Dietary patterns and physical activity in the metabolically (un)healthy obese: the Dutch Lifelines cohort study

scientific article published on 12 February 2018

Dietary patterns and physical activity in the metabolically (un)healthy obese: the Dutch Lifelines cohort study is …
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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1100993146
P932PMC publication ID5809859
P698PubMed publication ID29433580

P50authorDaan KromhoutQ110636089
Jana V van Vliet-OstaptchoukQ37630891
P2093author name stringBruce H R Wolffenbuttel
Edith J M Feskens
Jeanne H M de Vries
Eva Corpeleijn
Melanie M van der Klauw
Anna Sijtsma
Corine W M Perenboom
Linda G Swart-Busscher
Sandra N Slagter
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P921main subjectobesityQ12174
P577publication date2018-02-12
P1433published inNutrition JournalQ15751205
P1476titleDietary patterns and physical activity in the metabolically (un)healthy obese: the Dutch Lifelines cohort study