retrograde degeneration

pathologic changes that occur in the axon and cell body of a neuron proximal to an axonal lesion

retrograde degeneration is …
instance of (P31):

sublass of (P279):
transneuronal degenerationQ7834730

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P486MeSH descriptor IDD012183
P672MeSH tree codeC23.550.737.500

Reverse relations

main subject (P921)
Q48693840A contribution to the method of retrograde degeneration in young animals
Q51357991A study of retrograde degeneration in the oculomotor nucleus of the rhesus monkey, with a note on a method of recording its distribution.
Q72306535A study of retrograde degeneration in the vagal nuclei of the fowl
Q48829803A third glial cell seen in retrograde degeneration of the hypoglossal nerve
Q41861209Akt suppresses retrograde degeneration of dopaminergic axons by inhibition of macroautophagy
Q80360974Alteration of neuron excitability by retrograde degeneration
Q39012982An order in Lewy body disorders: Retrograde degeneration in hyperbranching axons as a fundamental structural template accounting for focal/multifocal Lewy body disease
Q91011893Anterograde and retrograde degeneration of corticospinal fibers after striatocapsular infarction
Q39598451Anterograde vs. retrograde degeneration of the nucleus basalis medialis in Alzheimer's disease
Q50481450Aquaporin-4 mitigates retrograde degeneration of rubrospinal neurons by facilitating edema clearance and glial scar formation after spinal cord injury in mice.
Q38568397Auditory and visual discrimination following lesions of the anterior supratemporal plane in monkeys
Q35210635Autophagy, and BiP level decrease are early key events in retrograde degeneration of motoneurons
Q71663730Axon end-bulb swellings and rapid retrograde degeneration after retinal lesions in young animals
Q48318783Axon reaction in the red nucleus of the rat. Perikaryal volume changes and the time course of chromatolysis following cervical and thoracic lesions
Q73210730Caspase inhibition protects nigral neurons against 6-OHDA-induced retrograde degeneration
Q59094636Changes of Coenzyme (TPN) Diaphorase and TPN-linked Dehydrogenase during Axonal Reaction of the Nerve Cell
Q44161525Characteristics of residual neurons during retrograde degeneration in the lateral geniculate bodies of cats
Q64994620Chromatolysis: Do injured axons regenerate poorly when ribonucleases attack rough endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes and RNA?
Q44410037Comparative morphometric study of sensory neurons of the cerebral and spinal cord ganglia following transection of their processes
Q79429366Consecutive changes of absolutely refractory periods of ventral-horn cells and of peripheral nerve fiber components during retrograde degeneration and axon regeneration
Q90806036Correction to: Retinal pathology in experimental optic neuritis is characterized by retrograde degeneration and gliosis
Q48632172Death of the central neuron: an electron microscopic study of thalamic retrograde degeneration following cortical ablation
Q51221659Detailed ultrastructural examination of retrograde degeneration in feline lateral geniculate body.
Q98563918Direct and transsynaptic retrograde degeneration and optic nerve head microvascular changes in patients with hemianopia
Q44032675Effects of pinealectomy and melatonin on the retrograde degeneration of retinal ganglion cells in a novel model of intraorbital optic nerve transection in mice
Q70568207Electron microscopic study of ciliary ganglion. 3. Retrograde degeneration of the ciliary ganglion cell in cat
Q45216991Electron microscopic study of retrograde degeneration of the inferior olivary nucleus
Q69103382Electroretinograms to checkerboard pattern reversal in cats: physiological characteristics and effect of retrograde degeneration of ganglion cells
Q39715190Elevation of Visual Pattern Discrimination Limen in Monkeys with Total Removal of Inferotemporal Cortex
Q42009992Enzyme-histochemical studies of “retrograde” reaction in motor neurones of immature rats
Q42523467Ethylcholine mustard aziridinium ion lesions of the rat cortex result in retrograde degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons: implications for animal models of neurodegenerative disease
Q41417954Evidence for retrograde degeneration of epinephrine neurons in Alzheimer's disease
Q67948176Exogenous GM1 gangliosides protect against retrograde degeneration following posterior neocortex lesions in developing hamsters
Q39766030Experimental studies on the induction and prevention of retrograde degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons
Q70492045Factors inducing retrograde degeneration of the cochlear nerve
Q35968791Failure of lower motor neuron radial outgrowth precedes retrograde degeneration in a feline model of spinal muscular atrophy.
Q52193258Glutathione and glutathione S-transferase in the rainbow trout olfactory mucosa during retrograde degeneration and regeneration of the olfactory nerve.
Q48439710Histological findings after hemicerebellectomy in man: anterograde, retrograde and transneuronal degeneration
Q48383858Horseradish peroxidase localization of masticatory muscle motoneurons in cat
Q31038182Investigation on skin retrograde degeneration after tissue expansion
Q70445388Irreversible chromatolysis and retrograde degeneration in the vestibular ganglion. Experimental study
Q40128212Lipid accumulation in axotomized adult rabbit vagal neurons. Electron microscopical observations
Q70759220Localization of the neurons of origin of efferent fibers in the glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves in the rat by means of retrograde degeneration and horseradish peroxidase methods
Q43785865Long term post-traumatic retrograde corticospinal degeneration in man
Q73250462Long-term changes in middle latency response and evidence of retrograde degeneration in the medial geniculate body after auditory cortical ablation in cats
Q40131636Longitudinal investigations on the anterograde and retrograde degeneration in the pyramidal tract following pontine infarction with diffusion tensor imaging
Q36714253Loss of Mfn2 results in progressive, retrograde degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the nigrostriatal circuit
Q43067879Mapping anterograde and retrograde degeneration after stroke.
Q48872936Microglial reactions to retrograde degeneration of tracer-identified thalamic neurons after frontal sensorimotor cortex lesions in adult rats
Q71654835Modification of retrograde degeneration in transected spinal axons of the lamprey by applied DC current
Q66995795Morphological study of retrograde degeneration followed by optic nerve transection in adult cats (author's transl)
Q64955159Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging of the nigrostriatal pathway in Parkinson's disease: Retrograde degeneration observed by tract-profile analysis
Q42719160Neuronal FLT1 receptor and its selective ligand VEGF-B protect against retrograde degeneration of sensory neurons
Q42526404Parenterally administered GM1 ganglioside prevents retrograde degeneration of cholinergic cells of the rat basal forebrain
Q48322365Primate nucleus basalis of Meynert p75NGFR-containing cholinergic neurons are protected from retrograde degeneration by the ganglioside GM1.
Q48509286Proceedings: Terminal and retrograde degeneration in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGd) of the rat following cortical lesions
Q72817818Proximal slowing in carpal tunnel syndrome resulting from either conduction block or retrograde degeneration
Q69966377Quantification of retrograde degeneration in corticospinal tract fibers
Q48192640Recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor spares thalamic neurons from retrograde degeneration after ablation of the somatosensory cortex in rats
Q41152058Recombinant human nerve growth factor prevents retrograde degeneration of axotomized basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in the rat.
Q33697877Reconciling visual field defects and retinal nerve fibre layer asymmetric patterns in retrograde degeneration: an extended case series
Q36650543Regeneration and retrograde degeneration of axons in the rat optic nerve
Q91965056Retinal pathology in experimental optic neuritis is characterized by retrograde degeneration and gliosis
Q94569978Retrogeniculate Lesion of the Visual Pathways: Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Shows Evidence of Transsynaptic Retrograde Degeneration
Q40661700Retrograde Degeneration in the Optic Nerves and Retinal Ganglion Cells
Q46433027Retrograde Degeneration of Retinal Ganglion Cells Secondary to Head Trauma
Q34007500Retrograde Degeneration of the Cochlear Nerve
Q67935459Retrograde Retinal Degeneration
Q41929442Retrograde axon reaction in the lateral vestibular nucleus of neonatal and adult rats
Q39432595Retrograde changes in motor and sensory conduction velocity after nerve injury
Q48460083Retrograde cortical and axonal changes following lesions of the pyramidal tract
Q42437844Retrograde degeneration and colchicine protection of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons following hippocampal injections of an immunotoxin against the P75 nerve growth factor receptor
Q71104045Retrograde degeneration in the nucleus medialis dorsalis of the thalamus after lesion of the orbital gyrus in the dog
Q44483612Retrograde degeneration in the thalamus following the removal of premotor and motor cortex in the dog
Q67737967Retrograde degeneration of autonomic neurons and other cell groups of the spinal cord following extirpation the thoracic sympathetic ganglia
Q42472005Retrograde degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons after neurotoxin lesions of the neocortex: application of ganglioside GM(1).
Q44378320Retrograde degeneration of corticospinal axons following transection of the spinal cord in rats. A quantitative study with anterogradely transported horseradish peroxidase
Q48497082Retrograde degeneration of myelinated axons and re-organization in the optic nerves of adult frogs (Xenopus laevis) following nerve injury or tectal ablation
Q43558633Retrograde degeneration of neurite membrane structural integrity of nerve growth cones following in vitro exposure to mercury
Q42470338Retrograde degeneration of nigrostriatal neurons induced by intrastriatal 6-hydroxydopamine injection in rats
Q48546945Retrograde degeneration of primary optic fibers in the cat.
Q38531914Retrograde degeneration of retinal ganglion cells in homonymous hemianopsia
Q48388306Retrograde degeneration of thalamic neurons in the mediodorsal nucleus after neonatal and adult aspiration lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex in the rat. Implications for mechanisms of functional recovery
Q69599498Retrograde degeneration of the cells of the oculomotor nucleus (nucleus oculomotorius) following unilateral enucleation of the eye (experimental study)
Q46579033Retrograde degeneration of the corticospinal tract associated with pontine infarction.
Q71707467Retrograde degeneration of the dog diencephalon following extirpation of the hippocampal formation
Q74572907Retrograde degeneration of the facial nerve after acute traction on parotid gland: an experimental investigation
Q66963720Retrograde degeneration of the pyramidal cells in the motor cortex of apes (Macaca fascicularis)
Q51370444Retrograde degeneration of the thalamus following prefrontal lobotomy.
Q47312596Retrograde degeneration of the thalamus following self-inflicted prefrontal lobotomy; comparative study with cases of surgical lobotomy.
Q85775598Retrograde degeneration of visual pathway: hemimacular thinning of retinal ganglion cell layer in progressive and active multiple sclerosis
Q46521931Retrograde degeneration study of somatic sensory thalamocortical connections in brain of Virginia opossum
Q70081353Retrograde degeneration within the dorsal motor vagal nucleus following bilateral vagotomy in rabbits
Q66964071Retrograde dendritic degeneration
Q40680014Retrograde responses of developing lateral motor column neurons
Q71092995Retrograde transneural degeneration in the visual system: neuromorphological study and problems (author's transl)
Q40341311Reversible changes in the accumulation and activities of tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine-β-hydroxylase in neurons of nucleus locus coeruleus during the retrograde reaction
Q51331271Studies on thalamo-cortical connection in cat by means of retrograde degeneration method.
Q70606022Submicroscopic changes in nerve cells during retrograde degeneration
Q42042324Thalamic retrograde degeneration following cortical injury: an excitotoxic process?
Q48454076Thalamic retrograde degeneration in the congenitally hydrocephalic rat is attributable to apoptotic cell death
Q51286902Thalamic retrograde degeneration study of sensory cortex in opossum.
Q34301834The Temporal and Spatial Activation of Microglia in Fiber Tracts Undergoing Anterograde and Retrograde Degeneration Following Spinal Cord Lesion
Q51355864The effect of neuro- and adenohypophysectomy on retrograde degeneration in hypothalamic nuclei of the rat.
Q48354594Trans-synaptic Retrograde Degeneration Following Hemispherectomy in Childhood
Q39147523Trans-synaptic Retrograde Degeneration in the Human Visual System: Slow, Silent, and Real
Q48439784Transganglionic degeneration in trigeminal primary sensory neurons
Q70755539Transneuronal retrograde degeneration in the cat retina following neonatal ablation of visual cortex
Q69591979Transneuronal retrograde degeneration of retinal ganglion cells after damage to striate cortex in macaque monkeys: selective loss of P beta cells
Q38409592Transneuronal retrograde degeneration of retinal ganglion cells and optic tract in hemianopic monkeys and humans
Q48557647Transneuronal retrograde degeneration of retinal ganglion cells following cerebral hemispherectomy in cats
Q54406532Transneuronal retrograde degeneration of retinal ganglion cells following restricted lesions of striate cortex in the monkey.
Q48169939Transneuronal retrograde degeneration of the retinal ganglion cells in patients with cerebral infarction
Q48792627Transsynaptic Retrograde Degeneration: Clinical Evidence with Homonymous RGCL Loss on OCT.
Q42177242Two different patterns of retrograde degeneration in the olfactory epithelium following transection of primary olfactory axons.
Q48692532Ultrastructural observations on retrograde degeneration in neuronal perikarya of the hypoglossal nucleus
Q48666162Ultrastructure of retrograde degeneration in thalamus of rat. 1. Neuronal somata and dendrites
Q48551204Ultrastructure of retrograde degeneration in thalamus of rat. 2. Changes in vascular elements and transvascular migration of leukocytes
Q73298488Up-regulated CNTF plays a protective role for retrograde degeneration in the axotomized rat retina
Q34183541Zinc accumulation after target loss: an early event in retrograde degeneration of thalamic neurons
Q72168593[Action potentials of the optic nerve in degeneration. II. Retrograde degeneration]
Q67979618[Antidromic cortical responses and neuronal retrograde degeneration during stimulation and dissection of the fibers of the corpus callosum]
Q71283691[Fluorescence microscopy demonstration of the signs of retrograde degeneration in focal vascular pathology of the brain]
Q69013374[Histochemical study of retrograde degeneration in ligated peripheral nerves]
Q36512207[Pathologic inclusions in the mitochondria of neurons undergoing retrograde degeneration (electron microscope study)]
Q69439252[Retrograde degeneration of the neurons of the cerebellar nuclei after partial removal of the associative cerebral cortex]
Q83306762[Surgical treatment for spinal canal stenosis of retrograde degeneration]

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