Resampling-based multiple hypothesis testing procedures for genetic case-control association studies.

scientific article published in September 2006

Resampling-based multiple hypothesis testing procedures for genetic case-control association studies. is …
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P8608Fatcat IDrelease_ukj5ooprnzhhxdjejzxkkc63ga
P698PubMed publication ID16755536

P50authorBingshu E. ChenQ56027887
Philip S. RosenbergQ62109823
Lori C SakodaQ89685276
P2093author name stringAnn W Hsing
P2860cites workA New Statistical Method for Haplotype Reconstruction from Population DataQ27860495
Efficiency and power in genetic association studiesQ28278645
Replication validity of genetic association studiesQ29615456
Score tests for association between traits and haplotypes when linkage phase is ambiguousQ29616281
An improved Bonferroni procedure for multiple tests of significanceQ30050394
Genetic analysis of case/control data using estimated haplotype frequencies: application to APOE locus variation and Alzheimer's diseaseQ30625643
Commentary: meta-analysis of individual participants' data in genetic epidemiologyQ30707324
Inference on haplotype effects in case-control studies using unphased genotype dataQ33195240
Comparison of type I error for multiple test corrections in large single-nucleotide polymorphism studies using principal components versus haplotype blocking algorithmsQ33232831
A method for the assessment of disease associations with single-nucleotide polymorphism haplotypes and environmental variables in case-control studiesQ33904720
A simple correction for multiple testing for single-nucleotide polymorphisms in linkage disequilibrium with each otherQ33909759
The future of association studies: gene-based analysis and replicationQ33910011
Single nucleotide polymorphisms and the future of genetic epidemiologyQ34081504
Estimating haplotype frequencies and standard errors for multiple single nucleotide polymorphismsQ34269636
SNP association studies in Alzheimer's disease highlight problems for complex disease analysis.Q34288840
Power calculations for genetic association studies using estimated probability distributionsQ37217339
Rising incidence of biliary tract cancers in Shanghai, ChinaQ40870817
Estimation and tests of haplotype-environment interaction when linkage phase is ambiguousQ47724047
Model-free analysis and permutation tests for allelic associationsQ52027186
Haplotype tagging for the identification of common disease genesQ59200321
Tests for Linear Trends in Proportions and FrequenciesQ105198455
P921main subjectmultiple hypothesis testingQ110783633
P577publication date2006-09-01
P1433published inGenetic EpidemiologyQ5532864
P1476titleResampling-based multiple hypothesis testing procedures for genetic case-control association studies

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cites work (P2860)
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