Independent component filters of natural images compared with simple cells in primary visual cortex.

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Independent component filters of natural images compared with simple cells in primary visual cortex. is …
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P8608Fatcat IDrelease_dqku3zlowraqzlwqyfzkxudalm
P932PMC publication ID1688904
P698PubMed publication ID9523437
P5875ResearchGate publication ID51317415

P2093author name stringJ H van Hateren
A van der Schaaf
P2860cites workThe "independent components" of natural scenes are edge filtersQ24597136
Normalization of cell responses in cat striate cortexQ28252391
Efficient coding of natural scenes in the lateral geniculate nucleus: experimental test of a computational theoryQ28278519
Sparse coding with an overcomplete basis set: A strategy employed by V1?Q29543004
Receptive fields and functional architecture of monkey striate cortexQ34053190
Relations between the statistics of natural images and the response properties of cortical cellsQ34178890
Two-dimensional spectral analysis of cortical receptive field profilesQ34288136
Emergence of simple-cell receptive field properties by learning a sparse code for natural imagesQ34380659
Predictive coding: a fresh view of inhibition in the retinaQ41533717
The structure and symmetry of simple-cell receptive-field profiles in the cat's visual cortexQ43423305
Spatiotemporal organization of simple-cell receptive fields in the cat's striate cortex. I. General characteristics and postnatal development.Q46514174
Contrast adaptation in striate cortex of macaqueQ46676031
Two-dimensional spatial structure of receptive fields in monkey striate cortexQ48089443
Contextual modulation in primary visual cortex.Q48860387
A linear model fails to predict orientation selectivity of cells in the cat visual cortex.Q48876372
Spatial frequency selectivity of cells in macaque visual cortex.Q49045407
The orientation and direction selectivity of cells in macaque visual cortex.Q49045428
Single units and sensation: a neuron doctrine for perceptual psychology?Q51113323
The structure of images.Q52432798
Real and optimal neural images in early vision.Q52442545
Processing of natural time series of intensities by the visual system of the blowfly.Q52561012
Mathematical description of the responses of simple cortical cells.Q52753015
A simple coding procedure enhances a neuron's information capacityQ70990455
Statistics of natural images: Scaling in the woodsQ74554206
Searching for filters with 'interesting' output distributions: an uninteresting direction to explore?Q83928839
P1104number of pages8
P577publication date1998-03-01
P1433published inProceedings of the Royal Society BQ2625424
P1476titleIndependent component filters of natural images compared with simple cells in primary visual cortex.

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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