scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Joaquín Ortego | Q42408229 |
P2093 | author name string | Juan José Sanz | |
Vicente García-Navas | |||
P2860 | cites work | The genetic basis of inbreeding depression | Q73481632 |
Inheritance and variation in eggshell patterning in the great tit Parus major | Q73485258 | ||
A comparison of microsatellite-based pairwise relatedness estimators | Q74041414 | ||
Mate choice for non-additive genetic benefits: a resolution to the lek paradox | Q81549735 | ||
Measuring inbreeding depression in the wild: the old ways are the best | Q83345434 | ||
STORM: software for testing hypotheses of relatedness and mating patterns | Q84130506 | ||
Inference of population structure using multilocus genotype data | Q24548114 | ||
Ultraviolet sexual dimorphism and assortative mating in blue tits | Q24672963 | ||
Blue tits are ultraviolet tits | Q24672980 | ||
Heritable true fitness and bright birds: a role for parasites? | Q28278977 | ||
Understanding the relationship between the inbreeding coefficient and multilocus heterozygosity: theoretical expectations and empirical data | Q30943999 | ||
Genetic quality and sexual selection: an integrated framework for good genes and compatible genes | Q36006080 | ||
Genetic diversity predicts pathogen resistance and cell-mediated immunocompetence in house finches | Q38759397 | ||
Correlations between heterozygosity and measures of genetic similarity: implications for understanding mate choice | Q40336043 | ||
What should we weigh to estimate heterozygosity, alleles or loci? | Q42603571 | ||
Risk of ectoparasitism and genetic diversity in a wild lesser kestrel population | Q44167381 | ||
Female sticklebacks count alleles in a strategy of sexual selection explaining MHC polymorphism | Q44394983 | ||
Inbreeding: Disease susceptibility in California sea lions. | Q46613638 | ||
Females increase offspring heterozygosity and fitness through extra-pair matings | Q47602982 | ||
Microsatellite measures of inbreeding: a meta-analysis | Q47790308 | ||
Eggshell pigmentation pattern in relation to breeding performance of blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus | Q50457261 | ||
A spatial genetic structure and effects of relatedness on mate choice in a wild bird population. | Q50474178 | ||
Preferences for ultraviolet partners in the blue tit. | Q50515518 | ||
Choosing mates: good genes versus genes that are a good fit. | Q50937757 | ||
Evolution of mate choice for genome-wide heterozygosity | Q51667580 | ||
No evidence for inbreeding avoidance in a natural population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). | Q51678368 | ||
On the resolution of the lek paradox | Q51724001 | ||
Natal dispersal and parental escorting predict relatedness between mates in a passerine bird. | Q51724310 | ||
Egg production and individual genetic diversity in lesser kestrels. | Q51750575 | ||
Secondary sexual ornamentation and non-additive genetic benefits of female mate choice | Q51760183 | ||
Female fur seals show active choice for males that are heterozygous and unrelated | Q51767429 | ||
Hamilton and Zuk meet heterozygosity? Song repertoire size indicates inbreeding and immunity in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). | Q52287289 | ||
Complex Mhc-based mate choice in a wild passerine | Q52569857 | ||
Dispersal as a means of inbreeding avoidance in a wild bird population | Q54044541 | ||
Inbreeding depression and genetic load of sexually selected traits: how the guppy lost its spots | Q54432829 | ||
Individual genetic diversity correlates with the size and spatial isolation of natal colonies in a bird metapopulation. | Q54531324 | ||
Genetic consequences of natal dispersal in the colonial lesser kestrel. | Q54541882 | ||
Severe inbreeding depression in collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis). | Q55717621 | ||
A test of the good-genes-as-heterozygosity hypothesis using red-winged blackbirds | Q56269921 | ||
A theory of mate choice based on heterozygosity | Q56656961 | ||
The evolution of polyandry II: post-copulatory defenses against genetic incompatibility | Q56656962 | ||
Male heterozygosity predicts territory size, song structure and reproductive success in a cooperatively breeding bird | Q57267722 | ||
Does heterozygosity estimate inbreeding in real populations? | Q57590061 | ||
Does reduced heterozygosity depress sperm quality in wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)? | Q57614935 | ||
Sexual selection and individual genetic diversity in a songbird | Q60430771 | ||
Genetic similarity and quality interact in mate choice decisions by female mice | Q63437954 | ||
Similarity of DNA fingerprints due to chance and relatedness | Q64461907 | ||
Correlation between the individual heterozygosity of parents and their offspring | Q72899995 | ||
P433 | issue | 1669 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | Eurasian Blue Tit | Q25404 |
mate choice | Q1209263 | ||
heterozygosity | Q124059385 | ||
P1104 | number of pages | 10 | |
P304 | page(s) | 2931-2940 | |
P577 | publication date | 2009-05-27 | |
P1433 | published in | Proceedings of the Royal Society B | Q2625424 |
P1476 | title | Heterozygosity-based assortative mating in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus): implications for the evolution of mate choice | |
P478 | volume | 276 |
Q51276432 | 'Out of tune': consequences of inbreeding on bird song. |
Q46897505 | 'Prudent habitat choice': a novel mechanism of size-assortative mating |
Q30537228 | Archiving Primary Data: Solutions for Long-Term Studies |
Q37740298 | Assortative mating by colored ornaments in blue tits: space and time matter |
Q34490775 | Causes of lifetime fitness of Darwin's finches in a fluctuating environment |
Q46633247 | Choosy Wolves? Heterozygote Advantage But No Evidence of MHC-Based Disassortative Mating |
Q50268206 | Correlations between heterozygosity and reproductive success in the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus): an analysis of inbreeding and single locus effects |
Q42702408 | Direct fitness benefits explain mate preference, but not choice, for similarity in heterozygosity levels. |
Q59812738 | Effects of blood parasite infection and innate immune genetic diversity on mating patterns in a passerine bird breeding in contrasted habitats |
Q58376715 | Effects of heterozygosity and MHC diversity on patterns of extra-pair paternity in the socially monogamous scarlet rosefinch |
Q48377251 | Female mating preferences and offspring survival: testing hypotheses on the genetic basis of mate choice in a wild lekking bird |
Q102369324 | Genetic monogamy and mate choice in a pair-living primate |
Q36363535 | Genetic variance components and heritability of multiallelic heterozygosity under inbreeding |
Q50275532 | Heterozygosity and survival in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus): contrasting effects of presumably functional and neutral loci |
Q48180992 | Heterozygosity at a single locus explains a large proportion of variation in two fitness-related traits in great tits: a general or a local effect? |
Q33352625 | Heterozygosity predicts clutch and egg size but not plasticity in a house sparrow population with no evidence of inbreeding |
Q58586021 | How to quantify animal activity from radio-frequency identification (RFID) recordings |
Q41723757 | Individual genetic diversity and probability of infection by avian malaria parasites in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). |
Q46845317 | Influence of Inbreeding on Female Mate Choice in Two Species of Drosophila |
Q92579700 | Landscape homogenization due to agricultural intensification disrupts the relationship between reproductive success and main prey abundance in an avian predator |
Q35846860 | Local Heterozygosity Effects on Nestling Growth and Condition in the Great Cormorant |
Q57206484 | Multiple sexual ornaments signal heterozygosity in male blue tits |
Q90422348 | No evidence of positive assortative mating for genetic quality in fruit flies |
Q51319439 | Offspring fitness varies with parental extra-pair status in song sparrows,Melospiza melodia |
Q30534632 | Opposite differential allocation by males and females of the same species |
Q48599616 | Reduced population size does not affect the mating strategy of a vulnerable and endemic seabird. |
Q34582083 | Reproductive success depends on the quality of helpers in the endangered, cooperative El Oro parakeet (Pyrrhura orcesi). |
Q64121166 | Scrutinizing assortative mating in birds |
Q92098206 | Seeing-good-gene-based mate choice: From genes to behavioural preferences |
Q64934197 | Semiochemical compounds of preen secretion reflect genetic make-up in a seabird species. |
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Q35930177 | Spatial patterns of extra-pair paternity in a waterbird colony: separating the effects of nesting density and nest site location. |
Q30382290 | Structural (UV) and carotenoid-based plumage coloration - signals for parental investment? |
Q51606158 | Temporal variation of heterozygosity-based assortative mating and related benefits in a lesser kestrel population. |
Q40072666 | The effects of sex hormones on immune function: a meta-analysis |
Q39051632 | The strength of the association between heterozygosity and probability of interannual local recruitment increases with environmental harshness in blue tits. |
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