Life histories and ecotype conservation in an adaptive vertebrate: Genetic constitution of piscivorous brown trout covaries with habitat stability.

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Life histories and ecotype conservation in an adaptive vertebrate: Genetic constitution of piscivorous brown trout covaries with habitat stability. is …
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P932PMC publication ID5838037
P698PubMed publication ID29531690

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Jan HeggenesQ88033806
P2093author name stringKnut H Roed
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P921main subjectecotypeQ296519
P1104number of pages17
P577publication date2018-02-07
P1433published inEcology and EvolutionQ22080790
P1476titleLife histories and ecotype conservation in an adaptive vertebrate: Genetic constitution of piscivorous brown trout covaries with habitat stability

Reverse relations

Q92737806Anadromy, potamodromy and residency in brown trout Salmo trutta: the role of genes and the environmentcites workP2860

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