
library for creating distributed datastores

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Abstract is: Gizzard is an open source sharding framework to create custom fault-tolerant, distributed databases. It was initially used by Twitter and emerged from a wide variety of data storage problems. Gizzard operates as a middleware networking service that runs on the Java Virtual Machine. It manages partitioning data across arbitrary backend datastores, that allows it to be accessed efficiently. The partitioning rules are stored in a forwarding table that maps key ranges to partitions. Each partition manages its own replication through a declarative replication tree. Gizzard handles both physical and logical shards. Physical shards point to a physical database backend whereas logical shards are trees of other shards. In addition Gizzard also supports migrations and gracefully handles failures. The system is made eventually consistent by requiring that all write operations are idempotent and commutative. As operations fail they are retried at a later time. Gizzard is available at GitHub and licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Gizzard is …
instance of (P31):
free softwareQ341
database management systemQ176165

sublass of (P279):
software libraryQ188860

External links are
P2537Free Software Directory entryGizzard
P646Freebase ID/m/0bs2wdm
P1401issue tracker URL
P856official website
P1972Open Hub IDgizzard
P1324source code repository URL

P518applies to partdistributed data storeQ339678
P275copyright licenseApache Software License 2.0Q13785927
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P366has usedatabaseQ8513
P277programmed inScalaQ460584
P348software version identifier3.0.2

Reverse relations

Q107357232gizdodomade from materialP186

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Gizzard (Scala framework)wikipedia

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