Radiographic measures of thoracic kyphosis in osteoporosis: Cobb and vertebral centroid angles.

scientific article published on 12 April 2007

Radiographic measures of thoracic kyphosis in osteoporosis: Cobb and vertebral centroid angles. is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID17437103

P50authorKim L. BennellQ37834561
Tim V WrigleyQ57116198
P2093author name stringA M Briggs
P E Adams
E A Tully
A M Greig
P2860cites workComparing a supine radiologic versus standing clinical measurement of kyphosis in older women: the Fracture Intervention TrialQ37135743
Computer-assisted curvature assessment and Cobb angle determination of the thoracic kyphosis. An in vivo and in vitro comparisonQ38569766
Kyphoplasty reduction of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures: correction of local kyphosis versus overall sagittal alignment.Q39354898
The relative influence of vertebral body and intervertebral disc shape on thoracic kyphosisQ40793827
Aging of the thoracic spine: distinction between wedging in osteoarthritis and fracture in osteoporosis--a cross-sectional and longitudinal studyQ44100141
Radiographic analysis of lumbar lordosis: centroid, Cobb, TRALL, and Harrison posterior tangent methodsQ48531675
Reliability of centroid, Cobb, and Harrison posterior tangent methods: which to choose for analysis of thoracic kyphosisQ48531692
Thoracic kyphosis: range in normal subjectsQ52762414
Measurement of scoliosis and kyphosis radiographs. Intraobserver and interobserver variationQ52866326
Vertebral centroid measurement of lumbar lordosis compared with the Cobb techniqueQ52915422
Measurement of spinal kyphosis: implications for the management of Scheuermann's kyphosisQ52944981
Measurement of spinal curvaturesQ66927209
Spinal compression fractures in osteoporotic women: patterns and relationship to hyperkyphosisQ68252471
A comparison of radiographic and computer-assisted measurements of thoracic and thoracolumbar sagittal curvatureQ68755332
Sagittal profiles of the spineQ69615831
Segmental analysis of the sagittal plane alignment of the normal thoracic and lumbar spines and thoracolumbar junctionQ69711446
The assessment of vertebral deformity: a method for use in population studies and clinical trialsQ70679049
A comparison of three methods for measuring thoracic kyphosis: implications for clinical studiesQ73731511
P921main subjectosteoporosisQ165328
P577publication date2007-04-12
P1433published inSkeletal RadiologyQ7534365
P1476titleRadiographic measures of thoracic kyphosis in osteoporosis: Cobb and vertebral centroid angles

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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