Psychophysiologic assessment of aversive conditioning in posttraumatic stress disorder.

scientific article published in March 2000

Psychophysiologic assessment of aversive conditioning in posttraumatic stress disorder. is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID10715357

P2093author name stringBen-Shakhar G
Orr SP
Shalev AY
Peri T
P2860cites workEmotion, attention, and the startle reflexQ28250499
Posttraumatic stress disorder in the National Comorbidity SurveyQ29616312
Impact of Event Scale: A Measure of Subjective StressQ39513124
Aging and classical conditioning: parallel studies in rabbits and humansQ39552824
Predicting PTSD in trauma survivors: prospective evaluation of self-report and clinician-administered instrumentsQ40891696
Psychobiologic mechanisms of posttraumatic stress disorderQ40893694
Emotion: systems, cells, synaptic plasticityQ41000800
A neuropsychological hypothesis explaining posttraumatic stress disordersQ41459211
Effects of experimental context and explicit threat cues on acoustic startle in Vietnam veterans with posttraumatic stress disorderQ45334937
Physiologic responses to loud tones in Israeli veterans of the 1973 Yom Kippur War.Q45335373
Physiologic responses to loud tones in Vietnam veterans with posttraumatic stress disorderQ45335845
Psychophysiologic responses to combat imagery of Vietnam veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder versus other anxiety disordersQ45336625
Psychophysiologic assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder imagery in Vietnam combat veteransQ45336884
Validation of a multimethod assessment of posttraumatic stress disorders in Vietnam veteransQ45337389
A psychophysiological study of post traumatic stress disorder in Vietnam veteransQ45337534
A prospective study of heart rate response following trauma and the subsequent development of posttraumatic stress disorder.Q50881564
Psychophysiologic assessment of traumatic imagery in Israeli civilian patients with posttraumatic stress disorder.Q51059302
Picture media and emotion: effects of a sustained affective contextQ51109550
Once bitten, twice shy: beyond the conditioning model of PTSD.Q51144104
Effects of potentially phobic conditioned stimuli on retention, reconditioning, and extinction of the conditioned skin conductance responseQ51161243
Test of the conditioning model of neurosis: differential aversive conditioning of angry and neutral facial expressions in anxiety disorder patients.Q51209397
The post-traumatic stress disorders of combat: a subgroup with a conditioned emotional response.Q51233494
Autonomic indicators of information processing related to conditioning.Q52015008
Posttraumatic stress disorder: somatic comorbidity and effort tolerance.Q52059863
Post-traumatic stress disorder, hormones, and memory.Q52065146
Habituation of the galvanic skin response to tone as a function of age.Q52211826
Physiologic responses to loud tones in Israeli patients with posttraumatic stress disorder.Q52229432
Mississippi Scale for Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: three studies in reliability and validityQ68275975
Validation of the Impact of Event Scale for psychological sequelae of combatQ68994019
Direct measurement of skin conductance: a proposal for standardizationQ70592906
Committee report. Publication recommendations for electrodermal measurementsQ70956350
Outcome of intensive inpatient treatment for combat-related posttraumatic stress disorderQ71085945
Differences Among Age and Sex Groups With Respect to Cardiovascular Conditioning and ReactivityQ71439781
An in vivo assessment of physiological arousal in posttraumatic stress disorderQ72411980
Auditory startle responses in help-seeking trauma survivorsQ73176225
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectpost-traumatic stress disorderQ202387
P577publication date2000-03-01
P1433published inBiological PsychiatryQ4914961
P1476titlePsychophysiologic assessment of aversive conditioning in posttraumatic stress disorder.

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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