
web server software

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Puma_(web_server)

Abstract is: Puma is an HTTP web server derived from Mongrel and written by Evan Phoenix. It stresses speed and efficient use of memory.

Puma is …
instance of (P31):
web serverQ11288
free and open-source softwareQ506883
application serverQ71550

External links are
P3442Debian stable packagepuma
P7427FreeBSD portwww/rubygem-puma
P3499Gentoo packagewww-servers/puma
P2037GitHub usernamepuma
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11f55587sw
P11292man pagepuma.1
P7966NetBSD package IDwww/ruby-puma
P856official websitehttps://puma.io/
P1972Open Hub IDpuma
P7967OpenBSD portwww/ruby-puma
P7788openSUSE packagerubygem-puma
P6931Repology project nameruby:puma
P5566RubyGems gem IDpuma
P1324source code repository URLhttps://github.com/puma/puma
P2002X usernamegopumago

P144based onMongrelQ1737219
P275copyright license3-clause BSD LicenseQ18491847
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P366has useweb serverQ11288
P138named aftercougarQ35255
P277programmed inCQ15777
P8687social media followers1052
P348software version identifier6.4.1

Reverse relations

Q27986619Mastodondepends on softwareP1547

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Puma (web server)wikipedia
      Puma (Webサーバ)wikipedia

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