California Proposition 209

ballot proposition that banned affirmative action in California

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Abstract is: Proposition 209 (also known as the California Civil Rights Initiative or CCRI) is a California ballot proposition which, upon approval in November 1996, amended the state constitution to prohibit state governmental institutions from considering race, sex, or ethnicity, specifically in the areas of public employment, public contracting, and public education. Modeled on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the California Civil Rights Initiative was authored by two California academics, Glynn Custred and Tom Wood. It was the first electoral test of affirmative action policies in North America. It passed with 55% in favor to 45% opposed.

California Proposition 209 is …
instance of (P31):
California ballot propositionQ5021202

External links are IDaaw/vignette_aahw/1996-california-proposition-209
P1417Encyclopædia Britannica Online IDtopic/Proposition-209
P646Freebase ID/m/03vpj4

P1001applies to jurisdictionCaliforniaQ99
P50authorGlynn CustredQ55991386
P17countryUnited States of AmericaQ30
P921main subjectaffirmative actionQ214244
P585point in time1996-01-01

Reverse relations

Q7968990Ward Connerlysignificant eventP793
Q55991386Glynn Custrednotable workP800

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