(P625, lat/long) | 52.340277777 / 16.9775 |
railway stop | Q55678 |
P2671 | Google Knowledge Graph ID | /g/1227_33q |
P7838 | Polish Nationwide Railway Database - station ID | 1159 |
P197 | adjacent station | Poznań Starołęka | Q53425 |
Gądki | Q9283983 | ||
P81 | connecting line | Kluczbork-Poznań Główny railway | Q11757274 |
P1192 | connecting service | PKM4 line | Q112660586 |
P17 | country | Poland | Q36 |
P131 | located in the administrative territorial entity | Poznań | Q268 |
P137 | operator | PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe | Q1344677 |
P5817 | state of use | in use | Q55654238 |
P16 | transport network | Poznań Metropolitan Railway | Q56338257 |
name | Poznań Krzesiny |
old_name | Krzesiny;Kreising |
operator | PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. |
platforms | 1 |
public_transport | station |
railway | station |
railway:ref | PKr |
railway:ref:DB | XPPKY |
start_date | 1885 |
train | yes |
wheelchair | yes |
wikipedia | pl:Poznań Krzesiny |
Category:Poznań Krzesiny train station | wikimedia | |
Poznań Krzesiny railway station | wikipedia | |
Station Poznań Krzesiny | wikipedia | |
Poznań Krzesiny | wikipedia |
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