Java XML Binding

software framework that allows J2EE developers to map Java classes to XML representations

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Abstract is: Java XML Binding (JAXB; formerly Java Architecture for XML Binding) is a software framework that allows Java EE developers to map Java classes to XML representations. JAXB provides two main features: the ability to marshal Java objects into XML and the inverse, i.e. to unmarshal XML back into Java objects. In other words, JAXB allows storing and retrieving data in memory in any XML format, without the need to implement a specific set of XML loading and saving routines for the program's class structure. It is similar to xsd.exe and XmlSerializer in the .NET Framework. JAXB is particularly useful when the specification is complex and changing. In such a case, regularly changing the XML Schema definitions to keep them synchronised with the Java definitions can be time consuming and error-prone. JAXB is one of the APIs in the Java EE platform (formerly Java EE), part of the Java Web Services Development Pack (JWSDP), and one of the foundations for WSIT. It was also part of the Java SE platform (in version Java SE 6-10). As of Java SE 11, JAXB was removed. For details, see JEP 320. JAXB 1.0 was released in 2003, having been developed under the Java Community Process as JSR 31. In 2006 JAXB 2.0 was released under JSR 222 and Maintenance Release 2 released in December 2009. Reference implementations for these specifications were available under the CDDL open source license at

Java XML Binding is …
instance of (P31):
free and open-source softwareQ506883

External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/0349z5
P856official website
P1324source code repository URL

P275copyright licenseGPL linking exceptionQ1486447
Eclipse Distribution LicenseQ26245522
Eclipse Public License 2.0Q55633295
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P277programmed inJavaQ251
P1072readable file formatJAXB BindingsQ105857324
P348software version identifier4.0.5

Reverse relations

Q72272949Eclipse ChemClipseusesP2283

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      Jakarta XML Bindingwikipedia
      Jakarta XML Bindingwikipedia
      Java Architecture for XML Bindingwikipedia
      Java Architecture for XML Bindingwikipedia
      Java Architecture for XML Bindingwikipedia
      Java Architecture for XML Bindingwikipedia

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