis using red-winged blackbirds
Q113035159A test of the risk allocation hypothesis: tadpole responses to temporal change in predation risk
Q113034963A test of the sexy-sperm and good-sperm hypotheses for the evolution of polyandry
Q56656961A theory of mate choice based on heterozygosity
Q57438204A trade-off between natural and sexual selection underlies diversification of a sexual signal
Q58486880A trait-based approach to understand the evolution of complex coalitions in male mammals
Q113275629Absence of nepotism toward imprisoned young queens during swarming in the honey bee
Q30053488Acceptance by the splendid fairy-wren of parasitism by Horsfield's bronze-cuckoo: further evidence for evolutionary equilibrium in brood parasitism
Q114896875Accuracy of song syntax learning and singing consistency signal early condition in zebra finches
Q115414437Achromatic plumage brightness predicts stress resilience and social interactions in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor)
Q57205981Achromatic plumage reflectance predicts reproductive success in male black-capped chickadees
Q113821406Acoustic and visual stimuli combined promote stronger responses to aerial predation in fish
Q60336919Acoustic communication in zebra finches signals when mates will take turns with parental duties
Q29041537Acoustic cues alter perceived sperm competition risk in the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus
Q58790827Acoustic experience influences male and female pre- and postcopulatory behaviors in a bushcricket
Q112806646Acoustic preferences and localization performance of blood-sucking flies (Corethrella Coquillett) to túngara frog calls
Q129150999Acoustic stability in hyrax snorts: vocal tightrope-walkers or wrathful verbal assailants?
Q115787911Activity patterns of urban red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) reduce the risk of traffic-induced mortality
Q56270793Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in an island songbird exposed to a novel predation risk
Q56766524Adjusting to a toxic invader: native Australian frogs learn not to prey on cane toads
Q27304568Adjustment of costly extra-group paternity according to inbreeding risk in a cooperative mammal
Q37529949Adult helpers increase the recruitment of closely related offspring in the cooperatively breeding rifleman
Q128462001Adult nutritional stress decreases oviposition choosiness and fecundity in female butterflies
Q113275631Advantages and disadvantages of large colony size in a halictid bee: the queen's perspective
Q112560473Aerial attack strategies of hawks hunting bats, and the adaptive benefits of swarming
Q60255331Aerial dispersal plasticity under different wind velocities in a salt marsh wolf spider
Q90635580Affiliation history and age similarity predict alliance formation in adult male bottlenose dolphins
Q59160250African ungulates recognize a locally extinct native predator
Q58039033Against the odds? Nestling sex ratio variation in green-rumped parrotlets
Q115543382Agamas exhibit behavioral syndromes: bolder males bask and feed more but may suffer higher predation
Q60456520Age, parasites, and condition affect humoral immune response in tropical pythons
Q60466671Age- and sex-specific response to population density and sex ratio
Q56552444Age- and tactic-related paternity success in male African elephants
Q56093895Age-dependent health status and song characteristics in the barn swallow
Q57266119Age-related decrease in male reproductive success and song quality in Drosophila montana
Q59298816Aggression in Columbian ground squirrels: relationships with age, kinship, energy allocation, and fitness
Q56040772Aggression, dominance, and mating success among capybara males (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris)
Q59197880Aggressive Ural owl mothers recruit more offspring
Q115543242Aggressive jumping spiders make quicker decisions for preferred prey but not at the cost of accuracy
Q129947911Aggressive spiders make the wrong decision in a difficult task
Q123141302Agonistic communication between males of a zaprochiline katydid (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Q109041181Alarm calls of a cooperative bird are referential and elicit context-specific antipredator behavior
Q109041139Alarm calls of tufted titmice convey information about predator size and threat
Q123760286Allee effects drive the coevolution of cooperation and group size in high reproductive skew groups
Q125973248Allo-preening is linked to vocal signature development in a wild parrot
Q53417120Allopreening in birds is associated with parental cooperation over offspring care and stable pair bonds across years.
Q60054621Alternative behavioral measures of postconflict affiliation
Q115543829Alternative forms of competition and predation dramatically affect habitat selection under foraging--predation-risk trade-offs
Q56288568Alternative reproductive strategies in the white-throated sparrow: behavioral and genetic evidence
Q104879199Alternative reproductive tactics and lifetime reproductive success in a polygynandrous mammal
Q116847083Alternative reproductive tactics in female horseshoe crabs
Q128109102Alternative reproductive tactics shape within-species variation in behavioral syndromes
Q113035121Altitudinal variation in sexual dimorphism: a new pattern and alternative hypotheses
Q125855471American black bears perceive the risks of crossing roads
Q121010044Among-population covariation between sperm competition and ejaculate expenditure in frogs
Q58820867Amphibians’ response to the lunar synodic cycle—a review of current knowledge, recommendations, and implications for conservation
Q129265733An androgenic endocrine disruptor alters male mating behavior in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata)
Q33583276An arms race between producers and scroungers can drive the evolution of social cognition
Q56391379An evolutionarily stable strategy for aggressiveness in feeding groups
Q112556378An evolutionary model of sensitive periods when the reliability of cues varies across ontogeny
Q27304563An experimental conflict of interest between parasites reveals the mechanism of host manipulation
Q124880439An experimental field test of female defense in territorial male collared lizards
Q115414453An experimental test of duet function in a fairy-wren (Malurus) with moderate cuckoldry rates
Q112222968An experimental test of the Westermarck effect: sex differences in inbreeding avoidance
Q104868594An experimental test to separate the effects of male age and mating history on female mate choice
Q61458472An intimidating ornament in a female pipefish
Q111168796An invasive amphibian drives antipredator responses in two prey at different trophic positions
Q90635602Analysis of direct and indirect genetic effects in fighting sea anemones
Q104101944Analysis of within-individual variation in extrapair paternity in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) shows low repeatability and little effect of changes in neighborhood
Q115414451Ant recognition cue diversity is higher in the presence of slavemaker ants
Q57517247Anthropogenic food patches and association patterns of Tursiops truncatus at Lampedusa island, Italy
Q128683556Anthropogenic increases in nutrients alter sexual selection dynamics: a case study in butterflies
Q60504685Anthropogenic noise disrupts mate searching in Gryllus bimaculatus
Q60319840Antipredator behavior in blackbirds: habituation complements risk allocation
Q125370614Antipredator behavior: escape flights on a landscape slope
Q60557289Antipredator calls of tufted titmice and interspecific transfer of encoded threat information
Q115543841Antipredator defense as a limited resource: unequal predation risk in broods of an insect with maternal care
Q125902913Antipredator escape distances of common and threatened birds
Q63000266Aposematic coloration, luminance contrast, and the benefits of conspicuousness
Q115543260Aposematic signals in North American black widows are more conspicuous to predators than to prey
Q59024293Aposematism in the burying beetle? Dual function of anal fluid in parental care and chemical defense
Q63379871Applying Lanchester’s laws to the interspecific competition of coral reef fish
Q58486840Applying the coalitionary-traits metric: sociality without cooperation in male yellow-bellied marmots
Q115543216Aquatic prey use countershading camouflage to match the visual background
Q125358567Are 2D space-use analyses adapted to animals living in 3D environments? A case study on a fish shoal
Q114633535Are bird species that vocalize at higher frequencies preadapted to inhabit noisy urban areas?
Q60508670Are females in good condition better able to cope with costly males?
Q56942159Are innovative species ecological generalists? A test in North American birds
Q57205983Are least flycatcher (Empidonax minimus) clusters hidden leks?
Q57716008Are queen ants inhibited by their own pheromone? Regulation of productivity via negative feedback
Q109041199Are signals of aggressive intent less honest in urban habitats?
Q58486473Are social attributes associated with alarm calling propensity?
Q60299113Are there benefits to being born asynchronously: an experimental test in a social lizard
Q104206494Area-restricted search by the plains pocket gopher (Geomys bursarius) in tallgrass prairie habitat
Q128848214Arena size modulates functional responses via behavioral mechanisms
Q112806644Armament under direct sexual selection does not exhibit positive allometry in an earwig
Q114633539Artificial light at night alters activity, body mass, and corticosterone level in a tropical anuran
Q56093528Artificial night lighting rather than traffic noise affects the daily timing of dawn and dusk singing in common European songbirds
Q60337256Artificial ornaments manipulate intrinsic male quality in wild-caught zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)
Q127773222Artificial selection on walking distance suggests a mobility-sperm competitiveness trade-off
Q123258223Assessing reliance on vector navigation in the long-distance oceanic migrations of green sea turtles
Q113034993Assessing the developmental stress hypothesis in the context of a reaction norm
Q57269616Assessing the function of house sparrows' bib size using a flexible meta-analysis method
Q56387830Assessing “false” alarm calls by a drongo (Dicrurus paradiseus) in mixed-species bird flocks
Q115543551Assessment of local predation risk: the role of subthreshold concentrations of chemical alarm cues
Q112806635Associative learning of flowers by generalist bumble bees can be mediated by microbes on the petals
Q128339495Assortative interactions revealed in a fission–fusion society of Australian humpback dolphins
Q58486476Asymmetric eavesdropping between common mynas and red-vented bulbuls
Q57220226Asymmetric larval mobility and the evolutionary transition from siblicide to nonsiblicidal behavior in parasitoid wasps
Q60481759Asymmetry in size, shape, and color impairs the protective value of conspicuous color patterns
Q58643622Asynchronous hatching in a nonavian species: a test of the hurry-up hypothesis
Q61762072Attraction of a predator to chemical information related to nonprey: when can it be adaptive?
Q114592027Attraction to conspecific eggs may guide oviposition site selection in a solitary insect
Q105613058Attractiveness is positively related to World Cup performance in male, but not female, biathletes
Q56803302Attractiveness of women's body odors over the menstrual cycle: the role of oral contraceptives and receiver sex
Q115543749Auditory prey location in a pause—travel predator: search height, search time, and attack range of Tengmalm's owls (Aegolius funereus)
Q111168908Australian house geckos are more aggressive than a globally successful invasive Asian house gecko
Q60368994Availability of nonpigmentary antioxidant affects red coloration in gulls
Q56211781Avian prey-dropping behavior. I. The effects of prey characteristics and prey loss
Q56211782Avian prey-dropping behavior. II. American crows and walnuts
Q56689020Avoidance of aposematic prey in European tits (Paridae): learned or innate?
Q115543286Avoiding predators in a fluctuating environment: responses of the wood warbler to pulsed resources
Q52603707Avoiding the misuse of BLUP in behavioural ecology.
Q60393656Background colour matching increases with risk of predation in a colour-changing grasshopper
Q59300101Barn swallow antipredator behavior covaries with melanic coloration and predicts survival
Q63378996Battle of the sexes: a multi-male mating strategy helps lionesses win the gender war of fitness
Q63431252Beards augment perceptions of men's age, social status, and aggressiveness, but not attractiveness
Q113275623Bees learn preferences for plant species that offer only pollen as a reward
Q60311503Begging and cowbirds: brood parasites make hosts scream louder
Q56228273Begging and the risk of predation in nestling birds
Q60566050Begging for a better future: how far can behavioral ecologists go without specifying mechanisms?
Q60566053Begging in the absence of parents: a “quick on the trigger” strategy to minimize costly misses
Q59663604Behavioral adaptation of Pallas's squirrels to germination schedule and tannins in acorns
Q59256273Behavioral and morphological responses to perceived predation risk: a field experiment in passerines
Q110792808Behavioral and physiological consequences of nest predation pressure for larval fish
Q59845496Behavioral and physiological responses to male handicap in chick-rearing black-legged kittiwakes
Q113275627Behavioral attributes influence annual mating success more than morphological traits in male collared lizards
Q60463607Behavioral changes associated with a population density decline in the facultatively social red fox
Q56379264Behavioral changes in tadpoles after multigenerational exposure to an invasive intraguild predator
Q57718712Behavioral coexistence and feeding efficiency drive niche partitioning in European avian scavengers
Q56767771Behavioral consequences of plant invasion: an invasive plant alters rodent antipredator behavior
Q57236638Behavioral consistency and the resolution of sexual conflict over parental investment
Q110532035Behavioral diversity is maintained by a conditional strategy in a freshwater zooplankton
Q58832961Behavioral dominance between female color morphs of a Lake Victoria cichlid fish
Q56593187Behavioral drivers of communal roosting in a songbird: a combined theoretical and empirical approach
Q59594793Behavioral ecology and genomics: new directions, or just a more detailed map?
Q115414464Behavioral ecology and the successful integration of function and mechanism
Q60236451Behavioral ecology of odometric memories in desert ants: acquisition, retention, and integration
Q58317559Behavioral interference and facilitation in the foraging cycle shape the functional response
Q57254112Behavioral plasticity in larval reef fish: orientation is influenced by recent acoustic experiences
Q125759569Behavioral plasticity in nest residency compensates for inbreeding depression in male prairie voles
Q64922549Behavioral responses by an apex predator to urbanization.
Q113821426Behavioral responses of a sex-role reversed pipefish to a gradient of perceived predation risk
Q34532685Behavioral responses of wolves to roads: scale-dependent ambivalence
Q60564255Behavioral responses to changing environments
Q114633532Behavioral responses vary with prey species in the social spider, Stegodyphus sarasinorum
Q56933844Behavioral shifts associated with reproduction in garter snakes
Q121084492Behavioral strategies and signaling in interspecific aggressive interactions in gray tree frogs
Q60432502Behavioral syndrome over the boundaries of life—carryovers from larvae to adult damselfly
Q57003481Behavioral syndromes influence mating systems: floater pairs of a lizard have heavier offspring
Q119525377Behavioral syndromes vary among geographically distinct populations in a reptile
Q113035002Behavioral syndromes: carryover effects, false discovery rates, and a priori hypotheses
Q58486842Behavioral types as predictors of survival in Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata)
Q59620287Behavioral, demographic, and environmental correlates of extrapair fertilizations in eastern bluebirds, Sialia sialis
Q113034919Behavioral, energetic, and color trait integration in male guppies: testing the melanocortin hypothesis
Q59225097Beneficial effects of group size on oxidative balance in a wild cooperative breeder
Q56806191Benefits of foundress associations in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus: increased productivity and survival, but no assurance of fitness returns
Q57228575Benefits of recruitment in honey bees: effects of ecology and colony size in an individual-based model
Q60534357Better the devil you know? How familiarity and kinship affect prey responses to disturbance cues
Q57277749Better to be bimodal: the interaction of color and odor on learning and memory
Q60502378Between- and within-individual variation in activity increases with water temperature in wild perch
Q115543439Beware of bats, beware of birds: the auditory responses of eared moths to bat and bird predation
Q126566808Beyond the group: how food, mates, and group size influence intergroup encounters in wild bonobos
Q57087295Bidirectional communication system in katydids: the effect on chorus structure
Q124843342Bill morphology and neutral genetic structure both predict variation in acoustic signals within a bird population
Q56096291Bills as daggers? A test for sexually dimorphic weapons in a lekking hummingbird
Q105612870Biological market effects predict cleaner fish strategic sophistication
Q30559344Biparental incubation patterns in a high-Arctic breeding shorebird: how do pairs divide their duties?
Q35024901Biparental incubation-scheduling: no experimental evidence for major energetic constraints.
Q125768329Birds associate species-specific acoustic and visual cues: recognition of heterospecific rivals by male blackcaps
Q30473602Birds flee en mass from New Year's Eve fireworks
Q58202951Birds living near airports advance their dawn chorus and reduce overlap with aircraft noise
Q58486891Birdsong tuned to the environment: green hylia song varies with elevation, tree cover, and noise
Q60190994Birth sex ratios relate to mare condition at conception in Kaimanawa horses
Q56953859Black holes, mate retention, and the evolution of ungulate leks
Q113821445Black-and-white plumage in male pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) reduces the risk of predation from sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus) during the breeding season
Q101631695Blue tail and striped body: why do lizards change their infant costume when growing up?
Q125812992Body condition and food shapes group dispersal but not solitary dispersal in a social spider
Q101631697Body size and evolution of motion dazzle coloration in lizards
Q56882394Body size and sex allocation in simultaneously hermaphroditic animals
Q115543344Body spot coloration of a nocturnal sit-and-wait predator visually lures prey
Q63916260Body stores persist as fitness correlate in a long-distance migrant released from food constraints
Q60264401Bolder stickleback fish make faster decisions, but they are not less accurate
Q57738454Boldness affects foraging decisions in barnacle geese: an experimental approach
Q30449848Boldness behavior and stress physiology in a novel urban environment suggest rapid correlated evolutionary adaptation
Q57030821Boldness-aggression syndromes can reduce population density: behavior and demographic heterogeneity
Q61306763Both the past and the present affect risk-sensitive decisions of foraging rufous hummingbirds
Q113182302Bowers on the savanna: display courts and mate choice in a lekking widowbird
Q113035176Breeding colonies as information centers: a reappraisal of information-based hypotheses using the producer--scrounger game
Q92838730Breeding success but not mate choice is phenotype- and context-dependent in a color polymorphic raptor
Q54046488Breeding synchronization facilitates extrapair mating for inbreeding avoidance
Q60550261Breeding systems, climate, and the evolution of migration in shorebirds
Q58614263Bright nights and social interactions: a neglected issue
Q59300115Brood size, telomere length, and parent-offspring color signaling in barn swallows
Q57233937Brooding, provisioning, and compensatory care in the cooperatively breeding acorn woodpecker
Q113275634Built to change: dominance strategy changes with life stage in a primitively eusocial bee
Q56156933Bumble bees (Bombus terrestris) store both food and information in honeypots
Q125406616Bumblebee flower constancy and pollen diversity over time
Q57228447Bumblebees utilize floral cues differently on vertically and horizontally arranged flowers
Q56930335Burrow fractal dimension and foraging success in subterranean rodents: a simulation
Q35419499By any name, female-female competition yields differential mating success
Q123361589Cadmium does not affect post-hatching maternal care or early offspring development in earwigs
Q128187389Calling in the heat: the zebra finch incubation call depends on heat AND reproductive stage—a comment on McDiarmid et al. 2018
Q111935150Calling in the heat: the zebra finch “incubation call” depends on heat but not reproductive stage
Q55072577Camouflaging moving objects: crypsis and masquerade.
Q60502036Can experienced birds select for Müllerian mimicry?
Q56593179Can information sharing explain recruitment to food from communal roosts?
Q61781981Can males detect the strength of sperm competition and presence of genital plugs during mate choice?
Q125927526Can mixed singing facilitate coexistence of closely related nightingale species?
Q115414518Can native predators be used as a stepping stone to reduce prey naivety to novel predators?
Q113821494Can nest predation and predator type explain variation in dispersal of adult birds during the breeding season ?
Q110030187Can ultraviolet cues function as aposematic signals?
Q60426762Cannibalism, competition, and costly care in the plainfin midshipman fish,Porichthys notatus
Q125723911Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) social dynamics in a flood-pulsed environment
Q58814730Cape honeybees, Apis mellifera capensis, police worker-laid eggs despite the absence of relatedness benefits
Q57193789Capital or income breeding? A theoretical model of female reproductive strategies
Q114093526Captivating color: evidence for optimal stimulus design in a polymorphic prey lure
Q60577829Caribbean damselfish with varying territory quality: correlated behaviors but not a syndrome
Q60162669Carotenoid status signaling in captive and wild red-collared widowbirds: independent effects of badge size and color
Q60318443Carotenoid-based status signaling by females in the tropical streak-backed oriole
Q59117631Caste-specific symbiont policing by workers of Acromyrmex fungus-growing ants
Q126338274Categorical perception in animal communication and decision-making
Q115543302Caterpillar hair as a physical barrier against invertebrate predators
Q91272714Causes and consequences of intraspecific variation in animal responses to anthropogenic noise
Q113821197Cautious versus desperado males: predation risk affects courtship intensity but not female choice in a wolf spider
Q57614473Certainty of paternity and paternal effort in the collared flycatcher
Q58399581Chacma baboon mating markets: competitor suppression mediates the potential for intersexual exchange
Q115787906Change in flight initiation distance between urban and rural habitats following a cold winter
Q60465914Change in sex pheromone expression by nutritional shift in male cockroaches
Q115543343Changes in antipredator vigilance over time caused by a war of attrition between predator and prey
Q128178605Changing of the guard: mixed specialization and flexibility in nest defense (Tetragonisca angustula)
Q57260814Changing philosophies and tools for statistical inferences in behavioral ecology
Q60525579Cheating workers with large activated ovaries avoid risky foraging
Q30047801Chemical communication in an archaic anuran amphibian
Q58492485Chemical espionage on species-specific butterfly anti-aphrodisiacs by hitchhiking Trichogramma wasps
Q113821337Chemical footprints mediate habitat selection in co-occurring aphids
Q58643693Chemical stimuli from parents trigger larval begging in burying beetles
Q129501019Chemically mediated sexual signals restrict hybrid speciation in a flea beetle
Q29028758Chic chicks: the evolution of chick ornamentation in rails
Q56773197Choice processes in multialternative decision making
Q121030670Choosy females and indiscriminate males: mate choice in mixed populations of sexual and hybridogenetic water frogs (Rana lessonae, Rana esculenta)
Q56039027Chromatic and achromatic vision: parameter choice and limitations for reliable model predictions
Q113821378Chronic predation risk affects prey escape abilities through behavioral and physiological changes
Q30410809Cicadas impact bird communication in a noisy tropical rainforest
Q63360948Cleaner fish cause predators to reduce aggression toward bystanders at cleaning stations
Q63360784Cleaner fish coloration decreases predation risk in aggressive fangblenny mimics
Q64937170Cleaner personality and client identity have joint consequences on cleaning interaction dynamics.
Q61986379Cleaning in pairs enhances honesty in male cleaning gobies
Q58890582Closer clutch inspection—quicker egg ejection: timing of host responses toward parasitic eggs
Q113035163Clutch size variation in the Nazca booby: a test of the egg quality hypothesis
Q52603699Cognition, personality, and stress in budgerigars, Melopsittacus undulatus.
Q114093529Cold winters have morph-specific effects on natal dispersal distance in a wild raptor
Q113393720Collective aggressiveness of an ecosystem engineer is associated with coral recovery
Q92209562Collective behavior and colony persistence of social spiders depends on their physical environment
Q56837706Collective decision making in guppies: a cross-population comparison study in the wild
Q60319928Collective detection in escape responses of temporary groups of Iberian green frogs
Q92838738Collective responses to heterospecifics emerge from individual differences in aggression
Q59416381Colony genetic structure in a facultatively eusocial hover wasp
Q111264304Colony personality and plant health in the Azteca-Cecropia mutualism
Q29544255Colony structure and reproduction in the ant, Leptothorax acervorum
Q34767410Colony variation in the collective regulation of foraging by harvester ants
Q125755289Color Change from male-mimic to Gynomorphic: a New Aspect of Signaling Sexual Status in Damselflies (Odonata, Zygoptera)
Q57228390Color discrimination is not just limited by photoreceptor noise: a comment on Olsson et al
Q112806634Color lures in orb-weaving spiders: a meta-analysis
Q30495143Color signal information content and the eye of the beholder: a case study in the rhesus macaque
Q60459677Coloration of chicks modulates costly interactions among family members
Q57699094Colorful male guppies do not provide females with fecundity benefits
Q113034980Comb size and color relate to sperm quality: a test of the phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis
Q57888095Comment on Moffett: "Supercolonies of billions in an invasive ant: What is a society?"
Q60299026Comment on “Intrasexual competition among females: evidence for sexual selection” by Kimberly Rosvall
Q56031541Common waxbills use carnivore scat to reduce the risk of nest predation
Q126094729Communal and efficient movement routines can develop spontaneously through public information use
Q56593175Communal life: honest signaling and the recruitment center hypothesis
Q59547116Comparative effects of urban development and anthropogenic noise on bird songs
Q59835886Comparative manipulation of predation risk in incubating birds reveals variability in the plasticity of responses
Q60578502Comparative transitive and temporal orderliness in dominance networks
Q28602968Comparing pre- and post-copulatory mate competition using social network analysis in wild crickets
Q60550131Competition and brood reduction: testing alternative models of clutch-size evolution in parasitoids
Q124802742Competition between wild herbivores: reintroduced red deer and Apennine chamois
Q59621255Competition level determines compensatory growth abilities
Q63975770Competitor density cues for habitat quality facilitating habitat selection and investment decisions
Q115039433Complex adaptations in a multivariate trait: a comment on Caro et al.
Q60304659Complexity and behavioral ecology
Q128130490Conception risk affects in-pair and extrapair desire similarly: a comment on Shimoda et al. (2018)
Q37132165Conclusions beyond support: overconfident estimates in mixed models
Q128215002Condition dependence of (un)predictability in escape behavior of a grasshopper species
Q113034923Condition-dependent foraging strategies in a coastal seabird: evidence for the rich get richer hypothesis
Q56505304Condition-dependent resource value affects male–male competition in the blue–black grassquit
Q125628361Condition-dependent sexual reproduction is driven by benefits, not costs of sex
Q113275624Conditional helping and evolutionary transitions to eusociality and cooperative breeding
Q125462788Conditional indirect genetic effects of caregivers on brood in the clonal raider ant
Q114093531Conditional natal dispersal provides a mechanism for populations tracking resource pulses after fire
Q56083371Conditions favoring anticipatory and reactive displays deflecting predatory attack
Q113035142Conflict between sexes in the water strider, Gerris lacustris: a test of two hypotheses for male guarding behavior
Q128277464Conformity in the collective: differences in hunger affect individual and group behavior in a shoaling fish
Q57232175Confusion of predators does not rely on specialist coordinated behavior
Q115543485Consequences of complex signaling: predator detection of multimodal cues
Q104868630Consequences of natal philopatry for reproductive success and mate choice in an Alpine rodent
Q53417134Consequences of sibling rivalry vary across life in a passerine bird.
Q57455191Consistency of animal social networks after disturbance
Q127492451Consistent female preference for rare and unfamiliar male color patterns in wild guppy populations
Q112806651Consistent mixing of near and distant resources in foraging bouts by the solitary mason bee Osmia lignaria
Q58387771Consistent waves of collective vigilance in groups using public information about predation risk
Q113821511Conspecific nest parasitism is associated with inequality in nest predation risk in the common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula)
Q111593551Conspecifics enhance egg production in an egg-carrying bug
Q54158318Conspicuousness, not eye mimicry, makes "eyespots" effective antipredator signals
Q60319843Conspicuousness-dependent antipredatory behavior may counteract coloration differences in Iberian rock lizards
Q56286686Constraints on control: factors influencing reproductive success in male mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx)
Q113821420Constrating short-term and long-term effects of predation risk on consumer habitat use and resources
Q113390265Contact with caterpillar hairs triggers predator-specific defensive responses
Q112806645Contemporary sexual selection on sexually dimorphic traits in the ambush bug Phymata americana
Q128628787Contest dynamics and assessment strategies in combatant monkey beetles (Scarabaeidae: Hopliini)
Q60311451Context-, phenotype-, and kin-dependent natal dispersal of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)
Q109315028Context-dependent coloration of prey and predator decision making in contrasting light environments
Q130119496Context-dependent costs and benefits of a heterospecific nesting association
Q104872663Context-dependent effects of carotenoid supplementation on reproduction in zebra finches
Q57669293Context-dependent male mate choice: the effects of competitor presence and competitor size
Q61696559Context-dependent mate choice in relation to social composition in green swordtails Xiphophorus helleri
Q61050668Context-dependent relationship between a composite measure of men’s mate value and ejaculate quality
Q128288130Context-dependent strategies of food allocation among offspring in a facultative cooperative breeder
Q115039445Context-dependent trait covariances: how plasticity shapes behavioral syndromes
Q129894529Context-specific learning and its implications for social learning
Q59197860Context-specific repeatability of personality traits in a wild bird: a reaction-norm perspective
Q115543664Contrasting parental color morphs increase regularity of prey deliveries in an African raptor
Q113821223Contrasting risks from different predators change the overall nonlethal effects of predation risk
Q56690161Convergent song preferences between female field crickets and acoustically orienting parasitoid flies
Q30051807Cooperation and competition in two forest monkeys
Q29304292Cooperation, conflict, and coevolution in the attine ant-fungus symbiosis
Q109041205Cooperative bird discriminates between individuals based purely on their aerial alarm calls
Q115543947Cooperatively breeding Arabian babblers call differently when mobbing in different predator-induced situations
Q60331496Coordinated parental provisioning is related to feeding rate and reproductive success in a songbird
Q57596570Coral bleaching and habitat degradation increase susceptibility to predation for coral-dwelling fishes
Q113821356Correction to: Female-biased sex ratios in urban centers create a “fertility trap” in 
post-war Finland
Q57269598Corrections for "Assessing the function of house sparrows' bib size using a flexible meta-analysis method [Behav Ecol 18: 831-840]"
Q124173866Correlates of reproductive success within alternative mating tactics of the common shrew
Q57614369Correlates of the occurrence of inbreeding in a wild bird population
Q115039436Corrigendum to: Male–male behavioral interactions drive social-dominance mediated differences in ejaculate traits
Q126837738Corrigendum to: ‘Demographic processes in animal networks are a question of time: a comment on Shizuka and Johnson’ by Adriana A. Maldonado-Chaparro and Damien R. Farine
Q60264389Corrigendum to: ‘Reciprocity and conditional cooperation between great tit parents’ by Rufus A. Johnstone, Andrea Manica, Annette L. Fayet, Mary Caswell Stoddard, Miguel A. Rodriguez-Gironés and Camilla A. Hinde. 25: 216–222
Q115543667Corrigendum to: “Predator and prey activity levels jointly influence the outcome of long-term foraging bouts” (2013) 24:1205–1210, doi:10.1093/beheco/art052
Q128056048Corrigendum: A mathematical model of aggressive mimicry
Q129920234Corrigendum: Reply to Sherratt and Holen: Goldilocks and the half-empty glass
Q60376520Corrigendum: Social conflict and costs of cooperation in meerkats are reflected in measures of stress hormones
Q130180374Corrigendum: Women’s emotional and sexual attraction to men across the menstrual cycle
Q60336978Corticosterone triggers high-pitched nestlings’ begging calls and affects parental behavior in the wild zebra finch
Q35024910Cortisol in mother's milk across lactation reflects maternal life history and predicts infant temperament
Q58202991Cosmetic enhancement of signal coloration: experimental evidence in the house finch
Q115039454Cost of an elaborate trait: a trade-off between attracting females and maintaining a clean ornament
Q60442172Costly interactions between the sexes: combined effects of male sexual harassment and female choice?
Q59599306Costs and benefits of colony aggregation in the social wasp, Polistes annularis
Q112806640Costs of elaborate weapons in a rhinoceros beetle: how difficult is it to fly with a big horn?
Q104872607Costs of long-term carrying of extra mass in a songbird
Q30053308Countershading enhances crypsis with some bird species but not others
Q92209568Counting crows: population structure and group size variation in an urban population of crows
Q56268713Courtship as an honest indicator of male parental quality in the bicolor damselfish, Stegastes partitus
Q30484568Courtship attention in sagebrush lizards varies with male identity and female reproductive state
Q30049339Courtship displays and coloration as indicators of safety rather than of male quality : the safety assurance hyposthesis
Q60529037Courtship in long-legged flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae): function and evolution of signals
Q56690154Courtship song's role during female mate choice in the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus
Q130180585Criteria for studies of dear enemy and nasty neighbor effects: a comment on Christensen and Radford
Q113275621Cross-activity of honeybee queen mandibular pheromone in bumblebees provides evidence for sensory exploitation
Q60439620Cue choice and spatial learning ability are affected by habitat complexity in intertidal gobies
Q59024938Current brood size and residual reproductive value predict offspring desertion in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides
Q60463587Curse of the black spot: spotting negatively correlates with fitness in black grouseLyrurus tetrix
Q52603704Cut your losses: self-amputation of injured limbs increases survival.
Q62924876Cuticular hydrocarbons as potential kin recognition cues in a subsocial spider
Q57206055DNA fingerprinting reveals relation between tail ornaments and cuckoldry in barn swallows, Hirundo rustica
Q56209667Daily body mass regulation in dominance-structured coal tit (Parus ater) flocks in response to variable food access: a laboratory study
Q29037352Danger may enhance communication: predator calls alert females to male displays
Q41118110Dazzle camouflage, target tracking, and the confusion effect.
Q115414500Deactivation of dietary wariness through experience of novel food
Q129272078Dead or alive? Sexual conflict and lethal copulatory interactions in long-jawed Tetragnatha spiders
Q105613060Dear enemies or nasty neighbors? Causes and consequences of variation in the responses of group-living species to territorial intrusions
Q57607647Dear enemy phenomenon in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis: behavioral and genetic evidence
Q57251819Death comes suddenly to the unprepared: singing crickets, call fragmentation, and parasitoid flies
Q115543244Deceiving predators: linking distraction behavior with nest survival in a ground-nesting bird
Q61781977Deception down under: is Australia a hot spot for deception?
Q60498480Deception with honest signals: signal residuals and signal function in snapping shrimp
Q115543462Deceptive color signaling in the night: a nocturnal predator attracts prey with visual lures
Q54293728Deceptive use of alarm calls by male swallows, Hirundo rustica: a new paternity guard
Q60297582Decoy presentations as a means to manipulate the risk of extrapair copulation: an experimental study in a semicolonial raptor, the Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus)
Q115787890Decreased vigilance or habituation to humans? Mechanisms on increased boldness in urban animals
Q126663641Defense against outside competition is linked to cooperation in male–male partnerships
Q96762561Defense against predators incurs high reproductive costs for the aposematic moth Arctia plantaginis
Q58486663Defensive and social aggression: repeatable but independent
Q125877860Delayed dispersal in western bluebirds: teasing apart the importance of resources and parents
Q60578568Demographic consequences of sexual selection in the long-tailed manakin
Q104872614Demographic processes in animal networks are a question of time: a comment on Shizuka and Johnson
Q60466679Density, social information, and space use in the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara)
Q60467372Density-dependent mating tactic expression is linked to stress hormone in Woodhouse's toad
Q58088939Despite reproductive interference, the net outcome of reproductive interactions among spider mite species is not necessarily costly
Q58388029Determinants of local and migratory movements of Great Lakes double-crested cormorants
Q113035113Determinants of offspring sex in kangaroos: a test of multiple hypotheses
Q60463597Determinants of yearling male lekking effort and mating success in black grouse (Tetrao tetrix)
Q58839067Determining interaction rules in animal swarms
Q58311829Determining the fitness consequences of antipredation behavior
Q113821418Developmental stability and predation success in an insect predator-prey system
Q60430747Developmental stressors that impair song learning in males do not appear to affect female preferences for song complexity in the zebra finch
Q57446716Diet affects ejaculate traits in a lizard with condition-dependent fertilization success
Q104368733Diet and provisioning rate differ predictably between dispersing and philopatric pied flycatchers
Q56996114Diet of intraguild predators affects antipredator behavior in intraguild prey
Q113178637Diet selection in birds: trade-off between energetic content and digestibility of seeds
Q115414515Dietary carotenoid pigments and immune function in a songbird with extensive carotenoid-based plumage coloration
Q104368912Dietary carotenoids affect the development of individual differences and behavioral plasticity
Q56420975Dietary protein selection in a free-ranging urban population of common myna birds
Q126302700Dietary vitamin D in female rock lizards induces condition-transfer effects in their offspring
Q67223558Differences in combinatorial calls among the 3 elephant species cannot be explained by phylogeny
Q56441404Differences in neophobia between cane toads from introduced and native populations
Q60501983Different reactions to aposematic prey in 2 geographically distant populations of great tits
Q113821230Differential effects of food availability and nest predation risk on avian reproductive strategies
Q115543420Differential effects of structural complexity on predator foraging behavior
Q56213556Differential grooming rate and tick load of territorial male and female impala, Aepyceros melampus
Q117788686Differential parasitism of native and invasive widow spider egg sacs
Q125823142Differential persistence favors habitat preferences that determine the distribution of a reef fish
Q113821194Differential predation drives the geographical divergence in multiple traits in aposematic frogs
Q61762089Direct and indirect cues of predation risk influence behavior and reproduction of prey: a case for acarine interactions
Q63885731Direct fitness benefits and kinship of social foraging groups in an Old World tropical babbler
Q60502019Direction and strength of selection by predators for the color of the aposematic wood tiger moth
Q59238963Direction matching for sparse movement data sets: determining interaction rules in social groups
Q115543303Direction of approach by predators and flight initiation distance of urban and rural populations of birds
Q115414521Discoid decorations function to shield juvenile Argiope spiders from avian predator attacks
Q115414502Discrete genetic variation in mate choice and a condition-dependent preference function in the side-blotched lizard: implications for the formation and maintenance of coadapted gene complexes
Q126121478Discrimination behavior mediates foraging quality versus quantity trade-offs: nut choice in wild rodents
Q128439728Disentangling the costs of male harassment and the benefits of polyandry for females
Q104206499Dispersal and new colony formation in wild naked mole-rats: evidence against inbreeding as the system of mating
Q126014161Dispersal and prepupation behavior of Chilean sympatric Drosophila species that breed in the same site in nature
Q113035149Dispersion of greater prairie chicken nests in relation to lek location: evaluation of the hot-spot hypothesis of lek evolution
Q115039412Disrupting information alters the behavioral response to a mutual signal trait in both sexes of Nicrophorus (Coleoptera: Silphidae) burying beetles
Q130149123Disruptive sexual selection on male body size in the polyphenic black scavenger fly Sepsis thoracica
Q128126089Distinguishing explanations for cycle shifts: a response to Shirazi et al
Q113821191Distracted decision makers: ship noise and predation risk change shell choice in hermit crabs
Q115543337Distress calls in tufted titmice (Baeolophus bicolor): are conspecifics or predators the target?
Q57579412Distress calls reflect poxvirus infection in lesser short-toed lark Calandrella rufescens
Q60315932Disturbance across an ecosystem boundary drives cannibalism propensity in a riparian consumer
Q115543464Do 3-D predators attack the margins of 2-D selfish herds?
Q59822411Do birds differentially distribute antimicrobial proteins within clutches of eggs?
Q58311851Do energetic demands constrain incubation scheduling in a biparental species?
Q61050617Do exaggerated sexual swellings function in female mating competition in primates? A comparative test of the reliable indicator hypothesis
Q113035171Do female pied flycatchers seek extrapair copulations with familiar males? A test of the incomplete knowledge hypothesis
Q59845520Do females trade copulations for food? An experimental study on kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla)
Q56094929Do hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) sound like the Hymenoptera they morphologically resemble?
Q61780135Do male golden egg bugs carry eggs they have fertilized? A microsatellite analysis
Q59464022Do male ornaments signal immunity in the common yellowthroat?
Q36733532Do men's faces really signal heritable immunocompetence?
Q60528951Do molt-migrant songbirds optimize migration routes based on primary productivity?
Q57551793Do mothers bias offspring sex ratios in carotenoid-rich environments?
Q60481714Do polyandrous pygmy grasshopper females obtain fitness benefits for their offspring?
Q113821216Do scatter hoarders trade off increased predation risks for lower rates of cache pilferage?
Q104368765Do sex-specific densities affect local survival of free-ranging great tits?
Q36056173Do the benefits of polyandry scale with outbreeding?
Q115543490Do the multiple defense chemicals of visually distinct species enhance predator learning?
Q127347597Do vampire bats groom others based on need?
Q128744338Do wolf spiders’ egg-sacs emit tactochemical signals perceived by mothers?
Q128722849Do zombie ant fungi turn their hosts into light seekers?
Q113034934Does antiparasite behavior improve with experience? An experimental test of the priming hypothesis
Q113034914Does bat response to traffic noise support the misleading cue hypothesis?
Q112574183Does brain size affect mate choice? An experimental examination in pygmy halfbeaks
Q117215740Does city life reduce neophobia? A study on wild black-capped chickadees.
Q113178644Does developmental environment affect sexual conflict? An experimental test in the seed beetle
Q61930396Does hatching failure breed infidelity?
Q130035825Does multiple paternity explain phenotypic variation among offspring in wild boar?
Q115543468Does predator swamping promote synchronous emergence of turtle hatchlings among nests?
Q57566021Does the presence of an odd individual affect group choice?
Q60562908Does water velocity influence optimal escape behaviors in stream insects?
Q58776324Dominance rank and boldness predict social attraction in great tits
Q56456071Dominance status and carcass availability affect the outcome of sperm competition in burying beetles
Q37090331Drivers and fitness consequences of dispersive migration in a pelagic seabird
Q127702390Drought decreases cooperative sentinel behavior and affects vocal coordination in meerkats
Q115414487Dual function of seminal substances for mate guarding in a ground beetle
Q56020464Duets defend mates in a suboscine passerine, the warbling antbird (Hypocnemis cantator)
Q57246362Dusk light environment optimizes visual perception of conspecifics in a crepuscular horned beetle
Q61375074Dying young and living fast: variation in life history across English neighborhoods
Q91437403Dynamic conflict among heterogeneous groups: a comment on Christensen and Radford
Q121096007Dynamic properties of the advertisement calls of gray tree frogs: patterns of variability and female choice
Q30657187Dynamics of among-individual behavioral variation over adult lifespan in a wild insect
Q56827871Early interactions with adults mediate the development of predator defenses in guppies
Q124852311Early social experience shapes female mate choice in guppies
Q57940522Early weaning in bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis affects growth of males but not of females
Q60557297Eastern chipmunks increase their perception of predation risk in response to titmouse alarm calls
Q113035086Ecological and behavioral correlates of coloration in artiodactyls: systematic analyses of conventional hypotheses
Q113275625Ecological and genetic distribution of eusociality: the case for kin selection
Q59162297Ecological and social determinants of birth intervals in baboons
Q104352729Ecological context determines the choice between prey of different salinities
Q114896877Ecological correlates of song learning in song sparrows
Q56445206Ecological cues, gestation length, and birth timing in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer)
Q115041127Ecological drivers of variation in tool-use frequency across sea otter populations
Q113178643Ecology of fear and its effect on seed dispersal by a neotropical rodent
Q58791036Economics of mate choice at leks: do female waxmoths pay costs for indirect genetic benefits?
Q111631551Ectothermic vertebrates are too cool to care: a response to comments on Beekman et al
Q115543342Educated predators make strategic decisions to eat defended prey according to their toxin content
Q58423810Effect of an ectoparasite on lay date, nest-site choice, desertion, and hatching success in the great tit (Pants major)
Q57735775Effect of color vision phenotype on the foraging of wild white-faced capuchins, Cebus capucinus
Q30388014Effect of competitive cues on reproductive morphology and behavioral plasticity in male fruitflies.
Q113034957Effect of flower visual angle on flower constancy: a test of the search image hypothesis
Q60521722Effect of parasite-induced behavioral alterations on juvenile development
Q115543422Effect of predation risk, body size, and habitat characteristics on emigration decisions in mallards
Q114633534Effect of prey personality depends on predator species
Q115543258Effectiveness of social information used by seabirds searching for unpredictable and ephemeral prey
Q37387367Effects of age and experience on contest behavior in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides
Q35024906Effects of age, size, and mating history on sex role decision of a simultaneous hermaphrodite
Q59835900Effects of ambient temperature on avian incubation behavior
Q115543438Effects of autotomy and regeneration on detection and capture of prey in a generalist predator
Q104206491Effects of begging on growth rates of nestling chicks
Q57206042Effects of breeding density, synchrony, and experience on extrapair paternity in tree swallows
Q113821382Effects of chronic and acute predation risk on sexual ornamentation and mating preferences
Q59211124Effects of cortisol administration on cooperative behavior in meerkat helpers
Q129631435Effects of experimental anthropogenic noise on avian settlement patterns and reproductive success
Q115543560Effects of food value, predation risk, and pilferage on the caching decisions of Dipodomys merriami
Q58726249Effects of foraging and sexual selection on ecomorphology of a fish with alternative reproductive tactics
Q60297512Effects of human activity on physiological and behavioral responses of an endangered steppe bird
Q54046851Effects of intra- and interspecific brood parasitism on a precocial host, the canvasback, Aythya valisineria
Q57671693Effects of juvenile infection on adult immunity and secondary sexual characters in a wolf spider
Q57827750Effects of load-lightening and delayed extrapair benefits on the fitness consequences of helping behavior
Q91755393Effects of manipulated levels of predation threat on parental provisioning and nestling begging
Q57614282Effects of neighbor familiarity on reproductive success in the great tit (Parus major)
Q56689021Effects of novelty and gregariousness in survival of aposematic prey
Q127936127Effects of ovarian fluid on sperm traits and its implications for cryptic female choice in zebrafish
Q129802782Effects of past mating behavior versus past ejaculation on male mate choice and male attractiveness
Q60439713Effects of predation pressure on the cognitive ability of the poeciliid Brachyraphis episcopi
Q113182301Effects of predation risk and group dynamics on white-tailed deer foraging behavior in a longleaf pine savanna
Q113821505Effects of predation risk on diurnal mass dynamics and foraging routines of yellowhammers (Emberiza citrinella)
Q113821207Effects of predation risk on group size, vigilance, and foraging behavior in an African ungulate community
Q60242949Effects of predator behavior and proximity on risk assessment by Columbian black-tailed deer
Q114093517Effects of resource availability on the web structure of female western black widows: is the web structure constrained by physiological trade-offs?
Q56601653Effects of resource holding potential and resource value on tenure at nest sites in sand gobies
Q56882398Effects of risk assessment, predator behavior, and habitat on escape behavior in Columbian black-tailed deer
Q56386383Effects of sex, body size, temperature, and location on the antipredator tactics of free-ranging gartersnakes (Thamnophis sirtalis, Colubridae)
Q59185257Effects of simultaneous polyandry on offspring fitness in an African tree frog
Q57196930Effects of trail gradient on leaf tissue transport and load size selection in leaf-cutter ants
Q57705935Effects of water-level fluctuations on the littoral benthic fish community in lakes: a mesocosm experiment
Q127855792Egg discrimination is mediated by individual differences in queen olfactory responsiveness and boldness
Q123161477Egg ejection risk and hatching asynchrony predict egg mass in a communally breeding cuckoo, the Greater Ani (Crotophaga major)
Q54046165Egg puncturing by the brood parasitic Greater Honeyguide and potential host counteradaptations
Q112667125Egg size and reproductive allocation in eusocial thrips
Q111896245Egg trading in the simultaneously hermaphroditic polychaete worm Ophryotrocha gracilis (Huth)
Q124173852Ejaculate allocation under varying sperm competition risk in the house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus
Q58042134Ejaculate size, second male size, and moderate polyandry increase female fecundity in a seed beetle
Q54045233Elaborate ornaments are costly to maintain: evidence for high maintenance handicaps
Q60330325Elevated spring testosterone increases parasite intensity in male red grouse
Q126202582Elevation-related difference in serial reversal learning ability in a nonscatter hoarding passerine
Q56432241Emasculation to plug up females: the significance of pedipalp damage in Nephila fenestrata
Q60333569Endogenous testosterone is not associated with the trade-off between paternal and mating effort
Q123111971Energetic cost of behavioral thermoregulation in turtle embryos
Q114152181Environment and mate attractiveness in a wild insect
Q60564290Environment-dependent use of mate choice cues in sticklebacks
Q29399453Environmental and social influences on calling effort in the prairie mole cricket (Gryllotalpa major)
Q128494390Environmental constraints on size-dependent signaling affects mating and rival interactions
Q52603717Environmental heterogeneity and population differences in blue tits personality traits.
Q61474623Environmental interference: impact of acoustic noise on seismic communication and mating success
Q113821372Environmental variability as a predictor of behavioral flexibility in urban environments
Q56999601Epigenetics for behavioral ecologists
Q109231173Equivalent effect of UV coloration and vibratory signal on mating success in a jumping spider
Q59238980Estrous synchrony in a nonseasonal breeder: adaptive strategy or population process?
Q57199238European barn swallows use melanin pigments to color their feathers brown
Q56940647Evading invaders: the effectiveness of a behavioral response acquired through lifetime exposure
Q62064602Everybody needs somebody: unequal parental effort in little penguins
Q55924129Evidence for MHC-correlated perfume preferences in humans
Q60264393Evidence for conditional cooperation: a response to Schlicht et al
Q115787886Evidence for differing trajectories of songs in urban and rural populations
Q129197165Evidence for dominant males but not choosy females in an insular rock iguana
Q115543190Evidence for nonconsumptive effects from a large predator in an ungulate prey?
Q57272253Evidence for the signaling function of egg color in the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca
Q61502491Evidence versus speculation on the validity of methods for measuring masculinity preferences: comment on Scott et al
Q56210175Evolution of alternative mating tactics: conditional versus mixed strategies
Q56953886Evolution of black grouse leks: female preferences benefit males in larger leks
Q63646422Evolution of defense against depletion of local food resources in a mechanistic foraging model
Q37599184Evolution of elaborate parental care: phenotypic and genetic correlations between parent and offspring traits.
Q61609305Evolution of female mating preferences in stalk-eyed flies
Q56675007Evolution of parental roles in provisioning birds: diet determines role asymmetry in raptors
Q56391373Evolutionarily stable stealing: game theory applied to kleptoparasitism
Q58717117Evolving through day and night: origin and diversification of activity pattern in modern primates
Q57483665Exaggerated rostra as weapons and the competitive assessment strategy of male giraffe weevils
Q33650904Examination of prior contest experience and the retention of winner and loser effects.
Q94560363Experience modulates an insect's response to anthropogenic noise
Q115543243Experience with predators shapes learning rules in larval amphibians
Q91437426Experimental cross-fostering of eggs reveals effects of territory quality on reproductive allocation
Q104873000Experimental evidence for a causal effect of pair-bond duration on reproductive performance in oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus)
Q57669389Experimental evidence for a seasonal shift in the strength of a female mating preference
Q104872904Experimental evidence for interference competition in oystercatchers, Haematopus ostralegus. I. Captive birds
Q104872907Experimental evidence for interference competition in oystercatchers, Haematopus ostralegus. II. Free-living birds
Q30577689Experimental evidence of impacts of an invasive parakeet on foraging behavior of native birds.
Q57272249Experimental evidence that egg color indicates female condition at laying in a songbird
Q90446384Experimental field evidence that out-group threats influence within-group behavior
Q55895447Experimental manipulation of maternal effort produces differential effects in sons and daughters: implications for adaptive sex ratios in the blue-footed booby
Q115543660Experimental predator intrusions in a cooperative breeder reveal threat-dependent task partitioning
Q113821405Experimental shelter-switching shows shelter type alters predation on caterpillars (Hesperiidae)
Q113035030Experimental support for the makeup hypothesis in nestling tawny owls (Strix aluco)
Q126096911Experimental traffic noise attracts birds during the breeding season
Q91755378Experimentally induced antipredator responses are mediated by social and environmental factors
Q56442031Experiments with Elasmucha grisea L. (Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae): does a female parent bug lay as many eggs as she can defend?
Q59599262Exploiting new terrain: an advantage to sociality in the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum
Q37529954Exploration is dependent on reproductive state, not social state, in a cooperatively breeding bird
Q56971845Exploration of environmental changes relates to lifestyle
Q57699052Exploring simultaneous allocation to mating effort, sperm production, and body growth in male guppies
Q61954700Exposing the behavioral gambit: the evolution of learning and decision rules
Q125564431Exposure to elevated temperature during development affects bumblebee foraging behavior
Q57699063Expression of pre- and postcopulatory traits under different dietary conditions in guppies
Q126672245Extra-pair mating opportunities mediate parenting and mating effort trade-offs in a songbird
Q93012983Extrapair mating and the strength of sexual selection: insights from a polymorphic species
Q56432242Extrapair paternity and egg hatchability in tree swallows: evidence for the genetic compatibility hypothesis?
Q108685638Extrapair paternity and genetic similarity—we are not quite there yet: a response to comments on Arct et al
Q55969751Extrapair paternity and the evolution of bird song
Q58376764Extrapair paternity and the opportunity for sexual selection in long-distant migratory passerines
Q57206488Extrapair paternity in Mediterranean blue tits: socioecological factors and the opportunity for sexual selection
Q58867292Extrapair paternity in an insular population of house sparrows after the experimental introduction of individuals from the mainland
Q56210342Extrapair paternity in the great tit (Parus major): a test of the “good genes” hypothesis
Q98224097Extraterritorial forays by great tits are associated with dawn song in unexpected ways
Q61781984Extreme short-term repeatability of male courtship performance in a tropical orb-web spider
Q57486436Eye for an eyespot: how iridescent plumage ocelli influence peacock mating success
Q30529630Eyespot display in the peacock butterfly triggers antipredator behaviors in naïve adult fowl
Q128124216Facing death together: heterospecific aggregations of blowfly larvae evince mutual benefits
Q114093527Factors influencing dispersal initiation and timing in a facultative cooperative breeder
Q54642899Facultative paternal investment in the polyphenic beetle Onthophagus taurus: the role of male morphology and social context
Q56387734Facultative response to a kleptoparasite by the cooperatively breeding pied babbler
Q117472151Failed despots and the equitable distribution of fitness in a subsidized species
Q60487931False feeding: the trade-off between chick hunger and caregivers needs in cooperative crows
Q60398514Familiarity mediates equitable social associations in guppies
Q60299079Family conflict and the evolution of sociality in reptiles
Q108685640Family living: an overlooked but pivotal social system to understand the evolution of cooperative breeding
Q113821400Fast food in the city? Nomadic flying-foxes commute less and hang around for longer in urban areas
Q115787892Fat and happy in the city: Eastern chipmunks in urban environments
Q115543245Fear of the human “super predator” far exceeds the fear of large carnivores in a model mesocarnivore
Q30494096Feeding decisions of eastern bluebirds are situationally influenced by fledgling plumage color
Q37090324Feeding habitat quality and behavioral trade-offs in chimpanzees: a case for species distribution models
Q57236881Feeding preferences in 2 disjunct populations of tiger snakes, Notechis scutatus (Elapidae)
Q126567706Female Assamese macaques bias their affiliation to paternal and maternal kin
Q30475609Female Lincoln's sparrows modulate their behavior in response to variation in male song quality
Q58643627Female Soay sheep do not adjust their maternal care behaviour to the quality of their home range
Q29398540Female and male Texas cichlids (Herichthys cyanoguttatum) do not fight by the same rules
Q60430739Female androgen levels--what are the selective pressures in birds? A comment on Goymann and Wingfield
Q57605244Female anoles display less but attack more quickly than males in response to territorial intrusions
Q61954711Female assessment: cheap tricks or costly calculations?
Q59464156Female choice and male humoral immune response in the lekking great snipe (Gallinago media)
Q60308884Female choice for optimal combinations of multiple male display traits increases offspring survival
Q67235674Female choice for related males in wild red-backed toadlets (Pseudophryne coriacea)
Q115414513Female collared flycatchers learn to prefer males with an artificial novel ornament
Q59447059Female eviction, abortion, and infanticide in banded mongooses (Mungos mungo): implications for social control of reproduction and synchronized parturition
Q115543818Female greater wax moths reduce sexual display behavior in relation to the potential risk of predation by echolocating bats
Q56429097Female hunger can explain variation in cannibalistic behavior despite male sacrifice in redback spiders
Q56287980Female mate choice and male red coloration in a natural three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) population
Q113178638Female mating preferences for male morphological traits used in species and mate recognition in the Mexican sailfin mollies, Poecilia velifera and Poecilia petenensis
Q113821192Female mosquitoes disperse further when they develop under predation risk
Q57699088Female ornamentation and directional male mate preference in the rock sparrow
Q129856441Female ornamentation is associated with elevated aggression and testosterone in a tropical songbird
Q58791125Female pheromonal chorusing in an arctiid moth, Utetheisa ornatrix
Q56209835Female plumage spottiness signals parasite resistance in the barn owl (Tyto alba)
Q29304871Female praying mantids use sexual cannibalism as a foraging strategy to increase fecundity
Q115414509Female preference for complex/novel signals in a spider
Q56639664Female preference for fast-rate, high-pitched calls in Hermann's tortoises Testudo hermanni
Q56287850Female preference for male color is necessary and sufficient for assortative mating in 2 cichlid sister species
Q115414440Female preference for novel males constrains the contemporary evolution of assortative mating in guppies
Q115414531Female preference function related to precedence effect in an amphibian anuran (Alytes cisternasii): tests with non-overlapping calls
Q115414534Female preference functions based on call duration in the gray tree frog (Hyla versicolor)
Q56690157Female preferences for acoustic and olfactory signals during courtship: male crickets send multiple messages
Q57064982Female preferences for facial masculinity are probably not adaptations for securing good immunocompetence genes
Q56213636Female reproductive success in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.): life history, habitat, provisioning, and group-size effects
Q24657465Female reproductive synchrony predicts skewed paternity across primates
Q60442642Female reproductive tactics in a sex-role reversed pipefish: scanning for male quality and number
Q57561624Female sexual selection in light of the Darwin–Bateman paradigm
Q57955151Female signals enhance the efficiency of mate assessment in satin bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)
Q58771211Female sociality and kin discrimination in brood parasitism: unrelated females fight over egg laying
Q126862569Female solo song and duetting are associated with different territoriality in songbirds
Q122643470Female túngara frogs elicit more complex mating signals from males
Q120913021Female túngara frogs vary in commitment to mate choice
Q113821407Female-biased sex ratios in urban centers create a “fertility trap” in post-war Finland
Q60551099Female-solicited extrapair matings in Humboldt penguins fail to produce extrapair fertilizations
Q60308881Female-specific ornamentation predicts offspring quality in the striped plateau lizard, Sceloporus virgatus
Q57257583Females as mobile resources: communal roosts promote the adoption of lek breeding in a temperate bat
Q105940259Females call the shots: breeding dispersal and divorce in blue tits
Q60277422Females decide whether size matters: plastic mate preferences tuned to the intensity of male–male competition
Q60551839Females increase egg deposition in favor of large males in the rainbowfish, Melanotaenia australis
Q127515625Females of a cannibalistic spider control mutilation of their genitalia by males
Q57009343Fetal sex ratio variation in the highly polygynous Himalayan tahr: evidence for differential male mortality
Q128622869Fighting in rounds: males of a neotropical cricket switch assessment strategies during contests
Q112736036Fighting over defense chemicals disrupts mating behavior
Q107989364Fine-scale habitat selection limits trade-offs between foraging and temperature in a grassland bird
Q115543493Fine-scale substrate use by a small sit-and-wait predator
Q125261794Fire-driven behavioral response to smoke in a Mediterranean lizard
Q57579451First evidence of sex differences in the duration of avian embryonic period: consequences for sibling competition in sexually dimorphic birds
Q114633541First explorations: ontogeny of central place foraging directions in two tropical seabirds
Q56551796Fitness consequences of cannibalism in the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda
Q56689054Fitness consequences of helping behavior in the western bluebird
Q58486923Fitness consequences of personality: a meta-analysis
Q55934104Fitness costs and benefits of cowbird egg ejection by gray catbirds
Q128610426Fitness costs of mating with preferred females in a scramble mating system
Q115543198Flash behavior increases prey survival
Q60298741Flesh flies regulate the consumption of 3 macronutrients to maximize lifespan and egg production
Q113821239Flexible alarm calling in meerkats: the role of the social environment and predation urgency
Q60483568Flexible alternative mating tactics by New Zealand giraffe weevils
Q115543271Flexible color learning in an invertebrate predator:Habronattusjumping spiders can learn to prefer or avoid red during foraging
Q30010561Flexible compensation of uniparental care: female poison frogs take over when males disappear
Q127440443Flexible polyandry in female flies is an adaptive response to infertile males
Q29040626Flexible social structure of a desert rodent, Rhombomys opimus: philopatry, kinship, and ecological constraints
Q28674350Flight calls signal group and individual identity but not kinship in a cooperatively breeding bird
Q60430772Flight, fitness, and sexual selection: a response
Q113821190Flirting with danger: predation risk interacts with male condition to influence sexual display
Q129150311Floral community predicts pollinators’ color preference: implications for Batesian floral mimicry
Q57638533Flower signal variability overwhelms receptor-noise and requires plastic color learning in bees
Q58486852Flush early and avoid the rush: a general rule of antipredator behavior?
Q115041122Food abundance, prey morphology, and diet specialization influence individual sea otter tool use
Q118180492Food availability and offspring demand influence sex-specific patterns and repeatability of parental provisioning
Q57651275Food availability and offspring sex in a monogamous seabird: insights from an experimental approach
Q124852331Food availability and parasite infection influence mating tactics in guppies (Poecilia reticulata)
Q125321124Food availability modulates differences in parental effort between dispersing and philopatric birds
Q56875250Food division in the Arabian babbler nest: adult choice or nestling competition?
Q105612864Food limitation increases aggression in juvenile meerkats
Q61546922Food resources, chemical signaling, and nest mate recognition in the ant Formica aquilonia
Q61956957Food sharing: a model of manipulation by harassment
Q60254996Food stress during juvenile and maternal development shapes natal and breeding dispersal in a spider
Q61609095Food-sharing vampire bats are more nepotistic under conditions of perceived risk
Q58317575Foraging among cannibals and kleptoparasites: effects of prey size on pike behavior
Q61761950Foraging behavior of egg parasitoids exploiting chemical information
Q56171572Foraging dynamics of bumble bees: correlates of movements within and between plant species
Q34159746Foraging for carotenoids: do colorful male hihi target carotenoid-rich foods in the wild?
Q109041156Foraging guild influences dependence on heterospecific alarm calls in Amazonian bird flocks
Q109041160Foraging in groups allows collective predator detection in a mammal species without alarm calls
Q115414449Foraging sparrows exhibit individual differences but not a syndrome when responding to multiple kinds of novelty
Q58489745Foraging strategies as a function of season and rank among wild female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
Q113821417Foraging to balance conflicting demands: novel insights from grasshoppers under predation risk
Q60488348Forewing pigmentation predicts migration distance in wild-caught migratory monarch butterflies
Q60465910Frequently mated males have higher protein preference in German cockroaches
Q115414460Frugivorous bats evaluate the quality of social information when choosing novel foods
Q115414511Function of being colorful in web spiders: attracting prey or camouflaging oneself?
Q115414455Function of copulatory plugs in house mice: mating behavior and paternity outcomes of rival males
Q115414505Function of pair duets in the eastern whipbird: cooperative defense or sexual conflict?
Q104368915Functional relations between body mass and risk-taking behavior in wild great tits
Q127745869Further mismeasures of animal contests: a new framework for assessment strategies
Q114633531Game of webs: species and web structure influence contest outcome in black widow spiders
Q127435519Game theory models of animal contests: are we at a standstill?: a comment on Chapin et al.
Q55922754Gape coloration reliably reflects immunocompetence of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings
Q115414435Gender-related behaviors: evidence for a trade-off between sexual functions in a hermaphrodite
Q63379872Gene expression shifts in yellow-bellied marmots prior to natal dispersal
Q125289994Generalization in mate-choice copying in humans
Q90446460Generalization of learned preferences covaries with behavioral flexibility in red junglefowl chicks
Q56935479Genetic analysis of the mating system and opportunity for sexual selection in northern water snakes (Nerodia sipedon)
Q60560964Genetic and plastic components of divergent male intersexual behavior in Misty lake/stream stickleback
Q115414477Genetic diversity, colony chemical phenotype, and nest mate recognition in the ant Formica fusca
Q56020427Genetic evidence for kin-based female social structure in common eiders (Somateria mollissima)
Q94560368Genetic monogamy despite frequent extrapair copulations in "strictly monogamous" wild jackdaws
Q56019183Genetic monogamy in blue-headed vireos and a comparison with a sympatric vireo with extrapair paternity
Q125663110Genetic relatedness and sex predict helper provisioning effort in the cooperatively breeding noisy miner
Q124969568Genetic relatedness delineates the social structure of southern Australian bottlenose dolphins
Q108685642Genetic similarity between mates predicts extrapair paternity—a meta-analysis of bird studies
Q60337020Genetic similarity is broadly associated with genetic polyandry in birds: a comment on Arct et al
Q60162775Genetic variation in worker temporal polyethism and colony defensiveness in the honey bee, Apis mellifera
Q123153231Genetic, prenatal, and postnatal correlates of dispersal in hatchling fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis)
Q29543232Genital damage in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi (Araneae: Araneidae) increases paternity success
Q91437419Genomic analysis of MHC-based mate choice in the monogamous California mouse
Q113347182Geographic variation in dispersal of western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) populations across North America
Q36455875Geometric analysis of macronutrient selection in breeds of the domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris
Q57435546Get off my lawn: increased aggression in urban song sparrows is related to resource availability
Q56332796Get smart: native mammal develops toad-smart behavior in response to a toxic invader
Q116041962Glow-worm larvae bioluminescence (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) operates as an aposematic signal upon toads (Bufo bufo)
Q117194735Glow-worm larvae bioluminescence (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) operates as an aposematic signal upon toads (Bufo bufo)
Q128119571Gone with the rain: negative effects of rainfall on male reproductive success in a nest-building arachnid
Q57607616Gone with the wind: short- and long-term responses of leaf-cutting ants to the negative effect of wind on their foraging activity
Q128611894Great spotted cuckoos disregard information on conspecific breeding success while parasitizing magpie hosts
Q126577111Great spotted cuckoos show dynamic patterns of host selection during the breeding season. The importance of laying stage and parasitism status of magpie nests
Q63437929Greater precision, not parsimony, is the key to testing the peri-ovulation spandrel hypothesis: a response to comments on Havliček et al. 2015
Q56688665Green symphonies or wind in the willows? Testing acoustic communication in plants
Q28681675Green symphonies: a call for studies on acoustic communication in plants
Q112586832Gregariousness, foraging effort, and affiliative interactions in lactating bonobos and chimpanzees
Q56389380Ground squirrel sociality and the quest for the ‘holy grail’: does kinship influence behavioral discrimination by juvenile Columbian ground squirrels?
Q56268439Group defense by colony-founding queens in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta
Q58486493Group size affects social relationships in yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris)
Q113821448Group size and predation risk in colonial web-building spiders: analysis of attack abatement mechanisms
Q126063050Group size and social status affect scent marking in dispersing female meerkats
Q56391344Group size effect caused by food competition in nutmeg mannikins (Lonchura punctulata)
Q29308499Group stability and homing behavior but no kin group structures in a coral reef fish
Q60564262Habitat alteration influences male signalling effort in the Australian desert goby
Q57742162Habitat assessment by parasitoids: mechanisms for patch use behavior
Q113821327Habitat change alters the expression and efficiency of a female ornament
Q60566041Habitat choice and complex decision making in a trap-building predator
Q115414520Habitat complexity and complex signal function – exploring the role of ornamentation
Q121306362Habitat disturbance alters color contrast and the detectability of cryptic and aposematic frogs
Q112341232Habitat features and colony characteristics influencing ant personality and its fitness consequences
Q115543186Habitat geometry and limited perceptual range affect habitat choice of a trap-building predator
Q60298868Habitat saturation promotes delayed dispersal in a social reptile
Q60483559Habitat selection in a deceptive predator: maximizing resource availability and signal efficacy
Q109041124Habitat structure and alarm call dialects in Gunnison's prairie dog (Cynomys gunnisoni)
Q115543472Habitat use and movements of plains zebra (Equus burchelli) in response to predation danger from lions
Q111376723Habitat-dependent acoustic divergence affects playback response in urban and forest populations of the European blackbird
Q60631297Habitat-mediated effects of diurnal and seasonal migration strategies on juvenile salmon survival
Q121359205Habitat-specific constraints on induced hatching in a treefrog with reproductive mode plasticity
Q115787896Habituation to human disturbance is faster in urban than rural house sparrows
Q56880111Hatching asynchrony in the house wren, Troglodytes aedon: a test of the brood-reduction hypothesis
Q59197876Hatching asynchrony is an individual property of female Ural owls which improves nestling survival
Q122924580Hatching asynchrony, nestling competition, and the cost of interspecific brood parasitism
Q123273372Hatching hierarchy but not egg-related effects governs behavioral phenotypes in gull chicks
Q59746856Hatching order and size-dependent mortality in relation to brood sex ratio composition in chinstrap penguins
Q122722586Hatching order explains an extrapair chick advantage in western bluebirds
Q115543284Hawk models, hawk mimics, and antipredator behavior of prey
Q104680252Heat wave effects on the behavior and life-history traits of sedentary antlions
Q113821249Heat-conserving postures hinder escape: a thermoregulation–predation trade-off in wintering birds
Q60331540Helpers increase long-term but not short-term productivity in cooperatively breeding long-tailed tits
Q55967707Helping opportunities and space segregation in cooperatively breeding cichlids
Q98612738Heritability and correlations among learning and inhibitory control traits
Q58486926Heterospecific eavesdropping in a nonsocial species
Q60557291Heterospecific information about predation risk influences exploratory behavior
Q55919115Heterospecific mating preferences for a feather ornament in least auklets
Q58486498Heterospecific nonalarm vocalizations enhance risk assessment in common mynas
Q63372833Hidden Markov analysis describes dive patterns in semiaquatic animals
Q61781973Hidden in plain orange: aposematic coloration is cryptic to a colorblind insect predator
Q115543315Hide and seek: properties of prey and background patterns affect prey detection by blue tits
Q59846184Hiding in plain sight: a study on camouflage and habitat selection in a slow-moving desert herbivore
Q90635548Hierarchically embedded interaction networks represent a missing link in the study of behavioral and community ecology
Q117215741High background risk induces risk allocation rather than generalized neophobia in the fathead minnow
Q56228698High frequency of polyandry in a lek mating system
Q129903139High male density favors maintenance over reproduction in a butterfly
Q57655575High resource valuation fuels “desperado” fighting tactics in female jumping spiders
Q115041137Honest advertisement and song output during the dawn chorus of black-capped chickadees
Q109041154Honest begging: expanding from Signal of Need
Q109041146Honest begging: signals of need, quality, and/or hunger?
Q109041126Honest signaling of cooperative intentions
Q113034033Honeybee guards do not use food-derived odors to recognize non-nest mates: a test of the Odor Convergence hypothesis
Q111264303Horizontal partner exchange does not preclude stable mutualism in fungus-growing ants
Q54642898Horn polyphenism in the beetle Onthophagus taurus: larval diet quality and plasticity in parental investment determine adult body size and male horn morphology
Q55953334Host life-history strategies and the evolution of chick-killing by brood parasitic offspring
Q59241014Host location by visual and olfactory floral cues in an oligolectic bee: innate and learned behavior
Q60442164Host species of a sexual-parasite do not differentiate between clones of Amazon mollies
Q113275622How a generalist bee achieves high efficiency of pollen collection on diverse floral resources
Q105612856How and why are some species so smart? A comment on Rowe and Healy
Q56084291How colorful are birds? Evolution of the avian plumage color gamut
Q127876860How demographic processes shape animal social networks
Q56769968How depth alters detection and capture of buried prey: exploitation of sea turtle eggs by mongooses
Q109041176How do biparental species optimally provision young when begging is honest?
Q59394335How does a diurnal hawkmoth find nectar? Differences in sensory control with a nocturnal relative
Q109041164How does honest costly signaling work?
Q60302155How good does our map of knowledge have to be?: comment on Berger-Tal et al
Q57273093How much should reproduction cost?
Q55328266How partnerships end in guillemots Uria aalge: chance events, adaptive change, or forced divorce?
Q58803721How site fidelity leads to individual differences in the foraging activity of harvester ants
Q125389677How size and conspicuousness affect the efficacy of flash coloration
Q58299364Human behavioral ecology and its evil twin
Q58292590Human behavioral ecology: current research and future prospects
Q59162168Human observers impact habituated samango monkeys’ perceived landscape of fear
Q59221889Human perception of fighting ability: facial cues predict winners and losers in mixed martial arts fights
Q63437874Human preference for masculinity differs according to context in faces, bodies, voices, and smell
Q104368916Human recreation reduces clutch size in great tits Parus major regardless of risk-taking personality
Q60564299Human-induced water turbidity alters selection on sexual displays in sticklebacks
Q61306675Hummingbirds choose not to rely on good taste: information use during foraging
Q56228279Humoral immunocompetence correlates with date of egg-laying and reflects work load in female tree swallows
Q61556835Hungry females show stronger mating preferences
Q115543408Hunting efficiency and predation risk shapes the color-associated foraging traits of a predator
Q58317520Ice cover alters the behavior and stress level of brown trout Salmo trutta
Q59845487Identifying the selective pressures underlying offspring sex-ratio adjustments: a case study in a wild seabird
Q57275166If everything is special, is anything special? A response to comments on Bailey et al
Q104368803Immediate and carry-over effects of perceived predation risk on communication behavior in wild birds
Q130195638Immigrant song: males and females learn songs after dispersal in a tropical bird
Q57267707Immigration and dispersal are key determinants of cultural diversity in a songbird population
Q129129640Immune challenge induces terminal investment at an early breeding stage in female zebra finches
Q56267809Immune challenge mediates vocal communication in a passerine bird: an experiment
Q60311568Immune response covaries with corticosterone plasma levels under experimentally stressful conditions in nestling barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)
Q58486859Immune system activation affects song and territorial defense
Q110035469Immunocompetence and resource holding potential in the damselfly, Calopteryx virgo L
Q113034949Immunocompetence handicap hypothesis in tree frog: trade-off between sexual signals and immunity?
Q59198808Impact of chronic noise exposure on antipredator behavior: an experiment in breeding house sparrows
Q125388818Impact of food predictability on social facilitation by foraging scavengers
Q56931125Impacts of mussel invasions on the prey preference of two native predators
Q41118085Imperfect past and present progressive: beak color reflects early-life and adult exposure to antigen
Q60119989Implications of fidelity and philopatry for the population structure of female black-tailed deer
Q113275639Implications of senescence patterns for the evolution of age polyethism in eusocial insects
Q125911565Improved nutritional status may promote an “asset protection” reproductive strategy in male rock lizards
Q127320569In a noisy world, some animals are more equal than others: a response to comments on Harding et al.
Q105612853In search of the Darwinian Holy Trinity in cognitive evolution: a comment on Croston et al
Q57669353Inbreeding and measures of immune function in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus
Q125906658Inbreeding depression in male traits and preference for outbred males in Poecilia reticulata
Q56455455Inbreeding is reduced by female-biased dispersal and mating behavior in Ethiopian wolves
Q120969613Incest avoidance, extrapair paternity, and territory quality drive divorce in a year-round territorial bird
Q59757734Inclusive fitness and reproductive strategies in dwarf mongooses
Q41828683Increased host aggression as an induced defense against slave-making ants
Q115543659Increased male mating success in the presence of prey and rivals in a sexually cannibalistic mantis
Q56783788Increased parental care cost for nest-guarding fish in a lake with hyperabundant nest predators
Q60557286Increased perception of predation risk to adults and offspring alters avian reproductive strategy and performance
Q56450132Increasing sexual ornamentation during a biological invasion
Q59256351Increasing vulnerability to predation increases preference for the scrounger foraging tactic
Q115543333Incubating females use dynamic risk assessment to evaluate the risk posed by different predators
Q128787898Incubation temperature and social context affect the nest exodus of precocial ducklings
Q60459100Indicators of development as sexually selected traits: the developmental stress hypothesis in context
Q58307343Indicators of physiological stress and the elaboration of sexual traits in the collared flycatcher
Q59000084Individual attributes and self-organizational processes affect dominance network structure in pukeko
Q58311785Individual behavior and survival: the roles of predator avoidance, foraging success, and vigilance
Q125607540Individual differences exceed species differences in the movements of a river fish community
Q115787901Individual flexibility in nocturnal activity reduces risk of road mortality for an urban carnivore
Q60439625Individual personality traits influence group exploration in a feral guppy population
Q57049349Individual quality and reproductive effort mirrored in white wing plumage in both sexes of south polar skuas
Q104352367Individual shifts toward safety explain age-related foraging distribution in a gregarious shorebird
Q126174037Individual signatures outweigh social group identity in contact calls of a communally nesting parrot
Q61821029Individual variation and the source-sink group dynamics of extra-group paternity in a social mammal
Q58832966Individual variation in male mating preferences for female coloration in a polymorphic cichlid fish
Q56434506Individual variation in predator behavior and demographics affects consumption of non-native prey
Q59212909Individual, nightly, and seasonal variation in calling behavior of the gray tree frog, Hyla versicolor: implications for energy expenditure
Q56972659Inducible defense behavior of an anuran tadpole: cue-detection range and cue types used against predator
Q60516479Inferring activity budgets in wild animals to estimate the consequences of disturbances
Q113821241Influence of immediate predation risk by lions on the vigilance of prey of different body size
Q113178635Influence of phenotypic and social traits on dispersal in a family living, tropical bird
Q113821424Influence of prey foraging posture on flight behavior and predation risk: predators take advantage of unwary prey
Q58471272Influence of social dominance rank on diet quality of pronghorn females
Q58317547Influences of environmental cues, migration history, and habitat familiarity on partial migration
Q60233805Information for patch assessment: a field investigation with black-chinned hummingbirds
Q60255131Information use and density-dependent emigration in an agrobiont spider
Q61655385Inhibition of optimal behavior by social transmission in the guppy depends on shoaling
Q115543148Innate antipredator behavior can promote infection in fish even in the absence of predators
Q115414432Innovative consumers: ecological, behavioral, and physiological predictors of responses to novel food
Q60557356Innovative problem solving in nonhuman animals: the effects of group size revisited
Q57031799Insect personality depends on environmental conditions
Q56211407Insular tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii) respond to visual but not acoustic cues from predators
Q57034349Insularization effects on acoustic signals of 2 suboscine Amazonian birds
Q56780128Integrating animal behavior and conservation biology: a conceptual framework
Q56942113Integrating behavior into life-history theory: a comment on Wong and Candolin
Q61502778Integrating fundamental and formant frequencies in women’s preferences for men’s voices
Q57063853Integrating network analysis, sensor tags, and observation to understand shark ecology and behavior
Q129684867Inter- and intraspecific female behavioral plasticity drive temporal niche segregation in two Tribolium species
Q113821433Interacting effects of predation risk and male and female density on male/female conflicts and mating dynamics of stream water striders
Q56502939Interaction rate informs harvester ant task decisions
Q61503011Interactions between masculinity–femininity and apparent health in face preferences
Q60362683Interactive effects of yolk testosterone and carotenoid on prenatal growth and offspring physiology in a precocial bird
Q113035053Interference competition between coyotes and raccoons: a test of the mesopredator release hypothesis
Q60466659Interindividual variability in habitat use: evidence for a risk management syndrome in roe deer?
Q60658755Internal acoustic structuring in pied babbler recruitment cries specifies the form of recruitment
Q36701402Internest food sharing within wood ant colonies: resource redistribution behavior in a complex system
Q128781735Interspecific aggression among parapatric and sympatric songbirds on a tropical elevational gradient
Q63975840Interspecific analysis of vehicle avoidance behavior in birds
Q115041129Interspecific dominance relationships and hybridization between black-capped and mountain chickadees
Q115543992Intraflock variation in the speed of escape-flight response on attack by an avian predator
Q115543417Intraguild predation, thermoregulation, and microhabitat selection by snakes
Q126020144Intrapopulation variation in the behavioral responses of dwarf mongooses to anthropogenic noise
Q58832960Intrasexual competition and throat color evolution in female three-spined sticklebacks
Q34637258Intrasexual competition in females: evidence for sexual selection?
Q29039778Intrasexual selection and group spawning in quacking frogs (Crinia georgiana)
Q56783793Intraspecific competition influences the symmetry and intensity of aggression in the Argentine ant
Q127355134Intraspecific variation in animal responses to anthropogenic noise through long-term monitoring: a comment on Harding et al.
Q117788684Invasive shrubs modify rodent activity timing, revealing a consistent behavioral rule governing diel activity
Q126307236Investigating social and environmental predictors of natal dispersal in a cooperative breeding bird
Q113275632Iridescence untwined: honey bees can separate hue variations in space and time
Q57230037Iridescent structurally based coloration of eyespots correlates with mating success in the peacock
Q61439962Is a proactive mum a good mum? A mother’s coping style influences early fawn survival in roe deer
Q59197899Is extrapair mating random? On the probability distribution of extrapair young in avian broods
Q123166718Is hatching asynchrony beneficial for the brood?
Q60658773Is information from both quality signaling and social recognition really redundant? A comment on Sheehan and Bergman
Q55894623Is male germ line control creating avenues for female choice?
Q58643784Is male plumage reflectance correlated with paternal care in bluethroats?
Q52603702Is male rhesus macaque facial coloration under intrasexual selection?
Q115543799Isolation from mammalian predators differentially affects two congeners
Q59185181Isolation rearing does not constrain social plasticity in a family-living lizard
Q60501986Item Response Trees: a recommended method for analyzing categorical data in behavioral studies
Q117788677It’s a trap! Invasive common mynas learn socially about control-related cues
Q56420968It’s a trap: sampling bias due to animal personality is not always inevitable
Q109667217It’s not all about temperature: breeding success also affects nest design
Q105612858Jackdaw nestlings can discriminate between conspecific calls but do not beg specifically to their parents
Q52802186Joint care can outweigh costs of nonkin competition in communal breeders.
Q58418583Juvenile infection and male display: testing the bright male hypothesis across individual life histories
Q93013013Juvenile social experience generates differences in behavioral variation but not averages
Q109667219Juvenile socio-ecological environment shapes material technology in nest-building birds
Q113821412Kalahari skinks eavesdrop on sociable weavers to manage predation by pygmy falcons and expand their realized niche
Q120689672Keeping the Virgin in her niche: a commentary on Richardson and Zuk
Q113821344Kin do not always help: testing multiple hypotheses on nest feeding in a cooperatively breeding bird
Q62564639Kin recognition and incest avoidance in a group-living insect
Q62075117Kin recognition in the larvae of a solitary insect: the cue is in the plug
Q129126049Kin selection and allocare in sperm whales
Q56020656Kin selection does not explain male aggregation at leks of 4 manakin species
Q29544490Kin selection, relatedness, and worker control of reproduction in a large-colony epiponine wasp, Brachygastra mellifica
Q113347181Kinship and association in a highly social apex predator population, killer whales at Marion Island
Q115041132Kinship and sociality in coastal river otters: are they related?
Q104206412Kinship in colonial tuco-tucos: evidence from group composition and population structure
Q57669355Know thine enemy’s neighbor: neighbor size affects floaters’ choice of whom to fight
Q124822614Knowing your habitat: linking patch-encounter rate and patch exploitation in parasitoids
Q56050386Koala bellows and their association with the spatial dynamics of free-ranging koalas
Q57043747Lack of floral constancy by bee fly pollinators: implications for ethological isolation in an African daisy
Q57018097Lack of inbreeding avoidance in the Argentine ant Linepithema humile
Q57270744Landscape and anthropogenic features influence the use of auditory vigilance by mule deer
Q59185136Large body and small brain and group sizes are associated with predator preferences for mammalian prey
Q120689670Larval and adult experience and ecotype affect oviposition behavior in a niche-expanding butterfly
Q60568349Larval competition risk shapes male–male competition and mating behavior in an anuran
Q129702500Larval pheromones act as colony-wide regulators of collective foraging behavior in honeybees
Q60319788Latency to flee from an immobile predator: effects of predation risk and cost of immobility for the prey
Q115039449Laterality in foraging phalaropes promotes phenotypically assorted groups
Q58006279Lateralization in refuge selection in Podarcis hispanica at different hierarchical levels
Q56452976Leachates from an invasive shrub causes risk-prone behavior in a larval amphibian
Q115543263Learning about aposematic prey
Q114641690Leave me alone: solitary females attract more mates in a nocturnal insect
Q57955121Lekking satin bowerbird males aggregate with relatives to mitigate aggression
Q105952191Leks in ground-displaying birds: hotspots or safe places?
Q60564266Lessons for a changing world: a response to comments on Wong and Candolin
Q60541039Let the most motivated win: resource value components affect contest outcome in a parasitoid wasp
Q37332056Lethal combat and sex ratio evolution in a parasitoid wasp
Q37627055Lethal combat over limited resources: testing the importance of competitors and kin.
Q57159457Letter from the Editors
Q113035102Let’s keep alternative hypotheses on the table: a response to comments on Schubert et al.
Q57649147Life-history analysis of the Trivers and Willard sex-ratio problem
Q115039414Life-history and behavioral trait covariation across 3 years in Temnothorax ants
Q59394420Light intensity limits foraging activity in nocturnal and crepuscular bees
Q113821331Light received by embryos promotes postnatal junior phenotypes in a seabird
Q28740956Linking amphibian call structure to the environment: the interplay between phenotypic flexibility and individual attributes
Q60506496Linking foraging behavior to lifetime reproductive success for an insect parasitoid: adaptation to host distributions
Q55980439Lion population dynamics: do nomadic males matter?
Q58488477Litter size and fetal sex ratio adjustment in a highly polytocous species: the wild boar
Q115543167Little to fear: largest lizard predator induces weak defense responses in ungulate prey
Q60262962Live and let die: why fighter males of the ant Cardiocondyla kill each other but tolerate their winged rivals
Q56448678Living on the edge: range edge birds consume novel foods sooner than established ones
Q115543296Local enhancement in a seabird: reaction distances and foraging consequence of predator aggregations
Q104368758Local offspring density and sex ratio affect sex allocation in the great tit
Q60187640Location and group size influence decisions in simulated intergroup encounters in banded mongooses
Q129208767Locomotory mimicry in ant-like spiders
Q57199233Long tails matter in sugarbirds—positively for extrapair but negatively for within-pair fertilization success
Q115543470Long-lasting mobbing of the pied flycatcher increases the risk of nest predation
Q128744229Long-term dynamics of phenotype-dependent dispersal within a wild bird population
Q126038916Longer breeding dispersal than natal dispersal in the ortolan bunting
Q60362964Losing the last feather: feather loss as an antipredator adaptation in birds
Q128590850Love them all: mothers provide care to foreign eggs in the European earwig Forficula auricularia
Q56228485Low frequency of extrapair paternity in the polygynous great reed warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus
Q60287815Low light reflectance may explain the attraction of birds to defoliated trees
Q129744267Low sex drive and choosy females: fungal infections are a reproductive downfall for male house flies
Q125800492MHC-associated mate choice under competitive conditions in captive versus wild Tasmanian devils
Q115787893Macronutrient selection of free-ranging urban Australian white ibis (Threskiornis moluccus)
Q129922415Macronutrient signature of dietary generalism in an ecologically diverse primate in the wild
Q113821365Made-up mouths with preen oil reveal genetic and phenotypic conditions of starling nestlings
Q59746736Magpies do not desert after prolonging the parental care period: an experimental study
Q59485995Maintenance of androdioecy in the freshwater shrimp Eulimnadia texana: sexual encounter rates and outcrossing success
Q128228971Maintenance of deceptive gifts in a natural spider population: ecological and demographic factors
Q55881822Major histocompatibility complex genes, symmetry, and body scent attractiveness in men and women
Q115543281Malaria parasites, immune challenge, MHC variability, and predator avoidance in a passerine bird
Q60442264Male Sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna) copy the mate choice of other males
Q60393694Male Seychelles warblers use territory budding to maximize lifetime fitness in a saturated environment
Q112177671Male age, mating probability, and progeny fitness in the bulb mite
Q113035057Male and female cooperatively breeding fish provide support for the “Challenge Hypothesis”
Q57669693Male attractiveness covaries with fighting ability but not with prior fight outcome in house crickets
Q57272348Male biased sex ratio reduces the fecundity of one of three female morphs in a polymorphic damselfly
Q56058455Male bimaturism and reproductive success in Sumatran orang-utans
Q113035015Male chickadees match neighbors interactively at dawn: support for the social dynamics hypothesis
Q56932936Male choice of mates and mating resources in the rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus)
Q62383041Male competition and female choice interact to determine mating success in the bluefin killifish
Q129149838Male courtship behaviors and female choice reduced during experimental starvation stress
Q56506203Male courtship pheromones as indicators of genetic quality in an arctiid moth (Utetheisa ornatrix)
Q60514587Male decisions or female accessibility? Spatiotemporal patterns of extra pair paternity in a songbird
Q105952194Male display areas in exploded leks: the importance of food resources for male mating success
Q60119845Male dominance and immunocompetence in a field cricket
Q56690159Male dominance influences pheromone expression, ejaculate quality, and fertilization success in the Australian field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus
Q57669360Male fiddler crabs defend multiple burrows to attract additional females
Q60384833Male green frogs lower the pitch of acoustic signals in defense of territories: a possible dishonest signal of size?
Q56001554Male harassment influences female movements and associations in Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyi)
Q126320529Male harassment leads to fitness costs for females by disrupting oviposition site preferences
Q115039416Male mate choice based on female coloration in a lizard: the role of a juvenile trait
Q94560351Male mate choice for large gravid spots in a livebearing fish
Q57699136Male mating behavior and ejaculate expenditure under sperm competition risk in the eastern mosquitofish
Q57308970Male mating strategies and the mating system of great-tailed grackles
Q113821514Male mating strategies under predation risk: do females call the shots?
Q59024994Male morph predicts investment in larval immune function in the dung beetle, Onthophagus taurus
Q126199978Male morphological variation and the determinants of body size in two Otiteselline fig wasps
Q57614405Male ornamentation, timing of breeding, and cost of polygyny in the collared flycatcher
Q114633533Male phenotypic diversity experienced during ontogeny mediates female mate choice in guppies
Q29395321Male preference and female cues: males assess female sexual maturity and mating status in a web-building spider
Q58393363Male quality, dominance rank, and mating success in free-ranging rhesus macaques
Q56020646Male rank and optimal lek size
Q125762475Male reed buntings do not adjust parental effort in relation to extrapair paternity
Q114641663Male reproductive adjustments to an introduced nest predator
Q59117856Male reproductive investment and queen mating-frequency in fungus-growing ants
Q122884783Male reproductive senescence as a potential source of sexual conflict in a beetle
Q56935491Male reproductive success and sexual selection in northern water snakes determined by microsatellite DNA analysis
Q126162858Male rock lizards may compensate reproductive costs of an immune challenge affecting sexual signals
Q60428985Male size predicts extrapair paternity in a socially monogamous bird with extreme sexual size dimorphism
Q59835843Male songbirds provide indirect parental care by guarding females during incubation
Q122740810Male sperm expenditure under sperm competition risk and intensity in quacking frogs
Q126123702Male spiders reduce pre- and postmating sexual investment in response to sperm competition risk
Q56051076Male spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) queue for status in social groups dominated by females
Q58488429Male survival patterns do not depend on male allocation to sexual competition in large herbivores
Q113035181Male-biased sex ratio in litters of Alpine marmots supports the helper repayment hypothesis
Q60575695Males do not always switch females when presented with a better reproductive option
Q113178632Males evolve to be more harmful under increased sexual conflict intensity in a seed beetle
Q58768008Males mate with multiple females to increase offspring numbers in a nursery web spider
Q109041132Males perceive honest information from female released sex pheromone in a moth
Q115039441Male–male behavioral interactions drive social-dominance-mediated differences in ejaculate traits
Q112806650Male–male contest limits the expression of assortative mate preferences in a polymorphic poison frog
Q109296716Mammalian nest predator feces as a cue in avian habitat selection decisions
Q125340491Manipulated sex ratios alter group structure and cooperation in the brown-headed nuthatch
Q30378983Manipulating carer number versus brood size: complementary but not equivalent ways of quantifying carer effects on offspring.
Q58232748Manipulation of male attractiveness induces rapid changes in avian maternal yolk androgen deposition
Q56235067Manipulations of male parental investment in polygynous pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca
Q53417115Marginal predation: do encounter or confusion effects explain the targeting of prey group edges?
Q91272716Marriage stability in a pastoralist society
Q115414474Mass Fluctuations Suggest Different Functions of Bimodal Foraging Trips in a Central-place Forager
Q113034989Mate change in a socially monogamous mammal: evidences support the “forced divorce” hypothesis
Q60303814Mate choice and courtship signal differentiation promotes speciation in an Amazonian frog
Q35611107Mate choice and genetic monogamy in a biparental, colonial fish
Q63437947Mate choice copying and mate quality bias: different processes, different species
Q129477053Mate choice driven by genome in an allopolyploid fish complex
Q61954714Mate choice for cognitive traits: a review of the evidence in nonhuman vertebrates
Q60570953Mate choice for genetic quality: a test of the heterozygosity and compatibility hypotheses in a lek-breeding bird
Q61458483Mate choice in lekking sage grouse revisited: the roles of vocal display, female site fidelity, and copying
Q52330538Mate choice in sticklebacks reveals that immunogenes can drive ecological speciation.
Q61954728Mate choice in the face of costly competition
Q59199719Mate choice or harassment avoidance? A question of female control at the lek
Q113393722Mate choice plasticity in a coral reef fish
Q57021081Mate choice, operational sex ratio, and social promiscuity in a wild population of the long-snouted seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus
Q56050305Mate feeding, offspring investment, and sexual differences in katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Q60277485Mate preference for multiple cues: interplay between male and nest size in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus
Q56020655Mate retention, harassment, and the evolution of ungulate leks
Q113821425Mate-choice copying under predation risk in the Trinigadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata)
Q129673205Mate-copying for a costly variant in Drosophila melanogaster females
Q58279482Mate-feeding has evolved as a compensatory energetic strategy that affects breeding success in birds
Q60337266Maternal adjustment of parental effort in relation to mate compatibility affects offspring development
Q36140334Maternal age at maturation underpins contrasting behavior in offspring
Q60311532Maternal allocation of androgens and antagonistic effects of yolk androgens on sons and daughters
Q57063297Maternal and additive genetic effects contribute to variation in offspring traits in a lizard
Q113821408Maternal and personal information mediates the use of social cues about predation risk
Q57940053Maternal condition and offspring sex ratio in polygynous ungulates: a case study of bighorn sheep
Q58643655Maternal effects and female manipulation: a response to comments on Paquet and Smiseth
Q58643680Maternal effects as a mechanism for manipulating male care and resolving sexual conflict over care
Q56638203Maternal effects on offspring social status in spotted hyenas
Q58200667Maternal immune factors and the evolution of secondary sexual characters
Q113821411Maternal predation risk increases offspring’s exploration but does not affect schooling behavior
Q129278657Maternal presence facilitates plasticity in offspring behavior: insights into the evolution of parental care
Q60337171Maternal stress to partner quality is linked to adaptive offspring sex ratio adjustment
Q115414481Maternal yolk testosterone in canary eggs: toward a better understanding of mechanisms and function
Q125891507Maternally derived androgens and antioxidants in bird eggs: complementary but opposing effects?
Q126329965Maternity uncertainty in cobreeding beetles: females lay more and larger eggs and provide less care
Q130120112Mating and/or social system to explain territorial responses: a comment on Christensen and Radford
Q61546963Mating for convenience or genetic diversity? Mating patterns in the polygynous ant Plagiolepis pygmaea
Q60490367Mating order and reproductive success in male Columbian ground squirrels (Urocitellus columbianus)
Q111593548Mating rate and fitness in female bean weevils
Q55880589Mating success in lekking males: a meta-analysis
Q57007075Mating system and intrapatch mobility delay inbreeding in fragmented populations of a gecko
Q57768695Mating system, sexual dimorphism, and the opportunity for sexual selection in a territorial ungulate
Q115039427Mating traits are phenotypically but not genetically correlated to fitness
Q61306449Measuring cognition will be difficult but worth it: a response to comments on Rowe and Healy
Q115543360Measuring marginal predation in animal groups
Q30054148Measuring mating competition correctly: available evidence supports operational sex ratio theory
Q61306456Measuring variation in cognition
Q56933805Mechanisms and consequences of sexual conflict in garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis, Colubridae)
Q115414445Mechanisms of reciprocity and diversity in social networks: a modeling and comparative approach
Q115414495Mechanosensory function for facial ornamentation in the whiskered auklet, a crevice-dwelling seabird
Q60311460Melanic coloration differentially predicts transfer of immune factors to eggs with daughters or sons
Q112748509Memory extinction and spontaneous recovery shaping parasitoid foraging behavior
Q115543153Mesopredators change temporal activity in response to a recolonizing apex predator
Q113821410Metabolic and behavioral adaptations of greater white-toothed shrews to urban conditions
Q114093511Microhabitat complexity influences fear acquisition in fathead minnows
Q113821427Microhabitat use and behavior of voles under weasel and raptor predation risk: predator facilitation?
Q56269919Microsatellite identification of extrapair sires in a socially monogamous warbler
Q60525891Migrant and resident birds adjust antipredator behavior in response to social information accuracy
Q121737279Migration cues and timing in leatherback sea turtles
Q59216472Migration strategy of a flight generalist, the Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
Q63360909Mimicry in coral reef fish: how accurate is this deception in terms of color and luminance?
Q113035050Mimicry in hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae): a field test of the competitive mimicry hypothesis
Q60462644Mixing nutrients mitigates the intake constraints of a plant toxin in a generalist herbivore
Q57260816Modeling rule-based behavior: habitat selection and the growth-survival trade-off in larval cod
Q115543169Modeling the functional link between movement, feeding activity, and condition in a marine predator
Q60562887Modeling the role of stage-structured agonistic interactions in ontogenetic habitat shifts
Q59394212Models for a colorful reality?: a response to comments on Olsson et al
Q60438664Models of optimal foraging and resource partitioning: deep corollas for long tongues
Q57893306Modification of the visual background increases the conspicuousness of golden-collared manakin displays
Q63347974Monandry and polyandry as alternative lifestyles in a butterfly
Q108065867Monitoring starvation risk: adjustments of body reserves in greenfinches (Carduelis Chloris L.) during periods of unpredictable foraging success
Q60658823Monogamous dominant pairs monopolize reproduction in the cooperatively breeding pied babbler
Q57596592Monogamy when there is potential for polygyny: tests of multiple hypotheses in a group-living fish
Q98224100Monotocy and the evolution of plural breeding in mammals
Q129369823More than kin: subordinates foster strong bonds with relatives and potential mates in a social bird
Q113275630Morphological and behavioral defenses in dragonfly larvae: trait compensation and cospecialization
Q126624964Morphological and physiological consequences of a dietary restriction during early life in bats
Q59086696Mortal combat and competition for oviposition sites in female pollinating fig wasps
Q58873514Mortality by moonlight: predation risk and the snowshoe hare
Q59621269Mothers adjust egg size to helper number in a cooperatively breeding cichlid
Q63975877Mother–offspring conflicts, hormone signaling, and asymmetric ownership of information
Q60311522Mouth coloration of nestlings covaries with offspring quality and influences parental feeding behavior
Q60475581Movement decisions in natural catastrophes: how a flying scavenger deals with a volcanic eruption
Q115543275Multicomponent deceptive signals reduce the speed at which predators learn that prey are profitable
Q104368796Multidimensional environmental predictors of variation in avian forest and city life histories
Q56048793Multilevel social organization and space use in reticulated giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)
Q115543369Multimodal mixed messages: the use of multiple cues allows greater accuracy in social recognition and predator detection decisions in the mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki
Q112288702Multiple constraints on urban bird communication: both abiotic and biotic noise shape songs in cities
Q93013002Multiple environmental cues impact habitat choice during nocturnal homing of specialized reef shrimp
Q57063317Multiple mating in a lizard increases fecundity but provides no evidence for genetic benefits
Q128616527Multiple mating is linked to social setting and benefits the males in a communally rearing mammal
Q63437889Multiple motives in women's preferences for masculine male faces: comment on Scott et al
Q56211907Multiple sexual ornaments in satin bowerbirds: ultraviolet plumage and bowers signal different aspects of male quality
Q113821323Multiple views on animal coloration: a comment on Postema et al
Q113090871Multisensory integration facilitates perceptual restoration of an interrupted call in a species of frog
Q58486801Multisensory perception in uncertain environments
Q58673152Multistate estimates of survival and movement in relation to colony size in the sociable weaver
Q115543371Multitasking and eavesdropping in cotton rats foraging under predation risk
Q123396373Mutual mate choice in the potbellied seahorse (Hippocampus abdominalis)
Q115039429Mutual mate preferences and assortative mating in relation to a carotenoid-based color trait in blue tits
Q127439265Natal conditions, lifespan and lifetime reproductive success of European blackbirds
Q60466668Natal dispersal correlates with behavioral traits that are not consistent across early life stages
Q57040615Natal dispersal, interactions among siblings and intrasexual competition
Q92838763Natal habitat and sex-specific survival rates result in a male-biased adult sex ratio
Q60546344Natal philopatry in passerine birds: genetic or ecological influences?
Q126081673Natural and anthropogenic sounds reduce song performance: insights from two emberizid species
Q56700621Natural variation in the sexually selected feather ornaments of crested auklets (Aethia cristatella) does not predict future survival
Q63976294Navigating infection risk during oviposition and cannibalistic foraging in a holometabolous insect
Q109047637Necessity creates opportunities for chimpanzee tool use
Q126096978Necessity or capacity? Physiological state predicts problem-solving performance in house sparrows
Q27304577Negotiation of territorial boundaries in a songbird
Q62273518Negotiation over offspring care?—a positive response to partner-provisioning rate in great tits
Q56212765Negotiation over offspring care—how should parents respond to each other's efforts?
Q113035096Negotiations over parental care: a test of alternative hypotheses in the clown anemonefish
Q126027718Neighbor-stranger discrimination by song in a suboscine bird, the alder flycatcher, Empidonax alnorum
Q125620597Nest and mate choice in the red bishop (Euplectes orix) : female settlement rules
Q62556885Nest defensibility decreases home-range size in central place foragers
Q58045941Nest desertion by a cowbird host: an antiparasite behavior or a response to egg loss?
Q122713129Nest material preferences in wild hazel dormice Muscardinus avellanarius : testing predictions from optimal foraging theory
Q105940261Nest ornamentation in blue tits: is feather carrying ability a male status signal?
Q57534903Nest predation risk explains variation in avian clutch size
Q113821200Nest predation risk, but not demography, drives dynamics of conspecific brood parasitism
Q30524611Nest site and weather affect the personality of harvester ant colonies
Q115414525Nest site limitation and colony takeover in the ant Leptothorax nylanderi
Q56169705Nest size affects clutch size and the start of incubation in magpies: an experimental study
Q57272216Nest size and aromatic plants in the nest as sexually selected female traits in blue tits
Q59746902Nest size predicts the effect of food supplementation to magpie nestlings on their immunocompetence: an experimental test of nest size indicating parental ability
Q59835882Nest-site preference and maternal effects on offspring growth
Q125383462Nestling and adult sparrows respond differently to conspecific dialects
Q115543405Nestling begging increases predation risk, regardless of spectral characteristics or avian mobbing
Q60311425Nestling sex and plumage color predict food allocation by barn swallow parents
Q60436019Nestmate recognition in the unicolonial ant Formica paralugubris
Q104206498New colony formation in the "highly inbred" eusocial naked mole-rat: outbreeding is preferred
Q130019138Niche separation, ontogeny, and heterospecific alarm responses in centrarchid sunfish
Q56002477No benefits of polyandry to female green turtles
Q60331516No direct fitness benefits of helping in a cooperative breeder despite higher survival of helpers
Q58867414No effect of parental quality or extrapair paternity on brood sex ratio in the blue tit (Parus caeruleus)
Q60337095No evidence for deception over allocation to brood care in a cooperative bird
Q59464102No evidence for inbreeding avoidance in a great reed warbler population
Q57236979No evidence for inbreeding avoidance through active mate choice in red-billed gulls
Q58643576No evidence for parent–offspring competition in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides
Q128200257No immediate or future extra costs of raising a virulent brood parasite chick
Q59594827No kin discrimination in female mate choice of a parasitoid with complementary sex determination
Q62022825No peace for estrous topi cows on leks
Q113178634No phenotypic signature of acoustic competition in songs of a tropical cricket assemblage
Q58707102No risk, no gain: effects of crop raiding and genetic diversity on body size in male elephants
Q120214917No signs of behavioral evolution of threespine stickleback following northern pike invasion
Q115543532Nocturnal anti-predator adaptations in eared and earless Nearctic Lepidoptera
Q37333983Non-random brood mixing suggests adoption in a colonial cichlid
Q115414533Non-warning odors trigger innate color aversions--as long as they are novel
Q63437945Nonindependent mate choice in monogamy
Q113393724Nonindependent mating in a coral reef damselfish: evidence of mate choice copying in the wild
Q60362950Nonlinear effects of group size on the success of wolves hunting elk
Q60331416Non–nest mate discrimination and clonal colony structure in the parthenogenetic ant Cerapachys biroi
Q37264753Not leaving home: grandmothers and male dispersal in a duolocal human society
Q115787898Not so sexy in the city: urban birds adjust songs to noise but compromise vocal performance
Q115414527Novel cost of a sexually selected trait in the rubyspot damselfly Hetaerina americana: conspicuousness to prey
Q58486572Novel effects of monitoring predators on costs of fleeing and not fleeing explain flushing early in economic escape theory
Q60343738Novel environment exploration and home range size in starlings Sturnus vulgaris
Q115414456Novel mate preference through mate-choice copying in zebra finches: sexes differ
Q115414523Novel sources of (co)variation in nestling begging behavior and hunger at different biological levels of analysis
Q55933436Nowhere to hide: pumas, black bears, and competition refuges
Q56212669Number of eyespots and their intimidating effect on naïve predators in the peacock butterfly
Q56506198Nuptial gift in the spider Pisaura mirabilis maintained by sexual selection
Q56506208Nuptial gifts protect male bell crickets from female aggressive behavior
Q60366347O2 replenishment to fish nests: males adjust brood care to ambient conditions and brood development
Q112607409Ocean warming increases availability of crustacean prey via riskier behavior
Q64989301Odor alters color preference in a foraging jumping spider.
Q115414446Odor is linked to adrenocortical function and male ornament size in a colonial seabird
Q60560499Odor preference in house mice: influences of habitat heterogeneity and chromosomal incompatibility
Q129065607Offspring dispersal ability covaries with nest-site choice
Q113035146Offspring retention in the Siberian jay {Perisoreus infaustus): the prolonged brood care hypothesis
Q57220303Offspring size-number strategy in the bethylid parasitoid Laelius pedatus
Q60534359Olfactory cues of habitats facilitate learning about landscapes of fear
Q123436600Olfactory cues of large carnivores modify red deer behavior and browsing intensity
Q58261325Olfactory mate recognition in a sympatric species pair of three-spined sticklebacks
Q56047498Olfactory recognition of predators by nocturnal lizards: safety outweighs thermal benefits
Q104206492On the cost of begging vocalization: implications of vigilance
Q104206490On the evolution of group-living in the New World cursorial hystricognath rodents
Q56287175On the intersexual selection for spurs in the ring-necked pheasant
Q109041150On the meaning of hunger and behavioral control in the evolution of honest begging
Q115543455On the spot: the absence of predators reveals eyespot plasticity in a marine fish
Q113821361On the strategic learning of signal associations
Q125372358On the use of private versus social information in oviposition site choice decisions by Drosophila melanogaster females
Q128215005Once an optimist, always an optimist? Studying cognitive judgment bias in mice
Q56212786Open-cell parasitism shapes maternal investment patterns in the Red Mason bee Osmia rufa
Q60433397Operational sex ratio in newts: field responses and characterization of a constituent chemical cue
Q57234011Opportunity of parentage and nest destruction in polygynandrous acorn woodpeckers, Melanerpes formidvorus
Q125628446Opposing effects of group size on reproduction and survival in African wild dogs
Q113275633Optimal distributions of central-place foragers: honey bee foraging in a mass flowering crop
Q104873014Optimal foraging on perilous prey: risk of bill damage reduces optimal prey size in oystercatchers
Q129165923Optimal foraging or surplus killing: selective consumption and discarding of salmon by brown bears
Q115543359Optimal foraging theory predicts diving and feeding strategies of the largest marine predator
Q56268910Optimal group positioning after a predator attack: the influence of speed, sex, and satiation within mobile whirligig swarms
Q58478956Optimal hunting conditions drive circalunar behavior of a diurnal carnivore
Q59118056Optimal mating strategies in nonterritorial ungulates: a general model tested on muskoxen
Q129487973Optimal sperm length for high siring success depends on forehead patch size in collared flycatchers
Q64998133Organization enhances collective vigilance in the hovering guards of Tetragonisca angustula bees.
Q98224109Out in the open: behavior's effect on predation risk and thermoregulation by aposematic caterpillars
Q34429224Overlapping signals in banded wrens: long-term effects of prior experience on males and females
Q113034930Overlapping vocalizations produce far-reaching choruses: a test of the signal enhancement hypothesis
Q114633542Overriding the oddity effect in mixed-species aggregations: group choice by armored and nonarmored prey
Q115543456Oviposition behavior partitions aquatic landscapes along predation and nutrient gradients
Q125880687Pace-of-life in a social insect: behavioral syndromes in ants shift along a climatic gradient
Q56060600Pack social dynamics and inbreeding avoidance in the cooperatively breeding red wolf
Q125018192Pair bonds, reproductive success, and rise of alternate mating strategies in a social carnivore
Q105612891Pairs of cleaner fish prolong interaction duration with client reef fish by increasing service quality
Q60638018Pale by comparison: competitive interactions between signaling female glow-worms
Q60119431Parasite infection in a central sensory organ of fish does not affect host personality
Q115543300Parasite- and predator-induced maternal effects in the great tit ( Parus major )
Q113275641Parasites delay worker reproduction in bumblebees: consequences for eusociality
Q126229637Parasites physically block host copulation: a potent mechanism of parasite-mediated sexual selection
Q56268739Parasitic spawning in sand gobies: an experimental assessment of nest-opening size, sneaker male cues, paternity, and filial cannibalism
Q104206495Parasitism and group size in social animals: a meta-analysis
Q56686600Parentage and the evolution of parental behavior
Q104206493Parental aggression in black-capped chickadees
Q127773643Parental care buffers against effects of ambient temperature on offspring performance in an insect
Q60277252Parental coordination with respect to color polymorphism in a crater lake fish
Q116847084Parental effects on early development: testing for indirect benefits of polyandry
Q53278666Parental investment in Tibetan populations does not reflect stated cultural norms.
Q128902871Parental overproduction allows siblicidal bird to adjust brood size to climate-driven prey variation
Q113821438Parental provisioning and predation risk in rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata): effects on nestling growth and fledging
Q54294051Parental-care parasitism: how do unrelated offspring attain acceptance by foster parents?
Q37090336Paroxetine exposure skews litter sex ratios in mice suggesting a Trivers-Willard process
Q115414470Partial incubation and its function in great tits (Parus major)—an experimental test
Q111895207Partner fidelity and egg reciprocation in the simultaneously hermaphroditic polychaete worm Ophryotrocha diadema
Q60466663Partners’ personality types and mate preferences: predation risk matters
Q127339381Partner’s age, not social environment, predicts extrapair paternity in wild great tits (Parus major)
Q90649078Past and present resource availability affect mating rate but not mate choice in Drosophila melanogaster
Q56981179Patch density determines movement patterns and foraging efficiency of large herbivores
Q56391362Patch exploitation in a producer-scrounger system: test of a hypothesis using flocks of spice finches (Lonchura punctulata)
Q57742185Patch leaving decision rules and the Marginal Value Theorem: an experimental analysis and a simulation model
Q113821348Patch quality and habitat fragmentation shape the foraging patterns of a specialist folivore
Q115543476Patch use, apprehension, and vigilance behavior of Nubian Ibex under perceived risk of predation
Q34417405Paternal care and the evolution of exaggerated sexual swellings in primates
Q60535581Paternal effects on access to resources in a promiscuous primate society
Q60543861Paternity costs from polyandry compensated by increased fecundity in the hide beetle
Q57939207Paternity in eastern grey kangaroos: moderate skew despite strong sexual dimorphism
Q56689074Pathogen disgust predicts women’s preferences for masculinity in men’s voices, faces, and bodies
Q115039446Pathways linking female personality with reproductive success are trait- and year-specific
Q63360751Pattern edges improve predator learning of aposematic signals
Q57655600Pattern of sperm transfer in redback spiders: implications for sperm competition and male sacrifice
Q57205991Patterns of extrapair mating in relation to male dominance status and female nest placement in black-capped chickadees
Q61552136Patterns of song evolution and sexual selection in the oropendolas and caciques
Q29543435Paying to stay or paying to breed? Field evidence for direct benefits of helping behavior in a cooperatively breeding fish
Q111165616Perceived risk structures the space use of competing carnivores
Q90447729Perceived threat to paternity reduces likelihood of paternal provisioning in house wrens
Q113821475Perch selection by singing chaffinches: a better view of surroundings and the risk of predation
Q58486897Peripheral obstructions influence marmot vigilance: integrating observational and experimental results
Q59024837Personal immunity versus social immunity
Q60331580Personality affects mate choice: bolder males show stronger audience effects under high competition
Q128442649Personality and social foraging tactic use in free-living Eurasian tree sparrows (Passer montanus)
Q58311768Personality constraints versus flexible antipredation behaviors: how important is boldness in risk management of redshanks (Tringa totanus) foraging in a natural system?
Q110532063Personality does not predict individual niche variation in a freshwater fish
Q60337025Personality in the wild zebra finch: exploration, sociality, and reproduction
Q60119569Personality pace-of-life hypothesis: testing genetic associations among personality and life history
Q60777712Personality predicts behavioral flexibility in a fluctuating, natural environment
Q56481934Personality traits are related to ecology across a biological invasion
Q60343747Personality traits in wild starlings: exploration behavior and environmental sensitivity
Q57063871Personality-dependent spatial ecology occurs independently from dispersal in wild burbot (Lota lota)
Q114093518Personality-mediated speed-accuracy tradeoffs in mating in a 17-year periodical cicada
Q29039203Persuasive companions can be wrong: the use of misleading social information in nutmeg mannikins
Q98224104Phenotypic flexibility in background-mediated color change in sticklebacks
Q110615302Phenotypic plasticity in fluctuating environments: consequences of the lack of individual optimization
Q110615301Phenotypic plasticity of larval retreat design in a net-spinning caddisfly
Q115414529Phenotypic selection and function of reproductive behavior in the subsocial bug Elasmucha putoni (Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae)
Q58814693Pheromonal predisposition to social parasitism in the honeybee Apis mellifera capensis
Q113035021Philopatry in prairie voles: an evaluation of the habitat saturation hypothesis
Q104206409Philopatry, kin clusters, and genetic relatedness in a population of woodrats (Neotoma macrotis)
Q36200152Photorefractoriness and energy availability interact to permit facultative timing of spring breeding
Q96762555Physical and social cues shape nest-site preference and prey capture behavior in social spiders
Q57772804Physiological conditions and genetic controls of phaeomelanin pigmentation in nestling barn swallows
Q60514564Pied flycatcher nestlings incur immunological but not growth begging costs
Q90581791Pipefish embryo oxygenation, survival, and development: egg size, male size, and temperature effects
Q115414450Plasticity in social communication and its implications for the colonization of novel habitats
Q113821352Plasticity of snowy plover incubation behaviors in response to risks of nest predation
Q115543154Playback of predator calls inhibits and delays dawn singing in a songbird community
Q130077755Plover parents care more for young of the opposite sex
Q57955144Plumage brightness predicts male mating success in the lekking golden-collared manakin, Manacus vitellinus
Q58466813Plumage color manipulation has no effect on social dominance or fitness in zebra finches
Q125055159Pollinators adjust their behavior to presence of pollinator-transmitted pathogen in plant population
Q113275638Polyandry and paternity affect disease resistance in eusocial wasps
Q55953229Polyandry, sperm competition, and reproductive success in mice
Q59413677Polygynandry in a red fox population: implications for the evolution of group living in canids?
Q110615303Population density, body size, and phenotypic plasticity of brood size in a burying beetle
Q117788687Population differences in the effect of context on personality in an invasive lizard
Q129748917Population turnover, behavioral conservatism, and rates of cultural evolution
Q125705996Population-level personalities in zebrafish: aggression-boldness across but not within populations
Q35218069Populations, pools, and peccaries: simulating the impact of ecosystem engineers on rainforest frogs
Q60393654Positioning behavior according to individual color variation improves camouflage in novel habitats
Q57589952Positive effects of an invasive shrub on aggregation and abundance of a native small rodent
Q115543341Possible top-down control of solitary bee populations by ambush predators
Q57190991Post-breeding dispersal by female red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus): the effect of local vacancies
Q114633538Post-fledging behavioral ecology of migratory songbirds: how do fledgling activity rates vary across species?
Q105315266Postcopulatory consequences of female mate choice in a fish with alternative reproductive tactics
Q61887070Postcopulatory mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance in the island endemic hihi (Notiomystis cincta)
Q115543492Potential risks of olfactory signaling: the effect of predators on scent marking by beavers
Q115543611Pouncing spider, flying mosquito: blood acquisition increases predation risk in mosquitoes
Q63362623Practical models for publishing replications in behavioral ecology: a comment on Ihle et al
Q60016607Pre- and postdispersal seed predation by rodents: balance of food and safety
Q60331512Predation and kin-structured populations: an empirical perspective on the evolution of cooperation
Q115543823Predation and the evolution of prey behavior: an experiment with tree hole mosquitoes
Q115543600Predation by red-jointed fiddler crabs on congeners: interaction between body size and positive allometry of the sexually selected claw
Q60564241Predation cost of a sexual signal in the threespine stickleback
Q56001737Predation costs associated with parental care in the golden egg bug Phyllomorpha laciniata (Heteroptera: Coreidae)
Q113821500Predation risk affects trade-off between nest guarding and foraging in Seychelles warblers
Q115543355Predation risk and jumping behavior in Pseudopaludicola aff. falcipes tadpoles
Q113821414Predation risk and mating behavior: the responses of moths to bat-like ultrasound
Q113821419Predation risk and social interference as factors influencing habitat selection in two species of stream-dwelling waterstriders
Q113821193Predation risk drives the expression of mobbing across bird species
Q113821409Predation risk increases intraspecific heterogeneity in white-tailed deer diel activity patterns
Q115543431Predation risk of whole-clutch filial cannibalism in a tropical skink with maternal care
Q113821389Predation risk shapes the use of conflicting personal risk and social safety information in guppies
Q60503525Predation risk, host immune response, and parasitism
Q113821386Predation shapes behavioral lateralization: insights from an adaptive radiation of livebearing fish
Q113821199Predation shapes the movement of a well-defended species, the North American porcupine, even when nutritionally stressed
Q113821440Predation, sensitivity, and sex: why female black rhinoceroses outlive males
Q37084839Predator and prey activity levels jointly influence the outcome of long-term foraging bouts
Q115543678Predator defense is shaped by risk, brood value and social group benefits in a cooperative breeder
Q115543494Predator detection and avoidance by starlings under differing scenarios of predation risk
Q59256330Predator escape tactics in birds: linking ecology and aerodynamics
Q115543629Predator exposure alters female mate choice in the green swordtail
Q115543316Predator exposure leads to a short-term reversal in female mate preferences in the green swordtail, Xiphophorus helleri
Q56047499Predator lethality, optimal escape behavior, and autotomy
Q115543780Predator preference for brightly colored males in the guppy: a viability cost for a sexually selected trait
Q115543910Predator search pattern and the strength of interference through prey depression
Q115543879Predator versus prey: on aerial hunting and escape strategies in birds
Q56020097Predator-elicited visual signal: why the turquoise-browed motmot wag-displays its racketed tail
Q55982347Predator-induced plasticity in nest visitation rates in the Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus)
Q115543442Predator-induced reductions in nest visitation rates are modified by forest cover and food availability
Q115543368Predator-induced stress changes parental feeding behavior in pied flycatchers
Q115543502Predators, reproductive parasites, and the persistence of poor males on leks
Q105758488Predators’ consumption of unpalatable prey does not vary as a function of bitter taste perception
Q57651269Predictable food supplies induce plastic shifts in avian scaled body mass
Q58486938Predicted fitness consequences of threat-sensitive hiding behavior
Q58486957Predicted fitness consequences of threat-sensitive hiding behavior
Q113821429Predicting group size in primates: foraging costs and predation risks
Q58389800Predicting multiple behaviors from GPS radiocollar cluster data
Q60474857Predicting translocation outcomes with personality for desert tortoises
Q56454718Preference for human male body hair changes across the menstrual cycle and menopause
Q126096626Preferred males are not always good providers: female choice and male investment in tree crickets
Q113821195Prenatal exposure to predation affects predator recognition learning via lateralization plasticity
Q60550260Presence of mammalian predators decreases tolerance to human disturbance in a breeding shorebird
Q61954721Previous experiences shape adaptive mate preferences
Q115414537Prey attraction as a possible function of the silk decoration of the uloborid spider Octonoba sybotides
Q113821204Prey body size mediates the predation risk associated with being "odd"
Q115543326Prey escorting behavior and possible convergent evolution of foraging recruitment mechanisms in an invasive ant
Q56473821Prey handling performance facilitates competitive dominance of an invasive over native keystone ant
Q57232172Prey jitters; protean behaviour in grouped prey
Q60510142Prey naiveté in an introduced prey species: the wild rabbit in Australia
Q115543370Prey or predator? Body size of an approaching animal affects decisions to attack or escape
Q56813951Primate copulation calls and postcopulatory female choice
Q58222634Primates adjust movement strategies due to changing food availability
Q63437870Priming men with different contest outcomes modulates their dominance perceptions
Q58486501Prioritizing conservation behavior research: a comment on Wong and Candolin
Q127592372Problems with repeated contests: a comment on Chapin et al
Q35053234Progressive parenting behavior in wild golden lion tamarins
Q56169298Prolactin and helping in birds: has natural selection strengthened helping behavior?
Q56485752Prolonged offspring dependence and cooperative breeding in birds
Q56235200Prospecting behavior and the influenceof forest cover on natal dispersal in aresident bird
Q55922898Prospecting in a solitary breeder: chick production elicits territorial intrusions in common loons
Q55895437Protandry and sexual dimorphism in trans-Saharan migratory birds
Q125849020Protandry models and their application to salmon
Q62518212Protein content of diets dictates the daily energy intake of a free-ranging primate
Q118561687Proteomics in behavioral ecology
Q104368739Provisioning tactics of great tits (Parus major) in response to long-term brood size manipulations differ across years
Q57065281Proximate and ultimate causes of dispersal in the Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus
Q105952696Proximate and ultimate causes of natal dispersal in the great bustard Otis tarda
Q127684801Proximate causes of avian protandry differ between subspecies with contrasting migration challenges
Q129208220Prudent behavior rather than chemical deception enables a parasite to exploit its ant host
Q59447062Pup escorting in the communal breeding banded mongoose: behavior, benefits, and maintenance
Q57159378Quality of breeding territory mediates the influence of paternal quality on sex ratio bias in a free-living bird population
Q62273514Quality, need, or hunger; begging the question
Q115787889Quantifying human presence in a heterogeneous urban landscape
Q113821181Quantifying the structure and dynamics of fish shoals under predation threat in three dimensions
Q115414478Quantitative genetic variation in courtship song and its covariation with immune function and sperm quality in the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus
Q63975847Quantitative genetics and fitness consequences of neophilia in zebra finches
Q60472940Queen pheromone: contraceptive or a queen presence signal?—A comment on Holman
Q130067268Queen pheromones and reproductive division of labor: a meta-analysis
Q129980201Queen pheromones out of context: a comment on Holman
Q129984239Queen pheromones under scrutiny: a comment on Holman
Q129885306Queen pheromones, colony odors, and better science: a comment on Holman
Q56268450Queen recruitment in a multiple-queen population of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta
Q37347195Queen reproductive state modulates pheromone production and queen-worker interactions in honeybees
Q109255703Queen succession conflict in the paper wasp Polistes dominula is mitigated by age-based convention
Q57699036Quick-change artists: male guppies pay no cost to repeatedly adjust their sexual strategies
Q54143297Quorum sensing by encounter rates in the ant Temnothorax albipennis
Q56456091RETRACTED: Fiery frills: carotenoid-based coloration predicts contest success in frillneck lizards
Q115543237Rain, predators, and spider sociality: a manipulative experiment
Q37003020Randomized or fixed order for studies of behavioral syndromes?
Q56805500Rank and colony defense against conspecifics in a facultatively eusocial hover wasp
Q125123790Rate of intersexual interactions affects injury likelihood in Tasmanian devil contact networks
Q37229946Rates of agonism among female primates: a cross-taxon perspective
Q59649960Reactions of hand-reared and wild-caught predators toward warningly colored, gregarious, and conspicuous prey
Q112806647Reciprocal pilferage and the evolution of food-hoarding behavior
Q104206414Reciprocal territorial responses of parapatric African sunbirds: species-level asymmetry and intraspecific geographic variation
Q60264424Reciprocity and conditional cooperation between great tit parents
Q113290475Red foxes avoid apex predation without increasing fear
Q55893755Red-billed oxpeckers: vampires or tickbirds?
Q124933051Redder isn’t always better: cost of carotenoids in Chinook salmon eggs
Q60503025Redhead reproductive strategy choices: a dynamic state variable model
Q126775667Reduced cooperative behavior as a cost of high testosterone in a lekking passerine bird
Q29038952Reduced reproductive effort in male field crickets infested with parasitoid fly larvae
Q57237191Reduction in site fidelity with smaller spatial scale may suggest scale-dependent information use
Q113821415Refuge sites of voles under owl predation risk: priority of dominant individuals?
Q113275640Regulation of worker activity in a primitively eusocial wasp, Ropalidia marginata
Q56336112Relatedness and altruism in Polistes wasps
Q126030060Relationship of visual and olfactory signal parameters in a food-deceptive flower mimicry system
Q52330541Relative advantages of dichromatic and trichromatic color vision in camouflage breaking.
Q57940106Relative allocation to horn and body growth in bighorn rams varies with resource availability
Q121848343Reliable acoustic cues for female mate preference in a katydid (Scudderia curvicauda, Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Q59162256Remotely sensed productivity, regional home range selection, and local range use by an omnivorous primate
Q113035092Repeatability is the first step in a broader hypothesis test: a comment on Stuber et al.
Q52603712Repeatable and heritable behavioural variation in a wild cooperative breeder.
Q56780124Replacement female house sparrows regularly commit infanticide: gaining time or signaling status?
Q60331494Replication in behavioural ecology: a comment on Ihle et al
Q58790836Reproduction and immunity trade-offs constrain mating signals and nuptial gift size in a bushcricket
Q56807038Reproduction in foundress associations of the social wasp, Polistes carolina: conventions, competition, and skew
Q128109086Reproductive aging and pace-of-life syndromes: more active females age faster
Q60333753Reproductive asynchrony and population divergence between two tropical bird populations
Q127440709Reproductive conflict resolution in cooperative breeders
Q61927283Reproductive consequences of natal dispersal in a highly philopatric seabird
Q58489678Reproductive energetics in free-living female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii)
Q60302865Reproductive monopoly enforced by sterile police workers in a queenless ant
Q55967705Reproductive parasitism of broodcare helpers in a cooperatively breeding fish
Q29013415Reproductive promiscuity in the splendid fairy-wren: effects of group size and auxiliary reproduction
Q61547188Reproductive sharing among queens in the ant Formica fusca
Q124875853Reproductive skew and the evolution of conflict resolution: a synthesis of transactional and tug-of-war models
Q60546246Reproductive skew, costs, and benefits of cooperative breeding in female wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus)
Q56227014Reproductive specialization in multiple-queen colonies of the ant Formica exsecta
Q58867514Reproductive success of polygynous male corn buntings (Miliaria calandra) as confirmed by DNA fingerprinting
Q29030656Reproductive success of solitarily and communally nesting white-footed mice and deer mice
Q56430252Reproductive timing in a lekking mammal: male fallow deer getting ready for female estrus
Q126565793Reproductive workers insufficiently signal their reproductive ability in a paper wasp
Q63379896Research credibility: the devil is in the details: a comment on Ihle et al
Q56971431Residency and a Broad Feeding Spectrum are Related to Extensive Spatial Exploration in Parrots*
Q59197837Residual correlations, and not individual properties, determine a nest defense boldness syndrome
Q61696513Resource availability and life-history origin affect competitive behavior in territorial disputes
Q58643616Resource availability, but not polyandry, influences sibling conflict in a burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides
Q56391381Resource defense in a group-foraging context
Q60298888Resource distribution mediates social and mating behavior in a family living lizard
Q35053229Resource quality or competition: why increase resource acceptance in the presence of conspecifics?
Q34159758Resource redistribution in polydomous ant nest networks: local or global?
Q115039425Resource-dependent investment in male sexual traits in a viviparous fish
Q54377391Response to comments on "Do men's faces really signal heritable immunocompetence?"
Q60578498Response to comments on the dynamics of network dynamics
Q55952599Response to conspecific and heterospecific alarm calls in mixed-species bird flocks of a Sri Lankan rainforest
Q58292586Response: how much you need to engage with mechanism depends on what you are trying to do
Q59238973Responses of vervet monkeys in large troops to terrestrial and aerial predator alarm calls
Q129518077Responsible sharing of articles published in Behavioral Ecology
Q115543152Retention of learned predator recognition in embryonic and juvenile rainbow trout
Q112806642Rethinking birdsong evolution: meta-analysis of the relationship between song complexity and reproductive success
Q114093519Retraction to: Spider aggressiveness determines the bidirectional consequences of host–inquiline interactions
Q114590579Revealed by conspicuousness: distractive markings reduce camouflage
Q61930404Revisiting the evidence for inbreeding avoidance in zebra finches
Q113821189Revisiting the functional response in habitat selection for large herbivores: a matter of spatial variation in resource distribution?
Q115414430Risk assessment and the use of novel shortcuts in spatial detouring tasks in jumping spiders
Q115543434Risk effects in elk: sex-specific responses in grazing and browsing due to predation risk from wolves
Q96762559Risk exposure trade-offs in the ontogeny of sexual segregation in Antarctic fur seal pups
Q113178633Risk of cache pilferage determines hoarding behavior of rodents and seed fate
Q113035184Risk taking during parental care: a test of the harm-to-offspring hypothesis
Q117826073Risky business: males choose more receptive adults over safer subadults in a cannibalistic spider
Q55954212Risky mate search and male self-sacrifice in redback spiders
Q57655587Risky mate search and mate preference in the golden orb-web spider (Nephila plumipes)
Q30407064Rival male chemical cues evoke changes in male pre- and post-copulatory investment in a flour beetle.
Q60331584Rival presence leads to reversible changes in male mate choice of a desert dwelling ungulate
Q115543257Road noise causes earlier predator detection and flight response in a free-ranging mammal
Q115787897Roads are no barrier for dispersing red squirrels in an urban environment
Q59941027Roads elicit negative movement and habitat-selection responses by wolverines (Gulo gulo luscus)
Q115543587Rodent foraging is affected by indirect, but not by direct, cues of predation risk
Q115414512Rufous-tailed jacamars and aposematic butterflies: do older birds attack novel prey?
Q59210478Saami reindeer herders cooperate with social group members and genetic kin
Q59485343Safer sex with feeding females: sexual conflict in a cannibalistic spider
Q126188954Salamander climbing behavior varies among species and is correlated with community composition
Q121289595Same-sex sexual behavior in birds: expression is related to social mating system and state of development at hatching
Q57277760Scent marking by otters (Lutra lutra): signaling the use of resources
Q115543593Scent marking by voles in response to predation risk: a field-laboratory validation
Q63437957Scent-marking by male mice under the risk of predation
Q62022290Scent-marking displays provide honest signals of health and infection
Q60550142Seasonal dynamic shifts in patch exploitation by parasitic wasps
Q60442220Seasonal plasticity in male mating preferences in sailfin mollies
Q115543227Seasonal variation in behavioral thermoregulation and predator avoidance in a small mammal
Q30484565Seismic signal dominance in the multimodal courtship display of the wolf spider Schizocosa stridulans Stratton 1991.
Q60501968Selection for multicomponent mimicry: equal feature salience and variation in preferred traits
Q63672129Selection of interdependent choice of 2 complementary resources
Q129029662Selective attention by priming in host search behavior of 2 generalist butterflies
Q112035696Selective disappearance does not underlie age-related changes in trait repeatability in red squirrels
Q127718230Self-deception in nonhuman animals: weak crayfish escalated aggression as if they were strong
Q54288431Self-organized aerial displays of thousands of starlings: a model
Q112806652Self-organized asymmetries in ant foraging: a functional response to food type and colony needs
Q53417105Selfish partners: resource partitioning in male coalitions of Asiatic lions.
Q109267091Sentinel dominance status influences forager use of social information
Q129077071Sequential choices using signal detection theory can reverse classical predictions
Q33583287Sequential male mate choice under sperm competition risk
Q112297908Sequential organization of birdsong: relationships with individual quality and fitness
Q60298476Sequential settlement and site dependence in a migratory raptor
Q55882264Serial monogamy increases reproductive success in men but not in women
Q56212794Sex allocation in a facultatively polygynous ant: between-population and between-colony variation
Q63975768Sex allocation in response to local resource competition over breeding territories
Q60777727Sex allocation in response to paternal attractiveness in the zebra finch
Q59037539Sex allocation within broods: the intrabrood sharing-out hypothesis
Q60311423Sex and stress: a comment on Moore et al
Q56268909Sex and the selfish herd: sexual segregation within nonmating whirligig groups
Q57065633Sex change evolution and cost of reproduction
Q113393726Sex change in either direction by growth-rate advantage in the monogamous coral goby, Paragobiodon echinocephalus
Q122909841Sex differences in embryo development periods and effects on avian hatching patterns
Q57651306Sex ratio and male sexual characters in a population of blue tits, Parus caeruleus
Q59117865Sex ratio variation in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris
Q113178640Sex, drugs and mating role: testosterone-induced phenotype-switching in Galapagos marine iguanas
Q126344438Sex, synchrony, and skin contact: integrating multiple behaviors to assess pathogen transmission risk
Q60562600Sex-biased juvenile dispersal is adaptive but does not create genetic structure in island lizards
Q58478912Sex-ratio variation and reproductive costs in relation to density in a forest-dwelling population of red deer (Cervus elaphus)
Q56882395Sex-role reversal revisited: choosy females and ornamented, competitive males in a pipefish
Q115543793Sex-specific differences in reindeer calf behavior and predation vulnerability
Q125587869Sex-specific effects of size and condition on timing of natal dispersal in kangaroo rats
Q58479918Sex-specific parental strategies according to the sex of offspring in the Adélie penguin
Q60459680Sex-specific phenotypes and metabolism-related gene expression in juvenile sticklebacks
Q60441443Sex-specific thermal constraints on fiddler crab behavior
Q113178647Sexes of a monomorphic species differ in preference for mates with a novel trait
Q60119860Sexual advertisement and immune function in an arachnid species (Lycosidae)
Q60483557Sexual cannibalism in a facultative parthenogen: the springbok mantis (Miomantis caffra)
Q115414485Sexual coercion in Panorpa scorpionflies?—The function of the notal organ reconsidered
Q56657515Sexual dimorphism in a feeding apparatus is driven by mate choice and not niche partitioning
Q60550837Sexual harassment in heterogeneous landscapes can mediate population regulation in a grasshopper
Q60442226Sexual harassment in live-bearing fishes (Poeciliidae): comparing courting and noncourting species
Q58478891Sexual segregation in Eurasian wild sheep
Q126118397Sexual segregation in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins is driven by female avoidance of males
Q110032376Sexual selection and condition dependence of courtship display in three species of horned dung beetles
Q115414538Sexual selection and tail streamers in the barn swallow: appropriate tests of the function of size-dimorphic long tails
Q113821340Sexual selection for flight performance in hummingbirds
Q63830243Sexual selection in honey bees: colony variation and the importance of size in male mating success
Q110032378Sexual selection in the wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata: female preference for drum duration and pulse rate
Q56853293Sexual signaling under predation: attractive moths take the greater risks
Q115543357Sexual signals, risk of predation and escape behavior
Q56518892Sexual swelling in mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx): a test of the reliable indicator hypothesis
Q127483417Sexually opposite effects of testosterone on mating success in wild rock hyrax
Q37264758Sexually selected sentinels? Evidence of a role for intrasexual competition in sentinel behavior
Q114939583Sexually size dimorphic brains and song complexity in passerine birds
Q113821205Shaping the antipredator strategy: flexibility, consistency, and behavioral correlations under varying predation threat
Q113821202Shifts in movement behavior of spawning fish under risk of predation by land-based consumers
Q114093525Shoaling in the Trinidadian guppy: costs, benefits, and plasticity in response to an ambush predator
Q127108686Shorebird feeding specialists differ in how environmental conditions alter their foraging time
Q113821235Short timescale rate maximization by gulls and implications for predation on size-structured prey
Q28602361Short-term and delayed effects of mother death on calf mortality in Asian elephants
Q126091086Short-term social dynamics following anthropogenic and natural disturbances in a free-living mammal
Q57699127Should I stay or should I go? Female brood desertion and male counterstrategy in rock sparrows
Q61954725Should attractive males have more sons?
Q60277434Should females prefer males with elaborate nests?
Q111725222Show me you care: female mate choice based on egg attendance rather than male or territorial traits
Q57220248Siblicide and life-history evolution in parasitoids
Q60566009Signal residuals during shell fighting in hermit crabs: can costly signals be used deceptively?
Q63379915Signaler and receiver boldness influence response to alarm calls in eastern chipmunks
Q62058689Signaling by decorating webs: luring prey or deterring predators?
Q121364717Silence is sexy: soundscape complexity alters mate choice in túngara frogs
Q112664034Silent listeners: can preferences of eavesdropping midges predict their hosts’ parasitism risk?
Q121438157Silver spoon effects of hatching order in an asynchronous hatching bird
Q127459147Simplifying our understanding of contests: a comment on Chapin et al
Q61930379Simulated hatching failure predicts female plasticity in extra-pair behavior over successive broods
Q115414466Singing in Africa: no evidence for a long supposed function of winter song in a migratory songbird
Q115787902Singing in the city: high song frequencies are no guarantee for urban success in birds
Q60459103Singing to impress: the importance of developmental stress
Q114093521Site fidelity increases reproductive success by increasing foraging efficiency in a marine predator
Q37623375Size and competitive mating success in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q129133680Size and contrast increase the divertive effect of eyespots
Q36775801Size and heterozygosity influence partner selection in the Formosan subterranean termite.
Q113393721Size matters: male and female mate choice leads to size-assortative pairing in a coral reef cardinalfish
Q114588941Size-dependent aggression towards kin in a cannibalistic species
Q114093514Size-dependent microhabitat selection by masquerading prey
Q125728582Size-dependent patterns of diel vertical migration: smaller fish may benefit from faster ascent
Q115543804Size-dependent predation by snakes: selective foraging or differential prey vulnerability?
Q113178639Size-dependent trait-mediated indirect interactions among sea urchin herbivores
Q59256318Slow explorers take less risk: a problem of sampling bias in ecological studies
Q58045856Small-scale demographic structure suggests preemptive behavior in a flocking shorebird
Q112748508Smart mating: the cognitive ability of females influences their preference for male cognitive ability
Q88702387Social and ecological drivers of reproductive seasonality in geladas
Q34159751Social and ecological factors influencing offspring survival in wild macaques
Q107099636Social and life-history correlates of hormonal partner compatibility in greylag geese (Anser anser)
Q112743915Social and physical environment independently affect oviposition decisions in Drosophila
Q60376533Social conflict and costs of cooperation in meerkats are reflected in measures of stress hormones
Q114939577Social conflict in ant larvae: egg cannibalism occurs mainly in males and larvae prefer alien eggs
Q128880564Social context affects thermoregulation but not activity level during avian immune response
Q130034997Social context alters host behavior and infection risk
Q38202046Social context of shell acquisition in Coenobita clypeatus hermit crabs
Q57247650Social environment and reproductive interference affect reproductive success in the frog Rana latastei
Q104368922Social experiences shape behavioral individuality and within-individual stability
Q60658778Social foraging strategies and acquisition of novel foraging skills in cooperatively breeding Arabian babblers
Q114093523Social information use about novel aposematic prey depends on the intensity of the observed cue
Q124295651Social integration predicts survival in female white-faced capuchin monkeys
Q57237184Social interactions generate mutually reinforcing selection for male aggression in Lake Eyre dragons
Q55128141Social interactions predict genetic diversification: an experimental manipulation in shorebirds.
Q30049161Social mating systems and extrapair fertilizations in passerine birds
Q36477835Social pairing of Seychelles warblers under reduced constraints: MHC, neutral heterozygosity, and age.
Q121030691Social plasticity in choosiness in green tree frogs, Hyla cinerea
Q57649088Social stability and daily body mass gain in great tits
Q61050718Social transmission of maladaptive information in the guppy
Q61896048Sociality across species: spatial proximity of newborn bats promotes heterospecific social bonding
Q126160504Sociality and asociality in white-nosed coatis (Nasua narica): foraging costs and benefits
Q115041133Sociality and signaling activity modulate information flow in river otter communication networks
Q58486976Sociality in New World hystricognath rodents is linked to predators and burrow digging
Q56873937Sociality in river otters: cooperative foraging or reproductive strategies?
Q34449204Socially mediated polyandry: a new benefit of communal nesting in mammals.
Q90446392Socio-ecological conditions and female infidelity in the Seychelles warbler
Q125789953Socio-ecological factors shape the opportunity for polygyny in a migratory songbird
Q56945800Sociospatial structuration of alternative breeding strategies in a color polymorphic raptor
Q114093516Something in the wind: the influence of wind speed and direction on African lion movement behavior
Q115787894Song adjustments by an open habitat bird to anthropogenic noise, urban structure, and vegetation
Q56168849Song and immunological condition in male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)
Q114896874Song bout length is indicative of spatial learning in European starlings
Q58311448Song discrimination suggests premating isolation among sympatric indigobird species and host races
Q30496499Song matching, overlapping, and switching in the banded wren: the sender's perspective.
Q115543500Song post exposure, song features, and predation risk
Q129973256Song recognition and heterospecific associations between 2 fairy-wren species (Maluridae)
Q114152187Song varies with latitude, climate, and species richness in a Neotropical bird
Q33789003Songbird chemosignals: volatile compounds in preen gland secretions vary among individuals, sexes, and populations
Q115543402Sophisticated early life lessons: threat-sensitive generalization of predator recognition by embryonic amphibians
Q109041143Sound familiar? Acoustic similarity provokes responses to unfamiliar heterospecific alarm calls
Q123093156Sounds of senescence: male swamp sparrows respond less aggressively to the songs of older individuals
Q91272719Sources of intraspecific variation in the collective tempo and synchrony of ant societies
Q105427722Space use by animals on the urban fringe: interactive effects of sex and personality
Q34060900Spatial autocorrelation: an overlooked concept in behavioral ecology
Q115414469Spatial decoupling of song and plumage generates novel phenotypes between 2 avian subspecies
Q113821209Spatial ecology of perceived predation risk and vigilance behavior in white-faced capuchins
Q117215750Spatial learning overshadows learning novel odors and sounds in both predatory and frugivorous bats
Q35624495Spatial movements and social networks in juvenile male song sparrows
Q60018274Spatial positioning in the selfish herd
Q57235654Spatial variation in food availability predicts extrapair paternity in the arctic fox
Q60487923Spatiotemporal variation of host use in a brood parasite: the role of the environment
Q52603709Specialists and generalists coexist within a population of spider-hunting mud dauber wasps.
Q128502851Specialization reduces foraging effort and improves breeding performance in a generalist bird
Q115543835Specialized predation on plataspid heteropterans in a coccinellid beetle: adaptive behavior and responses of prey attended or not by ants
Q54432762Species and population differences in social recognition between fishes: a role for ecology?
Q126123540Species divergence in offspring begging and parental provisioning is linked to nutritional dependency
Q61745132Species identity cues: possibilities for errors during vibrational communication on plant stems
Q56382846Species replacement reduces community participation in avian antipredator groups
Q60246871Species- and sex-specific adjustments of movement behavior to landscape heterogeneity in butterflies
Q115543522Specific color sensitivities of prey and predator explain camouflage in different visual systems
Q59265122Spectral niche segregation and community organization in a tropical cricket assemblage
Q30484562Sperm investment in male meadow voles is affected by the condition of the nearby male conspecifics.
Q59117672Sperm length evolution in the fungus-growing ants
Q110615304Sperm phenotypic plasticity in a cichlid: a territorial male's counterstrategy to spawning takeover
Q56210088Sperm precedence in monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus)
Q112806638Spider aggressiveness determines the bidirectional consequences of host-inquiline interactions
Q126091483Spinner dolphins in a remote Hawaiian atoll: social grouping and population structure
Q60435988Split sex ratios in the social Hymenoptera: a meta-analysis
Q125902997Spontaneous nongenetic variation of group size creates cheater-free groups of social microbes
Q127702988Squaring the information triangle: a comment on Chapin et al
Q115543474State-dependent decision making: educated predators strategically trade off the costs and benefits of consuming aposematic prey
Q55970352State-dependent male mating tactics in the grey seal: the importance of body size
Q130042735Statistically testing the role of individual learning and decision-making in trapline foraging
Q115543228Steller’s jays assess and communicate about predator risk using detection cues and identity
Q60467380Steroid hormone profiles and relative body condition of calling and satellite toads: implications for proximate regulation of behavior in anurans
Q56484036Stinging spines protect slug caterpillars (Limacodidae) from multiple generalist predators
Q57237204Strategic male mate choice minimizes ejaculate consumption
Q56267840Strategic paternity assurance in the sex-role reversed Eurasian dotterel (Charadrius morinellus): behavioral and genetic evidence
Q56017914Strategic sperm allocation and a Coolidge effect in an externally fertilizing species
Q60430734Stress and sexual traits: why are there no clear relationships? A comment on Moore et al
Q60430766Stress, resource allocation, and mortality
Q113035193Stress, testosterone, and the immunoredistribution hypothesis
Q113034985Stress-induced sex ratios in ground squirrels: support for a mechanistic hypothesis
Q63241322Stripes for warning and stripes for hiding: spatial frequency and detection distance
Q53417138Striving for transparent and credible research: practical guidelines for behavioral ecologists.
Q104872940Strong but variable associations between social dominance and clutch sex ratio in a colonial corvid
Q105940386Strong evidence for selection for larger brood size in a great tit population
Q126357674Strong sexual selection despite spatial constraints on extrapair paternity
Q60548754Structural and melanin coloration indicate parental effort and reproductive success in male eastern bluebirds
Q112271141Structural equation modeling reveals determinants of fitness in a cooperatively breeding bird
Q114093520Studying predator foraging mode and hunting success at the individual level with an online videogame
Q113178642Substrate type affects caching and pilferage of pine seeds by chipmunks
Q57269558Sugar-free extrapair mating: a comment on Arct et al
Q57018636Superb fairy-wren males aggregate into hidden leks to solicit extragroup fertilizations before dawn
Q109041187Superb fairy-wrens respond more to alarm calls from mate and kin compared to unrelated individuals
Q56873712Supercolonies of billions in an invasive ant: What is a society?
Q58461321Suppressed breeding in the field vole (Microtus agrestis): an adaptation to cyclically fluctuating predation risk
Q62088230Survival benefits and divergence of predator-induced behavior between pumpkinseed sunfish ecomorphs
Q128087073Symmetrical discrimination despite weak song differentiation in 2 suboscine bird sister species
Q61503136Symmetry and sexual dimorphism in human faces: interrelated preferences suggest both signal quality
Q126555001Sympatric wren-warblers partition acoustic signal space and song perch height
Q60481358Systematic evidence synthesis as part of a larger process: a response to comments on Berger-Tal et al
Q60481370Systematic reviews and maps as tools for applying behavioral ecology to management and policy
Q61502935Taller men are less sensitive to cues of dominance in other men
Q60658845Task partitioning increases reproductive output in a cooperative bird
Q38996417Task switching is associated with temporal delays in Temnothorax rugatulus ants
Q60398556Teaching behavior is responsive and costly in fairy-wrens though the time course needs to be defined
Q56873716Teams in animal societies
Q29030335Temperature affects operational sex ratio and intensity of male-male competition: an experimental study of sand gobies, Pomatoschistus minutus
Q36701381Temperature can shape a cline in polyandry, but only genetic variation can sustain it over time.
Q58416538Temporal activity patterns of predators and prey across broad geographic scales
Q56387311Temporal habitat shift of a polymorphic newt species under predation risk
Q52330532Temporal migration patterns and mating tactics influence size-assortative mating in Rana temporaria.
Q64298847Temporal plasticity in habitat selection criteria explains patterns of animal dispersal
Q60399016Temporal variability in a multicomponent trait: nuptial coloration of female two-spotted gobies
Q113821413Temporally variable predation risk and fear retention in Trinidadian guppies
Q115543760Tendency to inspect predators predicts mortality risk in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata)
Q34060895Terminal investment and senescence in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago
Q57190995Territorial bequeathal by red squirrel mothers
Q56688636Territorial male bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) do not assess fighting ability based on size-related variation in acoustic signals
Q125663232Territorial male color predicts agonistic behavior of conspecifics in a color polymorphic species
Q57699128Territorial male gobies respond aggressively to sneakers but do not adjust their sperm expenditure
Q114896873Territorial song sparrows tolerate juveniles during the early song-learning phase
Q58310271Territory quality drives intraspecific patterns of extrapair paternity
Q128723581Testes size increases with sperm competition risk and intensity in bony fish and sharks
Q113035081Testing a new version of the size-advantage hypothesis for sex change: sperm competition and size-skew effects in the bucktooth parrotfish, Sparisoma radians
Q125584477Testing for cryptic female choice in monarch butterflies
Q126126498Testing predictions of foraging theory for a sit-and-wait forager, Anolis gingivinus
Q113035047Testing the beneficial acclimation hypothesis: temperature effects on mating success in a butterfly
Q113035107Testing the niche differentiation hypothesis in wild capuchin monkeys with polymorphic color vision
Q55980560Testing the sexy son hypothesis--a research framework for empirical approaches
Q113035139Testosterone effects on the immune system and parasite infestations in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica): an experimental test of the immunocompetence hypothesis
Q57566237Testosterone production, sexually dimorphic morphology, and digit ratio in the dark-eyed junco
Q60320062Testosterone supplementation in subordinate, small male lizards: consequences for aggressiveness, color development, and parasite load
Q60117750Testosterone, immunocompetence, and honest sexual signaling in male red grouse
Q57955097Tests of the kin selection model of mate choice and inbreeding avoidance in satin bowerbirds
Q113035155Tests of the mate-guarding hypothesis for social monogamy: male snapping shrimp prefer to associate with high-value females
Q55883968Thanatosis as an adaptive male mating strategy in the nuptial gift–giving spider Pisaura mirabilis
Q56228690The Social Implications of traditional use of lek sites in the ruff Philomachus pugnax
Q56235189The adaptive significance of stealing in a marine bird and its relationship to parental quality
Q125554299The advantage of starving: success in cannibalistic encounters among wolf spiders
Q56424862The aggressive personality of an introduced fish affects foraging behavior in a polymorphic newt
Q56436651The art of choice: predation risk changes interspecific competition between freshwater amphipods
Q55870981The behavioral ecology of threshold evolution in a polyphenic beetle
Q64910079The behavioral origins of novelty: did increased aggression lead to scale-eating in pupfishes?
Q126259246The behavioral trade-off between thermoregulation and foraging in a heat-sensitive species
Q113035198The beneficial sexually transmitted microbe hypothesis of avian copulation
Q30367329The benefits of being toxic to deter predators depends on prey body size.
Q56485637The benefits of costly signaling: Meriam turtle hunters
Q113821416The benefits of stealing from a predator: foraging rates, predation risk, and intraspecific aggression in the kleptoparasitic spider Argyrodes antipodiana
Q113034968The biparental care hypothesis for the evolution of monogamy: experimental evidence in an amphibian
Q60337395The blue tit's song is an inconsistent signal of male condition
Q61956783The bounds of rationality and cognitive building blocks
Q56213272The carotenoid beta-carotene enhances facial color, attractiveness and perceived health, but not actual health, in humans
Q113034945The chimeric embryo hypothesis as a mechanism of avian sex ratio manipulation: a reply to Szász and Rosivall
Q113034942The chimeric embryo hypothesis as a mechanism of avian sex ratio manipulation? Comment on Tagirov and Rutkowska: Figure 1
Q60564271The complexity of fish communication in human-disturbed environments: a comment on Radford et al
Q56688115The complexity of male reproductive success: effects of nutrition, morphology, and experience
Q60570952The composition, stability, and kinship of reproductive coalitions in a lekking bird
Q55920176The confusion effect—from neural networks to reduced predation risk
Q115414514The cost of dispersal: predation as a function of movement and site familiarity in ruffed grouse
Q60398563The cost of teaching embryos in superb fairy-wrens
Q60549547The cost of virulence: an experimental study of egg eviction by brood parasitic chicks
Q91272721The costs and benefits of decentralization and centralization of ant colonies
Q56442463The costs of autotomy and regeneration in animals: a review and framework for future research
Q127970652The costs of competition: injury patterns in 2 Asian colobine monkeys
Q56040937The definition of eusociality
Q115543366The degree of response to increased predation risk corresponds to male secondary sexual traits
Q56689068The description of mate choice
Q30486733The deterrent effect of bird song in territory defense
Q29392262The development of behavioral defenses: a mechanistic analysis of vulnerability in red-eyed tree frog hatchlings
Q105612865The development of foraging microhabitat preferences in meerkats
Q60430749The developmental stress hypothesis: a special case of the evolution of condition-dependent sexual traits
Q113035043The discounting-by-interruptions hypothesis: model and experiment
Q110031519The discrimination of alternative male morphologies
Q115543415The distribution of unequal predators across food patches is not necessarily (semi)truncated
Q60578500The dynamics of animal social networks: analytical, conceptual, and theoretical advances
Q58884000The ecology of conception and pregnancy failure in wild baboons
Q61956934The economic basis of cooperation: tradeoffs between selfishness and generosity
Q54294042The economics of nestmate killing in avian brood parasites: a provisions trade-off
Q56769966The educated prey: consequences for exploitation and control
Q57669379The effect of competitor presence and relative competitive ability on male mate choice
Q112806637The effect of experimental design on the measurement of mate choice: a meta-analysis
Q30047865The effect of partial brood loss on male desertion in a cichlid fish: an experimental test
Q56168836The effect of tail streamer length on aerodynamic performance in the barn swallow
Q56269918The effectiveness of mate guarding by male black-throated blue warblers
Q116977407The effects of familiarity and mating experience on mate choice in mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki
Q126124189The effects of habitat- and diet-based cues on association preferences in three-spined sticklebacks
Q114093512The effects of microhabitat specialization on mating communication in a wolf spider
Q57669326The effects of neighbor familiarity and size on cooperative defense of fiddler crab territories
Q59270503The effects of predation risk from crab spiders on bee foraging behavior
Q115543327The effects of recruitment to direct predator cues on predator responses in meerkats
Q57216881The effects of social network position on the survival of wild Barbary macaques,Macaca sylvanus
Q125566662The effects of stress and glucocorticoids on vocalizations: a test in North American red squirrels
Q112806643The effects of wind on trap structural and material properties of a sit-and-wait predator
Q58311847The energetic costs of egg heating constrain incubation attendance but do not determine daily energy expenditure in the pectoral sandpiper
Q56066709The evolution and function of pattern diversity in snakes
Q113035207The evolution of bill coloration and plumage dimorphism supports the transference hypothesis in dabbling ducks
Q54045411The evolution of communal roosting in birds: origin and secondary losses
Q56269180The evolution of cryptic spider silk: a behavioral test
Q56288564The evolution of imperfect mimicry
Q56806950The evolution of lateralized foot use in parrots: a phylogenetic approach
Q60670655The evolution of paternity and paternal care in birds
Q56534586The evolution of progressive provisioning
Q55970358The evolution of reproductive systems in pinnipeds
Q55932426The evolution of soldier reproduction in social thrips
Q127863447The evolution of two types of play
Q56535388The evolution of vocal alarm communication in rodents
Q56953914The evolutionarily stable strategy for secondary sexual characters
Q57002607The expression of dietary conservatism in solitary and shoaling 3-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus
Q56019923The fear of unseen predators: ground squirrel tail flagging in the absence of snakes signals vigilance
Q58486623The flush early and avoid the rush hypothesis holds after accounting for spontaneous behavior
Q113178645The foraging behavior of granivorous rodents and short-term apparent competition among seeds
Q60430774The function and evolution of the tail streamer in hirundines
Q115414482The function of contrasting pelage markings in artiodactyls
Q115414524The function of extrapair paternity in blue tits and great tits: good genes or fertility insurance?
Q115414528The function of long tails in female barn swallows (Hirundo rustica): an experimental study
Q60430671The growth benefits of aggressive behavior vary with individual metabolism and resource predictability
Q122538198The habitat connectivity hypothesis of escape in urban woodland birds
Q29027490The heterospecific habitat copying hypothesis: can competitors indicate habitat quality?
Q113275628The honeybee queen influences the regulation of colony drone production
Q125023225The impact of food availability on risk-induced trait responses in prey
Q114896876The impact of learning foster species' song on the evolution of specialist avian brood parasitism
Q126075878The importance of phenotypic defectors in stabilizing reciprocal altruism
Q60658757The importance of understanding costs and benefits: a comment on Christensen and Radford
Q115543487The influence of conspecifics and predation risk on the vigilance of elk (Cervus elaphus) in Yellowstone National Park
Q58817099The influence of ecology on sociality in the killer whale (Orcinus orca)
Q112806653The influence of environmental conditions on cache recovery and cache pilferage by yellow pine chipmunks (Tamias amoenus) and deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus)
Q129899817The influence of environmental variance on the evolution of signaling behavior
Q58706979The influence of forage, protected areas, and mating prospects on grouping patterns of male elephants
Q113821454The influence of nest predation on mating strategies under polygyny
Q57649122The influence of predation risk on threat display in great tits
Q56518138The influence of water velocity on the display behavior of male guppies, Poecilia reticulata
Q113821395The interaction between ambush predators, search patterns of herbivores, and aggregations of plants
Q115414447The interface of ecological novelty and behavioral context in the formation of ecological traps
Q60331383The logic of hypersocial colonies
Q127215890The long view on demographic effects on social networks: a response to comments on Shizuka and Johnson
Q58771333The long-term consequences of egg predation
Q62382984The meaning of melanin, carotenoid, and pterin pigments in the bluefin killifish, Lucania goodei
Q114633536The mere presence of cuckoos in breeding area alters egg-ejection decisions in Daurian redstarts
Q121577938The mixed-species chorus as public information: túngara frogs eavesdrop on a heterospecific
Q120839781The nature of privilege: intergenerational wealth in animal societies
Q56686601The origin of parental care in birds: a reassessment
Q61661117The parental investment model and minimum mate choice criteria in humans
Q115543662The performance of permutations and exponential random graph models when analyzing animal networks
Q125822544The position of eyespots and thickened segments influence their protective value to caterpillars
Q57237218The predation cost of female resistance
Q115543311The presence of neighbors influences defense against predators in a cooperatively breeding cichlid
Q115039411The problem of measuring trait-preference correlations without disrupting them
Q123162023The refractory period of female katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae): sexual conflict over the remating interval?
Q127855465The relationship of body condition, superoxide dismutase, and superoxide with sperm performance
Q58771341The relative effect of parasites and social status on sperm traits in Arctic charr
Q57655571The relative importance of RHP and resource quality in contests with ownership asymmetries
Q104206407The relative importance of size and asymmetry in sexual selection
Q56228692The resident's dilemma: a female choice model for the evolution of alternative mating strategies in lekking male ruffs (Philomachus pugnax)
Q57002635The response of fish to novel prey: evidence that dietary conservatism is not restricted to birds
Q115543384The responses of prey fish to temporal variation in predation risk: sensory habituation or risk assessment?
Q56288157The role of avoidance learning in an aggressive mimicry system
Q37229951The role of beginner's luck in learning to prefer risky patches by socially foraging house sparrows
Q114093524The role of behavioral type composition on resource use and growth of a juvenile predator
Q56953880The role of females in influencing mating patterns
Q60535313The role of motor diversity in foraging innovations: a cross-species comparison in urban birds
Q113821486The role of predation risk in stopover habitat selection in migrating bramblings, Fringilla montifringilla
Q60264429The role of previous social experience on risk-taking and leadership in three-spined sticklebacks
Q60631403The role of serotonin in the modulation of cooperative behavior
Q58389834The secret sex lives of sage-grouse: multiple paternity and intraspecific nest parasitism revealed through genetic analysis
Q60566048The sexual signals of the East-Mediterranean barn swallow: a different swallow tale
Q115414458The shape of preference functions and what shapes them: a comment on Edward
Q56502938The short-term regulation of foraging in harvester ants
Q129574487The shortfall of sociality: group-living affects hunting performance of individual social spiders
Q60384352The signal in noise: acoustic information for soundscape orientation in two North American tree frogs
Q115543178The significance of prey avoidance behavior for the maintenance of a predator color polymorphism
Q63437930The spandrels of Santa Barbara? A new perspective on the peri-ovulation paradigm
Q113821198The sparrow and the hawk: aggressive signaling under risk of predation
Q57309981The strength of postcopulatory sexual selection within natural populations of field crickets
Q55878561The swaying behavior ofExtatosoma tiaratum: motion camouflage in a stick insect?
Q56269026The town bird and the country bird: problem solving and immunocompetence vary with urbanization
Q121210811The transmission of advertisement calls in Central American frogs
Q63361205The ultimate effect of being cleaned: does ectoparasite removal have reproductive consequences for damselfish clients?
Q60895447The unequal variance t-test is an underused alternative to Student's t-test and the Mann–Whitney U test
Q114592023The use and relative importance of intraspecific and interspecific social information in a bird community
Q125824742The value of information in floral cues: bumblebee learning of floral size cues
Q115543620The waiting game: a "battle of waits" between predator and prey
Q111894648The worm re-turns: hiding behavior of a tube-dwelling marine polychaete, Serpula vermicularis
Q57592636Then versus now: effect of developmental and current environmental conditions on incubation effort in birds
Q126119892Thermal stress affects patch time allocation by preventing forgetting in a parasitoid wasp
Q111631552Thermodynamic constraints and the evolution of parental provisioning in vertebrates
Q56384998Thick eggshells of brood parasitic cowbirds protect their eggs and damage host eggs during laying
Q60511501Threat sensitive adjustment of aggression by males and females in a biparental cichlid
Q34532678Thrips domiciles protect larvae from desiccation in an arid environment
Q115543298Time scales of associating food and odor by predator communities in the field
Q56432895To boldly go where no goby has gone before: boldness, dispersal tendency, and metabolism at the invasion front
Q125443947To eat, or not to eat: a phantom decoy affects information-gathering behavior by a free-ranging mammalian herbivore
Q57940546To lek or not to lek: mating strategies of male fallow deer
Q58776309To sing or not to sing: seasonal changes in singing vary with personality in wild great tits
Q60415585To trill or not to trill? Territorial response to a heterospecific vocal trait in male collared doves, Streptopelia decaocto
Q57579335Tonic immobility is a measure of boldness toward predators: an application of Bayesian structural equation modeling
Q57232177Toward an individual-level understanding of vigilance: the role of social information
Q105612859Toward wild psychometrics: linking individual cognitive differences to fitness
Q90635552Towards a comparative approach to the structure of animal personality variation
Q121775026Trade-off in short- and long-distance communication in tungara (Physalaemus pustulosus) and cricket (Acris crepitans) frogs
Q57409007Trade-offs between energy maximization and parental care in a central place forager, the sea otter
Q63437897Trade-offs between markers of absolute and relative quality in human facial preferences
Q59024535Trade-offs between personal immunity and reproduction in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides
Q125995857Trade-offs between postcopulatory riding and mate location in the blue milkweed beetle
Q57245982Trade-offs in lactation and milk intake by competing siblings in a fluctuating environment
Q55180459Transparent and credible practices under the microscope: a response to comments on Ihle et al.
Q115414490Trapline foraging by bumble bees: V. Effects of experience and priority on competitive performance
Q109667238Traplining in hummingbirds: flying short-distance sequences among several locations
Q57607638Trash to treasure: leaf-cutting ants repair nest-mound damage by recycling refuse dump materials
Q59028266Traveling or stopping of migrating birds in relation to wind: an illustration for the osprey
Q113821335Triparental ageing in a laboratory population of an insect with maternal care
Q60430047Trophic dimorphism in alternative male reproductive morphs of the acarid mite Sancassania berlesei
Q60777714Ultraviolet crown coloration in female blue tits predicts reproductive success and baseline corticosterone
Q60502057Ultraviolet reflection and predation risk in diurnal and nocturnal Lepidoptera
Q60264490Unavoidable limits on group size in a body size-based linear hierarchy
Q60319807Uncertainty about future predation risk modulates monitoring behavior from refuges in lizards
Q128978115Uncoordinated dances associated with high reproductive success in a crane
Q59238969Understanding antagonism: a comment on Sheehan and Bergman
Q61814220Unexploited females and unreliable signals of male quality in a Malawi cichlid bower polymorphism
Q60354051Unmasking Zorro: functional importance of the facial mask in the Masked Shrike (Lanius nubicus)
Q60557354Unraveling the key to innovative problem solving: a test of learning versus persistence
Q61781995Unraveling the true complexity of costly color signaling
Q60337040Unrelated helpers neither signal contributions nor suffer retribution in chestnut-crowed babblers
Q60549948Urban and colorful male house finches are less aggressive
Q115543336Urban areas as refuges from predators and flight distance of prey
Q115787903Urban habitats and feeders both contribute to flight initiation distance reduction in birds
Q60544734Urban-associated drivers of song variation along a rural–urban gradient
Q125899306Urbanization and individual differences in exploration and plasticity
Q125388278Use of California bay foliage by wood rats for possible fumigation of nest-borne ectoparasites
Q60490041Using playback of territorial calls to investigate mechanisms of kin discrimination in red squirrels
Q115543770Utilization of different prey type patches in the Ural owl(Strix uralensis): a sit-and-wait predator
Q37090328Variable ecological conditions promote male helping by changing banded mongoose group composition
Q110125357Variable mode of estrus affects female decision for multiple mating
Q60658857Variable postfledging care in a cooperative bird: causes and consequences
Q123125916Variance in lifetime reproductive success of male polar bears
Q33893676Variance in male lifetime reproductive success and estimation of the degree of polygyny in a primate
Q115414457Variation and selection on preference functions: a comment on Edward
Q105613061Variation in group territorial behavior: a response to comments on Christensen and Radford
Q122191230Variation in nuptial gift quality in bush crickets (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Q128683763Variation in the condition-dependence of individual sexual traits in male eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki
Q57237209Variation in the effect of repeated intrusions on calling behavior in a territorial toadlet
Q115414519Varied female and male courtship behavior facilitated the evolution of a novel sexual signal
Q114093513Vegetation structure mediates a shift in predator avoidance behavior in a range-edge population
Q57706875Vertical bars on male Xiphophorus multilineatus: a signal that deters rival males and attracts females
Q112806636Viability selection by invertebrate predators in the polyphenic black scavenger fly Sepsis thoracica
Q57655579Vibratory communication in the jumping spider Phidippus clarus: polyandry, male courtship signals, and mating success
Q111376724Vigilance and predation of a forest-living bird species depend on large-scale habitat structure
Q115543404Vigilance and predator detection vary between avian species with different visual acuity and coverage
Q57067391Vigilance does not covary with group size in an island population of silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis)
Q56505305Vigor and skill in the acrobatic mating displays of a Neotropical songbird
Q113034032Vireo song repertoires and migratory distance: three sexual selection hypotheses fail to explain the correlation
Q37627040Virginity and the clutch size behavior of a parasitoid wasp where mothers mate their sons
Q109041127Visual obstruction, but not moderate traffic noise, increases reliance on heterospecific alarm calls
Q60481822Visual predators impose correlational selection on prey color pattern and behavior
Q115543654Visual recognition and coevolutionary history drive responses of amphibians to an invasive predator
Q59278403Vocal behavior predicts reproductive success in a teleost fish
Q109041209Vocal characteristics of prairie dog alarm calls across an urban noise gradient
Q30407655Vocal fundamental and formant frequencies are honest signals of threat potential in peripubertal males
Q98238548Volatile fatty acid and aldehyde abundances evolve with behavior and habitat temperature in Sceloporus lizards
Q124833483W. D. Hamilton and the evolution of sociality
Q112806641Walking the line: search behavior and foraging success in ant species
Q34532669Wall lizards display conspicuous signals to conspecifics and reduce detection by avian predators.
Q56451698Wary invaders and clever natives: sympatric house geckos show disparate responses to predator scent
Q60802455Wasp behavior leads to uniform parasitism of a host available only a few hours per year
Q56267788Waste management in the leaf-cutting ant Atta colombica
Q60060557Water-seeking behavior in insects harboring hairworms: should the host collaborate?
Q30499362Water-seeking behavior in worm-infected crickets and reversibility of parasitic manipulation.
Q61954695We can study how mechanisms evolve without knowing the rules of chess or the workings of the brain
Q55872328Wealth modifies relationships between kin and women's fertility in high-income countries
Q59394344What a hawkmoth remembers after hibernation depends on innate preferences and conditioning situation
Q115543459What best explains vigilance in elk: characteristics of prey, predators, or the environment?
Q57062859What decision rules might pink-footed geese use to depart on migration? An individual-based model
Q115543246What do predators do? A response to comments on Skelhorn et al.
Q127776647What have we recently learned about song learning and social interactions?
Q113035061What hypothesis tests are not: a reply to Johnson
Q113035064What hypothesis tests are not: a response to Colegrave and Ruxton
Q114590582What is camouflage through distractive markings? A reply to Merilaita et al. (2013)
Q35419517What is sexual selection and the short herstory of female trait variation
Q115213352What is the magnitude of the group-size effect on vigilance?
Q114641703What is the role of competition among pairs in speciation?: a comment on Tinghitella et al
Q115414448What makes a multimodal signal attractive? A preference function approach
Q113821184What makes motion dazzle markings effective against predation?
Q58042283When are vomiting males attractive? Sexual selection on condition-dependent nuptial feeding in Drosophila subobscura
Q125813859When climate change affects where birds sing
Q59117485When every sperm counts: factors affecting male fertility in the honeybee Apis mellifera
Q60580771When males are more inclined to stay at home: insights into the partial migration of a pelagic seabird provided by geolocators and isotopes
Q115543421When predators become prey: flight decisions in jumping spiders
Q125797391When should I be aggressive? A state-dependent foraging game between competitors
Q115543259When to attack defended prey? A comment on Skelhorn et al.
Q54161180When to bee social: interactions among environmental constraints, incentives, guarding, and relatedness in a facultatively social carpenter bee
Q37090344Wherever I may roam: social viscosity and kin affiliation in a wild population despite natal dispersal
Q129489047Which tools to use? Choice optimization in the tool-using ant, Aphaenogaster subterranea
Q59270378Which traits do observers use to distinguish Batesian mimics from their models?
Q61822277Who Cares? Between-group variation in alloparental caregiving in sperm whales
Q53278664Who cares? Experimental attention biases provide new insights into a mammalian sexual signal.
Q57237226Why are females ornamented? A test of the courtship stimulation and courtship rejection hypotheses
Q115414427Why do females sing?—pair communication and other song functions in eastern bluebirds
Q56535393Why do kangaroo rats (Dipodomys spectabilis) footdrum at snakes?
Q113035126Why don't all siblicidal eagles lay insurance eggs? The egg quality hypothesis
Q126531994Why don’t long-finned pilot whales have a widespread postreproductive lifespan? Insights from genetic data
Q113035130Why female crested tits copulate repeatedly with the same partner: evidence for the mate assessment hypothesis
Q113821203Why fledge early in the day? Examining the role of predation risk in explaining fledging behavior
Q109725765Why is the giant panda black and white?
Q56953497Why long-lived species are more likely to be social: the role of local dominance
Q59757972Why make daughters larger? Maternal sex-allocation and sex-dependent selection for body size in a mass-provisioning wasp, Trypoxylon politum
Q127355531Why study intraspecific variation: a comment on Harding et al.
Q113034972Why woodcock commute: testing the foraging-benefit and predation-risk hypotheses
Q109041193Wild dwarf mongooses produce general alert and predator-specific alarm calls
Q112806648Wild zebra finches are attracted towards acoustic cues from conspecific social groups
Q60557345Will systematic reviews facilitate translational behavioral ecology? With a few conditions: comment on Berger-Tal et al
Q57562626Wind drift explains the reoriented morning flights of songbirds
Q34398737Wind selectivity and partial compensation for wind drift among nocturnally migrating passerines
Q127477022Winter corticosterone and body condition predict breeding investment in a nonmigratory bird
Q60582713Within-bout dynamics of diet choice
Q59256339Within-group relatedness can lead to higher levels of exploitation: a model and empirical test
Q60337015Within-group vocal differentiation of individuals in the cooperatively breeding apostlebird
Q128952800Within-individual variation in sexual displays: signal or noise?
Q106560091Wolves choose ambushing locations to counter and capitalize on the sensory abilities of their prey
Q61502943Women’s own voice pitch predicts their preferences for masculinity in men’s voices
Q113275643Worker biting interactions and task performance in a swarm-founding eusocial wasp (Polybia occidentalis, Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
Q29037032Worker policing in the German wasp Vespula germanica
Q58814709Worker reproduction in mixed-species colonies of honey bees
Q60459862Yellow warbler defenses are retained in the absence of brood parasitism but enhanced by experience with cowbirds
Q60311492Yolk carotenoids have sex-dependent effects on redox status and influence the resolution of growth trade-offs in yellow-legged gull chicks
Q115543503You can run—or you can hide: optimal strategies for cryptic prey against pursuit predators
Q104872895Zebra finch females prefer males with redder bills independent of song rate—a meta-analysis
Q113821196Zebra reduce predation risk in mixed-species herds by eavesdropping on cues from giraffe
Q115543170“Hot deals at sea”: responses of a top predator (Bottlenose dolphin,Tursiops truncatus) to human-induced changes in the coastal ecosystem

Q41045685Karen Cranstonfield of workP101

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