scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P356 | DOI | 10.1021/LA501212B |
P698 | PubMed publication ID | 24896490 |
P50 | author | Antonio J. Ricco | Q51534636 |
Christophe Renault | Q63874657 | ||
P2093 | author name string | Richard M Crooks | |
Jessica Koehne | |||
P433 | issue | 23 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | wax | Q124695 |
P304 | page(s) | 7030-7036 | |
P577 | publication date | 2014-06-04 | |
P1433 | published in | Langmuir | Q2564906 |
P1476 | title | Three-dimensional wax patterning of paper fluidic devices | |
P478 | volume | 30 |
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