Wikidata property related to historiography

type of Wikidata property

Wikidata property related to historiography is …
instance of (P31):
type of Wikidata propertyQ107649491

sublass of (P279):
Wikidata propertyQ18616576

P1269facet ofhistoriographyQ50675

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
P2332Dictionary of Art Historians ID
P8749Dictionary of Portuguese Historians ID
P5372Dictionnaire critique des historiens de l'art ID
P4465Ecole des chartes thesis abstract ID
P10140Institute of History of Ukraine ID
P5376Medicina author ID
P8615Oakeshott typology
P5406Rendez-vous de l'histoire ID
P12198Shanghai Library era ID
P10142ThENC@ ID
P6404Treccani's Dizionario di Storia ID
P9768Women Also Know History ID person ID

subclass of (P279)
Q123027172Wikidata property related to World War I
Q117459569Wikidata property related to World War II
Q56248884Wikidata property related to the Ancient World

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