Well-tempered metadynamics converges asymptotically

scientific article published on 18 June 2014

Well-tempered metadynamics converges asymptotically is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID24996077

P50authorMichele ParrinelloQ479473
Gregory A. VothQ57509235
P2093author name stringJames F Dama
P2860cites workMulticanonical ensemble: A new approach to simulate first-order phase transitionsQ21698968
Well-Tempered Metadynamics: A Smoothly Converging and Tunable Free-Energy MethodQ27336076
Efficient, Multiple-Range Random Walk Algorithm to Calculate the Density of StatesQ27349838
Analysis of the convergence of the 1t and Wang-Landau algorithms in the calculation of multidimensional integralsQ27351211
Approaching a parameter-free metadynamicsQ27444510
Random walk in orthogonal space to achieve efficient free-energy simulation of complex systemsQ30485543
Molecular basis of cyclooxygenase enzymes (COXs) selective inhibitionQ33777769
Escaping free-energy minimaQ34151010
A self-learning algorithm for biased molecular dynamicsQ34200169
Local elevation: a method for improving the searching properties of molecular dynamics simulation.Q34309917
Flexible docking in solution using metadynamicsQ34396573
Molecular dynamics simulations of biomoleculesQ34799927
Using sketch-map coordinates to analyze and bias molecular dynamics simulationsQ35887074
High-pressure polymeric phases of carbon dioxideQ37159108
Nucleotide-dependent conformational states of actinQ37293283
Exploring the Free Energy Landscape of Solutes Embedded in Lipid BilayersQ40632607
Determination of solvation free energies by adaptive expanded ensemble molecular dynamicsQ44989193
Adaptive biasing force method for scalar and vector free energy calculationsQ46830946
A boundary correction algorithm for metadynamics in multiple dimensionsQ46855901
Optimization of expanded ensemble methodsQ47206131
Metadynamics with Adaptive GaussiansQ49119989
Free energy calculations: an efficient adaptive biasing potential methodQ51613069
Wang-Landau algorithm: a theoretical analysis of the saturation of the errorQ51900266
On the convergence improvement in the metadynamics simulations: a Wang-Landau recursion approachQ51913913
Fast algorithm to calculate density of statesQ51914706
Optimizing the ensemble for equilibration in broad-histogram Monte Carlo simulationsQ51982267
Multidimensional view of amyloid fibril nucleation in atomistic detail.Q53094754
Future paths for integer programming and links to artificial intelligenceQ55934114
Adaptive umbrella sampling: Self-consistent determination of the non-Boltzmann biasQ56093105
Stochastic Approximation Algorithms and ApplicationsQ56519599
PLUMED: A portable plugin for free-energy calculations with molecular dynamicsQ56766568
The role of water in host-guest interactionQ57943293
Equilibrium Free Energies from Nonequilibrium MetadynamicsQ57943375
Using collective variables to drive molecular dynamics simulationsQ57955149
Metadynamics convergence law in a multidimensional systemQ58325567
New advances in metadynamicsQ58465772
Assessing the Accuracy of Metadynamics†Q58465804
Anisotropy of Earth's D″ layer and stacking faults in the MgSiO3 post-perovskite phaseQ59090573
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2014-06-18
P1433published inPhysical Review LettersQ2018386
P1476titleWell-tempered metadynamics converges asymptotically

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cites work (P2860)
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