scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Hansi Weißensteiner | Q58808921 |
Florian Kronenberg | Q28039325 | ||
P2093 | author name string | Anita Kloss-Brandstätter | |
Günther Specht | |||
Sebastian Schönherr | |||
Dominic Pacher | |||
Robert Binna | |||
P2860 | cites work | The phylogeny of the four pan-American MtDNA haplogroups: implications for evolutionary and disease studies | Q21144337 |
Single, Rapid Coastal Settlement of Asia Revealed by Analysis of Complete Mitochondrial Genomes | Q22065802 | ||
Correcting for purifying selection: an improved human mitochondrial molecular clock | Q22252552 | ||
A signal, from human mtDNA, of postglacial recolonization in Europe | Q24533394 | ||
Ethiopian mitochondrial DNA heritage: tracking gene flow across and around the gate of tears | Q24534059 | ||
Phylogeny of mitochondrial DNA macrohaplogroup N in India, based on complete sequencing: implications for the peopling of South Asia | Q24534168 | ||
Molecular epidemiology of childhood mitochondrial encephalomyopathies in a Finnish population: sequence analysis of entire mtDNA of 17 children reveals heteroplasmic mutations in tRNAArg, tRNAGlu, and tRNALeu(UUR) genes | Q45001648 | ||
mtDNA tree Build 17 (18 Feb 2016) | Q45008912 | ||
Forensic and phylogeographic characterization of mtDNA lineages from northern Thailand (Chiang Mai). | Q45733943 | ||
Low "penetrance" of phylogenetic knowledge in mitochondrial disease studies | Q48133900 | ||
Problems in FBI mtDNA database | Q48174238 | ||
High penetrance of sequencing errors and interpretative shortcomings in mtDNA sequence analysis of LHON patients | Q51928272 | ||
Phantom mutation hotspots in human mitochondrial DNA. | Q54642809 | ||
A practical guide to mitochondrial DNA error prevention in clinical, forensic, and population genetics | Q57721396 | ||
‘Distorted’ mitochondrial DNA sequences in schizophrenic patients | Q58453901 | ||
Application of a quasi-median network analysis for the visualization of character conflicts to a population sample of mitochondrial DNA control region sequences from southern Germany (Ulm) | Q80001378 | ||
Migration rates and genetic structure of two Hungarian ethnic groups in Transylvania, Romania | Q80391913 | ||
The matrilineal ancestry of Ashkenazi Jewry: portrait of a recent founder event | Q24540769 | ||
Strong maternal Khoisan contribution to the South African coloured population: a case of gender-biased admixture | Q24603025 | ||
Mitochondrial haplogroup U5b3: a distant echo of the epipaleolithic in Italy and the legacy of the early Sardinians | Q24647501 | ||
The dawn of human matrilineal diversity | Q24656149 | ||
A critical reassessment of the role of mitochondria in tumorigenesis | Q24810557 | ||
Timing and deciphering mitochondrial DNA macro-haplogroup R0 variability in Central Europe and Middle East | Q27496574 | ||
Median-joining networks for inferring intraspecific phylogenies | Q27860619 | ||
Reanalysis and revision of the Cambridge reference sequence for human mitochondrial DNA | Q27860870 | ||
Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences from Nairobi (Kenya): inferring phylogenetic parameters for the establishment of a forensic database | Q28271556 | ||
The archaeogenetics of Europe | Q28274031 | ||
Mitochondrial DNA sequence heteroplasmy in the Grand Duke of Russia Georgij Romanov establishes the authenticity of the remains of Tsar Nicholas II | Q28278762 | ||
Detecting errors in mtDNA data by phylogenetic analysis | Q30666169 | ||
The fingerprint of phantom mutations in mitochondrial DNA data | Q30739589 | ||
MitoVariome: a variome database of human mitochondrial DNA. | Q30950224 | ||
Generating population data for the EMPOP database - an overview of the mtDNA sequencing and data evaluation processes considering 273 Austrian control region sequences as example | Q31048365 | ||
Translating DNA data tables into quasi-median networks for parsimony analysis and error detection | Q31058345 | ||
Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences in Koreans: identification of useful variable sites and phylogenetic analysis for mtDNA data quality control. | Q33223758 | ||
Distilling artificial recombinants from large sets of complete mtDNA genomes | Q33361663 | ||
mtDNAmanager: a Web-based tool for the management and quality analysis of mitochondrial DNA control-region sequences | Q33384977 | ||
Contamination and sample mix-up can best explain some patterns of mtDNA instabilities in buccal cells and oral squamous cell carcinoma | Q33430993 | ||
eCOMPAGT -- efficient combination and management of phenotypes and genotypes for genetic epidemiology | Q33443467 | ||
eCOMPAGT integrates mtDNA: import, validation and export of mitochondrial DNA profiles for population genetics, tumour dynamics and genotype-phenotype association studies | Q33538873 | ||
Dissection of mitochondrial superhaplogroup H using coding region SNPs | Q34530030 | ||
Principal-component analysis for assessment of population stratification in mitochondrial medical genetics | Q34544496 | ||
Normal levels of wild-type mitochondrial DNA maintain cytochrome c oxidase activity for two pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations but not for m.3243A-->G. | Q35946532 | ||
Epidemiology. DNA identifications after the 9/11 World Trade Center attack | Q36315389 | ||
Pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations are common in the general population | Q36808847 | ||
The diversity present in 5140 human mitochondrial genomes | Q42034984 | ||
Revision of the mtDNA tree and corresponding haplogroup nomenclature | Q42866235 | ||
To trust or not to trust an idiosyncratic mitochondrial data set. | Q42927562 | ||
Median network analysis of defectively sequenced entire mitochondrial genomes from early and contemporary disease studies | Q43525882 | ||
The mtDNA composition of Uzbekistan: a microcosm of Central Asian patterns | Q44036095 | ||
P433 | issue | 1 | |
P921 | main subject | mitochondrial DNA | Q27075 |
mitochondrion | Q39572 | ||
automation | Q184199 | ||
P304 | page(s) | 25-32 | |
P577 | publication date | 2010-11-16 | |
P1433 | published in | Human Mutation | Q5937269 |
P1476 | title | HaploGrep: a fast and reliable algorithm for automatic classification of mitochondrial DNA haplogroups | |
P478 | volume | 32 |
Q47711856 | 2000 years of parallel societies in Stone Age Central Europe |
Q28607215 | A Common Genetic Origin for Early Farmers from Mediterranean Cardial and Central European LBK Cultures |
Q29037069 | A European Mitochondrial Haplotype Identified in Ancient Phoenician Remains from Carthage, North Africa |
Q57991440 | A common pattern of DNase I footprinting throughout the human mtDNA unveils clues for a chromatin-like organization |
Q37336092 | A continuum of admixture in the Western Hemisphere revealed by the African Diaspora genome |
Q38684970 | A fourth Denisovan individual |
Q36320841 | A genetic chronology for the Indian Subcontinent points to heavily sex-biased dispersals |
Q91081327 | A genetic perspective on Longobard-Era migrations |
Q28334574 | A molecular portrait of maternal sepsis from Byzantine Troy |
Q112914141 | A multidisciplinary study of calcaneal trauma in Roman Italy: a possible case of crucifixion? |
Q50348901 | A novel mutation m.8561C>G in MT-ATP6/8 causing a mitochondrial syndrome with ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, diabetes mellitus, and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. |
Q112316512 | A population history of Tokelau – genetic variation and change in atoll populations |
Q34744001 | Accurate mitochondrial DNA sequencing using off-target reads provides a single test to identify pathogenic point mutations |
Q35182160 | Admixture and genetic diversity distribution patterns of non-recombining lineages of Native American ancestry in Colombian populations |
Q99572035 | An integrated personal and population-based Egyptian genome reference |
Q29617149 | An integrated semiconductor device enabling non-optical genome sequencing |
Q34762245 | An integrated transcriptome and expressed variant analysis of sepsis survival and death |
Q90914228 | Analysis of ancient mtDNA from the medieval archeological site of Amiternum (L'Aquila), central Italy |
Q30458831 | Analysis of the Mitochondrial Genome of a Novosvobodnaya Culture Representative using Next-Generation Sequencing and Its Relation to the Funnel Beaker Culture |
Q36296323 | Ancestry and demography and descendants of Iron Age nomads of the Eurasian Steppe |
Q21144871 | Ancient DNA analysis of 8000 B.C. near eastern farmers supports an early neolithic pioneer maritime colonization of Mainland Europe through Cyprus and the Aegean Islands |
Q59794578 | Ancient DNA of Phoenician remains indicates discontinuity in the settlement history of Ibiza |
Q24561439 | Ancient DNA reveals key stages in the formation of central European mitochondrial genetic diversity |
Q91694020 | Ancient DNA sheds light on the genetic origins of early Iron Age Philistines |
Q36182031 | Ancient Out-of-Africa Mitochondrial DNA Variants Associate with Distinct Mitochondrial Gene Expression Patterns. |
Q56609302 | Ancient genomes from North Africa evidence prehistoric migrations to the Maghreb from both the Levant and Europe |
Q52535504 | Ancient human mitochondrial DNA and radiocarbon analysis of archived quids from the Mule Spring Rockshelter, Nevada, USA. |
Q34768723 | Ancient mitochondrial DNA from the northern fringe of the Neolithic farming expansion in Europe sheds light on the dispersion process |
Q47555619 | Ancient mitogenomes of Phoenicians from Sardinia and Lebanon: A story of settlement, integration, and female mobility |
Q54972155 | Ancient pathogen DNA in human teeth and petrous bones. |
Q28709094 | Ancient substructure in early mtDNA lineages of southern Africa |
Q30274712 | Archaeogenomic evidence reveals prehistoric matrilineal dynasty |
Q38415111 | Archaeology. The makers of the Protoaurignacian and implications for Neandertal extinction. |
Q28710507 | Assessing the genetic influence of ancient sociopolitical structure: micro-differentiation patterns in the population of Asturias (Northern Spain) |
Q38612433 | Association Between Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroup Variation and Autism Spectrum Disorders. |
Q90437799 | Association between mitochondrial genetic variation and breast cancer risk: The Multiethnic Cohort |
Q35764730 | Association of Genes, Pathways, and Haplogroups of the Mitochondrial Genome with the Risk of Colorectal Cancer: The Multiethnic Cohort |
Q41146972 | Associations between male infertility and ancestry in South Americans: a case control study. |
Q39199722 | Bayesian analyses of Yemeni mitochondrial genomes suggest multiple migration events with Africa and Western Eurasia |
Q30459449 | Between the Baltic and Danubian Worlds: the genetic affinities of a Middle Neolithic population from central Poland |
Q35847841 | Blind study evaluation illustrates utility of the Ion PGM™ system for use in human identity DNA typing |
Q36324310 | Bones hold the key to DNA virus history and epidemiology |
Q39232047 | Clinical Features, Molecular Heterogeneity, and Prognostic Implications in YARS2-Related Mitochondrial Myopathy |
Q34378090 | Cloudgene: a graphical execution platform for MapReduce programs on private and public clouds |
Q113458402 | Combined methodologies for gaining much information from ancient dental calculus: testing experimental strategies for simultaneously analysing DNA and food residues |
Q58802415 | Complete human mtDNA genome sequences from Vietnam and the phylogeography of Mainland Southeast Asia |
Q37559763 | Complete mitochondrial genomes of Thai and Lao populations indicate an ancient origin of Austroasiatic groups and demic diffusion in the spread of Tai-Kadai languages |
Q37678882 | Complete mitochondrial sequences from Mesolithic Sardinia |
Q28660510 | Complete mtDNA genomes of Filipino ethnolinguistic groups: a melting pot of recent and ancient lineages in the Asia-Pacific region |
Q38822464 | Complex-I Alteration and Enhanced Mitochondrial Fusion Are Associated With Prostate Cancer Progression |
Q39199840 | Comprehensive view of the population history of Arabia as inferred by mtDNA variation. |
Q37286533 | Concept for estimating mitochondrial DNA haplogroups using a maximum likelihood approach (EMMA) |
Q48171390 | Contrasting maternal and paternal genetic variation of hunter-gatherer groups in Thailand. |
Q35123589 | Controlling for contamination in re-sequencing studies with a reproducible web-based phylogenetic approach |
Q97636377 | Cultural variation impacts paternal and maternal genetic lineages of the Hmong-Mien and Sino-Tibetan groups from Thailand |
Q42380179 | Demographic history and biologically relevant genetic variation of Native Mexicans inferred from whole-genome sequencing |
Q37316962 | Determination of population origin: a comparison of autosomal SNPs, Y-chromosomal and mtDNA haplogroups using a Malagasy population as example |
Q54185676 | Developing a multiplex mtSNP assay for forensic application in Han Chinese based on mtDNA phylogeny and hot spot |
Q28604214 | Different Evolutionary History for Basque Diaspora Populations in USA and Argentina Unveiled by Mitochondrial DNA Analysis |
Q34472544 | Disrupting mitochondrial-nuclear coevolution affects OXPHOS complex I integrity and impacts human health. |
Q92357155 | Environmental factors modulated ancient mitochondrial DNA variability and the prevalence of rheumatic diseases in the Basque Country |
Q35594914 | Epidermal nerve fiber density, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial haplogroups in HIV-infected Thais initiating therapy |
Q37701959 | European Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups are Associated with Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers of Inflammation in HIV Infection |
Q94453395 | Evaluation of non-coding region sequence variants and mitochondrial haplogroups as potential biomarkers of sporadic breast cancer in individuals of Sri Lankan Sinhalese ethnicity |
Q62487276 | Evidence of Austronesian Genetic Lineages in East Africa and South Arabia: Complex Dispersal from Madagascar and Southeast Asia |
Q47244222 | Evidence of high genetic variation among linguistically diverse populations on a micro-geographic scale: a case study of the Italian Alps. |
Q60364425 | Evolutionary genomic dynamics of Peruvians before, during, and after the Inca Empire |
Q47551902 | Examining the role of common and rare mitochondrial variants in schizophrenia |
Q30987801 | Experiences with workflows for automating data-intensive bioinformatics |
Q35861969 | Fine Dissection of Human Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroup HV Lineages Reveals Paleolithic Signatures from European Glacial Refugia |
Q53792022 | Fine Time Scaling of Purifying Selection on Human Nonsynonymous mtDNA Mutations Based on the Worldwide Population Tree and Mother-Child Pairs |
Q35008978 | Frequency and pattern of heteroplasmy in the complete human mitochondrial genome. |
Q28650928 | Genealogical relationships between early medieval and modern inhabitants of Piedmont |
Q36136928 | Genetic Diversity in the Lesser Antilles and Its Implications for the Settlement of the Caribbean Basin |
Q35705232 | Genetic Evidence Supports the Multiethnic Character of Teopancazco, a Neighborhood Center of Teotihuacan, Mexico (AD 200-600). |
Q36300025 | Genetic affinities among the historical provinces of Romania and Central Europe as revealed by an mtDNA analysis |
Q47312292 | Genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA control region variations in four tribes of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan |
Q47186404 | Genetic diversity in Svaneti and its implications for the human settlement of the Highland Caucasus |
Q34018452 | Genetic evidence of African slavery at the beginning of the trans-Atlantic slave trade |
Q50519590 | Genetic perspective of uniparental mitochondrial DNA landscape on the Punjabi population, Pakistan |
Q35147714 | Genetic stratigraphy of key demographic events in Arabia |
Q30437010 | Genome at juncture of early human migration: a systematic analysis of two whole genomes and thirteen exomes from Kuwaiti population subgroup of inferred Saudi Arabian tribe ancestry |
Q35355792 | Genome flux and stasis in a five millennium transect of European prehistory |
Q35229460 | Genome-wide ancestry of 17th-century enslaved Africans from the Caribbean |
Q28601702 | Genomic evidence for the Pleistocene and recent population history of Native Americans |
Q30040858 | Genomic insights on the ethno-history of the Maya and the ‘Ladinos’ from Guatemala |
Q49567146 | Genomic structure of the native inhabitants of Peninsular Malaysia and North Borneo suggests complex human population history in Southeast Asia. |
Q43972264 | HAPLOFIND: a new method for high-throughput mtDNA haplogroup assignment |
Q41582857 | HLA-DRB1*14 is a protective allele for multiple sclerosis in an admixed Colombian population. |
Q39846284 | HaploGrep 2: mitochondrial haplogroup classification in the era of high-throughput sequencing |
Q38039842 | Haplogrouping mitochondrial DNA sequences in Legal Medicine/Forensic Genetics |
Q55396033 | Hi-MC: a novel method for high-throughput mitochondrial haplogroup classification. |
Q47186366 | High-resolution mitochondrial DNA analysis sheds light on human diversity, cultural interactions, and population mobility in Northwestern Amazonia |
Q34239849 | Human paternal and maternal demographic histories: insights from high-resolution Y chromosome and mtDNA sequences. |
Q28650016 | Hunting for the LCT-13910*T allele between the Middle Neolithic and the Middle Ages suggests its absence in dairying LBK people entering the Kuyavia region in the 8th millennium BP |
Q29300605 | Identification of kinship and occupant status in Mongolian noble burials of the Yuan Dynasty through a multidisciplinary approach |
Q36506727 | Indigenous Arabs are descendants of the earliest split from ancient Eurasian populations |
Q95320602 | Initial Upper Palaeolithic Homo sapiens from Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria |
Q42317739 | Initiation of mtDNA transcription is followed by pausing, and diverges across human cell types and during evolution |
Q37152683 | Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase (ITPA) polymorphic sequence variants in adult hematological malignancy patients and possible association with mitochondrial DNA defects |
Q33617748 | Insights into the genetic structure and diversity of 38 South Asian Indians from deep whole-genome sequencing |
Q39150592 | Internal diversification of non-Sub-Saharan haplogroups in Sahelian populations and the spread of pastoralism beyond the Sahara. |
Q82798120 | Interpretation Guidelines of mtDNA Control Region Sequence Electropherograms in Forensic Genetics |
Q91045640 | Investigating mitonuclear interactions in human admixed populations |
Q21132386 | Investigating the prehistory of Tungusic peoples of Siberia and the Amur-Ussuri region with complete mtDNA genome sequences and Y-chromosomal markers |
Q35951491 | Kuwaiti population subgroup of nomadic Bedouin ancestry-Whole genome sequence and analysis |
Q30570775 | Large-scale mitochondrial DNA analysis in Southeast Asia reveals evolutionary effects of cultural isolation in the multi-ethnic population of Myanmar |
Q63071270 | Late Pleistocene human genome suggests a local origin for the first farmers of central Anatolia |
Q46427448 | Linking between genetic structure and geographical distance: Study of the maternal gene pool in the Ethiopian population. |
Q37086481 | Long-term genetic stability and a high-altitude East Asian origin for the peoples of the high valleys of the Himalayan arc |
Q36156560 | Male-specific association between MT-ND4 11719 A/G polymorphism and ulcerative colitis: a mitochondria-wide genetic association study |
Q52375014 | Massively parallel sequencing-enabled mixture analysis of mitochondrial DNA samples |
Q57091401 | Maternal genetic features of the Iron Age Tagar population from Southern Siberia (1st millennium BC) |
Q33794533 | Maternal history of Oceania from complete mtDNA genomes: contrasting ancient diversity with recent homogenization due to the Austronesian expansion. |
Q47176626 | Matriclans shape populations: Insights from the Angolan Namib Desert into the maternal genetic history of southern Africa |
Q37115388 | Meta-Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Variation in the Iberian Peninsula. |
Q33717160 | Migration and interaction in a contact zone: mtDNA variation among Bantu-speakers in Southern Africa |
Q91915908 | Mitochondrial DNA (hypervariable region I) diversity in Basrah population - Iraq |
Q58805125 | Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups and Breast Cancer Risk Factors in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) |
Q36141245 | Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups and Neurocognitive Impairment During HIV Infection |
Q36366516 | Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in Grade II and III Glioma Cell Lines Are Associated with Significant Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Higher Oxidative Stress |
Q58774933 | Mitochondrial DNA Variation and Disease Susceptibility in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma |
Q46025555 | Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Swedish population samples. |
Q112876451 | Mitochondrial DNA diversity in a Transbaikalian Xiongnu population |
Q39141203 | Mitochondrial DNA diversity of present-day Aboriginal Australians and implications for human evolution in Oceania |
Q36231680 | Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in diabetes and normal adults: role of acquired and inherited mutational patterns in twins. |
Q34382904 | Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations |
Q35287649 | Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation is largely conserved at birth with rare de novo mutations in neonates |
Q92565065 | Mitochondrial DNA variability of the Polish population |
Q36480750 | Mitochondrial DNA variants correlate with symptoms in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome |
Q33560135 | Mitochondrial DNA variants in obesity |
Q37686704 | Mitochondrial Haplogroups Affect Severity But Not Prevalence of Diabetic Retinopathy |
Q47113167 | Mitochondrial Haplogroups Modify the Effect of Diabetes Duration and HbA1c on Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Risk in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes |
Q34345846 | Mitochondrial Haplogroups and Polymorphisms Reveal No Association with Sporadic Prostate Cancer in a Southern European Population |
Q37383627 | Mitochondrial Haplogroups as a Risk Factor for Herpes Zoster. |
Q47239412 | Mitochondrial diversity patterns and the Magdalenian resettlement of Europe: new insights from the edge of the Franco-Cantabrian refuge |
Q48040815 | Mitochondrial haplogroup B4 may be a protective factor to oral lichen planus susceptibility in Chinese |
Q34159541 | Mitochondrial haplogroups are associated with severity of diabetic retinopathy. |
Q61444316 | Mitochondrial haplogroups are not associated with diabetic retinopathy in a large Australian and British Caucasian sample |
Q38989657 | Mitochondrial super-haplogroup U diversity in Serbians |
Q41634882 | Mitochondrial superclusters influence age of onset of Parkinson's disease in a gender specific manner in the Cypriot population: A case-control study |
Q64072472 | Mitogenomes illuminate the origin and migration patterns of the indigenous people of the Canary Islands |
Q52663606 | Mitonuclear linkage disequilibrium in human populations |
Q36170345 | More comprehensive forensic genetic marker analyses for accurate human remains identification using massively parallel DNA sequencing. |
Q39707525 | MtDNA and Y-chromosomal diversity in the Chachapoya, a population from the northeast Peruvian Andes-Amazon divide |
Q36052550 | Multi-layered population structure in Island Southeast Asians |
Q41730767 | Natural underlying mtDNA heteroplasmy as a potential source of intra-person hiPSC variability. |
Q52684288 | New insights from Thailand into the maternal genetic history of Mainland Southeast Asia |
Q48057726 | Novel non-neutral mitochondrial DNA mutations found in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia |
Q46879752 | Novel variants of mitochondrial DNA associated with Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Moroccan population |
Q90347974 | Nuclear-Mitochondrial interactions influence susceptibility to HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment |
Q31151972 | On the origin of Iberomaurusians: new data based on ancient mitochondrial DNA and phylogenetic analysis of Afalou and Taforalt populations |
Q35865521 | Origin and dynamics of admixture in Brazilians and its effect on the pattern of deleterious mutations |
Q34031664 | Origins and genetic legacy of Neolithic farmers and hunter-gatherers in Europe |
Q28251533 | Origins of marronage: Mitochondrial lineages of Jamaica's Accompong Town Maroons |
Q36902689 | Origins, admixture and founder lineages in European Roma |
Q28246111 | Over the sands and far away: interpreting an Iberian mitochondrial lineage with ancient Western African origins |
Q33830819 | Paleogenomic Evidence for Multi-generational Mixing between Neolithic Farmers and Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers in the Lower Danube Basin |
Q96127094 | Papuan mitochondrial genomes and the settlement of Sahul |
Q34346045 | Pathogenic mitochondrial tRNA point mutations: nine novel mutations affirm their importance as a cause of mitochondrial disease |
Q90368299 | Peripheral Blood Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number Obtained From Genome-Wide Genotype Data Is Associated With Neurocognitive Impairment in Persons With Chronic HIV Infection |
Q35367225 | Phy-Mer: a novel alignment-free and reference-independent mitochondrial haplogroup classifier. |
Q39085835 | Phylogeography, genetic diversity and demographic history of the Iranian Kurdish groups based on mtDNA sequences |
Q42178067 | Poor Man's 1000 Genome Project: Recent Human Population Expansion Confounds the Detection of Disease Alleles in 7,098 Complete Mitochondrial Genomes. |
Q42362313 | Population resequencing of European mitochondrial genomes highlights sex-bias in Bronze Age demographic expansions |
Q47297516 | Pre-Hispanic Mortuary Practices in Quebrada de Humahuaca (North-Western Argentina): Genetic Relatedness among Individuals Buried in the Same Grave |
Q34523363 | Punctuated bursts in human male demography inferred from 1,244 worldwide Y-chromosome sequences |
Q33650029 | Recent mitochondrial DNA mutations increase the risk of developing common late-onset human diseases |
Q44419979 | Schizophrenia: Maternal inheritance and heteroplasmy of mtDNA mutations |
Q36146926 | Schmutzi: estimation of contamination and endogenous mitochondrial consensus calling for ancient DNA. |
Q35108477 | Sequence and analysis of a whole genome from Kuwaiti population subgroup of Persian ancestry |
Q83094054 | Sequence variation of mitochondrial DNA control region in North Central Venezuela |
Q22065598 | Sequencing Y chromosomes resolves discrepancy in time to common ancestor of males versus females |
Q21266697 | Sequencing and analysis of a South Asian-Indian personal genome |
Q98906702 | Sex-biased patterns shaped the genetic history of Roma |
Q38980459 | Sex-specific genetic diversity is shaped by cultural factors in Inner Asian human populations. |
Q64916893 | Signs of continental ancestry in urban populations of Peru through autosomal STR loci and mitochondrial DNA typing. |
Q55153619 | Somatic Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. |
Q31048075 | Somatic mitochondrial DNA mutations in cancer escape purifying selection and high pathogenicity mutations lead to the oncocytic phenotype: pathogenicity analysis of reported somatic mtDNA mutations in tumors |
Q36595656 | Somatic mtDNA variation is an important component of Parkinson's disease |
Q41205889 | Somatic mutations throughout the entire mitochondrial genome are associated with elevated PSA levels in prostate cancer patients. |
Q35253459 | Static and moving frontiers: the genetic landscape of Southern African Bantu-speaking populations. |
Q52720612 | Strong Amerindian Mitonuclear Discordance in Puerto Rican Genomes Suggests Amerindian Mitochondrial Benefit |
Q41562142 | Successful enrichment and recovery of whole mitochondrial genomes from ancient human dental calculus |
Q47177896 | Successful reconstruction of whole mitochondrial genomes from ancient Central America and Mexico |
Q34508052 | The 5300-year-old Helicobacter pylori genome of the Iceman |
Q38606757 | The Genetic Legacy of Zoroastrianism in Iran and India: Insights into Population Structure, Gene Flow, and Selection |
Q34519640 | The Genetics of Bene Israel from India Reveals Both Substantial Jewish and Indian Ancestry |
Q35742673 | The Genomic Legacy of the Transatlantic Slave Trade in the Yungas Valley of Bolivia |
Q34490391 | The Mitochondrial DNA Northeast Asia CZD Haplogroup Is Associated with Good Disease-Free Survival among Male Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients |
Q51767194 | The Role of Mitochondrial DNA Variation in Age-Related Decline in Gait Speed Among Older Men Living with HIV. |
Q100526127 | The first reported case of the rare mitochondrial haplotype H4a1 in ancient Egypt |
Q37250474 | The genetic history of Cochin Jews from India |
Q39361265 | The genetic impact of the lake chad basin population in North Africa as documented by mitochondrial diversity and internal variation of the L3e5 haplogroup |
Q28652381 | The genomic landscape of polymorphic human nuclear mitochondrial insertions |
Q38996066 | The historical spread of Arabian Pastoralists to the eastern African Sahel evidenced by the lactase persistence -13,915*G allele and mitochondrial DNA. |
Q34219040 | The identification of the Romanovs: Can we (finally) put the controversies to rest? |
Q47161567 | The m.7510T>C mutation: Hearing impairment and a complex neurologic phenotype. |
Q90701895 | The origin and composition of Korean ethnicity analyzed by ancient and present-day genome sequences |
Q34465135 | Traces of forgotten historical events in mountain communities in Central Italy: A genetic insight. |
Q42086154 | Transcription factors bind negatively selected sites within human mtDNA genes |
Q28606938 | Uncovering the sources of DNA found on the Turin Shroud |
Q30940437 | Underlying Data for Sequencing the Mitochondrial Genome with the Massively Parallel Sequencing Platform Ion Torrent™ PGM™ |
Q34348547 | Uniparental markers in Italy reveal a sex-biased genetic structure and different historical strata |
Q40795680 | Unraveling the complex maternal history of Southern African Khoisan populations |
Q30404734 | Validation of Next-Generation Sequencing of Entire Mitochondrial Genomes and the Diversity of Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. |
Q36181880 | Very Short Mitochondrial DNA Fragments and Heteroplasmy in Human Plasma |
Q35680188 | Vestiges of an Ancient Border in the Contemporary Genetic Diversity of North-Eastern Europe |
Q38379969 | Whole Human Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing |
Q57092863 | Whole genome variant analysis in three ethnically diverse Indians |
Q40626339 | Whole mitochondrial genome genetic diversity in an Estonian population sample |
Q58611499 | Whole-genome sequencing of 175 Mongolians uncovers population-specific genetic architecture and gene flow throughout North and East Asia |
Q40040044 | Y Chromosome, Mitochondrial DNA and Childhood Behavioural Traits. |
Q34639880 | mtDNA Variation and Analysis Using Mitomap and Mitomaster |
Q21132517 | mtDNA from the early Bronze Age to the Roman period suggests a genetic link between the Indian subcontinent and Mesopotamian cradle of civilization |
Q38631871 | mtDNA structure: the women who formed the Brazilian Northeast. |
Q31078909 | mtDNA-Server: next-generation sequencing data analysis of human mitochondrial DNA in the cloud |
Q42664159 | mtDNAoffice: A software to assign human mtDNA macro haplogroups through automated analysis of the protein coding region |
Q48622366 | mtDNAprofiler: a Web application for the nomenclature and comparison of human mitochondrial DNA sequences. |
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